Content Advisory

In the interest of helping people make informed decisions about getting involved in parts of our game, we'd like to share some information about what types of content you can expect to encounter in Crossover.

First, we'd like to point out that the Accelerant rules specifically prohibit certain things. We take these prohibitions seriously and intend to honor them. Content prohibited by the Core Rules includes:

  • Abusive or derogatory language and actions

  • Threats that are not clearly in game

  • Sexual content, particularly violent sexual content

Crossover will not include content involving prejudice or bigotry toward any real-world group or real-life identity.

Elements that Crossover events might contain include:

  • Violence: Violence in Crossover will primarily be via stylized, boffer style combat. We may occasionally use makeup, costume, or props effects to simulate the effects of injuries.

  • Surprises and loud noises: These may be present in encounters, for instance in the form of ambushes or the effects of traps.

  • In-game prejudice or bigotry: Some in game races, such as goblins or other "monstrous" creatures, may encounter prejudice from other characters in the game. In particular, the "Monstrous" disadvantage may cause some NPC characters to react poorly.

If you suspect there might be things in an upcoming encounter that you're concerned about, feel free to use our "Speaking Frankly" courtesy rule to check in with any available staff members to find out for sure. And if you do find yourself in a situation that is uncomfortable or problematic for you, you can use the "Plague" rule to extricate yourself from the situation. If we're made aware that someone has to bow out, we'll adjust scaling and otherwise tweak the situation to make sure that people who remain don't have a harder time of it.

We're aware that some content might be fine for some people, and an issue for others, and we try to signal in an in game way so that people who don't want to deal with it can avoid it. (For instance, some people have problems with spiders, so we have been making sure that most spider encounters happen out of town, and that people going on the encounter know they'll be fighting spiders.) If you have specific concerns about content you'd like to avoid, or questions about things not on this list that might or might not take place in Crossover, please contact me or your player liaison.