Coupla Things v20 (1/31/15)
Post date: Feb 01, 2015 5:20:5 AM
Hi All.
I hope that your weekend has been going well and that the beautiful weather has drawn you to the outdoors. Just hanging laundry outside to dry this afternoon was a great experience! Tomorrow I'm planning on finding some new hiking trails in the Lexington Hills part of Sierra Azul Open Space.
On Monday we discussed the SF trip and documented the student feedback here. The kids also started their in-depth "PITS" (personal interest team study) by choosing topics about which they are passionate and want to investigate further. On Tuesday we created a list of authors and their books as preparation for the Author Study theme for the book club sessions in February and March. The kids also narrated their part of our slide collection in social studies. During Wednesday's calss there were three science demonstrations and a fast-paced video on pre-revoltion America. Thursday was the first author-study session for book clubs (the kids should be finding their books this weekend, by the way) and science test-prep. Finally, Friday, we had a science test and waffles, of course.
The second semester started on Monday and that means A+ grades for all! (0/0=100%). Seriously, the clean slate provides the opportunity for all students to establish and maintain an excellent performance record. Parents and students, please check PowerSchool together at least once a week and be sure that the level of performance indicated by grades meets your common expectations.
Age of Sail"
A week from Monday we will be going to SF again! Jill sent out an email about that on Friday, and I'm assuming that the OFT crew will be working out the details regarding chaperones and forms. Unless the following idea cause problems, I'd like to leave DCS at 10 (instead of 12:30) on Monday and use the extra time to tour the Presidio and Palace of Fine Arts before reporting to the Hyde Street Pier at 2:00 for the boat program. That addition would be nice but if it causes problems to potential chaperone's schedules, we can certainly scrap it!
February 6: Selectives end
February 6: GPS class to San Jose and Guadalupe River Trail
February 6: Family Dance & Grad-Party Fundraiser
February 9 & 10: Age of Sail
February 11: High School Information Night (parents and kids)
February 16-20: February break
February 26: Exploratorium
March 5 & 6: Diversity Conference
March 6: Laps for Learning
March 10: Spring Portraits
March 13: No school for kids
April 1-3: Science Fair
April 13-17: Conferences
April 20-14: Spring break
April 28: Levi Stadium Tour
May 9: Spring Auction
May 15: No school for kids
May 29: Middle school dance
June 3 to 5: Rafting the South Fork American River
June 12: Field Day
June 18: Last day of school
June 19: Staff work day