Unit 5: The Atom
Chapter 11 -- Introduction to Atoms (development of atomic theory / the atom) (my notes)
Chapter 12 -- The Periodic Table (arranging the elements / grouping the elements)
not for 2013: Chapter 16 -- Atomic Energy (radioactivity / energy from the nucleus)
Making A Table of the Elements
1. get a roll of paper and unroll a strip that is as long as the room is wide
2. mark lines across paper at intervals equal to the paper's width (2.25 inches)
3. write atomic number, element symbol, and name neatly in each box
4. repeat steps 2 and 3 until you get to 118
5. roll up so that square 1 is "last", then put everyone's name on the back of square 1
Forming the First Few Families:
1. snip off hydrogen and helium and set them aside
2. create rows (aka periods) 2 and 3 by snipping between 10&11 and 18&19
3. tape those rows together and then tape hydrogen above lithium and helium above neon
4. cut between 36 & 37, and "fanfold" 21 to 30, attach to chart
5. cut between 54 & 55, and fanfold 39 to 48, attach to chart
6. cut between 86 & 87, and fanfold 57 to 80, attach to chart
7. fanfold 89 to 112, and attach to chart
8. add a small post-it at the beginning of each row and top of each column, stating characteristics
9. color the non-metals and metaloids
Grading Criteria for Periodic Table Project
1. 118 squares are even & haveatomic number, chemical symbol, and name (6 points)
2. Periods are accurate and transition metals are "fanfolded" neatly & clipped (4 points)
3. Groups line up, and contain notes describing their characteristics (8 points)
4. Non metals and metalloids are shaded in (2 points)
ETTO (Each Table Teach One) on the Periodic Table:
Each table chooses, learns about, teaches, and evaluates one of the following topics:
Periods (general)
Groups (general)
Metals (general)
Noble gasses
Alkali metals
Alkaline Earth metals
Transition metals
Videos on the Periodic Table: