Most of the information you need is on The Maritime Website, and the remainder of this webpage has supplemental or duplicate details.
Here is a recent article from a newspaper about the trip.
Here is a link to The Weather Channel.
The trip for the class of 2014-2015 was postponed due to weather, traffic, and park closure.
The new date is Monday and Tuesday, February 9 & 10, 2015.
Tall sailors please arrive at DCS at 12:15
We will leave DCS at 12:30 on Thursday and head for SF (Hyde Street Pier).
Chaperones are
1. Tudor ( driving & Tall Sailor) taking 4 kids.
2. Bob ( Driving & Tall Sailor) taking 3 kids.
3. Fernando ( Driving & Tall Sailor) taking 3 kids.
4. Tarek ( Driving & Tall Sailor) taking 6 kids.
5. Pooja/Manish ( Driving only) taking 6 Kids.
6. Muffie/Thomas ( Driving only) taking 5 kids.
7. Hans (Tall Sailor), arriving at 6 PM.
Eat Lunch at base of Hyde Street Pier 1:30 to 1:45 & park cars in garage
Age of Sail program from 2:00 PM Thursday to 8:30 AM Friday
Cars pick up at Hyde Street Pier and drive to DCS
Arrive DCS at 9:30 to 10:00 and parents pick up then
Students' Check List:
Packed up with all clothing and overnight items listed on this list (label luggage)
Galley gear (eating utensils) marked and put in your crew's bag
Deck crew has flag, galley crew has snack, and all students know song(s) and knot(s)
Have a lunch packed in all-disposable containers as well as a water bottle for the walk.
Parents' Check List:
All forms and payments submitted (see this page)
You have plans to pick up your student at DCS by 10:00 on Tuesday
Your student has packed (or repacked) their luggage
Medications and DCS medication form in clear bag to be given to me or Allison
Age of Sail packet for Parents (includes packing information, release, and medical form)
The Walk:
Lets take advantage of our trip to SF by doing more than just the AoS experience. The map below shows the walking route that we can take on Thursday morning as we walk from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Hyde Street Pier. Cars would drop us (kids, me and a parent or two) off at the (new) GG Bridge Visitor Center on the south end of the bridge, and then they'll bring the luggage to the pier and wait there or walk to meet us on our route.
2014 tentative groups:
Boat: Karen, Ciaran, David, Jon-Martin, Alex, (Zaynab) -- Peter
Bo'sun: Gale, Delenn, Allie -- Ian PM & Bendik AM
Galley: Tim, Monika, Keelin, Stephen (Patrick), (Cooper) -- Luis
Deck: Jason, Alisa, Anand, Francesca, Cayley, (Bekah) -- Joe
Rigger: Thomas, Maggie, Daria, Theo, Julian -- Roxy
Historian: Bendik
All Crews Packet
Boat Crew Packet
Bo'sun Crew Packet
Deckhand Crew Packet
Galley Crew Packet
Rigger Crew Packet
Mates, practice giving orders using the "ATAC" sequence (attention, task, after, carry on)
cleat hitch with half hitch
Lark's head/cow hitch (riggers & deck crew)
Knots for Age of Sail
The only song that the kids have to know is Leave Her Johnny. Here is a link to a site that has the music and lyrics.
Leave Her Johnny
O the times are hard and the wages low,
Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
I think it's time for us to go!
An' it's time for us to leave her!
Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her!
For the voyage is done an' the winds don't blow,
An' it's time for us to leave her!
O I thought I heard the old man say,
Tomorrow ye will get your pay!
The cook's a drunk, he likes to booze,
'tween him an' the mate there's little to choose!
I hate to sail on this rotten tub,
No grog allowed and rotten grub!
Now I thought I hear the old man say,
Just one more pull an' then belay.
----------- this is as far as we need to learn it ---------
It's rotten beef an' weev'ly bread,
It's pump or drown the old man said.
It's Liverpool Pat with his tarpaulin hat,
It's Yankee John the packet rat.
The wind was foul an' the sea ran high,
She shipped it green an' none went by.
We'd be better off in a nice clean gaol,
With all night in an' plenty o' ale!
The mate was a bucko an' the old man a turk,
The bosun was a beggar with the middle name o' work!
It's growl yer may an' go yer must,
It matters not whether yer last or furst!
The ship won't steer, or stay, or wear,
An' so us shellbacks learnt to swear.
No Liverpool bread, nor rotten crackerhash,
No dandyfunk, nor cold an' sloppy hash.
The old man shouts, the pumps stand by,
Oh, we can never suck her dry.
We swear by rote for want o' more,
But now we're through so we'll go on shore.
John Kanaka
Sally Rackett (shows how the work is done)
Away for Rio
Don't forget Your Old Shipmates
Drunken Sailor collaboration (students can see many people sing these songs)
Input From Parents & Chaperones
Hi Chris,
I know during the trip I've been mostly quiet; my philosophy is if I don't have anything important to say, keep my mouth shut ;-) However, after we got home and I spent a little time reflecting on this trip, I think it is the best field trip I was fortunate to attend with any school!
Here's why: I learned in less than a day a very effective lesson on leadership. I know that the kids were taught "historical empathy" but what I took from it is different. I love that the setting was a real historical ship. I could spend a week exploring it, and learning about all the things that need to be done on it. The most important thing was the scenario: the captain, first and second mate taking over a crew of green sailors and in a day teaching them enough to set sail same night. The stakes couldn't be higher: after they set sail, the ship's lives would be in the hands of the crew and the captain had the confidence he could pull it off.
I loved reading from the journal, for example Theodor's entry: "This is about teamwork. The captain told us: Think about it like playing tug-of-war. Only you don't play against the other people, you play with them." That's his favorite part of the trip, among other funny moments with second mate Seamus. For example, when Seamus learned the mates' names: "Your name is Ali? I'll eat all your food." He found that hilarious, with Seamus' perfect voice and goofy behavior making it very believable.
I also had another aha moment listening to the First Mate Pierce teach Sean (deckhand mate) about leadership. She was instructing the crew how to clean up pots after dinner, and Sean got on his knees to start doing it. Mr. Pierce started yelling at Sean to "Avast your hands" She explained to Sean that as a crew mate, he doesn't get his hands dirty. His job is to command the crew what to do, explain it in enough details so they can do it, await for them to acknowledge the commands, answer any of their questions, then make sure the crew does it. That's exactly what the first mate was doing around the ship, and I was fortunate that I was able to stay in the background and see the kids struggle with this. However, in a quick couple of hours Sean (and others) became good mates and did exactly what Mr. Pierce expected them to do.
So what I took out of this is that to be an effective leader, you DON'T do things yourself. You have to ask others what to do, describe it to them in enough details, get their feedback and acknowledge it, then follow thru to make sure they did it. I already used this lesson immediately today, when I asked another parent in Cub Scouts to become the new pack cubmaster (captain) to replace myself. I will spend time with him, training him to become a leader, and I know exactly how I'll do it. Spending this time with you and the kids has been amazing, and please feel free to use this as an example to persuade next year's parents to volunteer on the trip.
Thank you for giving the kids this valuable lesson, and keep on doing this trip. Theodor and Ali learned totally different things now in eight grade than they did four years ago. Awesome trip!
The Walk:
Map from DCS to Golden Gate Bridge (where we start "the walk")