Coupla Things v18 (1/18/14)
Post date: Jan 18, 2014 10:35:41 PM
Once again I find myself typing slowly as I search for novel ways to express my adoration and appreciation for the DCS community. The greatest gifts have befallen me and with them comes an increased desire to pay it forward and do my best work in the precious remaining months that I have with this group of 7th graders and their families. I appreciate all of the thoughtful cards and gifts that I received right before vacation, and most importantly, I appreciate the dozen parents who have been doing work shifts this semester who have graciously, patiently, and tirelessly done all the tasks that it takes to keep things rollin' in class and make things easier/better for me and the kids. My endless praise to you all, and I hope that you've had some good experiences. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I have to tell you that it was great coming back to school. My vacation time was fantastic and family-oriented, but it was also energizing and exciting to come back to school and be with your kids again. I'm not sure that they all shared my enthusiasm but they did stay awake most mornings and I appreciate that.
Recap of the Week:
Science: This was week 2 of 3 of our plant unit. We've learned about those small and overlooked aquatic non-vascular plants such as algae and mosses. Then, through diagram, explanation, and example, the kids learned about the parts of roots, stems, and leaves. Next week we'll get into the "birds and bees" of plant reproduction and the amazing life-modules that are seeds. In the next few weeks I'm hoping (with your help, please) to get the kids who haven't done their science demonstration to follow the instructions on this page and get onto the calendar.
English: There are three ongoing things that the kids have to attend to in the realm of ELA these days: First, the writing of their autobiographical excerpt; second, reading a biography book, and third, preparing for and delivering their first public speaking session.
Over vacation I read many many of the student's essays. I wrote comments on the "Gift" essays but didn't trivialize them with a grade -- writing is too important to be subject to a narrow system as that. Improvement comes from exposure to excellence and 1:1 work along the way. We have an extremely wide range of writing styles, abilities, and preferences in the class and I am stubbornly pushing each to expand their boundaries and increase their skills. I know that writing involves abilities that develop over long periods of time and with a wide berth, yet I'm feeling like it needs to be the highest priority for the second half of the year. With your permission and support I would like to raise the bar, push them hard, and focus much of our class time and parent assistance on having all the students make significant advancements towards becoming more excellent, effective, and articulate writers. We have some demanding work ahead of us but I am convinced that the benefits of the outcomes will outweigh the possible discomfort of the process. Ya with me?
Social Studies: The kids have stated, organized, and and refined their questions-of-interest about China. Their next steps in this "Question-Research-Build-Teach" process will be for each kid to create their own document onto which they put the information (text and pictures) that answers their questions. After that, each will build something that can serve as a visual aid during the teaching component of this process. I'm also looking for some guest speakers who can come to class and give us some more insights into any aspect of Chinese history, culture, economics, and current events. If you know someone who can help out, please let me know.
Upcoming Events:
MLK Day, no school -- Monday, 1/20/14
Selectives Sign Ups -- Thursday, 1/23/14
End of 1st Semester -- Friday 1/24/14
Family Dance -- Friday 1/24/14
My Backpack Ate My Homework -- Monday, 2/3/14 (6:30 to 8:30)
Report Cards Sent Home -- Wednesday, 2/5/14
1st Semester Selectives End -- Friday, 2/7/14
Yosemite Meeting -- Monday, 2/10/14 (6:30 to 7:30)
Middle (Valentines) School Dance -- Friday, 2/14/14
Winter Break -- Monday, Feb 17 to Friday Feb 21
High School Orientation -- Tuesday, 2/25/14 (6:30 to 8:00)
Walkabout, Part 2 -- Tuesday 3/18/14 to Thursday 3/20/14
With the semester change approaching, many students have become a bit more attentive to their grades. Grades are only one indicator of student learning and achievement and should not be intrinsically motivating unto themselves, but they should not be ignored. My thoughts are detailed ad nauseam on the grades page of my website. The grades the students are currently earning are the result of almost 5 months worth of work (or sometimes lack thereof) and so, despite last minute panic on the part of some students, large increases in percentage points at this late date in the semester are possible but (mathematically) unlikely.
Other Thoughts: Being an effective teacher involves working towards a moving target and I want to keep light on my feet. There are a few things that I'd like to improve in myself, and it is good for me to document them often -- if for no other purpose than accounting and accountability:
I want to get essays back to the kids much sooner and with as much valuable feedback as possible.
Sometimes I don't listen to kids for the duration of what they want to say. I cut them off and/or move on before they are completely finished.
The science and history experiences still aren't hands-on/minds-on enough. I really want to be able to get the kids hearts and minds loving science and the worksheets, reading, and mini-experiments just don't lead to that result well enough.
During work time, how can I get out of the role of taskmaster and more often into the role as resource, motivator, or co-enthusiast?