
Your interest in science, if you have one, might be driven by curiosity, by community, or perhaps by interest in a certain career. So, to investigate various careers in science might be worth the investment in your time.

This assignment has three parts. First, you will browse a few websites that explain various aspects of many careers; second, you will decide on one career to investigate in more detail; and then third, you will write a "summary of findings" and turn it in. Each of those steps is explained below.

Step 1: Do a google search on "Careers in Science" OR use the sites in the Careers in Science section of my unit 1 website list. Browse a few of the websites and follow your interests as you find out about various jobs.

Step 2: Decide upon one (or maybe two) careers that you will investigate in greater detail, then do the research.

Step 3: Write up a "summary of findings". Add a slide to the class slide-set (bullet points or paragraphs... up to you) about various aspects of the job you chose in step two. Possible sections to include might be

  • description of the job and some typical activities

  • skills or personality traits that fit the job

  • necessary education paths

  • salary and projected job market

  • work environment

  • whatever else seems relevant to you.

Rm 25 Science Careers