Semester 1, 2016-2017
Day 5: November 18, 2016
Overview of home wiring: street feed, panel, circuit breakers, wiring, junction box, devices (lights, switches, receptacles)
Building codes exist and are enforced to prevent fire & electrocutions
Sample circuit: light, switch, outlet, plug
how to strip the wire, hook the ends, connect to socket
lightbulb in a receptacle then into a junction box
connect to & through a switch to an outlet.
Wiring America (watch parts on high-tension line and household wiring)
Nov 11: No School
Day 4: November 4, 2016:
Oct 28: Conferences
Oct 21: No School
Day 3: October 14, 2016
Demonstrate your understanding of voltage (volts) and current (amps)
Activity: adding a second battery so that it DOES make the bulb brighter, and so that it DOESN'T (but it is still in the circuit)
Activity 2: upstairs-downstairs switch
Day 2: October 7, 2016
Circuit (power source, load, conductor) and short circuits
Resistance: flow through a wire, burning a wire and a pencil, conductor & insulator
Voltage: pressure, mmmph (levels in a battery, wall outlet)
Activity: adding a second battery so that it DOES make the bulb brighter, and so that it DOESN'T (but it is still in the circuit)
Activity 2: upstairs-downstairs switch
Day 1: September 30, 2017
What did the title and description cause you to expect/want?
What electricity-related words or facts or feelings or experiences do you know? (list)
Activity: light a bulb with a battery (MIT graduates) and a wire then add a "how come" or "what if" question
Semester 2, 2015-2016
Day 7 (4/22/15)
Day 6 (4/15/16)
Overview of home wiring: street feed, panel, circuit breakers, wiring, junction box, devices (lights, switches, receptacles)
Building codes exist and are enforced to prevent fire & electrocutions
Sample circuit: light, switch, outlet, plug
how to strip the wire, hook the ends, connect to socket
lightbulb in a receptacle then into a junction box
connect to & through a switch to an outlet.
Day 5 (4/1/16) (rm 26 gone)
Make the 3-way switch again, this time simply & explainable.
Day 4 (3/25/16): Switches & Diagrams
Day 3 (3/11/16): Multimeter, diagram, simulations
Multimeter: device to test various aspects of a circuit (battery level, bulb burnt, resistance)
Test some batteries individually and then in series. What does parallel do to voltage?
How a multimeter can measure connectivity and resistance.
Day 2 (3/4/16)
What did you (who were here) learn last week
Variable resistance devices
Activity 1: light a bulb with a battery (MIT graduates) and a wire then add a "how come" or "what if" question
Activity 2: adding a second battery
Day 1 (2/26/1)
Overview of my ideas for the class
Your name and reason you chose (?) this class
Circuit (power source, load, conductor) and short circuits
Resistance: flow through a wire, burning a wire and a pencil, conductor & insulator
Voltage: pressure, mmmph (levels in a batter, wall outlet)
Safety: how to recognize a short circuit
Day 4 (3/18/16) Home Wiring
Overview of home wiring: street feed, panel, circuits & breakers, wiring, junction boxes, devices (lights, switches, recepticles)
Building codes exist and are enforced to prevent fire & electrocutions
Sample circuit: light, switch, outlet, plug
lightbulb in a receptacle then into a junction box
connect to & through a switch to an outlet.
Semester 1, 2015-2016
Day 14 (2/4/16)
History of electrical invention
Making a simple motor: demo, build, troubleshoot, improve
Day 13 (1/28/16)
Edison and Tesla (episodes 5 and 6 of Men Who Built America)
Day 12 (1/21/16) Electronic Circuits
What types of things contain electronic circuits
Showing sample big (outdated) components
Using the DCAClab.com simulator and these instructions
Day 11 (1/14/16) Electricity & Magnetism
8th graders: finish your LED tree with Thomas while the rest of us...
Watch part 1 and 2 of the PBS video segment on Farraday
Thomas' demonstrations of the relationship between electricity & magnetism
Day 10 (12/17/16) Finishing the LED Tree (with Thomas)
-8th grade is at the Exploratorium
Day 9 (12/10/15) Soldering
-review and revise (if necessary) your wiring plan
-review the soldering process
Day 8 (12/3/15) Soldering and Making a LED Tree
How soldering works: tools, supplies, and the process
Practice soldering two ends of wire together
Get in pairs, facing each other across a table
Get the card, battery, battery holder, switch, and 3 to 5 LEDs
How each works
Design and placement of lights (tree, star, Rudolph, etc)
Put components in place and draw wiring in pencil
Solder it up
Day 7 (11/12/15) Home Wiring (day 2) & Little Bits
Day 6 (11/5/15) Home Wiring
Overview of home wiring: street feed, panel, circuits & breakers, wiring, junction boxes, devices (lights, switches, recepticles)
Building codes exist and are enforced to prevent fire & electrocutions
Sample circuit: light, switch, outlet, plug
lightbulb in a recepticle then into a junction box
connect to & through a switch to an outlet.
Day 4 (10/22/15)
The result of resistance: battery-resister-load, battery-resistor-meter
Measuring things using a multimeter: voltage and resistance
Three-way switch again; easier connections this time
The three units/ideas you should know: resistance, voltage (pressure/push/mmph), amperage (flow/current/rate)
Day 3 (10/15)
Thomas' demonstrations of resistance (wire, pencil, and devices)
Day 2 (10/8/15)
Review: name of the two types of circuits we made and how they effect the brightness & duration of the light
Wiring a circuit that can turn a light on and off, but without the switch... then with a switch (its an on-on switch)
How do the "upstairs - downstairs" switches in a house work?
think, talk, draw, etc
hint 1: what is on the outside of the switches that they use for this
hint 2: what is inside the switches that they use
hint 3: the answer as a diagram
lets build it!
Day 1 (10/1/15)
Overview of my ideas for the class
Your name and reason you chose (?) this class
Activity 1: light a bulb with a battery (MIT graduates) and a wire then add a "how come" or "what if" question
Activity 2: adding a second battery
Online Resources