Coupla Things v18 (1/16/16)
Post date: Jan 16, 2016 3:22:55 PM
Dear Parents and Kids.
The first school week of the new year went well and I really enjoyed getting to spend time with the kids again -- their rate of growth and change never ceases to amaze me. This weekend marks the midpoint between August 19 and June 16, with 151 calendar days on either side. On Monday, when I asked the kids what they hoped to do, learn, and feel in our 100 remaining days of school there wasn't much of a response, just a few courteous comments and cursory ideas verbalized, mostly, I think, to break the awkward silence in the room and distract from the patient/potent smiling stares that I was handing out across the room. So, I interpret their silence as consent to let me continue to determine curriculum, pacing, and assessments.
Recap: Since we've started our next round of intensives, I only see our homeroom class from 11 to 12 each morning and during the three afternoon core times each week. Below is a quick list of some of the things that we worked on during those times:
Infographics: kids browsed many samples, discussed features & advantages, browsed creation services, started theirs!
Science: read sections 1 and 2 of chapter 8 on work, power, and machines. Making machines comes next.
Current Events: your kid should have engaged you in a discussion about a current event topic of their interest.
Curiosity topics: slides 13-16 have entered into gradebook and kids have chosen a date for their target-topic presentation
Buddy Books: the kids got paired up with a K-1 buddy and used their 2 stuffies as the bases for a story that they write & illustrate
Vocab: another 20 words under our belts. This coming week will be different; each kid effectively teaching one great word
Mystery book club meetings: great Sherlock Benedicts discussions; many "Ready Player One" kids weren't (ready)
Class Game Guides: each kid will manage a relay-style game for the class to play (slides)
End of First Semester & The Approach High School: The semester ends a weeks from now. Our new middle school progress report (report card) is focussed mostly on skills and subjective criteria, but I will include the PowerSchool printouts for first semester. Many of the kids have kept themselves aware of their scores and have worked diligently and independently to get grades of which they are proud, or at least satisfied. There is a fairly wide distribution of all levels of grades, and, those kids who are not working to capacity seem to be aware of it and usually taking a healthy level of responsibility. Although grades may be important for some things, lets keep in mind that they are only one indicator of student learning and achievement. My thoughts are detailed ad nauseam on the grades page of my website. The grades the students are currently earning are the result of 5 months worth of work (or sometimes lack thereof) and so, despite last minute panic on the part of some students, large increases in percentage points at this late date in the semester are possible but (mathematically) unlikely.
In the upcoming months there will be much talk of high school. Applications to most private high schools are due in early February, and the local high school(s?) will be coming to DCS to give the kids an orientation to their school and the class selection options. Additionally, we will probably have a high school information session one evening in March, during which DCS alumni from various schools will come to answer questions posed by kids and parents.
San Francisco Trip: The SF trip arose as a local and low(er) priced alternative to the DC trip, consequently the itinerary should involve museums, government buildings, and historically significant places & activities. Last year's trip involved the whole 8th grade at once, but this year each homeroom will be going at separate times. This page on my website has all of the information from last year's trip and I urge you (students) to spend 15 minutes looking at the page and all its embedded documents. Our trip can have a similar agenda to last year's, or it can be completely different -- the kids will start the research phase of trip planning next week. I'm eager to hear from a few parents who are willing to be involved as luggage drivers, chaperones, and meal preparation.
Other Thoughts: The new year involves some obligatory self-reflection. Being an effective teacher involves working towards a moving target and I want to keep light on my feet. There are a few things that I'd like to improve in myself, and it is good for me to document them often -- if for no other purpose than accounting and accountability:
I want to get essays back to the kids much sooner and with as much valuable feedback as possible (from me and other adults).
Sometimes I don't listen to kids for the duration of what they want to say. I cut them off and/or move on before they are completely finished.
The science and history experiences still aren't hands-on/minds-on enough. I really want to be able to get the kids hearts and minds loving science and the worksheets, reading, and mini-experiments just don't lead to that result well enough.
During work time, how can I get out of the role of taskmaster and more often into the role as resource, motivator, or co-enthusiast.
Lastly, and most importantly, a want to say that I appreciate the dozen parents who have been doing work shifts this semester who have graciously, patiently, and tirelessly done all the tasks that it takes to keep things rollin' in class and make things easier/better for me and the kids. My endless praise to you all, and I hope that you've had some good experiences. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
January 18 (Monday): No School, MLK day
January 22 (Friday): Family dance
January 26 (Tuesday): 8th grade class photo
January 26 (Tuesday): Prospect, Westmont, and DelMar to DCS
February 1-3: Room 29 Walkabout (no intensives)
February 4 (Thursday): Progress reports go home
February 1, 2, 5: Engineering and Coding Lessons & planning Google visit
February 5 (Friday): Semester 1 ends
February 6 (Saturday): DCS 10 Year Celebration
February 15 to 19: February Break
February 23 to 25: Room 26 Walkabout
February 23 to 26: Room 25's San Francisco Trip
March 4 (Friday): Laps for Learning
March 18 (Friday): Staff Development Day
March 23 & 24: Evening and morning science fair exhibits
March 29 (Monday): Chemistry intensive starts
May 7: Spring Auction