Coupla Things vLast (6/7/13)
Post date: Jun 08, 2013 12:39:51 AM
Dear Families.
This is the last of my weekly writings to you and I know that I will miss it. Since I was in middle school myself, writing has always been a good vehicle of introspection and exploration, but through these newsletters, I found it to be a great way to maintain interpersonal connections as well. Many parents and even some students have told me that they browsed the newsletter each Friday and got a good sense of what was going on in the classroom and why. I'm glad to hear that.
Recap of the week:
I got tired today... finally. I felt my energy and patience decline this week, perhaps due to the intensity (and importance) of the middle school staff meetings regarding next year's class configurations, but also due to the impending departure of this year's group of kids. I really have become attached.
The human growth and development "curriculum" went over well and the kids seemed to learn a lot and ask/answer great questions. Both of the movies ("Life's Greatest Miracle" and "Teen Dreams") were informative and structured in a way that used a story and characters to broach some sensitive topics. Today two of the three classes gathered their science packets for the year, added a course-outline cover sheet, and banded them into a folder that will hopefully make it home and get shelved for use during various high school science classes.
Grades & Graduation:
All assignments have been entered into PowerSchool and the report cards will be printed over the weekend, as will the paragraph(s) of student's comments and teacher(s) responses. The students should be aware of that process, but if they are not, the instructions are on the grades page of my site.
On Monday, all 8th grade classes will head over to Westgate Church in the morning to practice for graduation that evening. The venue and ceremony will be great and will hopefully serve to honor the important achievements of the students and this exciting milestone of their lives. I'm looking forward (with mixed feelings, actually) to experiencing this event as both a teacher as well as a parent.
You have heard me, time and again, gush with praise, appreciation and awe regarding your students, this school, and the culture that it has created. To do it again during this last letter might be a tad bit of overkill. Let it suffice to say that I know how blessed I've been and I will never take it for granted. I'll be planning some meet-ups during the Summer, mostly just to avoid the heartbreak that would accompany a permanent good-bye. Last year I hosted what is now becoming an annual barbecue/boating afternoon at Vasona in mid July for alumni. Details to follow, of course -- you haven't heard the last of me quite yet.
Bye For Now.
I love this these kids, your families, our school, this community, my job, and the adventure each day provides. Thanks to all for all.