Coupla Things v7 (10/4/14)
Post date: Oct 04, 2014 8:8:12 PM
Hello Room 25 Family.
I want to start my recap with the end of the week instead of the beginning because our day at Mount Hermon on Friday was quite enjoyable and very powerful. First, I want to thank the 6 parents that brought us there -- Julie/Allen, Fernando, Robert, Elizabeth, Michelle, and Alison. Under and among the cool and calm of the huge redwoods, the kids were engaged in games and challenges that were designed to have them experience the dual responsibility that one has to themselves and that of a group. In two separate "games", each half of the class tackled situations in which they were to each and all cross from one place to another under some physical constraints. What each person quickly learned was that their own isolated individual success was often at odds with the success of the group as a whole. After a few unsuccessful attempts, their responsibility to and dependence upon their peers became evident, and in subsequent attempts, the focus of their strategies became more creative, communication more effective, and measure of success more communal. I appreciate that the Teambuilding staff could facilitate those group learning experiences so well.
In the afternoon we put on gear, went though ground school, and then ventured out into the high ropes course of exciting and authentically challenging elements such as tight-ropes, narrow-plank bridges, suspended logs, and jump-for-it rope swings. Each person (pair, actually) could take their own route through the playground in the canopy and take on challenges at their own levels, pushing their comfort zones at their own page. I gotta say, this experience is one of the most valuable that we will have all year.
Now back to school stuff. This week marked the first of six during which the three 8th grade classes each participate in an intensive during the first two hours of the morning. Our class has jumped right into some great literary analysis, reflection, and discussion with Mrs. Leftwich as they read the Steinbeck classic "Of Mice and Men". Susan, Dan, and I meet routinely to discuss the activities in each of our rooms and facilitate integration and flexibility whenever possible and natural.
During the hour between recess and math, our class squeezes in a variety of activities in some or all of the curricular areas. This week we had recaps of science readings and related science activities, viewing and discussing a video about early American history and current events. On that note, I want to let you parents know that for the next 5 weeks, the kids will be required by me to discuss a current events issue with you during each weekend. This will temporarily replace the in-class discussions, at least until the end of the current round of intensives.
Coming Up:
In the list below, please take not of the class meeting on 10/22 (more on that next week) and the Fall Festival on 10/25. Gina will be sending out requests for assistance with our "Dry-Ice Bubble Art" booth. Students and parents are asked to help out (I will be working at a science workshop that day) to assure that the activity is a safe success.
October 8, 2014: Dale's "Philosophy into Practice" talk at Westgate Church
October 10: Middle School Dance
October 22: 8th Grade Parent Meeting #2
October 24: Teacher Learning Day (no school for kids)
October 25: Fall Festival
October 27-31: Fall conferences
October 30: 8th Grade to "Sweeney Todd" @ MVCPA
November 11: Veteran's Day (no school)
November 24-18: Thanksgiving Break
December 11-12: Room 25 to Balclutha, Age of Sail
December 22 - January 9: Winter Holiday
January 20-23 - SanFracisco Trip
February 6: Selectives end
February 6: Middle School dance
Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing any thoughts you have on how things are going this year and what more you might recommend or offer. Our family is truly a special and beautiful one.