Daily Class Schedule 2011-2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
8:35 to 9:30: Talent show
9:30 to 10:15: Boredom.html then moving that shed onto its new platform
10:15 to 10:35: Recess
10:35 to 12:30: Movie choice in 25 and 26 (or not, in 22?)
12:30 -- done :)
Thursday, June 7, 2012
-graduation practice at Westgate Church
-walk to Latimer for lunch and games
-free time back at school (2:00 to 3:00)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
-lunch, attendance, handouts
-missing books in (or fine forms out)
-clean out your drawer
-extra school supplies piles
-organize your science units
-build a newspaper house -- frame and skin
-movie or more games until math
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
-math today and tomorrow
-binder check... 5 sections, 3HP, labels
-words of wisdom for the 5th graders (for Wednesday ceremony)
-video: Teen Dreams
-questions you submitted and those from pervious years
-gender-separated discussions (girls in 22, boys in 25)
-student-run party games or yearbook signing
Monday, June 4, 2012
-lunch people for the week
1. "I Am From" writing piece for graduation display
2. Organizing and labeling your ELA sections
Step Up (9:20 to 10:20)
1. Find your number match and show them the website, the wall, your binder, and a few assignments
1. Movie: Life's Greatest Miracle
2. Make graph of results from Friday
3. Gender-mixed QnA
1. Yearbook
2. Finish Sherlock Holmes
Friday, June 1, 2012
-Field Day 8:30 to 12:30
-graduation tickets out
-board game grades & contribution sheets
-HGD next week... submit questions/topics this weekend (here)
-terrible (and funny in an immature way) non-educational movie that is embarrassing to watch... kind of like a Monty Pyton movie of this generation
Thursday, May 31, 2012
-entries for grad speech (written) due today
1. Last call for letters to you at 18 (10 points)
2. Passbacks: Descriptive essays, Autobio Excerpt, NFF, comp books, etc
3. Sherlock Holmes (movie) and questions (in pairs)
1. Review the money thing and fill in your sheet w/o anyone seeing it
2. Into a game folder that I will give you, please put
1. The group's task chart (filled in) and guide summary (with initials)
2. Everyone's notes or highlighted website printouts (see steps 1B, 1C, and 1D)
3. The bibliography (see steps 1B and 4C)
4. Your group's printed guide with the dots (I'll explain)
5. User feedback sheet
3. Play last round(s) of your game then turn it in
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
1. Trip to Moreland gym 8:35 to 11:00
1. Set up your game and then play another
2. Make final revisions to the game tonight
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
-VOD: Jeff Eagle's DC Review
-Talent show? Jessica Davis' room @ lunch next week
-gradebook closes Thursday
-grad speech entries due Thursday
1. Sit with mystery groups
2. Discuss book
3. Take each other's quizzes
4. Decide on which were great questions and why
1. Set up your game at your table
2. Get feedback sheet (stays with game)
3. Rotate, read instructions, play game, give feedback
4. Rotate again to 2nd then 3rd game
5. Return home, read feedback, plan improvements for tonight
Friday, May 18, 2012
-homerooms @ core today
1. passbacks
2. a letter from me at 13 to to me at 18
3. write one today, seal it into envelope, put home address... this is all you can do today
2. If possible, have someone read your instructions and "ghost" the game
Thursday, May 17, 2012
-envelopes in
-lunch count
Science (8:30 to 9:20)
Walk to MCC for presentation by Scott Fried
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
-any envelopes?
-VOD: two opposing laws of physics put to work
1. turn in comp book and we'll score the most recent entries (5H & 4S)
2. deciphering double-sounding words (different set for each person) All five.
3. the quiz assignment for the mystery books
1. fill out and show me the back of the task-chart
2. board game, phase 3 (still)
3. clean up
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
-sit by mystery book groups
1. Five question quiz on what you read yesterday
2. If your group decided upon and brought books you can do some preview discussion, then 4.
3. If your group doesn't have books, please decide upon one and then...
4. Discuss predictions to the ending of the story and then read it on my site.
5. Parents, when students get to step 4, please read & comment on their 5 paragraphs (or some)
1. Document check-up (task chart and initials on steps sheet)
2. Board game, phase 3... building it. Read the steps first then agree on best actions for today
Monday, May 14, 2012
-14 DOSL, not including DC
-I'm @ home today reading essays
-lunch runners for the week
-someone please return the laptops to room 22 first thing today
1. Turn in NFF sheet
2. Update the mystery book groups list on whiteboard with any group decisions made over the weekend
3. Today, on computer or iPad, read the first half of "The Scandal in Bohemia" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
-(the second half is hidden until tonight or tomorrow)
4. If you have extra time, please finish (or start, for some of you) your newspaper contribution
1. I cut 18"x18" pieces of foam core from you sci-fair boards... you can use them (and scraps) for your game
2. Phase 2 (and finish phase 1 and maybe start phase 3) today.
Friday, May 11, 2012
1. Exploring GarageBand for making audio file
2. NFF from newspapers
3. Your autobiography excerpt is due today (4 things to turn in)
4. Mystery book groups
3. Nice additions to class newspapers Heumann & Stuart
1. Astronomy Board Game, Phase 2
Thursday, May 10, 2012
-Wednesday envelope stuff
-any more pizza money?
1. If you didn't yesterday and you can today, show me your autobio draft
2. Get peer edits done...work together to make a great final copy
3. Make an audio file of you reading your auto bio excerpt (details here)
4. Choosing mystery books and groups... yourselves?! 6 @ 3 to 5 ea.
5. Class Newspaper Articles: Heumann & Stuart
1. Astronomy Board Game, Phase 1
2. Tags in Diigo
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
-envelopes in, if you have them
-Audrey, Justin, Danny, Jacob, please collect $ and log it in
-VOD: Dubstep A-capella
1. Wordy Wednesday
-find 10 words in comp book that you don't remember
-enter them into the list (yellow) on SpellingCity
-play a game (MatchIt or WhichWord)
-make a new comp-book page for four of your 10
2. Show me, then peer edit your autobio excerpt
1. Wider view of astronomy topics -- "our" astronomy collection in Diigo
2. The board game idea (pictures, the guide, and the grading system)
3. Groups and topics
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
-no lunch count
-BioBook assignments due if you didn't turn it in last week
-panoramic picture @8:30
1. Sit at any table (groups of 4 or 5)
2. "Checks" activity
-Use the progression of clues to tell the story (character, setting, plot, conflicts, resolution, etc)
-Two people create separate "story maps" or document it somehow
-Give 3 minute summary at e.o.p. minus 20
10:00 to 10:20: Leave DCS, wheel a mile to Darryl & Hamilton
10:24 to 10:45: Bus 82 to Hamilton & Bascom, then walk to Pruneyard
11:00 to 1:30: Avengers at Camera 7 (145 minutes)
1:30 to 1:45: Pizza
1:45 to 2:25: Los Gatos Creek Trail, Hamilton to Meridian @ Curci (about 2 miles)
2:29 to 3:01: Bus #25 to Williams & Orchid
3:01 to 3:10: Wheel to DCS (10 min)
Monday, May 7, 2012
-19 d.o.s.l
-VOD: cool camera feature
-trip tomorrow: bring wheeled-thing, helmet, $3-$5+, and water if you want. Spreadsheet
-reminder (for some)... BioBook timeline & paragraphs due tomorrow
1. Grammar: Agreement (pair page, table confirmation, get yours, turn in when done)
2. Two Articles: Unscripted TV & Gladiators (issues & discussions)
3. Autobiographical Excerpt: have draft ready on Wednesday
4. We need a mystery suggestions list by Wednesday
1. Passbacks, QAR, un-named T-shirts
2. Space Science topics list
Friday, May 4, 2012
-roll & car groups
-bring sci notes
1. Trip to SJ for Ave Q
2. Chapter 23 test on the train
Thursday, May 3, 2012
-envelopes back in
-VOD: Tonight
-who is going to which high schools?
-who is riding what and where they are getting it
-Malaika/Alina: research a call-ahead take out lunch spot at Pruneridge, otherwise we do bag lunch
1. Mystery book research
2. Your Autobiographical Excerpt
3. Class Newspaper Articles: Heumann & Stuart
1. remember, chapter 23 tomorrow.
2. Alan Biggs on fiberoptics
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
-Avengers showtime doesn't fit... still want to go? If so, we need a leadership meeting today @ lunch
-any envelopes
Science -- all periods
1. Thomas & Friends on optics (lasers, mirrors, lenses, colors, etc)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
-DC meeting in 22 during block A, non-DCers here
-STAR -- same as yesterday
1. Sit with AutoBio book groups... 2nd and last session
2. Timeline of things due
3. Hints for the paragraphs: embed question into answer (early and well), be specific, use examples
4. Hints for timeline: Good layout resulting from good planning; follow directions (=rubric)
Monday, April 30, 2012
-24 DOSL
-overview of the week
-lunch people for the week
1. AutioBio paragraphs and timeline due tomorrow, unless book is >300 pgs. 80% through Friday (e.o.d.)
2. Perspective story: Welcome to Anywhere (from SCOPE)
3. Next writing assignment: Your Autobiographical Excerpt
4. Class Newspaper Articles: Heumann & Stuart
Friday, April 27, 2012
-Block A: DC (or not) meetings in 22 or 25
Heumann: discuss newspaper components and process, then write
-here is the link to the presentation
-SJ: Tuesday, May 8. We need an itinerary now
-anything you want to do to review before test
-2 tests: 30 MC and 5 (of 15) SA
Thursday, April26,2012
-OF Mice and Men trip at 10:00
-Allysson McDonald reads poem
-turn in [R] and/or [21] if you haven't
-no lunch count today because we're gone at lunch
-crossword puzzle from SJ Merc
-Movie: WordPlay
-if movie bores you, you can:
1. read bio-book
2. work on bio-book paragraphs
3. work on bio-book timeline
4. science chapter 22
5. item for class newspaper
6. something for SJ trip
7. sci xc
8 ELA xc
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
-VOD: Nations of the World in 2 Minutes and English Issues
1. VocabTest website (again)... choose a 9th grade unit and do 2+ activities
2. Vocab Comp Book: four words from your list(s)
3. Rewrite/revise your "Ratings Game" piece if necessary
4. AutoBio book assignments (2) still due May 1
1. Eyes and Vision (=[21])
-label parts and functions on the front, then do the back
-optical illusions sites
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
-STAR Tests: ELA2 & History
-early dismissal today
Monday, April 23, 2012
-turn in RTQ if you did it
STAR Tests... why important (or not) to you, to DCS, to high school, to state?
-ELA and Science today
-timed but extensions at your option
-keep yourself quiet after you are done
Friday, April 20, 2012
-serious moment: don't be in here when I'm not, please.
-VOD: Cat
-passback [18], [19], [T], [O], 21T
1. C.E.E. from 4/2
2. Class Newspaper:
section list
tone and style
your preferences
1. Crash: Video on the brain's response to injury
Thursday, April 19, 2012
-science P1, ELA P3 (TheatreWorks)
1. My notes, your details/explanations
2. Chapter 21 Test
3. Thomas Zscherpel's cool demos 8:50 to 9:20
1. TheatreWorks workshop & MnM Prep
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
-VOD: Caine's Arcade
1. Words: do some activities from this site
2. Get 4 for your book and update TOC
1. R.T.Q. from S.T.A.R. Answer on this document (=[20], due Monday)
2. Try this make-a-song site
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
-lunch runners for the week
-IBMCs (last day) during block A today
1. Turn in [S] and [T] if you didn't yesterday
2. Autobiography book groups, session 1 (of 3)
Write down each person's reading schedule (one sheet per group)
Possible discussion questions (more on the autobio page)
What made you want to read this book?
- What clues does the cover of your book give you?
- What do you know about this person already?
- What do you hope to find out?
- What do you think the author’s purpose will be? Why are they telling their story?
- Summarize what you have read so far.
1. Turn in [18] and [19] if you didn't yesterday
Monday, April 16, 2012
-new seats by number & coin toss
-34 D.o.S.L.
-VOD: Added Drama
1. Groups & expectations for AutoBio book session tomorrow
2. Titanic article from 4/12 SCOPE: jot down two general things and 2 specific parts that impress you
3. Lazy Editor (Dog Not Dog) in pairs on paper (not magazine)
4. Finding and dealing with extraneous information
1. Ears & Hearing: parts and functions (=[18])
2. Range of hearing
3. Tim & Moby on Waves and Electromagnetic Spectrum (login info on board)... worksheet = [19] (?)
4. Tim & Moby on Sound, if you have time (and desire)
Thursday, April 5, 2012
-substitute this morning
1. Writing piece on the Time Magazine article (listen to examples of good and not, and then finish yours)
-summary of the article (what is their point & evidence)
-agree & disagree and why (use evidence to support your opinion)
2. Reading time: your bio-book, something from our shelf, newspapers/magazines
1. Chapter 20 Test (30 questions, 15 points)
2. Gizmos for unit 8 (our trial expires next week)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
-card for Khoi & Canh
-trip to DeAnza planetarium today
1. Common English Errors session (6?)
2. Vocabulary: Get words from the "Hot SAT Words" part of this list
3. Read the Time magazine article, "The Ratings Game" and start the writing piece
-summary of the article (what is their point & evidence)
-agree & disagree and why (use evidence to support your opinion)
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
-open seats every day this week
-lunch runners for the week
1. Turn in [Q] if you haven't
2. Who has books today? Add to spreadsheet... we'll create categories & groups tomorrow
3. Elements of a good biography -- big picture & small stories
4. Autobiographical Excerpt (impromptu storytelling, 2 to 5 minutes per person)
-tell vignette to the group about a funny, influential, and/or adventurous times in your life
-group writes "notes" of elements & doodles of images for each person
-verbal feedback... effective parts, suggestions for improvement, similar experiences
1. Organizing your papers ELA into your binder... category and chronological
2. Organize science papers into chronological order & paper-clip units together
3. Preview chapter 20's three sections, then do paired read & review of 20-1 and 20-2
4. For tomorrow: find slinky, rope, string of beads, jump rope, or something to show waves
5. 10 minute video of ocean waves & tsunamis
Monday, April 2, 2012
-Heumannoids at Civil War simulation all morning
English (StuCrew w/ Mrs. Leftwich)
1. Speeches: Isaac
2. Turn in [Q] if you didn't on Friday
3. Common English Errors session (6?)
Conferences: For the 18 of you doing conferences, please choose any 3 slides from here, write them out, and add some details for discussion.
Friday, March 30, 2012
-turn in your Steinbeck Supplemental Chapter Synopsis on your own (front shelf)
1. ExpoDay! Bridges (8:45), Towers (8:55), Catapults (9:05), Five-Phase (9:15)
2. 10:30-11:15 Present your project, view others (you and partner trade off)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
1. Speeches: Danny, Dominic, Tony, Frankie
2. Steinbeck Supplemental Chapter Synopsis due tomorrow
3. The last 30 of MnM
1. The plan (timing & locations) for tomorrow
2. Display boards and websites shouldn't look (or be) last-minute
3. Calendar for unit 8
4. Worktime: Project or Gizmos
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
-envelopes in?
1. Speeches: Justin, Karim, Alexis, Dean
2. Of Mice and Men from where we left off
3. Please find a few biography book possibilities and enter them here.
1. Passback control sheets... see Audrey's & Ianolan's for full-credit sample
2. Project publish work time OR
3. Unit 8 (Waves) schedule with me AND/OR organize papers in your tray into binder or folder
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
-please please please stop leaving the room so messy. C'mon, clean up after yourself!
1. Steinbeck Book Groups, Session 4 (of 4)
-10 words (and sentence and definition) on spreadsheet due now
-read supplementary chapter synopsis and elicit improvements
-modern metaphors
2. Please find a few biography book possibilities and enter them here.
1. Finish & print your control sheet
2. Show me website or display board (ok if unfinished)
3. Gizmos (I added a bunch for unit 8)
Monday, March 26, 2012
-lunch people for the week
-missing baby-pix for yearbook: Chaira, Nolan, Ian, Karim, Danny, Juliann, Alison
-new seats: changing 2 of 3 things: people (all), front/back, left/right
1. Turn in NFF if you did it
2. Speeches: Alec, Juliann, Josh, Mason
3. Last SteinBook session tomorrow: have all your 10 words entered, synopsis done, modern-day metaphors (xc)
4. Start the Gary Sinise & John Malkovich interpretation (movie)
5. If you didn't on Friday, please find a few biography book possibilities and enter them here.
1. Hang up T-shirt and write-up if you did it.
2. VOD: Visible Car Factory
2. Science Fair Project: Time to publish. Website and/or display board. Due Friday.
3. Online simulations:
www.explorelearning.com (do the Gizmos & assessments) and/or
http://mw.concord.org/modeler/ (use any of the amazing lessons/simulations)
Friday, March 23, 2012
1. InfoGraphic: final revisions, call it "InfoGraphic YourName Topic" and DropItToMe
2. Find some interesting biography books, enter here
3. Non-Fiction Friday (XC this time)... stacks of newspapers
1. Passback chpt 18 test and [17]
2. Chapter 19 Test
Thursday, March 22, 2012
-any envelopes
-element fashion show 8:30 to 9:10ish
1. Speeches: Jacob, Audrey Chiara, Keiko, Steph
2. passback [N], [P], vocab revisions
3. InfoGraphic worktime: compose & revise, due tomorrow (Monday = 80%)
1. Demo: Douglas
2. Teach the table teacher
3. Bill on Computers OR Gizmos on circuits
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
-envelopes in
-Merc's HG review
1. Speeches: Kevin, Riley, Rana, Nate
2. Turn in vocabulary quiz from last week
3. Composition book vocabulary grade strips
4. Vocabulary revisions sheet
5. InfoGraphic work time
1. Nolan & Ian demo
2. passback [16]
3. Chapter 19 EOTO
-group read section
-decide on what/how to teach
-teacher stay, others rotate (take notes?)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
-sit by book groups
1. Speeches: Abbi, Chiara, Gunnar, Nikolai
2. Steinbeck book meeting #3: questions, discussion, chapter synopsis w.i.p.
1. Malaika's demo
2. 10 minutes with electricity groups... learn more about the topic & plan a demo
3. Bill on either Electrical Current or Magnetism
4. How the EOTO is going to work for chapter 19... one stay, the rest rotate
Monday, March 19, 2012
-lunch people for the week
-business cards: Abbi, Douglas, Alison, Dominic
-passback [H]
1. speeches: Nolan, Nakiyan
2. SteinBook Assignment: A Synopsis of a Supplemental Chapter
3. Worktime: Synopsis and/or InfoGraphic
-passback [15]
1. Current projects:
-Element Fashion Show is Thursday morning... participation optional & XC
-Science fair project and/or poster board
-Remaining demonstrations
-and now...
2. What to do next with "Electricity Applied"?
3. Chapter 19 test will be student-created, last year's and this year
Friday, March 16, 2012
-IBMCs today during block A
-Heumannoids: make a business card for you in 10 years that we'll shellac onto the toolbox. Use my card to do it by hand, or make it on a computer (2.5 x 3 inches), print, add color, cut out.
1. Speeches: Graham and Dean
2. InfoGraphic work time (finish phase 1, start phase 2)
you will turn in your "phase 1" on Monday
3. Common English Errors if you want to and have time
1. What, if anything did you learn from making the coil spin yesterday?
2. Turn in [15]
3. Chapter 18 test
4. T-shirt, Gizmo, or sci-fair poster work time
Thursday, March 15, 2012
-return envelopes
1. Speeches: Alison, Ian, Kevin, Evan
2. Review the vocabulary quiz process
3. Second Steinbeck story options
4. Next phase on the InfoGraphic
1. ExploreLearning enrollment and Gizmo use?
2. High altitude flight over chapter 18
3. Making a motor with a battery, magnet, wire, and paperclips
4. Element T-shirt fashion show on the 22nd
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
-happy pi day
1. Speeches: Carter, Harrison, Jamie
2. Vocabulary Quiz: 5 words (progressively harder), 4 m.c. options each, test 5+ people by next week
1. Home lighting survey (=[15]) is due Friday
2. Suds on lightbulb types, efficiency, costs, and ecological impact
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
1. Steinbeck session 3 (of 5?)
-revisit reading pace and let me know the plan
-MiceMen groups... research to find a good short story to read if done
-student questions, discussion starter, reading, and huh-part
-spreadsheet so far... print, show, and share w/ parent (as viewer)
2. Speeches: Audrey, Khoi, Leon
1. Any feedback from parents about SmartMeters? (issues as I understand them)
2. Do a light bulb count tonight.... (=[15])
-make a chart with: room, device, type, number, watts, and estimate of hours-on (sample)
-gather data for 30+ minutes tonight
3. Tomorrow Suds will tell you about different bulbs & their ecological effects
4. Science Fair display boards
5. Element T-shirt fashion show (for fun and for xc)... 14 of you are going to do it!
Block A: San Jose Downtown Trip: Groups, enter information here.
Monday, March 12, 2012
-VOD: Making Guacamole
1. Turn in [M] and [N] if you didn't on Friday
2. Speeches: Alina, Kyle, Tomer
3. Expectations for tomorrow's book group session:
-book, 2 questions, 1 discusser, read-spot, huh-spot, spreadsheet
4. Next writing piece: An Infographic -- displaying information in an appealing & informative way
-video: http://vimeo.com/kathyschrock/infographicspromo
-today, view many sample and write down three possible topics for yours
1. Science demo sign ups for the rest of you
2. Passback chapter 17 test, QAR available as always
3. Results of your Kill-A-Watt tests
4. PG&E Monthly bills
5. Smartmeters: the idea, the implementation, the data, the controversy
6. Science project display boards (and website).
Title, purpose, hypothesis, type, materials & procedure,
data, p.s.o.e., analysis, conclusion, future work
Friday, March 9, 2012
-non-D.C. people meet here @ first part of lunch
8:30 to 9:15:
1. Westmont to room 29, & Prospect to room 26
2. The rest (and others from 26), have "study hall" here
1. Turn in the 3 parts of [M] paperclipped: pre-write, edited draft, final
2. Grammar: Quotation marks. Video, practice, worksheet
1. Chapter 17 quiz
2. #2 above... worksheet (=[N]) until all are done with test, then video
3. Karim & Dominic's demo
Thursday, March 8, 2012
-you go to room 26 for history today
-VOD: hip hop pens
1. turn in comp book if you didn't yesterday (mostly StuCrew)
2. Descriptive essay: samples & timeline
1. Bernon;s demo
2. who brought a flashlight?
3. CPS for chapter 17 questions
4. time for test prep OR science experiment
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
-lunch people for the rest of the week and next
1. Passback [L]... many missing the R.A.P. page
2. Any questions or ideas about the March speaking session?
3. The descriptive writing piece: scene, character, (some) actions
4. Vocabulary: Get 4 words from this site of descriptive terms about characters (Re: #3)
1. Passback [12] and [13]
2. Justin's demo
3. Status of your energy usage testing? (form and spreadsheet)
4. Three or four (or more) videos on electricity
5. If possible, bring an "old school" (non LED) flashlight tomorrow... batteries & bulb
6. MIT graduates and lighting a light bulb... video
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2011
-last call for iFly forms
1. Turn in [L] then review when to use colons & semicolons
2. Essay of the week is a descriptive one: scene, character, (some) actions
3. Create a document (typed or hand) that looks like the last outline you did
1. Half of you will read chapter 17 and do your notes
2. The other half will go online, get to my electricity page, and experiment with the electric circuit simulations.
Friday, March 2, 2012
1. Colons & Semicolons
MoBett -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIW4N35Y79s
Brits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g384KO4Y7Rs
Halo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9bVn0NDqMc
Brit 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUwN4qvHAwo
HS kids: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uHvqFnQz3U
2. Worksheet (=[L])
1. Graham and Danny
2. turn in QAR and/or [12] if you haven't
3. turn in the 17-1 worksheet ([13]) if you didn't yesterday
4. Bill on Static Electricity w/ quiz @ end (=[14])
Thursday, March 1, 2012
-any iFly forms?
-VOD: Blindfolded Rubik's cube world record
1. Do the last part of the acid-base lab (combining pairs)
2. Overview (and calendar) of unit 7 on Electricity
3. Do worksheet for 17-1 as you read it (=[13])
4. Next steps on your science experiment
1. About the March speaking session
-sign ups on whiteboard
2. Your book group should start a spreadsheet of vocab words from your Steinbeck book.
-one owner, others are collaborators, make me a viewer (chrisheumann@gmail)
-title it with your names and book
-add column for name, word, sentence, definition, comment
3. Work time and next steps for your vocab animations (print dialog and highlight words)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
-parent paperwork for iFly is a must 2Fly (list)
-6 tour guides... articulate, exuberant, informed
1. Wordy Wednesday:
-Use www.xtranormal.com (similar to GoAnimate) to make a vocab video
-in pairs, using (and defining) 4 great vocab words per person (1000 word list)
-enter info into the "Vocabulary Animations" form
-sample from my wife's account
-put those 4 words as an entry in your comp book (title "xtranormal")
-have both (video and comp book entry) done by Friday e.o.p.
1. Audrey & Avery demo
2. Any QAR from yesterday's test?
3. Any more [12] to turn in?
4. Anyone test electrical things yesterday (spreadsheet)?
5. Acid-Base Prediction & Indicator lab (see chemistry page)
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
-passback leftovers
1. Sit with SteinBook groups
2. Lit Circle Meetings:
-your discussion questions/topics
-your reading selection
-group reading schedule
3. Anyone interested in a Saturday trip to Salinas?
1. Carter demo
2. EORG for 15-1,2,3,4
3. Chapter 15 quiz
4. Electricity Applied.... what I know now, what I want to learn, how can I learn it, what I want to do with what I learned
5. As a table, read SciWorld article on data collection and display
5. Get Kill-A-Watt meter (partner), and test 3+ devices at home. Enter your results on this form.
Monday, February 27, 2012
-lunch people for the week
-HG Friday, March 23 at 5:00 at Saratoga AMC 14 (or 22nd @ 12:01 at Cupertino Square w/ PA)
-tag or running games, stay away from Anderson equipment
-VOD: Best Wimp vids of 2011
1. passback [D], [I], [J], and 2/3 CEE
2. I want you to show greater autonomy, accountability, and maybe even enthusiasm
3. Steinbeck book expectations for tomorrow... read (to 37, 62, or part 1), 2 questions, 1 part to read (& why)
-do you/we need time to do that now, or will you tonight?
-how many of you would go on a Fri PM or Saturday trip to Steinbeck Museum in Salinas
4. Rebus puzzles
1. IBMC categories. Use this form to rank your preference
2. passback [7], [10], and [11]
3. when done gathering data for their experiment, read SW article marked w/ purple
4. for tomorrow, please bring in a fluid to use in our acids/bases experiment
5. my skimpy notes for chapter 15... if you add more (>me) then you can use them
6. question stems from last year's test
7. some resources are on the page for this unit
Friday, February 17, 2012
-I've scored [I], [J], [7], [11] but they are @ home... check PS
1. Steinbeck book reading expectations: East of Eden part 1, Mice & Men chpt 1-, Cannery Row chpt 1-
2. Common English Errors from 2 weeks ago
3. Dystopian book project turn-in form
4. Game day: Apples, Taboo, Scrabble, Pictionary,
1. Khoi's can
2. Anyone want to facilitate a last-minute chapter review?
3. Note check & tests out... do >4 points worth of SA questions
4. Make sure that your reaction slide has all the necessary components (2 points each, so 10 total)
5. Fwee time :)
Block A
1. Lets all come up with suggestions for the indoor & outdoor activity groups
2. Factions in Actions... the Divergent Game
Thursday, February 16, 2012
-envelopes in (both)
1. group-score the last part of [I]
2. dytopian book project turn-in form
3. fill in an essay organizer for a non-existant essay (my breakfast sample)
4. project work time if necessary & available
1. Khoi can sleep
2. Experiment control sheet.... open doc, save a copy, name it, share with me and a parent
3. Bill on Chemical Reactions and quiz after
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
-envelopes in (white and brown)
-when you get papers back, please file them
-decorating team for the fundraiser toolbox
1. any takers for my XC offer?
2. the dystopian book project grading criteria
3. Wordy Wednesday: back to Calvin... find 4 word, do usual, then check spreadsheet (list-->filter-->sort). Add via form if not there.
4. Make sure that your TOC is up to date
1. Demo entries and calendar
2. Experiment status
3. find examples of chemical reactions and describe one on one slide in this ppt
4. Graphing an exothermic reaction
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
-money for tomorrow's lunchtime food
1. Turn in [I] if you didn't yesterday
2. Sit w/ dystopian groups
3. Project types, purpose, and scoring criteria, then check-up and/or work time
4. Parents: meet in available room (or here) to research SteinBook resources, ideas, etc
5. XC: Make a Valentines Day card (or email even) with eloquent & articulate affirmations of affection
1. The science of chocolate (video)
2. Types of Reactions: synthesis, decomposition, single-replacement, double-replacement (graphics)
3. Reactions Challenge Sheet (=[9])
Block A:
1. MOST of the (20 possible) points on your dystopian book projects will come from evidence of analysis
2. Travel Plans for a day in San Jose. Form groups and choose a leader for
-transportation: route, times, costs, communication, back-up plan
-food: places, preferences, items & prices, discounts, communication
-indoor activity 1: options, preferences, costs, communication, arrangements
-indoor activity 2: options, preferences, costs, communication, arrangements
-outdoor activities: ideas & locations, preferences, weather considerations, permissions
-coordination: collab. docs, choosing dates, getting school permission, communicating with parents, other teachers, class meetings
-finances: budget of income & expenditures, collecting fees, getting checks (deposits/payments), getting donations (PSC?)
-opt outers: get parent approval, find a replacement activity for the planning sessions and excursion day
Monday, February 13, 2012
1. passback [G]
2. turn in [G] and/or [H] if you haven't already
3. Dashes, Hyphens, and Parenthesis... useful things to know these days, since our writing becomes easily tangential
-15 minutes of "Standard Deviants" video
-finish worksheet
-make 5 sentences that could use D, H, or P, and I'll do a shuffle-switch
1. Khoi's demo
2. turn in [7] if you haven't already
3. unit 5 packet... cover sheet, note to parents, boxes for comments, comment, clip, turn in
4. More on balancing equations
-where to start and why... no always-applicable process
-some samples together
-[8] Balancing Equations: all you can alone, then pairs w/o 2 papers, then table if necessary
Friday, February 10, 2012
-lunch, attendance, envelopes
-passback [3]
1. Screen-Time Essay [H]. After its written, bracket the hook, thesis, & conclusion
2. Also turn in the "kit" (packet) = [G]
3. You can start Hyphen, Dash, Parenthesis if you have extra time (=I])
1. Photosynthesis - Respiration processes (application of 14-2)
-energy flow, locations, components, chemical equation, balancing atoms
-using Lego's to demonstrate
-preview and start the back side of [?] (Photosynthesis & Respiration)
Thursday, February 9, 2012
-lunch & attendance
-basketball vs. Bullis tomorrow at 4 @ Moreland Community Center
1. Passback business letter
2. SteinBook list. Not enough to do Charley or Grapes groups
3. Show me side 1 and 2 of [G]
4. Lets discuss the tone of a reflective essay, then do side 3.
5. Hyphens, Dashes, and Parenthesis (=[H])
1. Science World current issue (online?)
videos: 7 Billion & Biochemistry
2. What other guests can we get or trips can we take or things can we do to make science better?
3. Science demonstration calendar OR enter yours in the form... finally
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
-lunch & attendance
-report cards at end of the day (after math)
1. If you haven't, please enter your SteinBook preferences
2. Vocabulary: easy day... any 4 from this list
3. Read "Screen Zombie" online or in magazine and start the essay kit
1. Chiara & CandyGrams
2. Presentation by pilot
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
-lunch count & delivery
1. Sit in same places as yesterday
2. The purpose of today... learn about JS and make an informed choices between the 5 books
3. How is our Steinbeck doc doing? (who added what, when, why?) Heumann, Stuart
4. "Speed dating", with the books... plot summary, characters, zip-stop-read, read reviews (online)
5. Use this form to enter your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices
6. Extra time? Do a project check-in with your dystopian book group
1. Any questions before test? (22 mc's)
2. Marshmallow molecules
Monday, February 6, 2012
-new seats
-lunch people for the week
-VOD: innovative furniture
1. passback [B] and [C]
2. status of your dystopian book projects?
3. introduction to John Steinbeck and a few of his books
4. group bio sheet (research and add w/o copy paste... keep it readable) Heumann, Stuart, Sample
1. passback [1], [4], and [5]
2. turn in [3] (mowers)
3. daylight savings time explained
4. sample simple experiment: study time vs test scores (=[6])
5. check out the questions at the end of 13-3 to see what you need to study
Friday, February 3, 2012
-I'm concerned that some of you are inflexible & disrespectful
1. Enter a 2x2 in your comp book, and choose 2 from each lesson
2. Do "Common English Errors". Get my ok when you choose
3. If you haven't already, make a daily edit, enter it here and see others here
4. Finish your business letter, print it, and turn it in.
5. Research year-round schooling
1. Finish the video then you do the "quiz"
2. Do one (or more) of the following things:
-get that project proposal (step 8) finished & approved
-read this chapter 13 enrichment page
-read (and watch animations) on this VisionLearning website
-download & "play" this element simulation
Block A:
1. Writing up your public transit travel plan
2. Research year-round schooling
3. Preview one of the Steinbeck books
Thursday, February 2, 2012
1. Do "the other" list of words from yesterday's handout
2. Write a business letter... see literature textbook pages 330-333
3. Tonight: ask an adult to tell you about any Steinbeck books
1. Take hand-written notes on chapter 13
2. 13-2 Ionic Bonding (video 1) (video 2) (video 3)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
-envelopes in
1. How does corporate news make money? What if sponsor's interest are threatened by the news? How does the public know what the objective truth may be? This seems quite pertinent to the topic of these books. Here is a video to stimulate discussion
2. Wordy Wednesday: Convivial or Cantankerous Clusters
1. Greatest Discoveries in Chemistry... quiz @ end (=[5])
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
1. Sit with dystopian groups
2. Book group interactions:
Tact and respect, maintain topic focus, and the onus of responsibility for engagement lies with the students.
3. Kids: engage with each other in meaningful discussion about the books
4. Come up with (or continue to work on) a project that you can get excited about regarding their book. Or, you can resort to the list of reading projects and do one of the lettered (3 hour) projects.
1. Recap the process and product from yesterday. How does it mimic "real science"?
2. What is the status of your science project? What are your next steps?
3. Have you posted a demo yet?
4. The reading schedule in on the calendar (assignments page of website)
5. Publisher's packet for 13-1 (=[4])
Monday, January 30, 2012
-we need 5 lunch delivery people for the week
-Mrs. Stuart's astronomy night, courtyard 6:30
1. letters to you, grade by stamp, then back to me (if you want)
2. any more [B] to turn in? (for 60% credit)
3. Persuasive Media presentation/examples/discussion (Karen Gumaer)
1. is your project important to you or others? (video)
2. Intro to chemistry: Case of the Exploding Lawnmowers (=[3])
-the scenario and the resources
-what to document, how to participate
-drawing conclusions and supporting with evidence
3. Review the steps of the experiment and do what is next for you
Friday, January 27, 2012
-lunch & attendance
1. semester 1 grade sheets
2. turn in [B] if you're done
3. pathos, logos, ethos: video and worksheet
4. eats, shoots, and leaves
5. make a daily edit, enter it here and edit it here if necessary (email me for editing access)
6. non-fiction reading and form
1. sample procedure... before and after
2. any last minute studying or hints before mr exam?
3. chapter 16 quiz... 22mc from publisher, 20 from you. Do both.
4. find a science demo to do for the class. Enter it here.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
-lunch and attendance and envelopes
-tour guides to outside of office at 8:35 Khoi, Chiara, Alina, Claire, Avery, Audrey, Jenna, Maliaka, James, Carter
-any more [A] for 80%
Intro to persuasive media
1. how and why is persuasion done
2. examples of commercials (Prezi)
3. Analyze 7 (BlackOps, Camero, CoverGirl, Inception, BestBuy, Dyson, Vics, Mustang)
1. blue clickers with publisher's questions
2. Get Science World binder, find 2nd September issue, read about procedure
3. Write yours (part of the proposal document)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
-envelopes in
-lunch process proposal
1. Turn in [A] now for full credit or tomorrow for 80%... not in between
2. Missing comp books
3. Vocabulary: Use quizlet to create a set of vocab cards
-create account (understandable name) and join the class group (stucrew 2012 or heumannoids 2012)
-create a set of 10+ from this list, share it with group, and browse others
-play the scatter or (hard) space race 'games'
1. Packets in for 1xc (or back from me)
2. Student-created test questions for chapter 16... enter here and view here
-I'll pick the "best" 20 to build Friday's test (=[2])
3. Science Experiment: Enter project and get approval OR write proposal for parents to sign
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
-full credit at time due, 80% within 24 hours, and 60% within one week
-use ART stickers for turning in work after being absent
-who wants to be a tour guide on Thursday?
1. sit with book groups
2. letters due tomorrow at beginning of the period
3. whole-class discussion @ e.o.p: tell us about your book... plot, characters, tone, etc.
4. possible topics for discussion are on the "Dystopian" page
1. my comments are on the spreadsheet (blue=do)
2. how the graph mimics decay & "half life"
3. how half-life is used to "date" rocks, fossils, etc (gum analogy)
4. Eyes of Nye on Nuclear Power (part 1, part 2, part 3)
Block A:
SSR for 20-30 minutes, then any of these, in any order
1. the letter
2. chpt 16 notes
3. update comp-comp essay
4. write project proposal for science experiment (topic, overview, materials (& budget), procedure, data table)
Monday, January 23, 2012
-lunch person for the week
-changes to assignment credit for s2: full credit at time due, 80% within 24 hours, and 60% within one week
-use ART stickers for turning in work after being absent
1. Turn in comp book so we can check the past 4 vocab pages and TOC
2. Comp-comp essay edits and suggestions from Mitch Aronen
3. Friendly letter format... write one to Mr. Aronen (or someone else if you like)
4. Envelope format.
1. unit 4 packets in for 2xc
2. For chapter 16, read section 2 before section 1... test Friday
2. Do the nuclear decay model activity on page 447 in pairs, but each person make the graph (=[1])
3. Nuclear Power: YouTube Post, BBC News, Safety Failures, and CNN Student News
Friday, January 20, 2012
1. Packets in for 3xc
2. Categories of projects: design/build/test/improve --- the effect of this on that --- quantitative comparison --- teaching model.
3. Science test: 21 MC questions @ .5 points each
4. Browse Sci World issues (second issue in September), and enter 3 possibilities on this form
StuCrew: start the "Personal Writing" piece
Heumannoids: enter the final 27 pages of the 1000 words book into the spreadsheet (then more of Xiao Dre)
Thursday, January 19, 2012
-envelopes back
1. Speeches: James, Juliann, Nakiyan, Tomer, Josh
2. Show me your vocab page from yesterday and updated TOC
3. Read SCOPE article on brand-marketing and discuss as a class
1. What did you learn from yesterday's online videos?
2. Two (or maybe three) more for today:
1. Mendeleev 2. Element identification 3. Mosley
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
-envelopes to Mrs. Hellmann
1. Speeches: Malaika, Vernon, Kevin, Tony, Nikolai, ?
2. Vocabulary: find out what your adjective is and means, any 4 into book
1. YouTube videos on the Periodic Table
2. Name that Element (from Science World)
3. Putting last year's elements into families & a table
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
-lunch person for the week
1. Speeches: Graham, Avery, Isaac, Keiko (& Sarah after lunch)
2. Book clubs: Dystopian meeting #2 (see discussion suggestions)
1. Unit 4 Packet: papers out & in order, location on cover sheet, comment, clip, turn in
2. Element group ETTC (each team teach class)... 3 minutes each group
3. What else can the Periodic Table iPad app teach us?
Friday, January 13, 2012
-passback chpt 11 test and food poisoning
1. if you can turn in [pi] right now, I'll give an extra point, otherwise e.o.d. = full credit
2. 3 speeches: Jacob, Danny, Justin -- Stephanie, Rachel, Keiko
3. Fictionary rules and points
1. KD atoms Q & A also due today, e.o.d.
2. Periodic Table (formerly "strip")
3. ETTC on families... a few minutes for research
4. Bill on Atoms with my questions at the end
Thursday, January 12, 2012
-envelopes in
-my new plan for the stuff you leave in here: garbage, Goodwill, giveaway, or extortion
1. last daily edit of the series: MLK
2. put the 10 in order & turn them in
3. 3 speeches
4. CAPS packet
1. Read 12-1
2. Put your strip into rows using Periodic Table app and 12-2
3. Groups of 3 people for an EOTO on 12-2... read, research, plan a presentation (use last year's sheets)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
1. Daily Edit: Hobo Poet
2. 3 speeches
3. Vocabulary: get words from comp book or 1000 Words for High School
1. Six minute video on elements and atoms
2. Chapter 11 Test (20 questions, 10 points)
3. KD on Atoms, partnered Q & A
4. More work on the other things (section "poster", element strip, stove)
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
-lunch (Malaika) and attendance
1. turn in homework if done, if not, do/finish during block A
2. speeches
3. sit with new groups
4. plot prediction, deciphering dialog, and concocting conclusions
1. passback Chpt 10 Preview EOTO from 12/12
2. sample test questions using blue clickers, but w/o right answers
3. continue with element strip
-number, symbol, name, open spots.
-add color for metal, non, nobles
4. get stove working if you haven't already. For those who have, calculate calories in 5 ml alcohol
Monday, January 9, 2012
-attendance and lunch person for this week
1. Speeches
2. Dystopian Books -- browse the ones on the list choosing your top 3
3. SCOPE article on food poisoning. Read it and answer the questions (= [ Γ ])
1. quick "basics" overview of atomic structure
2. putting elements in order on a strip of paper, and search for periodicity
3. plan for finishing stove, Q&A, posters, and cost of ice
Friday, January 6, 2012
-selective choices 8:45-9:15, P1 is 9:15-9:45, P2 is 9:45-10:15
English (StuCrew 9:20-10:15, Heumannoids 10:35-11:05)
1. First set of speaking sessions
2. Common English Errors session 5 part 2
3. Book preferences: top 3
Science (11:05-11:35)
1. short video on atoms and models
2. finish what you started yesterday
3. try the can stove
Thursday, January 5, 2012
-return envelopes
-movie theater atmosphere analogy
-anyone want to help dig dirt & move rocks tomorrow after lunch?
1. passpacks
2. Organizing your ELA papers
-get tabs and labels
-get all of your papers and sort them by category then chrono
-put into binder (heumann) or tray (stuart)
3. Speeches
-topic ideas, add yours here, and view others here
-watch samples and find common positive assets
4. Browse book reviews and make your choice for top 3
-interested in doing this?
four possible activities today and tomorrow... choose one and do it well
1. Kids Discover on Atoms (on PC's) in pairs (=[34])
-launch "KD on Atoms" pdf, view 2-up, full screen ("spread" view)
-read any parts and write questions
-get another pair to answer your questions
-you score their answers (+0, +.5, +1)
-turn it in
2. The Cost of Making Ice... how much money does it cost to make a pound of ice
-write or draw out your process and what you need to know, then find the info
-teach it to someone else who will teach it to me... you get the points if I "get it" easily
3. Make or draw a model that gives an understanding and appreciation of the structure of the atom
4. Section "posters"... continue where you left off yesterday
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
-lunch (Karim) and attendance
-Wednesday envelopes
1. Daily edit: Sir Isaac Newton
2. Abbi H on Uglies, Divergent, Matched, and True Sight
3. Vocabulary: do "the routine" with the sheets from week 20
-impromptu class discussion
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
-sit anywhere
-attendance and lunch person for the week
-Wednesday 1/11 is the last day to turn in late, redo, or xc work
1. passback lots of stuff -- some scored, some commented, some both, some neither
2. tomorrow, we'll organize ELA papers 5 categories: vocab, grammar, read-respond, compostions, other and take time to go over essays & comments (so, bring any ELA work from home), but today...
3. Overview of utopian/dystopian genre, and who has read which samples?
4. reading groups (last time in these configurations):
-get book projects (if possible) and your gift essay
-find a quiet place (in or out),
-read "Gift" essays out loud
-show/play projects and get parent comments
-discuss book choices from dystopian genre
1. passback
2. time (and format) for test recovery Q.A.R. -- have to do & turn in today
3. unit 5 overview sheets (11x17), as tables and for points this time (xc! but allocated by contribution)
Winter Break
Friday, December 16, 2011
-lunch, attendance, passback
Celebration (8:30-9:20)
-food & drink... thank (and help) the parents when you can
StuCrew ELA
1. turn in book projects by filling out this form and putting them in tub, shelf, or on wall
2. turn in Gift I Gave essay: final and outline
Science & English (10:35-11:30)
1. finish science test as needed (I marked wrong ones with a dash or dot... fix 'em)
2. turn in book projects by filling out this form and putting them in tub, shelf, or on wall
Thursday, December 15, 2011
-lunch, attendance, passbacks
-food & supplies list for tomorrow... bring gift for gift exchange if you want
1. Gift I Gave essay: show me draft if you haven't, then do iterative editing process directly to the doc
2. Book Projects: due tomorrow. Remember, fill in the form to turn it in. See reading page
1. Unit 2 packet order, clip, comment, and turn in
2. Chapter 10 test
3. Make a Track on any science subject for this year
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
-we need a person to do attendance today, Thurs, Fri, just to create a workflow
-envelopes out during science
1. Daily Edit:
2. Words: get words from this SAT list, do comp book as usual, then "phone in" your best one (WDS)
3. GIG Drafts
1. EOTO from Friday (=[32)]
-each side should be formatted into fourths
-my 4 questions OR one that the groups wrote
2. Race to thaw a cup-o-ice
3. Test prep discussion, geographically defined
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
-I still need an attendance person for this week
-start thinking about what you can bring for the gift exchange on Friday morning
1. Turn in [Λ] if you didn't yesterday
2. Gift I Gave essay: show me your idea list, one expanded and the outline by the end of block A today
3. Any general questions about book projects? Here is the turn in form and the list from last year.
4. Book group discussions & project feedback session
1. Learn how any of thermal device following works (howstuffworks.com)
2. Do the activities on the website for the Absolute Zero video
Monday, December 12, 2011
-lunch and attendance person for this week
-breakfast and gift exchange on Friday morning
1. Fragments and Run-Ons
-what does it take for sentence to be a (normal) sentence
-fragments and run-ons
-practice sheet as a table
-[Λ] Fragments & Run-Ons
2. Essay of the week: The Gift I Gave
-overview and idea list today, outline by tomorrow, editing drafts Wed, final revisions Friday
1. Remember... chapter 10 test on Thursday
2. Review of the e-o-t-o from Friday
3. History of heat (videos)
Friday, December 9, 2011
-lunch, attendance, Mr. Bier here today, I'm at Google learning about Chromebooks
1. Common English Errors session 5
-get form, find something good (new & useful), write good teaching part
-teach 5, they write name
2. Finish your Pixton comic
-post it using this form and check out some others here
3. Independent Reading Projects
-have a "draft" of your book projects ready for group on Tuesday
1. Turn in [31] if you didn't yesterday
2. Each-One-Teach-One overview/extension of chapter 10 (Heat)
-need groups of 4, as table groups or other
-get handout or use this online version
-remember, in this process you have a responsibility to each other
-format blank paper as you did in the last EOTO
-read, learn, and take notes on your section
-teach it to the others and check for understanding as they fill in their notes
-meet as number-groups and come up with questions, but don't test your group
-turn in sheets so I can grade notes and approve questions
3. Extra time? Go to scilinks and use the codes provided on the handout (pg 2 lower right)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
-attendance and lunch leads for each week, passbacks
1. What to do when you finish your comic
-enter info on the form, see others on the spreadsheet
2. Public Speaking
-the number one fear also is the number one trait of effective people
-there will be three sessions this year (Jan, Mar, May)
-first one... The 3i Speech: Introduce, Inform, Inspire
-browse some examples of good speaking at TED's "Best of Web" page
1. Enter the data from peanut-burning in this form, view is in the spreadsheet
2. Chapter 9 test... 32 questions @ .5 each, 15 points, no SA
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
-attendance, lunch, passbacks (comp books too)
1. Wordy Wednesday
-same idea as GoAnimate...
-but use Pixton (two tutorials)
-is it worth $1 for 2 months (or $1.50 for 4 months or $2.75 for a year)?
-get words from comp book or 1000 Words for High School, or other
-start here, finish at home, enter the address using this form
-print (in color?) @ home & ask parent their thoughts on the money
-due Friday for HR25 and Monday for HR26, on paper (for posting)
1. Turn in the track [29] if you didn't yesterday
2. Conservation of Energy:
-capturing (and measuring) the energy contained in a peanut
-how to set it up and what to be aware of
-for homework do the last 3 questions on the back side
-enter your data into this form and view the results in the spreadsheet
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
-attendance, lunch, passbacks, VOD: NASA Satellite Hits Car (prank)
1. Book clubs: discussions of the book
2. Independent Reading Projects: ok to discuss your ideas and progress, but please don't use group time for your individual project work-time.
1. Energy E.O.T.O. part 2:
1. Get with your same-number people and think of two SA questions for your section.
2. Return to your table and then each person shows the 2 questions.
3. Others answer one of the two
4. Grade other's kids questions w/ +0, +1, +2
5. Find your score (4 for notes, 2 for each correct question) and turn it in
2. Do the Energy Conversion track on paper
Monday, December 5, 2011
-attendance, lunch (on your own from now on), passbacks
-VOD: Never say you're bored
1. Daily Edit #5:
2. Turn in Comp-Comp final today before 5 (add graphic if possible)
3. SCOPE assignments: choose 1 of the 5 (all results 30 minutes, ~300 words)
Pg 4-10 (Lexi): Read article, write story of recovery/perseverance
Pg 16-19 (Disasters): Read article, compare & contrast H & E's, then answer title question
Pg 20-21 (Editor): Fix the problems showing context, rewrite paragraphs 5 & 6
Pg 22-23 (Uniforms): Write 3 reasons yes, 3 reasons no, and persuasive paragraph
Pg 24 (Interview): Turn it into an article, as if you were a newspaper reporter
1. finish Bill on Energy and take quiz
2. each-one-teach-one for this website
-each person reads a different section, takes notes, then teaches the others in the group.
-all write their own notes on what you were taught
Friday, December 2, 2011
-lunch, attendance, passback chpt 8 test, more outlines, and [X]
-SSR and waffles after lunch today
1. Examples of Independent Reading Projects
2. How to turn in "drafts", due by the end of today
-Use Mrs. Koshy, Mrs. Lewis, and Mrs. Aviananda as editors
3. Play a round or two of dictionary when done (see me for instructions)
1. Review test and do corrections if you want
2. Constructing catapults and competing for distance
3. Bill on Energy
Thursday, December 1, 2011
-lunch, attendance, passbacks, envelopes
-VOD: Hungry Baby
-passback outlines & how graded
-if you are on pace, outline is now a draft
-next deliverable is 3 iterative drafts (now due Friday)
-final can/should have a picture (now due Monday)
-passback [25]... what to do if you're missing it
-chapter 8 test is 25 MC and (any) 5 SA
-Science World issue
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
-lunch, attendance, remember sci test tomorrow
-VOD: What To Ask Santa To Get You
1. Daily Edit: Giant Octopus
2. Sample outline (house)... write yours OR do the
3. Graham-er lesson: Types of Nouns ([Y])
1. Doing the simulation, with a goal
2. Revising [26] since mass ≠force
3. Bill on Simple Machines
4. Sample test questions
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
-lunch, attendance,
1. sit with reading groups
2. daily edit: Fastest Sport
3. Group discussions (possible topics)
4. Browse list of projects
1. preview 8-1 and 8-2 with me
2. pair up and tackle these work and power problems
3. spring scale and ramps... does f1 x d1 = f2 x d2 (online animation)
4. try the online simulation
Block A: (any of these in any order)
1. missing work (and tests)
2. enter your CC topic into the spreadsheet
3. finish [26] (problems on work and power)
4. write your outline
5. chapter 8 notes and/or section reviews
6. independent reading projects
7. science section posters
Monday, November 28, 2011
-new seats by random entry order and my approval
-lunch, attendance, and passbacks
1. Daily Edit: The Slinky
2. Writing Coaches: parents who will choose you and meet with you (alone or pairs) and help improve your writing
3. The Composition Composition: a one-page structured essay that describes the composition of something. Do steps 1, 2, and 3 today and the outline as homework (before Wednesday)
1. turn in [25] write-up and components if you are done
2. reading schedule for and preview of unit 4 on work, energy, and heat (chapters 8, 9, 10)
3. making posters, in pairs or threes, for each of the sections... informative and attractive
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
-lunch, attendance, VOD: Taylor Mali on The Inarticulate Generation
1. Groups at a table.
2. About the process of getting the book (or not)
3. Why you chose this book and what assumptions you are making.
4. Set a reading schedule for the book (we meet 11/22, 11/29, 12/6, 12/13).
5. You can discuss character, setting, plot, vocabulary, what-ifs, themes, predictions, etc.
6. Possible "Independent Reading Projects" but don't let them take over the session.
1. Solids Separation status... compositions, methods, write-ups
2. Next steps and strategies for getting un-stuck
3. 2 Million Minutes
Block A
-Bridge to Terrabithia in 25, Story of Stuff &/or 2 Million Minutes in 26
Monday, November 21, 2011
-lunch, attendance, passbacks
-get galley gear & put it into your backpack
-what aspects, if any, of AoS do you see value in & want to adapt/adopt?
1. Bring your group reading book tomorrow
2. Quickwrite: Samples and then
3. List of missing animations, edits, quizzes
1. What is the difference between an element, a compound, and a mixture?
2. Solids Separation Lab (=[24]): Tonight, create a mixture of small solids (powders, granules, etc) that could be separated by physical or chemical means (and you could/will do it). Tomorrow, you'll trade with someone.
3. Chapter 4 test (16 MC and 2 of 4 SA)
Thursday, November 17 and Friday, November 18, 2011
Heumannoids: Age of Sail
StuCrew: lesson on theme with Mrs. Leftwich
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
-lunch, attendance, passbacks
-VOD: Hunger Games trailer
1. last call for any daily edit sets
2. missing many NFFs, now worth 60% credit
3. post quiz link onto the InfoArticle spreadsheet
3. Use GoAnimate to...
-make an animation that demonstrates the meaning of 4 words (per person)
-use words from the "1000 Words" list
-free version allows limited situations, characters and 10 frames only
-post yours on this spreadsheet using this form
-turn in the packet from yesterday
Science World or BrainPop video & quiz (show me score)
Social Studies
-final prep for AoS trip (all-hands, deck mate, bowline, songs & verses, boat terminology)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
1. get your book within a week
2. galley gear?
3. missing many NFF
To TheTech for Islamic Science Exhibit
1. 8:30 leave room, 8:40 leave school, 8:50 arrive station, 8:58 train leaves, 9:16 arrive SJ
2. do whatever parts of packet that Mrs. Stuart assigns
3. I'll write quiz questions too
Monday, November 14, 2011
-lunch, attendance, research some things to do near Hyde Street Pier
-Islamic Science @ TheTech tomorrow. Light rail there and back
-passback [S] (2 parts)
1. Turn in non-fiction form
2. Daily Edit: today's (Copeland), all in order, staple, turn in to parents
3. Informational Article Reading Comprehension Test
-how to make one (with various question types) using Google-docs
-make one, post link at the bottom of article
-email it to 5 to 10 people
-passback test
-chapter 4 test a week from today
-learning Leave Her Johnny
-learning bell time
-planning the flag
-review your crew packet (online) or my copies
Thursday, November 10, 2011
-lunch, attendance, packets in for 1xc
1. Daily Edit: Sesame Street (bring all on Monday)
2. Vocabulary: SCOPE articles & worksheets
-one of each issue and the papers per table
-do worksheet for yours
-comp book entries from any of the 80 (4x20) words
3. Non Fiction form. Do it over the weekend & turn in Monday
4. Turn-in and grading process for the NFA's (sign up for your choice of due date)
Age of Sail
1. Nautical terminology: directions, sailboat types, sailboat parts, knots
2. Setting up the rigging and sails on my little boat
3. Physics of sailing: the air foil
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
-lunch, attendance, tardies, packets in for 2xc, VOD: Open Market on Tracks
-crew packets for Age of Sail, and maybe some shuffling requests
1. daily edit: Montana
2. use a science world or a KD magazine to get into non-fiction mode (mind & voice)
3. Informational Article writing and improvement time (very quiet and focused)
-if there is no link to yours on the spreadsheet, lets fix that today
-if you are "done" then foist your skills & goodwill upon others
1. Temp increase iPad app
2. Why don't you use the study-together-by-section scenarios that I set up?
3. Test is 30 M.C. questions @.5 ea. (15 points) and 5 S.A. questions @ 2 ea. (10 points)
4. When done, read a SW issue OR AoS packet (physical or online), OR Info Article
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
-lunch, attendance, packets in for 3xc, VOD: Pro Infirmis
Book Club Choices
1. Enter any more additions
2. Show/plug book as I show it in the spreadsheet
3. Put your 3 post-its on book(s) and enter those numbers
4. Move the top 10 to tables with large paper
5. Put your name on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices
Elements of a story (literature book IN2 and IN3)
Age of Sail (after recess)
-overview/video of the trip
-the five crews and your preferences onto cards
-vod: Levitating
-results of the melting point activity
-review sections for chapters 1 and 2 (per table)
Block A
-SSR: Non-fiction
-Age of Sail prep... knot tying
-choosing a mate
Monday, November 7, 2011
-lunch, attendance, VOD: Southwest Preflight Rap
-Age of Sail: leave at 12 OR earlier (self-guided tour), page, groups
-review timeline and parameters of the informational article
-start your draft as a g-doc, make it viewable to anyone with the link
-enter it's address onto the spreadsheet
Book Choice Process
-fill out this form and view the results here
-for November-December
-give summary to class, make notes, prioritize top 3
-narrowing it down to the top 10
-packets out, back tomorrow for 3xc
-results from the water heating session on Friday
-the heat-temperature progression... where does the heat energy go?
Gas Laws applied:
-liquid nitrogen & vacuum chamber
Progression of Melting Points: find 5+ household objects, predict then find M.P, then enter here.
Science World as examples of non-fiction articles
Friday, November 4, 2011
-lunch, attendance, pre Age of Sail opinions
-VOD: Things in (super) Slow Motion
-passback [21], [22], CEE 3, and misc
1. common English errors round 4, this time w/ 3 minute check-up
-enter topic and list (including survey suggestions)
-write outline and show it to me or Mrs. Koshy or Mrs. Lewis
-begin draft
1. Documenting a phase change
-beaker on hotplate, with thermometer in, log temp every 20 seconds, graph
2. Water to ice (salt & sugar), (straw & lighter)
Block A: GLC
-overview of Age of Sail training
Thursday, November 3, 2011
-lunch, attendance, recap M-T-W
1. daily edit: Stellaluna
-create to-do list in writing section of comp book
-overview, idea list, choose one, expand it, do survey
-enter your topic here
1. Circulatory system (in honor of my daddy)
2. overview & some detail
3. heart parts and vessel types
4. Bypass surgery videos
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
-lunch, attendance, Mr. Heumann gone today too
Wordy Wednesday
1. daily edit: Time Zones
2. get 4 words from the 1000 list into comp book
-write the word, then 2 sentences. See if people can get meaning w/o hints
-then write the meaning
-c.r.c. [3]
-Forming hypotheses (=[4])
Testing the effect of ___ on ____
-drop height -- bounce height
-how do we get the most accurate results
-best way to collect and represent the results
-now, perform the test
Block A: SSR and moving rocks
Block B: PE
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Meeting: lunch, attendance, forms, AwarenessTest, remind101
1. Vocabulary words from FreeRice
-after first word, set level to 10
-write down 4 intriguing or interesting or useful words in comp book
-define with simple word (from FreeRice) then look up a more comprehensive one
-write 2 sentences that, together, use the word and clarify its meaning
2. Heumannoids... play the jeopardy game about you
3. StuCrew... you need to make more questions (2 per person)
1. debrief the cricket chirp and the textbook section
2. science "habits of mind" definitions and examples
3. Superstitions (=[3])
4. start thinking about an experiment you could do this weekend... the effect of ____ on ____.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Meeting: lunch, attendance, Q4 (2me), v.o.d. T-shirt Wars
-form for ropes course needs to be back by Friday (here it is online)
-tell me a password for your new mydiscoveryk8.org account
-Input your questions for our Jeopardy-ish game
-Your Name (day 1)
-review the scientific method definition and steps
-review and turn in assignment [2] "Scientific Method"
-as a table, make a "story" that can fit into the 4 steps, shuffle it, rotate, sort, shuffle, rotate
-read pages 12 to 18 in the book (speaking of boat design: Hydoptere & Hobie)
-Online SciMeth sites
Block A:
-take the Multiple Intelligences Survey and write down or print the results
Block B:
-PE with me
Monday, August 29, 2011
Meeting: lunch, attendance, Q3, v.o.d. The Plastic Bag
English: Trivia Challenge Board then you write questions from your bios
StuCrew: emails, set up comp book, go over [A], Aspects of Us (=[B])
Science: The Scientific Method
-the definition, the steps, and the examples
-start assignment [2] "Scientific Method"
-preview and start pgs 12-18 in the online text book
Math: Dimensional Analysis
12:30 Lunch
1:15 SSR
1:45 Room 22 to 25, 25 to 26, 26 to 22
In Room 25: Word clouds and spreadsheet of books read
3:00 Clean up and closing
Schedule for Friday, August 26, 2011
8:20 Name card and Q3, lunch, attendance,
8:30 Class meeting
8:40 Your comp book: purpose, organization, TOC & sections
9:00 Write: What type of atmosphere(s) help(s) you learn the best?
9:15 StuCrew ELA: Spreadsheet of books you've read & the Humor "Test" (=[A])
10:15 Break
10:40 Secret Life at 118 Green Street (worksheet = [1])11:30 Math
12:30 Lunch
1:15 Name tag for your drawer (basic, block, bubble, alphabet, GraffitiGen, etc)
How to Draw and another one.
1:30 Our group bio (=[B])
2:15 All-eighth outdoor game(s)
3:00 CoolDown, CleanUp, and Closing
Schedule for Thursday, August 25, 2011
8:20 Cards & question 2, lunch-count, attendance
8:35 Ropes course and optional overnight idea
8:50 Review [A]... and discuss the power of well-placed words
9:15 Heumann's class to 22, Stuart's class here (see yesterday)
10:15 Break
10:40 Marshmallow Tower (intro video)
11:10 Cool tricks, 8+1, and I Am First videos and "What I Wonder"
11:30 Math placement assessment
12:30 Lunch
1:15 The Hunger Game (global trading simulation)
3:00 Clean up & closing
Schedule for Wednesday, August 24, 2011
8:20 - 8:40 Name card, question 1, attendance, lunch
8:40 - 9:00 Similarities and differences sheet
9:00 - 9:45 Tagxedo about you, drop it to me
9:45 - 10:15 Spreadsheet of books you've read
10:15 - 10:35 Break
10:40 - 11:00 Class orientation ppt
11:00 - 11:30 Balloon towel toss
11:30 - 12:00 Twenty Questions, Charlie style
12:00 - 12:15 Sense of Humor "Test" (HW)
12:15 - 12:35: Welcome assembly
12:30 - 1:10 Lunch
1:10 - 11:15 Room cleaning and release
11:15 -1:00 Get Hacked by Students
Your Name Essay (day 3)
-how pre-writing can look & sound
-show me yours when it is done-ish
-start rough draft on paper or online (G-doc?!)
HOMEWORK: Your Simple Experiment
-fill in this form and look at comments on this speadsheet
Thursday, September 1, 2011
-lunch, attendance, forms, v.o.d. (help desk)
-overnight final list
-social interactions and personal productivity
-basic, block, bubble, alphabet, GraffitiGen
-How to Draw and another one.
1. Getting into groups (random & this time only)
2. Quick reciprocal interviews
3. Get Reader Profile essays and read a paragraph to group.
4. Discuss what type of grading/feedback system would best enhance your writing skills. Suggestion list.
5. Discuss the short story "Thank You Ma'm" and the questions to answer for homework.
HOMEWORK: Questions from Thank You Ma'm" (=[N])
1. Why only 14 graphs? ([13])
2. Sample conclusions from yesterday's friction experiment
3. Did anyone use the surface-gradient activity outside of class
Gravity 5-4
1. When do things get attracted to each other?
2. Define the difference between mass and weight
3. What two things influence the level of gravitational force between two objects
4. Sample test questions OR Bill on Gravity
Monday, October 3, 2011
-lunch, attendance, courtesy to adults, continents
-science test on chapter 5 is Wednesday
-passback HS vocab wk 4
-Heumannoids: turn in NFF form 9/30
-daily edit: Jimmy Carter
-organizer and essay check
-if ready for peer editing, you can (see types)
-if not, do some speedy serious silent work
-XC: read and respond to this article on boys & reading
HOMEWORK: Read "Thank You M'am" (just the parts w/ green background)
-turn in your graph (=[13])
-how is the science reading and note-taking going?
-applications of accelerometer-ish devices?
Friction (5-3)
-experiment with spring scale pulling block of wood with various weights and/or on various surfaces
-organize your data then draw and support (using data) a conclusion (=[14])
-car on track (http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/friction.swf)
-test surfaces inclines (http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/ngfl/science/467/loader.swf)
Friday, September 30, 2011
-lunch, attendance, bike/hike trip?
-passback NFF and HS Vocab
-daily edit: Lemony Snicket
-how to play and document the game Ghost
-all play for a few minutes, then you can continue OR...
-writing time for your Thesis-Evidence essay
-any more packets for xc?
-chapter 5 test Wednesday... you can use any notes you write
-adding intervals and acceleration to your graph
-how did you use and improve your accelerometer?
-Bill on Motion (online) w/ questions afterwards
Block A and B
-SSR then games (board or card)
-Fall Festival booth shifts
Thursday, September 29, 2011
-lunch, attendance, FF meeting here @ lunch, envelopes in, Monday
-daily edit: Dr. Ballard
-a graphic organizer for your theme-evidence essay
-finish movie
Homework: finish the graphic organizer
-packets in for 2xc
-making a time-distance graph of your (or someone's) run
-acceleration animation & tutorial
Homework: Make, test, and improve an accelerometer
Block A
-SSR and field trip picture and costs
Block B
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
-lunch, attendance, envelopes
-c.r.c. [L]
-vocabulary for this week... same ol' same ol', but post 2 of your sentences here
-Theme and Evidence essay instructions
-watch a bit more if we have time
-finished notes should be about a page per section... ok to use on chapter tests
-timing a 40 meter run with pairs of timers at 5 meter intervals
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
-lunch, attendance, imminent maritime collision, booth action group
-anything (else) you want to accomplish in our remaining full days together?
-game day Friday... bring card and/or board game(s)
-c.r.c. [K]
-learning grammar and vocab through example & counter-example
-when to consult the rules
Lazy Editor: Bug Bites
-the big sheet in pairs (highlight final edits)
-start your individual assignments (only half per sheet here)
Next Essay: Theme and Evidence
-unit 1 packet (all, order, clip, confirms, comments)
-book assignments
-how to take notes from a book so they serve you then and later
-how to "call in" your homework
Block A & B
-SSR & HTTYD (start theme/message and evidence sheet)
-boxing up rocks, waterballon relays, or other outside game
HOMEWORK: [L] Lazy Editor & Packets to Parents
Monday, September 26, 2011
-lunch, attendance, what to do when disinterested?
-passback [G], CEE-1, My Name (Heu)
-any more C-C essays to turn in?
-passbacks and missing lists
-apostrophe errors gone public
-[K] Apostrophes
-passbacks [8], [11], and missing work lists (last chance for late/missing work)
-packets tomorrow, so get all work here
-c.r.c. [12] (correct yours)
-overview of unit 2 and the reading schedule
Block A
-turn in NFF 3
-15 more of HTTYD
Block B
-StuCrew: Using Dragon for theme/message essay
Friday, September 23, 2011
-lunch, attendance, issues of the week, Charlie's sound song
-common English errors "test"
-improving your essay (StuCrew Enter your compare - contrast essay topic here!)
-playing Taboo in small groups at a table
-how to play (and document) a game of ghost
-turn in [11]
-testing and packaging up your attribute activity (=[10])
-measuring volume and displacement
-Measurement Scales (=[12]) and the "ish" digit
Block A & B
-Non Fiction form is homework this time
-Marina Shepherd & bullying
-Hiccup & Toothless (yes, there is some writing to do)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
-lunch, attendance, envelopes, Conan's Thursday song
-vocabulary day: use sheets for week 3
-writing your Compare-Contrast essay
-what is the status of your [10]?
-Lab Safety picture and coded behaviors/situations (=[11])
-how to use a triple-beam balance
-weighing rice and splitting the mass in half
Block A
-work time on any of the 5 things on my list
Enter your compare - contrast essay topic here!
Block B
HOMEWORK: Compare-Contrast Essay
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
-lunch, attendance, homeroom until 11:30 today, glass musician
-passback [4], [5], [6], NFF 1, NFF 2
-school pictures at 8:55
-c.r.c. [J]
Compare and Contrast essay: from chart to outline
-how-to from book (702-705)
-online resource list
-start it in class (as g-doc hopefully)
Overview of the packet process
Attribute Activity
-the purpose and an example
-do as many of the 14 as you can as a group
-making your own (=[10])
HOMEWORK: Write the outline for your C-C essay, and make an attribute activity
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
-lunch, attendance, review selective sign-up process
-passback [A], [1], [2], [3], m.w. list, and how graded
-turn in [J] if you didn't yesterday
Chapter 1 Test
-one person per edge
-quiet from 1st out to last in
-work on your informal experiment graph & conclusions
Block A & B
-student council report
-Field trip discussion with Mr. Jones
-HR 25 Student-Planned Field Trip Ideas
HOMEWORK: Turn chart to outline
Monday, September 19, 2011
-lunch, attendance, selectives choosing tomorrow
-Daily Edit: Iceman
Homophones, Homographs, Homonyms
-get the worksheet (=[J]) and the instructions
-half the class (2 people per table) do the [J]
-other half do this online activity (show Ms Miller when done)
Scientific Methods Review
-get Science World of Sept 21, 2009
-read 2 of the 3 articles that start on pgs 6, 10, and 13
-do the "Science Fair 101" worksheet
Read/Review Chapter 1
-get book and review chapter 1 for the test tomorrow
-best to try to answer the questions in each section review
Block A
-turn in NFF sheet, do SSR and then Jessica on High School
-embed (not link, attach, or copy-paste) your Reader Profile onto Reading page
Block B
-Lefties access Google accounts and make their portfolio site
Friday, September 16, 2011
-lunch, attendance, group actions
Common English Errors session 1
1. Go to http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html#errors
2. Browse the errors and find one of interest
3. Write topic and explanation
4. Teach 5 others and test for understanding
5. Give it to me. We'll test your learners next week
Calvin and Hobbes Vocabulary
1. Get a partner and a book
2. Find some great (real) words
3. Enter at least 4 per person into this form
-C.R.C. [8] why show work?
-graphing you data and doing some analysis/conclusions
Chapter 1 sample test questions
Block A
-SSR then to Mrs. Stuart
Block B
-StuCrew log into accounts, make a website, add pages, embed your reader profile
Thursday, September 15, 2011
-lunch, attendance, envelopes back,
Daily Edit: Neptune
-description of the next essay assignment ([I])
-Bieber & Beatles (from 9/19 Scope)
-read article and do chart (and puzzle if you want) = [H]
-today, start writing questions for someone at another middle school
-or propose another topic if you like
-turn in [7] if you didn't yesterday
Dimensional Analysis
-setting up fractions in order to convert units...
-the two mathy things you need to know
-how to set up a problem, cross-cancel units, and solve
-group practice on scratch paper, then the animal race challenge
-start [8]
Block A
Creating your website
-creating 5 pages and organizing the sidebar navigation
Block B
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
-lunch, attendance, envelopes, disconnect
Vocabulary: follow steps on the board
-any problems on [7]?
-Bill on Measurement, or...
-read 1-1, 1-3, and 1-4 (chapter "test") on Tuesday
-what to do next for your experiment
HOMEWORK: [7] if you didn't turn it in today
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
-lunch, attendance, Fall Festival booth
-daily edit: desegregation
Reader Profile improvement process
-fishbowl of me and someone
-preview editing processes
-edit, (maybe) print, edit, print, submit
-anyone bring in metric markers?
-reviewing the metric advantages
-cutting up a meter
-Metric Mania (=[7]) do some together
Block A
-logging into your DCS Google accounts
-enter "here" and a riddle into the Roll Call Riddle
Block B
-how to create the future
-physics challenge... moving a shed
-correcting [G]
-start homework
HOMEWORK: [7] & [E] (if you didn't turn in final copy today)
Monday, September 12, 2011
-lunch, attendance, undeliverables, student council 9 to 10, timed test
English (8:35-9:00 and 9:55-10:15)
-Daily Edit: Jesse Owens
-Double-double letters (=[G]), due Wednesday
-ppt, comparison chart, metric advantages
-cutting up a ruler, measuring mass, understanding volumes
-XC: tonight, try to find at least one metric unit approximation (read here).
Block A
-SSR and peer upgrading Reader Profile
Block B
-Cooperative Group Activity
HOWEWORK: finish [E] and half of [G]
Friday, September 9, 2011
-Team building and challenges at Mount Hermon
Thursday, September 8, 2011
-attendance, due-next poster, packing list, class meeting, video
-show me your final four
-how do you add color & character to your writing?
-20 minutes of quiet on-task writing time
-c.r.c. [6]
-discussion/decision scenario
-Jeopardy Game
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
-lunch, attendance, forms, envelopes, Tower Climbing
-any more non-fiction discussion sheets
-show me the pre-writing for "Reader Profile" and TOC entry
-different sheet per person at your table
-put three of your 10 into your comp book with word, def, sentence(s)
-teach your best word to the others
-add 4th entry into book (yours or one of the best-of
Extra Time?... Reader Profile
-next steps on your simple experiments... doing them & collecting data
-c.r.c. [5]
Divisions and Branches
-problem & professional activity
-the big 3 (book or me) and notes onto [6]
-how to do the rest
HOMEWORK: [E] and [6]
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
-lunch & attendance, history in 26 today, "due today" strip, gradebook delay, letter to aliens
-daily edit: Labor Day
-any "My Name" essays to turn in for 80%
-weekly essay: "Me As A Reader" (overview, sample, pre-write)
-Current Events Article: Online Social Networking Culture
Informal Experiment
-printouts of experiments submitted
-those who have done it, pair up with those who haven't
-fill out the "Informal Experiment" form
Timeline of (biological) Discovery (=[5]) (old online version)
-trends over time and reasons why
-what do you recognize
-how to do the assignment
Block A
-SSR & reading class agreements from 24 and 26
-organizing & taking next steps with our own
Block B
-PE (traded with Mrs. Leftwich)
HOMEWORK: [5] and [E] (prewriting)
Friday, September 2, 2011
-lunch, attendance, forms, overnight info, art
-class meeting
Your Name Essay (day 4)
-from pre-writing to outlining
-revisions: mechanics, organization, style, strength, and making the sweet spots
Grammar "Game" if you finish early
-c.r.c. [4]
Experimental design
-sources of error
-strategies for accuracy
-data collection & organization
-data representation
-drawing conclusions
Block A: SSR non-fiction
Block B: 25 to 26, 26 to 22, 22 to 25
-useless trivia game & HR 25 Trivia game
Name tags and cartoon drawing
-lunch, attendance, use the ugly box, grade-level block, carpet & winter
-ok to turn in Thesis-Evidence essay during GL block today
3. use this tool to find books of interest
-in the "Book Wizard" section click on the "booksAlike" tab and try it
4. try this word puzzle... starts easy, get to the hard level
1. Half class log into BrainPop and watch the video on Phase Change and do sheet (=[22])
-Username: disccharter Password: brainpop
-Headphones are in the metal cabinet in a plastic bag.
2. Other half: play "Connect Four" 2 vs 2 at a table.
-Get papers from Mr. Bier (one game board sheet, 2 sets of cards).
3. Switch at 11:00 (11:25 is the end of P3 today due to assembly)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
-lunch, attendance, Ms. Haag here
-my dad leaves the hospital today so I'll be home tonight... see you tomorrow
1. sit in groups of 4 (one person per edge), each parent (and Ms Haag) join a table
2. get out the two copies of your BTT essays
3. discuss what could make this an effective editing/upgrade process
4. each person's essay is the focus of the whole group... avoid pairing up
5. if you aren't ready (don't have essay), you can't start writing until all others have "gone"
6. you will have time to revise (or write) your essay after SSR during block A today
1. Read 3-1 on phases of matter and do this directed reading sheet ([21])
2. Bill Nye on Phases of Matter
Block A: GLC (grade-level work time)
1. SSR, BTT essay, SCOPE worksheet, 3-1 worksheet
2. assignments from history and/or science
Digital Life
1. view tutorials at http://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleApps and practice some
HW: Finish BTT Final Essay
Monday, October 31, 2011
-lunch, attendance, & happy Halloween
-Shanna Haag is here today and maybe tomorrow
-VOD: The Self-Carving Pumpkin
1. Get a copy of SCOPE magazine for 10/31/11 (treat them carefully)
2. Discuss what you know about Sarah Winchester then...
3. Read "Whispers from the Grave"
4. Get worksheet (2 sides) and do it with a partner (or alone if you like)
5. Work on your BTT final essay... you need to have a draft printed for tomorrow
1. Turn in the "Pressure Track" if you haven't already... almost half the class is missing it.
2. Define 3 regions in the room, each of which will focus on a section of chapter 2
3. Go to each of 2 regions for 25 minutes each and do the following in order...
1. read it (if you haven't) and take notes
2. discuss it with a few people within the group
3. do the section review questions
4. review any topics necessary
HW: Write BTT essay, bring 2 drafts to class tomorrow
Friday, October 28, 2011
-lunch, attendance,
-conferences: Chiara, Khoi, Malaika, Karim, Riley, Nolan
-common English errors round 3
Book to film... interest, analysis, screenplay, actor-director interpretations, editors, marketing
-watch what we can, pause & discuss when necessary
-science lab atmosphere needs to me more precise, focused, and productive
-more density calculations
-testing density of liquids & writing results on the board
-finish BTT if time
Thursday, October 27, 2011
-lunch, attendance, VOD: Spiders on Drugs
-conferences: Avery, Alison, Carter, Dominic, Jenna, Rachel, Juliann, Jacob
-HS Vocab week 9
-time to work on final chapters essay
-passback [13], [18], and [19] and explain how graded
-preview unit 3's readings
-preview density, then find density of many solids
-enter results here and view them here
HW: Find solid items for density testing
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
-Mr. Bier here for me, you are with Mrs. Leftwich for battle simulation
-conferences: Sarah, James, Alec, Rama, Danny, Tomer, Justin
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
-lunch, attendance, you are with Mrs. Leftwich tomorrow
-conferences today: Vernon, Alina, Claire, Graham, Douglas
-get into groups by numbers I gave you
-see discussion questions on BTT page
-discuss topic of final essay, fill in this form, start your pre-writing or outline
-return m.c. test
-preview unit 3's reading schedule
-measuring density
-lets move that shed
Monday, October 24, 2011
-lunch, attendance, bring conference questions to conference
-today: Abbi, Gunnar, Khoi, Audrey, Ian
-I'll be gone Wed (AM) and next Thurs & Friday
-the copying conundrum
1. sample BTT 7 and passback what I got
2. review punctuating titles and practice (pdf, site)
3. practice on scratch paper, then get second page of [S]
4. finish reading BTT then propose topic for final essay
1. turn in [19] of you didn't on Friday.
2. any discussion before test?
3. take test (20 MC/FIB and 3 SA)
4. when done, start the Pressure Track (=[20])
Friday, October 21, 2011
-lunch, attendance, yesterday
1. Turn in [?] "Punctuating Titles"
2. common English errors round 3... topic by approval
3. Turn in BTT 7 now for full credit (/10) or at e.o.d. for /8
4. Play Ghost, Pictionary, Scrabble, or Taboo
1. Video of the Day: Eggsperiment
2. How to write-up the buoyancy experiment/experience
3. Bill on Pressure or Buoyancy
4. Chapter 7 test on Monday
Block A
-yearbook input?
-buoyancy experiment write-up
-conference questions (keep until your conference)
HOMEWORK: Finish the Buoyancy experiment write-up (=[19])
Thursday, October 20, 2011
-lunch, attendance, Mrs. Gaur here today
1. write your BTT 7 paragraphs and do peer edits
2. grammar sheet: writing titles
1. continue buoyancy experiments
2. find ratio of mass of cargo to mass of boat
3. rewrite your (probably wet) notes together & write analysis & conclusion
4. Bill on Buoyancy
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
-lunch, attendance, the clean-up problem, and the "wasn't me" mentality
-daily edit
-vocabulary squares quality reminder
-weekly vocab (week 8)
-posting "best of" BTT 1-6 to your site (CS!)
-writing time for BTT7
-making boats and testing how much they can hold
-how to document the results
-relate to 7-2
-Bill on Buoyancy (or Pressure)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
-lunch, attendance, b-day party money?
1. daily edit: Iceland
2. preview questions & write preference on board
3. new groups with one person per question
4. discuss with group the position and evidence... student lead
5. gather evidence and do pre-write in comp book (quotes, notes, order)
-passback chapter 6 tests (3:1)... recovery process reviewed
Monday, October 17, 2011
-lunch, attendance, recap FF booths
-daily edit:
-turn in BTT 1-6 if you didn't on Friday
Pair up and complete each of the following four online activities (keep that tabs open, then document/show me the results)
http://www.quia.com/quiz/1314532.html (5 literary elements)
http://www.quia.com/rr/136985.html (play as high as you dare then stop)
http://www.vocabulary.co.il/idioms/idioms-game-slang-game/ (idioms & slang)
http://www.vocabulary.co.il/word-play/match-and-make-oxymorons/ (oxymorons)
Here is a link to a hiperurl that can open them all at once
-any last minute studying?
-chapter 6 test
-some websites to explore:
http://www.seed.slb.com/uploadedFiles/Science/Laboratory/Air_and_Space/Friction_Explorer/en/classes/FrictionApplet.html (pushing book across a table)
http://profhorn.meteor.wisc.edu/wxwise/baseball/homerun.html (baseball hitting angle, force, and altitude)
http://www.darvill.clara.net/enforcemot/friction.htm (friction types)
Friday, October 14, 2011
-lunch, attendance, and reversible future
-common English errors round 2
-turn in BTT 1-6 with your most-likely-to-post answer for each chapter circled
-more time for interview-to-article assignment
Speaking Session #1
-write a list of 3 people, why interesting, and what to ask
If Time: Lazy Editor: Stuffing Face in pairs
-passback [14] NWP, [16], and [17]
-chapter 6 learning zones: section and chapter reviews, reading & notes, online extras, enrichments & investigations
Block A
SSR (here are what Kids Discover issues I have)
PTS Conference Agendas
-make a G-doc and put it in the folder
-sample agenda items from last year
Thursday, October 13, 2011
-lunch, attendance, envelopes in
-Coke, Mentos, and bad luck, PVC, engineering, and determination
-passback NFF 10/7/11
-daily edit:
-BTT 1-6 (just the half) is due tomorrow
Interview to Article
-your next writing assignment and your first speaking topic
-read the interview of Liz Hogan (SCOPE, 10/10/11)
-pair up and write article as a collaborative G-doc (Interview Article First First)
-last call for [16] and [17]
-passback [15]
-physics of the iFly experience (iFly promo video & MythBusters)
-read article on orbital velocity and make a sketch of the information
-centripital (vs. centrifugal on page 2) force animations
-the physics of the hockey slap-shot (video)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
-lunch, attendance, envelopes, cuss control
1. comp books back, grades up tonight (Heumannoids)
2. Get this week's words from the Calvin and Hobbes spreadsheet
3. Ghost game rules and document (make groups of 4 in order done with #2)
4. Answer the questions for BTT 1-6 on paper or doc
Do the following activities in this order
1. Chapter 6 Q & A
2. Centripital vs. Gravitational force experiment and sheet
3. View some of last year's exhibit write-ups here, then enter any 3 of yours into this form.
4. Online textbook... account and work on chapter 6
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Exploratorium Trip
Monday, October 10, 2011
-lunch, attendance, seating, MacBook Wheel
1. BTT pace, non-plot notes, and assignment
2. Idioms: your lists (know, remind, learned), a website, a big list, the worksheet (=[O])
1. Preview the Exploratorium: fight the fidget only syndrome
2. Make a centripetal force device
-experiment and document four things (some >1):
1. I notice that there is a relationship between ___ and ____.
2. When I ____, the result is _____.
3. I tested the effect of ____ on ____.
4. This activity makes me wonder ____.-cup and coin activity
Friday, October 7, 2011
-lunch, attendance
-passback [N] (missing many)
Daily Edit turn-in day
-today, Eleanor Roosevelt
-get all 10 sheets in order, staple, turn in
Common English Errors session 2 (on your own sheet)
-turn in comp book
-passback chapter 5 test... how to do corrections
-turn in [15] if you didn't yesterday
Questions and answer sheets for one section of chapter 6 (=[16])
-write questions, someone answers, you grade theirs, I grade yours
HOMEWORK: Finish questions of [16] and read 4-6 of BTT
Thursday, October 6, 2015
-lunch, attendance, envelopes in, respect the room!
-passback NFF, [J], and [K]
-turn in [N]
-finish yesterday's vocab activity on your own and by Friday EOD
-essay schedule will be every 2 weeks now that we're starting books
Bridge to Terabithia
-spreadsheet implications
-more than a sad story... it is a good portrayal of family, friendship, school, and hardships of youth
-read chapters 1 to 3 here and now
-look at The Bridge page for the first assignment
-play with vectors
-introduction to a "track", and then doing mine on Forces & Motion
-preview of chapter 6
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
lunch, attendance, envelopes, washing machine
1. daily edit: Arthur
2. the "1000 Words for High School" book... add a page then
3. get 4 words from the 1000 list into comp book
-write the word, then 2 sentences. See if people can get meaning w/o hints
-then write the meaning
1. any more [13] or [14]?
2. any last-minute questions before the test
3. take test (quietly, please)
When done...
1. finish [N] or [13] or [14]
2. do vocab for today
3. finish any unfinished pages from book
4. correct papers if you want to
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
day, Month XX, 2011
Block A
Block B
Teamwork Tasks
-8 scenarios, each with 8ish pieces of the puzzle
-distribute "clues" evently (if possible)
-each person's clues can only get to the group via their mouth
-monitor your group roles and processes