Coupla Things v0 (8/12/15)
Post date: Aug 13, 2015 5:49:14 AM
Dear Parents of Room 25 8th Graders.
As those of you that endured a previous year with me already know, each Friday I write a "Coupla Things" newsletter in which I try to give you an idea of what is happening in class, alert you to upcoming events, and elicit some discussion about various topics. So, tonight, here is version 0 as an introduction to the year, to me, and to the future!
My Summer Recap. I spent the first few days relaxing and recharging, then got to work (again) on construction/repair projects around the house. We live in the Santa Cruz mountains in a "house" that was built as a summer cottage in 1928. This is our 20th year there and the remodeling and rebuilding that I did during those first few years is already in need of improvement (or in some instances, completion). One project that I actually completed this summer was the installation of a grey-water irrigation system that gathers and cleans washer & dishwasher & excess shower water that we can use for irrigation. My daughters and I did our annual wilderness backpacking adventures to the most amazing parts of the Sierras and then Hannah (the oldest) and I did some urban "transit & trails hiking" (itinerary) along the beautiful California coast. Here is this summer's photo-a-day thing that is still very incomplete. For a few weeks I got myself to school for the first few hours of each day in order to clean, organize, and ponder possible improvements. Alan Biggs and I finally built the drinking fountain in middle school alley -- a project that my class of 2 years ago started. All-in-all it was a rockin' summer.
Overview & Intentions for The Year: Eighth grade is an important time and should be a strong culmination of the kids' years here at DCS as well as provide the tools needed for happiness, success, and comfort in high school. The curriculum is all intriguing to me (and hopefully the kid), including a fantastic range of topics in physical science, an understanding of US history and government, and an exploration of classic literature, claim-evidence-reasoning papers, and extensive reflective writing. Each class will have a great deal of homeroom instruction, punctuated by six intensives (two taught by each teacher). I will expand the curriculum map in the coming days and explain it more at our first parent meeting. In addition to the classroom activities, I am hoping to take the kids on many field learning experiences as well.
Further Introductions: Last year I asked parents to fill out a form as a way to provide me with any information about themselves, their kid, and this school that might help me be the most effective. This year, I'd like to remove the restraints of such a form and just ask that you reply with anything that you think might be valuable for me to know in order to best work with/for you and your kid. If any of you are curious about me and where I come from, here is a good run-on sentence summary: Born the youngest in a family of 6 from post WWII European immigrants, I lived in Berkeley in the 60's and Atherton in the 70's, San Diego for college, and then back to the Bay Area after some fun jobs in Tahoe, Hawaii, and the Yosemite area. My first real job was teaching 7th grade science at Kennedy Middle School in Cupertino (where I met Dale) for 24 years. To keep myself always learning, I got a Masters in Instructional Technology, a single-subject (high school) credential in science, an authorization in Industrial Arts, ran technology workshops for teachers, and became a Google Certified Trainer. I arrived home, here at DCS, in 2010, and will stay put until I retire (soon?) from this awesome career. For a more personal perspective, you can browse the "Awkward Q & A" page of my site.
Practical Stuff: I probably should have put this at the beginning of the email, because it is most important.
1. The movie and ice cream meet up is tomorrow, Thursday. We are watching the 4:10 showing of Ant Man at Camera 7 in the Pruneyard, then going to Coldstone after that. It will be nice to meet these kids and some of you as well!
2. If you are in the mood to shop, here is the class supply list.
3. Class jobs are being discussed these days, and here is a page that shows who is taking what role(s). I'll send out info about class jobs in a week or two
4. Last year, during the long all-homeroom first 6 weeks of school, I asked each parent to come to class and do some kind of activity, presentation, lesson, or task (list). I'll be doing that again this year, and I really hope that you all will be willing to share your talents, experiences, and knowledge with me and the kids.
5. Parent Work Day is Saturday. Lots of things on the to-do list so I hope that some of you can make it.
I am eager to get to know all of you and to spend this school year with your kids.