Coupla Things wk23 (2/22/17)
Post date: Feb 22, 2017 11:6:11 PM
Today is the first sunny day in a few, so of course it makes me bask in all that is bright and beautiful in the world! I'm loving the green everywhere, the clear water flowing, the full lakes, and the days that I get to spend with the room 25 family. Before long, I know that we'll go our separate ways, but in the meantime it feels really really good to be together in our little modular cube of a classroom.
1. Intensives Start Again. Right after this break room 25 will be doing the Slavery & Civil War intensive with Bonnie and I'll be doing physics with room 29 (and their Walkabout on March 27-29). So, this crunches homeroom time and tasks into an hour each day plus 3 hours of afternoon core time each week. During the next few weeks we'll continue with the lessons on government and the Constitution, finish up the teaching and learning (mid-year investigation) sessions, and begin learning about electricity and magnetism.
2. School Fundraisers: It is tempting in 8th grade, to get a bit of senioritis and lose focus on or commitment to the parent-participatation part of what makes DCS a great place. The money raised from dinner/desert at the last family dance is encouraging (thanks Kelley and Debbie) and will help provide a good grad dance experience for your kids. There are two fundraisers coming up that need our attention as well. The "Laps for Learning" will happen on Friday, March 10, and the PSC is hoping to get at least a $10 donation for each kid in each class, even the 8th graders who won't benefit directly from the funds -- they'll support next year's field trips. Please help that happen. I'll match the highest donation in our class if everyone contributes something! The second fundraiser is the Spring Auction, which will be on March 6th. We still don't have a volunteer from our class to take the lead on this, so if you have "gotten by" this year with a minimum of school or class involvement and your guilt/karma are tapping at your conscience, please step up and let Missie Huh know that you can do it. The rest of you, please respond quickly if/when a parent puts out an email about your contributions to the class basket (or whatever) for this event -- let's make their job easy.
There, Only two things this week.
I miss and appreciate you all!