Skirmisher Training

Skirmisher Training

Apprentice Skirmisher

Basic Training: Skirmisher 5 CP

You gain the following four skills. You may only have one Basic Training package.

-Critical Strike (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

A melee attack for “4 damage by [attack trait.]”

-Flurry (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

Two melee attacks for “2 damage by [attack trait.]”

-Disengage (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

“Disengage” with a melee weapon.

When you learn Basic Training: Skirmisher, choose either Dirty Fighting or Mobility.

-Dirty Fighting (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

A melee attack for either Agony or Maim, chosen at the time the skill is purchased.

-Mobility (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

Once per battle, call “Resist” to negate a melee, missile, packet, or firearms attack for Maim, Slow, Root, or Paralyze.

Armor 4 CP

You gain one point of armor. You may choose to treat this as physical armor, ‘dexterity’ armor, magical protection, or natural armor as appropriate to your character concept. You may focus for one minute to refit this armor.

Critical Strike 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

A melee attack for “4 damage by [attack trait.]”

Bow and Blade 3

(Weapon Style)

You may wield a bow in one hand, and a Long or shorter melee weapon in the other, so long as you have the skill for each.

Disengage 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

“Disengage” with a melee weapon.

Full Quiver 3 CP (Requires: Archery)

Your quiver size is increased to 20. You may make 20 archery shots instead of 10 before you must stop to refresh your quiver.

Flurry 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

Two melee attacks for “2 damage by [attack trait.]”

Heroic Dodge 2 CP (Once per event)

“With [Heroic Quality,] Avoid” to negate one Melee, Missile, Packet, or Firearms attack.

Heroic Critical Strike 2 CP (Once per event)

A melee attack for “6 damage by [attack trait.]”

Mobility 4 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

Once per battle, call “Resist” to negate a melee, missile, packet, or firearms attack for Maim, Slow, Root, or Paralyze.

Sure Footed: Slow 2 CP

You may end Slow effects after one minute of rest.

Toughness 4 CP

You gain one point of Vitality.

Theme (0/2/4/6)

You gain access to one Theme, and may purchase the skills and abilities in it. Your first Theme costs no CP, but there is an increasing cost for each additional one purchased.

Journeyman Skirmisher

Armor 4 CP

You gain one point of armor. You may choose to treat this as physical armor, ‘dexterity’ armor, magical protection, or natural armor as appropriate to your character concept. You may focus for one minute to refit this armor.

Backstab 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

A melee attack from behind for “6 damage by [attack trait.]”

Clear Headed 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

Remove all non-beneficial Mental effects on you by calling “Purge Mental.”

Critical Strike 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

A melee attack for “4 damage by [attack trait.]”

Cunning Attack 4 CP (Once per battle)

Once per battle, you may make an attack from behind that is harder to defend against.

Make a called melee attack from your Skirmisher training. If the attack is from the 90 degree back arc of your target, and from a position where you can see their shoulder blades, you may change the Trait of the attack to a Flavor trait you have access to from one of your Themes.

This skill is an exception to the rule that Flavor traits cannot normally be used on attacks, and costs no additional endurance.

Dirty Fighting 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

A melee attack for either Agony or Maim, chosen at the time the skill is purchased.

Dodge 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

Call “Avoid” to negate a single melee, missile, packet, or firearms attack.

Double Attack 2 CP (Once per event)

Add “Double” to a single attack from your Warrior or Skirmisher Training.

Effortless Disengage 3 CP (Once per battle)

Your first use of Disengage costs no Endurance.

Effortless Flurry 2 CP (Once per battle)

Your first use of Flurry costs no Endurance.

Flurry 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

Two melee attacks for “2 damage by [attack trait.]”

Heroic Dodge 2 CP (Once per event)

“With [Heroic Quality,] Avoid” to negate one Melee, Missile, Packet, or Firearms attack.

Heroic Critical Strike 2 CP (Once per event)

A melee attack for “6 damage by [attack trait.]”

Heroic Engagement [Epic] (Once per event)

Choose a single target. Your melee and missile attacks against that target that would normally do “2 damage” have their damage increased to 3. This does not stack with any numerical increases to damage.

Heroic Engagement ends if you rest for any reason, or if your target leaves the field.

Longbow 2 CP

(Requires: Archery)

You may use a longbow prop in combat. In addition, all of your missile attacks that do 3 or more points of damage are increased by one. This does not stack with any other numerical increases to damage.

Shiv 5 CP

You may rest for one minute to enter a focused state where you are more deadly from behind. You may call “2 damage by [attack trait]” for any of your melee attacks from behind. You must be behind your target and able to see both shoulder blades to use this skill to increase your damage. A melee or ranged attack that strikes you will end this focused state, even if you negate it with a defense. You may reactivate this skill at any time by resting for one minute.

This skill may be delivered with a missile weapon if you have appropriate skills to allow it, but no skill combination will allow you to use it with packets or a firearm.

Slippery [Epic] (Once per event)

You are able to enter a state where you are immune to Root, Slow, and Expose effects, as well as leg Maims. Once per event, focusfor three seconds and call “With [Heroic Trait,] Imbue to Self.” While in this state, you must call “No Effect” to any applicable effect. You may choose to simply not respond to an “Expose” that would otherwise work on you, rather than calling “No Effect.”

This state lasts until you become unconscious, refit your armor, or rest for any reason.

Sneak Attack 3 CP

Your melee attacks with a damage over 2 are increased by 1 if you are behind a foe. You must be behind your target and able to see both shoulder blades to use this skill to increase your damage. This skill does not stack with other numeric increases to weapon damage.

Subtle Aim 3 CP

You may deliver melee attacks from Training skills with a bow, crossbow, slingshot, or thrown weapon that you have the skill to use. You may not deliver the Waylay skill as a ranged attack.

Sure Footed: Root 2 CP

You may end Root effects after one minute of rest.

Survivor 2 CP (Once per event)

Once per event when you are about to bleed to death you may instead choose to become stable. This skill has no effect call, as it is not obvious to bystanders when you have used it. You may use this skill while under a Stricken effect.

Tactician 3 CP

Three times per battle, when the target of one of your attacks responds with a “No effect” or “Spirit” defense, your attack and any associated endurance costs are not expended.

Takedown [Epic]

Once per event, you may make an attack with a melee weapon for either “Stun by [Attack Trait,]” “Paralyze by [Attack Trait,]” or “Death by [Attack Trait.]” If you attempt to use a Death attack on a target you believe may have the “Folk” trait, you gain the “Cold Hearted” trait until the end of the event.

Weapon Master 5 CP

You are skilled in all one-handed and two-handed melee weapons, and all melee weapon styles listed under Open Skills.

Theme (0/2/4/6)

You gain access to one Theme, and may purchase the skills and abilities in it. Your first Theme costs no CP, but there is an increasing cost for each additional one purchased.

Master Skirmisher

Armor 4 CP

You gain one point of armor. You may choose to treat this as physical armor, ‘dexterity’ armor, magical protection, or natural armor as appropriate to your character concept. You may focus for one minute to refit this armor.

Critical Strike 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

A melee attack for “4 damage by [attack trait.]”

Disengage 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

“Disengage” with a melee weapon.

Dodge 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

Call “Avoid” to negate a single melee, missile, packet, or firearms attack.

Effortless Strike 5 CP (Once per battle)

One use of Critical Strike or Dirty Fighting costs no endurance.

Flurry 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 Endurance)

Two melee attacks for “2 damage by [attack trait.]”

Heroic Dodge 2 CP (Once per event)

“With [Heroic Quality,] Avoid” to negate one Melee, Missile, Packet, or Firearms attack.

Heroic Critical Strike 2 CP (Once per event)

A melee attack for “6 damage by [attack trait.]”

Master Strikes 5 CP

Your damage with melee attacks that do more than 2 damage is increased by 1. If you have the skill “Subtle Aim” you may apply this bonus to missile attack damage as well. This skill does not stack with other numeric increases to weapon damage.

Opportunist 2 CP (Requires Dirty Fighting)

When you use the Dirty Fighting skill, you may choose either an Agony or a Maim attack at the time you use the attack.

Sure Footed: Improved 3 CP

Your rest time for Sure Footed skills is reduced to 30 seconds.

Toughness 4 CP

You gain one point of Vitality.

Toxic Blade 4 CP

You may use alchemical blade venoms even if you have no Alchemy skills.

Theme (0/2/4/6)

You gain access to one Theme, and may purchase the skills and abilities in it. Your first Theme costs no CP, but there is an increasing cost for each additional one purchased.

Grandmaster Skirmisher

Barrage 5 CP (Once per battle)

Add “Triple” to one attack from the Flurry or Shiv skills.

Disengage 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

“Disengage” with a melee weapon.

Dirty Fighting 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

A melee attack for either Agony or Maim, chosen at the time the skill is purchased.

Double Attack 2 CP (Once per event)

Add “Double” to a single attack from your Warrior or Skirmisher Training.

Effortless Defense 5 CP (Once per battle)

One Avoid, Resist, or Purge skill costs no endurance.

Flurry 2 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

Two melee attacks for “2 damage by [attack trait.]”

Greater Critical Strike 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

(Prerequisite: three purchases of Critical Strike)

A melee attack for “8 damage by [attack trait.]”

Improved Sneak Attack 2 CP

(Prerequisite: Sneak Attack)

Your bonus damage from the Sneak Attack skill is increased to 2.

One Hit, One Kill 5 CP (Once per event, 2 endurance)

When you use this skill, choose a melee attack for “Stun by [attack trait,]” or a melee attack for “Death by [attack trait.]” If you attempt to use a Death attack on a target you believe may have the “Folk” trait, you gain the “Cold Hearted” trait until the end of the event.

Sure Footed: Master 4 CP

(Requires Sure Footed: Improved)

Your rest time for Sure Footed skills is reduced to 10 seconds.

Survival Instinct 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

Remove all non-beneficial Physical effects on you by calling “Purge Physical.”

Survivor 2 CP (Once per event)

Once per event when you are about to bleed to death you may instead choose to become stable. This skill has no effect call, as it is not obvious to bystanders when you have used it. You may use this skill while under a Stricken effect.

Threatening Aim 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

Requires: Subtle Aim

With an aimed bow, “By My Gesture, Repel by Fear.”

Waylay 5 CP (Once per battle, 1 endurance)

A melee attack from behind for “Stun by [attack trait.]” You must be in the rear 90 degree arc and able to see both shoulder blades of your enemy to use this skill.

Theme (0/2/4/6)

You gain access to one Theme, and may purchase the skills and abilities in it. Your first Theme costs no CP, but there is an increasing cost for each additional one purchased.