
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

8:45 to 9:45 Promotion Assembly

9:45 to 10:20 Portfolio assembly

10:20 to 10:40 7th grade social/yearbook time

10:40 to 11:00 Recess

11:00 to 11:50 Letter to your 8th grade teachers

11:50 to 12:30 Gift Exchange

12:30 to 12:55 Free time and goodbyes

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

VoD: Ultimate Ocean Toy

Cleaning Up Your Stuff

-empty your drawer & wipe/vacuum it as needed

-piles of supplies you'll donate

-Organizing Your Work

-a bit for nostalgia, but mostly for easy future access

-in pairs, both work on one person's stuff then the other's

1. Science: 11 packets with holes lining up, binder clipped

2. English: set of grammar/vocab worksheets, then your essays (chrono order)

3. Social Studies



WC: Mexico v Brasil

Clay project

Monday, June 16, 2014

-Beach Day!

Friday, June 13, 2014

-VoD: Guinea Pig Interview

-Field Day after recess

-social studies 2:00 to 2:45


-turn in your YRS essay (5 parts) sometime today

-book groups


-packets in for 2xc

-review basic Punnett Squares, keep it

-Hank and John on Genetics

-incomplete dominance: neither dominates; kid expresses a mixture, all CAPS

-how gender is determined

-X-linked traits: explanation, dominance, examples, worksheet

Thursday, June 12, 2014

-VoD: Relatives Explained

-19-25 switch 8:50 to 9:40

-circuit fair 9:45 to 10:15

-no math today (or on)


-review yesterday (sticks)

-how a Punnett Square works

(single letters for genes, capital = dominant, offspring combo possibilities)

-top two problems on back side of notes

-tonight, finish back of side 1 of [125]


-in class = working on essay, make ups, xc

-anything else = outside in alley

Pattern Art with Stella and Elad


Clay Imprint

-overview of the process

-squish to flatten, shape, layout and imprint, smooth edges

Games (non-tech)!


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

-VoD: Geek vs. Nerd

-19-25 switch at 9:45; ELA here after math

-assembly at 12:30, yearbooks out just before lunch


-quiz on the stuff from Bobcat & worksheet

-do the tracks tonight if you didn't yesterday

Genetics and Heredity

-big topics in short time

-notes and vocab onto back of [125]

-definition, Mendel, vocab, and Punnett squares

-some problems together

English (11:55 to 12:30)

-writing the essay, using the components

-turn it all in on Friday, including an edited draft

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

VoD: Soccer Trick


-turn in [122] sometime today if you didn't yesterday

-review cell prep, delivery, union, & development

-label parts on [123] but the trackstar site is unavailable

-last video: Raging Teens (some of it)


-the parts of the year-round school essay and how then go together

-last sessions of "Common English Errors"... find something advanced for today & get my ok

Monday, June 9, 2014

VoD: Impressive Girl & Tree Trimming

-sci-ELA switch today


-common-image stories (start if you were gone Friday, finish if you were here Friday)

-make-up work except for the great 8



-get cover sheet and make your unit 11 packet

-Bobcat on reproduction (in pairs)

Block A & B


Year Round School


-read year-round schooling and then find out more about it

-formulate your opinion and then back it up with some evidence (non-anecdotal)

-sanding bench boards or building tree planter or arranging/leveling path rocks

CoA Movie 3: Peter Pan & Wendy

Friday, June 6, 2014


-get into your June book club groups

-preview book

-need to be done reading by next Friday


-gender-separated discussions


-two stories for the same set of illustrations

-pair up, create & share a doc

-make tables as shown

-put in images

-write your stories

Thursday, June 5, 2014


-come here after math, then we'll switch at 12:30


-unit 11 papers in order (show me), cover sheet tomorrow

-using biodigitalhuman and diagram to understand male repro details


-two groups need to choose books, and all groups need to have at least one

-finish "Stand By Me"

-we create 4 writing prompts, you use one

Wednesday, June 4, 2014



-any questions?

-"Life's Greatest Miracle"


Label these in your comp book:

5. May 29, 2014 Words of Intent

4. May 21, 2014 Letters of Appreciation

3. May 14, 2014 First Name Alliteration

2. May 7, 2014 Minus Redo

1. April 30, 2014 VocabTest.com

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

-VoD: My Belly Button


-c.r.c. [118]

-continue "Body Story"


Group and Book Choice for next Friday's meeting

-take this survey (book length and challenge preference)

Stand By Me Character Analysis: Gordy, Chris, Teddy, Vern

-all four at table

-what you know so far

-add more as we go

Monday, June 2, 2014

-new (and final) seats

-VoD: Covet or Content?



-turn in your comp book so we can score the last 5 entries

-SCOPE Article "Are You A Screen Zombie" Feb 20, 2012 pgs 10-12

Step Up schedule/process

-9:15 to 9:45 6th to 7th: triads of 7th graders meet with triads of 6th graders on blacktop to discuss curriculum, trips, tips

-9:45 to 10:15 7th to 8th:

Science (10:15 to 10:45)

-go over sides 2, 3, and 4 glands and hormones

-start "Teen Dreams"

Friday, May 30, 2014

-any more HGD opt-in letters?

-happy b-day Avi & Alec


-book club meetings (The Maze Runner, Divergent, The Giver)


What's Normal

-plotting your "What's Normal" info on a group graphs

-the shape and name and statistical characteristics of the graphs

-"normal", "average", strength skew of the "central trend"

Endocrine Glands

-how a thermostat and biological feedback works

-details on the 9 glands & their hormones (on front of [119])

-other 3 sides are weekend homework

HGD Questions

-samples from previous years

-enter questions here

Thursday, May 29, 2014

-VoD: @ Vibe Dance Competition

-take camping stuff home today, and thanks for a good (but fast) trip


-any more opt-in forms?

-what's normal survey

-the tone for a good hgd unit?

-the non-sexy stuff... glands and hormones (endocrine system)

-comparison to nervous system

-each table reads/researches about a gland today/tonight, and then reports out to the class tomorrow

1. overview of each of the nine main glands

2. read 726-727 and write notes in your box

3. go online and find more about your gland

-top of back of [118]


-WW (a day late)... words of intent

Block A

-components/examples of "coming of age" stories

-Wonder Years

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

-Camping trip today and tomorrow!!!

-VoD: Animated Reality

-what final trip-prep needs to happen this morning?


-any HGD "opt-in" letters? are all no-responders opt-outers?

-the last of the control systems: defense

-Hank on immune system (video) and quiz (=[118])

-unit 11 packet ([111] to [117])


-build for yourself a collection of campfire stories and/or jokes

-research, read, decide, and memorize

-site 1, site 2, site 3

Friday, May 23, 2014

-put camping gear in the back corner

-take roll then go to math

-at 9:40, ballet crew comes here and others go to 19 (we'll be back around 1:30)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

-VoD: Tanker Oil Spill Conversation

-come here after math today and math is P1 tomorrow


-c.r.c. [116]

-magic eye pix

Ears and Hearing

-similarity to the eye

-parts and functions onto front of [117]


-share your letter; we define words

-print it out and make it pretty (background, border, stickers, etc)

After Math

-what did you bring?

-your personal to-do list / agenda for the trip

-rock ring

Block A

-SSR & watch this

-placing rocks, mixing mortar, setting & stettling

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

-assembly 8:45 yo 9:05

-VoD: Automatic River Clean-Up Machine


-eye conditions & doctors

-magic eye and/or optical illusions


-for WW, write a letter to a helper parent, and use great vocabulary (my sample)

Room 19 Science

Frog Dissection day 3

-get your frog, a pan, a probe, 6 pins, and 2 scissors

-pin down frog (angled pins)

-heart and lungs

-fat bodies

-digestive tract


-name and bag up frog, wipe off equipment

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

-VoD: Toothpick City


-CNS Track?

Eyes & vision

-paperless tic-tac-toe (with scribe) and our dependence on sight

-parts, functions, conditions, correction

-fill in side 1 of [116]

-optical illusions


-8th grade placement survey

-ELA catch up (InfoGraphic & Timeline page) and camping trip preparation time

Room 19 Science

Frog Dissection day 2

-get any frog, a pan, a probe, 6 pins, and 2 scissors

-pin down frog (angled pins)

-incisions: 5 through the skin and 5 through the muscles

-overview of internal organs

-liver and gall bladder

Monday, May 19, 2014

-22 DOSL (including campout & beach day)

-VoD: Fast Sci Facts


-c.r.c. [115]

-Bill on the Brain


-SCOPE Article "Fury of Fire" (9/19/2011)

-my discussion questions

-infographic rotation & feedback session

Room 19 Science

-HGD preferences (here, there, together, apart, science, street)

Frog Dissection (day 1)

-a philosophy to guide your attitude and actions

-choose your (flexible) level of involvement

-get pan, scissors, probe, tweezers, and pan

-general: skin, muscles, bone, limbs

-head: eyes, ears, nose

-mouth: tongue, teeth, eye sockets, gullet

Block A


-Sleeping Beauty ballet overview

-camping trip: things to have ready by tomorrow

Friday, May 16, 2014


-still some missing packets & camping trip forms


-book clubs


-turn in [113]

-anatomy of a neuron and the reaction impulse pathway (=[114])

Social Studies

-finish ElDorado &/or MesoAmerica video

Thursday, May 15, 2014

-VoD: Pancake Art


-passback [111]

-finish front of [113]

-Deep Brain Stimulation for Central Tremors (video)

-start Kids Discover on Brain & do all 3 questions for each spread


-address one of the "mystery bubbles" in a paragraph -- deliver the info w/o it sounding like an answer on an assignment. Written (3/4 page-ish) OR oral (2 minutes w/ notes)


-camping group work time (add a paragraph to the progress report)

-MesoAmerica video

Double Core

-Student Council report

-only 5 InfoGraphics are linked from the spreadsheet. Supwiddat?

-finishing SBAT (12 of you)

-El Dorado

-rebuilding and filling the tree container

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

-VoD: PutPocket Addict


-brain parts and general functions (fill in front of [113] with me)

-Ms. Waterman on...


-first name alliteration words: find great words that same with the same letter (or sound) as your first name

-themes as explained by producer, actors, and authors

-why did Leslie have to die?

Social Studies

-what do you already know about the cultures of the Americas?

-BBC on Ancient Americas (video)

-John Green's Crash Course video

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

-p1 math today (8:45-9:40)

-VoD: Be Good at What You Do & Crave You

Science (9:45 to 10:40)

-c.r.c. [111]

-the two parts of the nervous and the 3 parts of the brain

-Bobcat on the Brain

Performance Task test (SBAC) (11:00-11:55)

Monday, May 12, 2014

-VoD: Wall-E Dance

-no social studies switch this week

-idea: each person brings snack one day between now and LDOS (list)


-missing science packet

-review the two control systems

-reaction experiments (in pairs and to collect accurate data)


-read "Climbing Into the Death Zone" from ScopeMag 2/14/11

(and answer my questions with a partner)

-finish & publish yours by the end of the week

Social Studies

-camping trip planning (remember, make doc, share w/ me as editor)

-report progress & to-do list at E.O.P.

-BTT (book alone or in groups)

Block A


-BTT (movie)

Friday, May 9, 2014

-VoD: What if Animals Were Round

-I have aftermath time with you all of next week. Camping trip planning & MayaAztecIncas


-Book Club Groups

-use interactive reading post-its as basis of discussions


-Frog Dissection (day 2)

-get equipment, frog, parts sheet, and 8 pins

-pin down frog to expose organs

-overview of internal organs

-liver and gall bladder

-heart and lungs

-fat bodies

-digestive tract


Room 19 Science

-turn in the blood sheet

-last thing on blood... how blood types work

-grade printouts and assembling your packet of assignments (bone, muscle, skin, resp, circ). Neat and clean.

-some random VoD's from August to April

Thursday, May 8, 2014

-VoD: Ropeswing

-packets in for 2xc


Frog Dissection (day 1)

-a philosophy to guide your attitude and actions

-choose your (flexible) level of involvement

-get pan, scissors, probe, tweezers, and pan

-general: skin, muscles, bone, limbs

-head: eyes, ears, nose

-mouth: tongue, teeth, eye sockets, gullet

-incisions: 5 through the skin and 5 through the muscles

-name and bag up frog, wipe off equipment


-BTT up through the museum visit

-reading time for your book-club books

Room 19 Science

-how could in-class discussions & assignment quality indicate comprehension, but individual performance doesn't?

-read about one component of blood, and do an Each-One-Teach-One with 3 others, notes on front of [104] (notes)

-if you have time, you can do the Kids Discover questions back (you choose questions)

B Block

-room cleaning

-SSR 20 minutes


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

-VoD: Finally, a flying car

-assembly at 12:30

Buddy Time

-print or pull up your story and you and your buddy will fill it in, add to it, and illustrate it


Wordy Wednesday: find words that got a - (minus) grade in your (or someone else's) book and redo them

Room 19 Science

-Hank Green's review of the resp & circ systems (video)

-put blood route cards in order

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

-P1 math today, social studies after recess

-VoD: Lucky (?) Guy

-fill out the activities' group form

-buddy time tomorrow: writing a story together


-packets out... back tomorrow for 3xc

Control System (nervous, senses, endocrine)

-status of our hypothetical "android" construction process

-two ways to send messages: phone (nervous) & mail (endocrine)

-Body Story video: Crash


-make up a FIB story for you and a buddy to complete tomorrow

-it should be about a page long when done, and tell of a challenge overcome

Room 19 Science

-review heart parts & blood flow

-add blood vessels to your notes

-top half of the circulation assignment together, bottom half on your own

-put cards in order and then show color change

-Crash Course and maybe Circulatory System (22 minutes)

Monday, May 5, 2014

-new seats

-VoD: Water Book

-32 DOSL (updated/redrawn calendar)

-camping trip groups (2nd choices for some)

-a long-term assignments list is now at bottom of daily homework page

-p1 math tomorrow


-debrief the peanut burning experiment

-packets for unit 10 (supply systems)

-frog dissection preparation... attitude & atmosphere & education

-online prep: Glencoe, EdSchool, big pix, video of exterior,


-InfoGraphic essay (0 scores, grades, comments, access issues)

-book acquisition status?

-is your infographic construction going as planned? link from the spreadsheet (phase 2, step 3)

-quiet and on-task work time (book club reading, infographic construction, infographic essay)

Room 19 Science

-turn in the "Respiration Big Picture Quiz" now for up to 100%, by end of day for up to 80%

-notes on the circulatory system (general, heart diagram, vessel types)

-circulation videos: Circulatory System (22 minutes), Circulatory System (22 minutes), Bill

-Crash Course

Block A

-SSR 20 min

-camping trip planning

-meet as groups and write up a to-do list and assign a "leader" for each task (share with me, can edit)

-print a copy at the end of the period and put it in the camping trip binder

Friday, May 2, 2014

-VoD: Hamster Becomes Invertebrate

-missing packets or grade sheets

-anyone interested in being on the "balanced class formation team"? (~3/H.R.)


-move to book group tables

-May 2, 9, 16, 23

1. create common reading schedule "contract" and each sign it

2. zip-stop (reading a page from anywhere in the book and predicting pre- & post- context, details, characteristics, etc)

3. fInd and share teen book reviews, but avoid spoilers

4. practicing interactive reading (post-its), using any common book (yours, EG, HG, BTT)


Frontiers in Bionics

-measuring the energy stored up in foods

-units and basic chemistry

-procedure and precautions

-much more details on this video

Room 19 Science

-review and turn in the respiratory system sheet... make sure you answer 2 & 3 on the back completely (think bio-chemistry)

-burning foods to (inaccurately) measure heat energy (calories)

-preview your weekend respiration quiz, front & back

Thursday, May 1, 2014

-VoD: Sound Engineer

-DoodleForGoogle finalists (view & vote)

Social Studies (8:45 to 9:40)

-religion panel in room 19. Interact authentically & intelligently. Be most excellent

Science (9:50 to 10:40)

-passback [103], [104], [105], [106]

-c.r.c. back of [107]

English (after math)

-turn in April Downpour if you didn't on Tuesday

-Sci-Fi book summaries, reviews, and preferences (those you brought and from other book lists)

-BTT 9 & first ~10 of the movie


-SSR 20 minutes

-camping trip explanation, groups, and planning


-work time: animal book project, InfoGraphic, InfoGraphic Essay, SciExpo Write-Up

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

-VoD: Junk'n'Gym


-passback [102]. Here are the answers (AD, KP, OW too)

-what did you learn yesterday about the digestive system?

-c.r.c. [105] then do the 5-question quiz w/o anyone seeing your answers

-label parts and functions on a diagram and then figure out the back


-current assignment class check-up

-Wordy Wednesday!

-get your comp book from tall table, do 4 words from here, and return the book

Room 19 Science

-muscle types, names, and muscular system chart

Supply Systems

-what does it take for something to burn (inside you)?

-respiratory anatomy (air-in vs air-out, path of air, alveoli, gas exchange, mechanics)

-Animations: Tim & Moby, Animation, Narrated Animation, Name Parts, Last One

-Videos: BritSci, Bill Nye (just 10 min)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


-read Bobcat on digestion and fill in the worksheet [105]. Quiz tomorrow.

-watch this Crash Course video on digestion if you have time


-turn in the "April Downpour" vocab thing

write down the names of the books you brought onto a class list (clipboard) and put the sci-fi books in your drawer

-work time:

1. animal book project (should be done by now, actually)

2. infographic essay (and link it to this doc (mdk8))

3. your infographic

4. sci expo write-up

5. vocab redo (see grading strips I've given you, or just do extra words)

Room 19 Science

-read Bobcat 540 to 544 on muscles and then...

-read Bobcat 550 to 553 on skin

-do this track (on skin), putting answers onto the sheet provided

Monday, April 28, 2014

-VoD: DinoBot

-Thursday: religion panel in rm 19 8:40 to 9:40


-passbacks and missing packets

-put the circulation route cards in order

-walk-run the figure 8 with red/blue cards, chambers, and tubes

-circulation videos: Circulatory System (22 minutes) Crash Course

Lymphatic System: Read Bobcat

-c.r.c. [104]

-read the Bobcat book on circulation and fill in their worksheet in pairs


-BTT next chapter (does anyone have the DVD @ home?)

-April rain vocabulary (4 pages, on your own at first, THEN with others)

-next book genre: sci-fi, mystery, or historical fiction (1st person history)

Room 19 Science

-turn in the grade sheet and discuss improvement options & credit

-3 types of muscles and names of a few

-the concept of opposing pairs

-video on muscular disorders: dystonia and atrophy


-Sleeping Beauty ballet preview

-check accuracy of this doc


-outside games: elbow tag, pyramid races, and ultimate

Friday, April 25, 2014

-VoD: Amazing Climbing Move


1.get a parent

2. show them the infographic you wrote about

3. you read your 3 paragraphs to them

4. they re-read and discus improvements together

5. make the improvements and repeat if you have time (or work on your IG)


-blood types and matching

-read about one component of blood, and do an EOTO (notes) with 3 others, notes on front of [104]

-if you have time, you can do the Kids Discover questions back (you choose questions)

After Math

-class meeting

-continue with the issue/action chart, then enter one or two onto this form (separate submissions)

-class camping trip possibility

Thursday, April 24, 2014

-VoD: Tree Un-falls & Dreamworks dad one and two

-thanks for yesterday

-Smarter Balance test this afternoon


-unit 9 packets

-turn in [102]

-add blood vessels to your notes

-label parts and blood route on the top of [103]


-choose any infographic and use it to write a 3 paragraph essay that includes:

1. overview of the topic and subtopics

2. presentation of the information (in a non-boring or repetitive way)

3. an analysis of what the message, theme, or "point" that it is trying to convey

Rm 19 Science

-name 11 of the bones using you or the room 19 skeleton

-label a "patient" on your table

-read the Kids Discover on Bones (link) and answer my 25 questions


-Smarter Balance test for math or English

-purpose is to give you (and us) experience with the new format, and to give CDE formative feedback

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

-VoD: Hank Sings About the Angler Fish

-give your post-it to Ms. Waterman so she can enter them to spreadsheet

-McAuliffe family in car crash Monday

-discussion on dealing with death (maybe)


-notes on the circulatory system (general, heart diagram, vessel types)


-show me your list of words from last night's homework

-infographic (or other) worktime

Room 19 Science

Skeletal System

-4 functions and 11 (of the 206) bones

-do the track here if we have time before lunch

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

-VoD: Almost Extinct


-what does it take for something to burn (inside you)?

-review respiratory anatomy (path of air, alveoli, gas exchange, mechanics)

-Animations: Tim & Moby, Animation, Narrated Animation, Name Parts, Last One

-Videos: BritSci, Bill Nye (just 10 min)

-c.r.c. [101]


-passback the worksheet from punctuation show

-status of your animal book project & accuracy of this spreadsheet

-what did you get done during yesterday's infographic work time?

-fill in a row on this spreadsheet (on my computer) about your infographic (title topics)

Room 19 Science

-turn in the photo-respiration sheet

-review the medical terms sheet

-draw a patient using this description

Human Body Systems

-survey to find out what you know already and want to know

Monday, April 21, 2014

-new seats: b-g combos can cut in line

-VoD: One-leg & Undefeated

-42 DOSL


-science expo write up should be done by Friday (PA sample)

-passback [92], [93], and [96]

-unit 9 packet tomorrow (so bring any 9x papers you have at home)

Supply Systems

-the fire and the three systems (respiration, digestion, circulation)

-respiratory anatomy [101]

-tonight, if you can/want, watch Frontline on Tuberculosis (some or all)


-Animal Book Project progress chart (link)

-Infographic: common characteristics and exceptional examples

Rm 19 Science

-RSL and Flower assignments (how scored, who missing)

-review photosynthesis-respiration and do parts of back of the assignment

Overview of the human anatomy units

-anatomical direction and medical terminology


-SSR 1:40 to 2:00

-what to do with our core days left? (video)

-class meeting issues

Friday, April 4, 2014

-VoD: Gravity Uncut


-c.r.c. [96]

Science Expo

8:45 Students set up their display boards under canopy or in rooms 2 or 3.

9:00 Bridge challenge on stage, hosted by Susan Leftwich and Rachel Vatannia.

9:30 Tower challenge on stage, hosted by Toni Sindelar and Jason Scott.

9:50 Catapult challenge starts, hosted by Dan Dowling and Carol Bauerle.

10:10 Students continue to host their exhibits until 10:30.

Work Time (10:15ish to 10:40):

-science expo write-up


-animal book project

-any missing work

-trip "feasibility study" (from list of ideas)

-any extra credit

-any reading or writing

Room 19 Science

Photosynthesis-Respiration Cycle

-fill in the front together

-balance the equation

-demo with Legos

Thursday, April 3, 2014

VoD: Racial Profiling

-remember, bring Yosemite bag here tomorrow (it will stay over the weekend)

-remember, always stay productive during work time (no online games, videos, etc)

-remember, Chromebooks have to be in the box or on the tall table when you are done



-read Bobcat 550 to 556

-label top of front side of [96]

-answer any 4 of my 8 questions on bottom of front of [96] (complete sentences)

-track on the back is homework

K-5 Exposition

-find a not-crowded room and slowly browse

-choose a place and stay for 5+ minutes

-ask questions and listen to, then repeat answers

-fill in the sheet


Missing stuff:

1. animal book proposals

2. comp books (with accurate post-its) from those that didn't turn it in yesterday

3. info-graphic investigations sheet discussion

4. info-graphic spreadsheet row

Room 19 Science:

-continuing the flower story... fertilization, fruit, dispersal, germination

-review flowers assignment together, including the track

-Bill on Flowers

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

-VoD: Two Optical Illusions: Ramp and Waterfall


-science expo and write-up status check

-label a patient's muscles; repeat for each person at the table

-three types of muscle, and characteristics of each


-infographic topic onto this spreadsheet (mdk8)

-Wordy Wednesday: 1000 Words to Know Before High School (ok to use their definition but not their sentence)

-update TOC and turn in your book with 1 to 5 indicated by post-it strips

Room 19 Science

-Yosemite questions and daily routines

-tonight, do the "track" by answering the questions that I write for each site

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

-VoD: Peeling Apples & Smart Dog

-answers to the Yosemite FAQ are on the Yosemite page


-does anyone still have [92] or [93]?

Muscular System

-labeling 18 muscles

-Bill on Bones and Muscles


-how is your progress on your Infographic Exploration

-what application could you use? My suggestions: PowerPoint & Google Drawing

Room 19 Science:

-any packets of last weeks work to give back to me?

-lets go over the RSL assignment together then do a "quiz"

-some samples under the microscope

-Crash Course on Roots, Stems, & Leaves


-add parts and processes to your diagram

-preview homework (skip the "track" on the bottom of the back side)

Monday, March 31, 2014

-VoD: Light Saber Whoops & BioLuminescence

Yosemite Bag Check

1. pair up, and one shows stuff as the other checks it off

2. trade roles and repeat

3. most important: boots that fit well, warm head & fingers, waterproof when needed, and good waterbottle

4. make sure that one parent or me sees your piles & card before you repack


-Hank Greene on Skeletal System (video)

-each table chooses a patient and labels their bones

-finish then turn in [92] and [93] if you didn't on Friday


-info-graphic exploration starting on this page

-explore many, some on topics of familiarity and some on unfamiliar topics

-write down 3 to 5 common features and 1 to 2 novel/great ideas

-write down many possible topic ideas for your infographic (here is a template)

Room 19 Science

-return your "Taxonomy" packet with parent comment to me

Plant Parts (diagram & notes)

-roots: types

-stems: tubes

-leaves: layers

Friday, March 28, 2014

-VoD: Fire Rescue (yesterday)

-remember, bring your packed bag on Monday and wear your boots often

-Rancho San Antonio hike on Sunday morning is weather independent (rain or shine)


-book groups


-status check for your science expo project

-practice the 18 bone names, head to toe

-bone structure and joint types (side 2 of [92])

-read the Kids Discover on Bones (link) and answer the questions on [93]

Room 19 Science:

1. status check for your science expo project

2. the KPCOFGS of various things

3. scientific names (genus and species)

4. homework review: see if other people can put your scrambled list in order

5. assembling this week's work packet and cover sheet to bring home for review

6. Identification Keys

-how to identify an organism and its scientific name (bottom two layers of the KPCOFGS)

-two samples of how they work (side 1 & 2), make your own (side 3) and work backwards (side 4)

-add it to your packet when you finish it

Thursday, March 27, 2014

-VoD: Tumbleweed Tornado

-math during social studies?


-c.r.c. [91]

Skeletal System:

-functions: structure, muscle attachment, organ protection, r.b.c. production

-axial and appendicular regions and names of ~20 bones

-joint names, locations, and movement


-Lazy Editor from Scope Magazine

-individual writing time (topics list OR book project writing)

Room 19 Science

-review the species-group list from yesterday

-how science organizes living things (diagram onto back of your 11x17 sheet)

-groups & subgroups sheet: top together, bottom is homework



-HGD Questions (samples and the form)

-improvement project groups (bench boards, bench support, mortar, tree ring, cover drain field, fountain structure)

-non tech then anything free-time

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

-VoD: Batman Boomerang

-do you want to continue CE, but at the beginning of the day instead of after math?

-pizza (Mt. Mike's) on April 3rd here at lunch (L4L reward)


-anatomical direction revisited and medical terminology (=[91])

-survey of what you know and remember about anatomy

-how the chart works; be thoughtful and thorough... it determines what levels we start at and get to


-if I and your parent have signed your book project proposal, let me check it and cross you off my list

-Wordy Wednesday: Animal Words

Room 19 Science

-my demo of how the bubble chart should look

-similarities and differences between people (random groupings)

-do the front of the "20/20 list" as homework

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

-VoD: Follow the Frog

-today is our campus clean up day

-return chapter 21 test (13 questions @ 2 points each); you had them ahead of time


-play your own game in its final and most-improved state

-put dots around one number for each line on the grade sheet

-grade sheet to me and everything else neatly into the box

-preview the human anatomy units

-medical terminology (=[91])


-when you finish (and print) your book project plan, lets go over it together

-BTT 6 on your own OR start your book project

-HW: get book project sheet signed by a parent tonight

Room 19 Science

-review what skills were strengthened by the "Attribute Activity"

Creating an objective sorting system for the objects you brought in

1. get 11x17 paper, turn landscape, and label top oval with the group's name

2. sort to 2-4 "bubbles" & label each with a rule that got them there and the number

3. continue until each object is alone

4. make an answer key on a separate sheet, listing objects at lowest level from left to right

5. give the sheet and the objects to someone not at your table and watch (only) as they try it

6. adjust your labels as needed, then repeat with another person

Monday, March 24, 2014

-Superman Returns a GoPro

-our class earned a total of $2021, so average is ~$80! We're highest class & Alec is highest individual

-preview the 51 DOSL

-hike in Rancho San Antonio Park on Sunday morning (details)

-discuss your science expo progress

-social studies in room 19 for a while, they come here for science


-game improvements for 15 minutes

-play 4th game and leave feedback

-play 5th game and leave feedback

-decide what to do tonight so that your game gets its final improvements tomorrow


-Sparknotes analysis of BTT 4, and read BTT 5 (your analysis)

-decide upon a project for your animal book and write up a proposal sheet

-name of book, author, length, quick summary (setting, characters, plot)

-description of your project

-required steps and timeline of completion

Room 19 Science

-sit in board game groups

-overview of the 7th grade science curriculum & what we will cover together

-Attribute Activity... finding observable differences

-for tomorrow, bring in 15 to 20 objects to sort (instructions)

Block A

-SSR 20 minutes

-Ranch San Antonio hike, Saturday, March 30

-do we want to plan another trip together?

-school improvement projects (vs IBMC) discussion

-class meeting: topic choices -- vocabulary & innuendos, clickyness, tricks & teasing

Monday, March 16, 2014

VoD: Medieval Internet Warrior

Walkabout Trip Prep

-more sets of docent documents need to be turned in (I'll bring em')

-missing info/permission sheets: Katy & Tuisku

-lunch Thursday is sandwiches: how many want r.b., turkey, ham, cheese types

-luggage volume check... will it fit in the footprint of 2 inverted tables?

-"all hands"... the reason, the layout, the process and the practice (a few times now and again this afternoon)

-SF map, itinerary, and parent phone list (never abuse it)

-your cell numbers to my gmail contacts

-car groups for the return trip


-game day #2

-set up your improved game

-rotate 2 tables clockwise, play 15 minutes, leave feedback as you play (be picky and specific)

-reset the game (one owner return to quickly confirm/adjust)

-rotate 1 table clockwise, play 15 minutes, leave feedback (round 3)

-return home, read feedback, make plan for next Monday


-why aren't all vocab entries getting full credit (+ = 3 pts)?

-daily infographic: how to make money without a job

-BTT, finish chapter 4

Social Studies

-CNN Student News

-passback Japan (chpt 22 tests) and review answer expectations

-more of "Modern Marvels" on GG Bridge

Friday, March 14, 2014

VoD: RC Car vs. Stick Bomb

-any W2 forms (list)

-don't forget to bring your "luggage" here on Monday


1. LFL T-shirts

2. Yosemite packing list (blue)

3. Yosemite NPS form (pink)

4. Walkabout packing list



-book groups are same as last week

-discussions, then choose an item from these lists or this one


-board game user feedback sheet

-get your game out, set it up, and leave it... rotate one table clockwise

Laps for Learning (12:00 to 1:00)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

-VoD: Airline Traffic Timelapse & Crush With Arnold

-buddy time 9:55 to 10:40 today (in both rooms)


-full steam, phase 4. Have someone else test your instructions (or game?) and explain back how to play

-game should be ready to play tomorrow

Buddy Time

-all to 18, then half back. Remember, persevere! And change only one variable at a time.

Social Studies


-video on the history of San Francisco (Secrets, Expedia, GGB, MHH)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

-VoD: How Many Countries Are There?


-board game: you should be starting phase 4 by now


-Wordy Wednesday: do two pairs of easily confused words

-Bridge to Terabithia

Social Studies

-CE: Gabi, Naya, Addie, Hunter, Ali, Rara, Katy

-Walkabout parent information sheet

-lets create a packing list together

-make (and tell me) a printing plan (need 12 copies of your group's doc to me by Monday)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

-VoD: How To Pick A Lock

-day-trip budget & the end-of-the-year trip

-Yosemite lodging group cards


-board game


-Bridge to Terabithia

-SSR (your book or Kids' Discover or Science World)

Social Studies


-is the chapter 22 answer doc accurate and complete?


-overview of day 2 and day 3

-doc status and printing strategy


Monday, March 10, 2014

-VoD: Spritz & Spreed

-Science Expo guidelines added to hot spot (hint)


-board game schedule revisions

-remember to keep the guide, the progress chart, and personal accomplishments chart out and up to date

-quick analysis of astronomy games

-laminating day? (David Iago)

-continue phase 3... go!


-Liam & Tuisku speeches

-colon and semi colon

-turn in the examples sheet

Social Studies

-CE: Elise, Theodor, RyanS, RyanC

-HA! Chapter 22 Quiz

-continue SF-Marin One-Page Docs (printing plan?)

Friday, March 7, 2014

-VoD: Snooze Button

-buddy time today, 9:40 to 10:30, here


-discuss your books with each other

-propose a cumulative project (alone, pairs, trios)


-discuss their science faire idea with your buddy (question, variables, data)

-Persistence: (definition) and what it can teach you

-making a plastic spoon catapult and controlling variables to get marshmallow into a cup, 1 meter away

Social Studies

-make-up current events

-discuss chapter 22 and make questions on index cards (sign up for a section)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

-put comp book on the tall table now

-sit with car groups, leave when everyone is here

Sound of Music @ MVCPA

Karen Yorn: Alec, Lukas, Hunter, Ryan C.

Sarah St. John: Liam, Luka, Devan

Helen Cox: Theodor, Naya, Prerna

Anu: Tuisku, Kinsey, Elise, Chris

Roseanne Smith: Ryan, Oscar, Ali, Maya, Katy

Louise Brothers: Russell, Rahul, Avi

Elizabeth Shepherd: Addie, Gabi, Lesley, Audrey

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

-VoD: We Built This Kitty

-trip to see SoM looks like a go... does anyone want to opt out?

-bring a bag lunch for tomorrow (we'll eat in the park at 12, and be back here by 1:15)

-today, after math, go to room 19 to meet Nate Vevea (back to me at 12:30)


-Board Game phase 3... start building!

-keep the room neat and use class supplies courteously


-speeches: Avi & Devan

-interesting video on words

-Wordy Wednesday: VocabVideos (probably mostly at home)

Social Studies

-meet Mr. Vevea... he'll be your SS teacher for a while after the Walkabout

-Current Events Gabi, Naya, Addie, Hunter, Ali, Rara, Katy

-after that, SF-Marin document work time (print a sample at EOP)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

-VoD: Meerkat Watching Punctuation Video

-wanna go see "Sound of Music" in MV on Thursday?


-next steps on the board game (you should be done with phase 2 today)


-Gabi speech

-animal book personal reading schedule (scale with dates), then...

-SSR with Science World's March issue (online issue is here and class code is dcsroom25)

-Standard Deviants video on more advanced and specific punctuation

Social Studies

-current events

-continue Japan video... I'll take notes

Monday, March 3, 2014

-new seats

-VoD: Poison vs. Venom

-preview of upcoming events


-Addie science demo

-science fair overview and website (dcsscience.com)

Animal Board Game: phase 2

-daily accomplishment chart & steps list

-gather & organize pages you've printed

-consider many game ideas & choose 1

-sketch out board design, components, instructions


-Standard Deviants DVD on punctuation (worksheets aren't creating enough improvement yet)

Social Studies

-current events for Monday people

-preview chapter 22

-video on Japan

Friday, February 28, 2014

-VoD: Jackie Chan on Animal Poaching

-schedule change... go to room 19 from 12:00 to 12:30 for SS quiz


-we'll let the sorting hat create groups just for today

-Animal book theme, day 1 (of 4)


-any more packets (for 1xc)

-the other two sheets for your animal board game

-Board Game steps 1C and 1D today (and over the weekend)

-Bill on Birds

Social Studies

-Japan quiz in room 19... you can use any notes you write

-speeches: Addie & Russell

-SF-Marin docent documents (I'm tempted to split up big/unproductive groups and give some an untaken topic)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

-VoD: Street Drummer

-handouts: Laps for Learning & Med Alert


-packets in for 2xc

-Katy: demo

Board Game

-forming groups with complementary skills & personalities

-results from your 1A (homework last night)

-list of groups (and maybe topics) onto whiteboard

-step 1B: create doc and start annotated (!) list of sites


-passback the two idiom assignments

-book list

-Black Stallion: school & home, chasing horse, meeting Henry

Social Studies

-speech: Theodor

-current events: Russell, Devan, Liam, Audrey, Lesley, Luka, Rara

-again: learn chapter 21 in any way you can (alone, groups, etc) my notes

Wednesday, February 26, 2013

-VoD: Pizza Delivery & Cat Curling

-"Hand-In-Hand" (animal cruelty prevention group) meets in rm 27 1:30 today

-selectives changes email


-packets in for 3xc

Animal Board Games (guide)

-overview and details about phase 1

-start talking about topics and groups, but don't commit until tomorrow

-Bill on Amphibians


-c.r.c. [N] then do the "Literal Idioms" sheet in pairs

-Wordy Wednesday: get words from this list of "Whimsical Words"

Social Studies

-RyanS speech

-CE: Naya, Lukas, Katy, Addie, Tuisku, Hunter

-learn chapter 21 in any way you can (alone, groups, etc) my notes

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

-VoD: Flippin' Amazing

-re-enroll forms


-packets out

-turn in [79] if you did it

-Tim & Moby on vertebrates

-Bill-A-Day Schedule: Find FARB partners, all from different tables from you

-Bill on Fish with questions sheet


-book choice status?

-Idioms: sayings or phrases that mean something, but not to be taken literally

-what are some that you know?

-samples & say what they mean and use in sentence

-[N] Idioms (highlight)

-more of The Black Stallion

Social Studies

-speeches: Lukas & Rahul

-CE: Avi, Alec, Kinsey, Maya, Gabi, Oscar

-Japan's Golden Age (HA! 21)

-everyone read the intro (page 229)

-jigsaw if you want, or read all

Monday, February 24, 2014

VoD: GoPro Falls, Mohawk Cat, and Bunny Cluster

-76 days of school left, including 3 for Walkabout 2 and 5 for Yosemite



-unit 7 packet: cover, order, location, comment, turn-in, assist (from list)

-"extra" assignment choice: metamorphosis OR social insects (xc)

-next up... vertebrate animals.

-make another (last one) chart showing group & subgroups (O-F, F, F, A, R, B, M)

-Hank and the realm of chordates (video)


-speeches: Katy & Luka (and preview the rest of them)

-descriptive paragraphs doc

-Your Autobio story components scores (ideas, expansion, outline, draft)

-your bio-book life map (timeline) scores

Animal Books (theme for next book-club meetings)

-overview of some that I've read (NCW, MSoM, WD, RFG, MD, AF, TBS)

-first part of The Black Stallion

Social Studies

-current events: Theodor, RyanS, RyanC, Prerna, Elise

-Japan unit activities: read & quiz, videos (you find & host), and special-interest teaching exchanges

-foreigners' impressions (positive and negative) of Japan (video, start at 8 min to 30ish minutes)

-Japanese architecture, art, and technology (video)

Friday, February 14, 2014 ♡

-VoD: 3D Hand


- (8:45 to 9:30)

-before you leave today, turn in your comp book with the 5 vocab pages marked and your ToC up to date

-explain your timeline to your group

-read 3 of the 5 paragraphs (the weakest?) to your group; it's not too late to make improvements

-remaining questions or topics for discussion (the list is here)


-(9:30 to 10:00)

-turn in the track if you didn't yesterday

-Hank on Arthropods

-logic of metamorphosis and social structures in insects

-[78] Insects (either of the two possible assignments)

-10:00 Bill Bull: Early Apple employee, engineer, and friend of Steve Jobs

Social Studies

-gift exchange & make up CE

-the China Quiz

-debate: is the spreadsheet formation & sharing "cheating" (unfair, immoral) or is it "innovating" (strategic, opportunistic)?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

-Mr. Awasthi is here to day. Be helpful and be good.

-social studies (China) test moved to tomorrow


-a few videos about echinoderms: in kelp forests, decomposing seal, and sand dollars

-read Bobcat on echinoderms and then start this track (answer on lined paper)


-Audrey speech

-add image to descriptive paragraph and link to this document

-work time for your five questions and timeline (bring them to class tomorrow for book clubs)

-for those that are done, find a quiet place to read a bit of one of my favorite books of all time (To Kill a Mockingbird)

Social Studies

-Current Events for Russell, Devan, Liam, Audrey, Lesley, Luka, Rara

-Mr. Awasthi's lesson on culture

Block A: IBMC School Improvement

-you can continue to plan (or actually start) your project, and/or move the flat rocks from under the plywood in the alley and place them onto our new path so that they fit together as well as possible

Block B: ???

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

-buddy time today: get with a buddy, discuss what you look for in a leader, and watch speeches together

-VoD x3: Ferrari Pit Crew, Cliff Climbing, Amazing Feats


-Wordy Wednesday

-try a "Name That Thing" quiz

-choose 4 of the words when they show you your results

-put them in your comp book, and title the page

-turn in comp book at end of the period

Science (if we have time)

-social insects: roles & priorities for the benefit of the group, not the individual

Social Studies

-current events

-quiz tomorrow with the questions that you wrote (question stems and reasons are here)

-finally... browse HA! and ATC chapters on Japan, and discuss possible strategies to decide, explore, learn, and share

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

-VoD: Phobias

-any more report card envelopes?


-Oscar demo

-list of what you found out yesterday onto my doc

-Shape of Life on Arthropods

-bring in a sample arthropod tomorrow


-BTT 3

-read aloud your descriptive paragraph to us, or someone else 1:1

-illustrate it by hand or using an online image

-add the sentence to this doc and link the sentence to your doc

Social Studies

-Current events for (new) Tuesday people

-SF group research and build the "brochure" (2 page max)

Monday, February 10, 2014

-new seats with some pre-loading :)

-VoD: Pixar's Newest (?): La Luna

-report card envelopes

-late paper scoring idea for second semester

-gift exchange reminder/details?


-Luka pepper & soap

passback [71], [72], [73-74], [75], [76] (and how I graded it)

-deciphering notes from past years, and adding what you might forget

-adding more detail to [77], using EOTO (

Bobcat: pedes-411, crustys-407, arachnids-408, insects-413


-RyanC on Hershey

-passback [M]

-progress check on the timeline and 5 paragraphs

-writing exercise: turning single-sentence statements into healthy paragraphs

-examples from Abbi (pdf and doc)

Social Studies

-Current Events

-enter onto this form, two great MC questions that your learners should have learned from your presentation

Friday, February 7, 2014

-VoD: Move

-crate cushion! Bring a T-shirt in in Monday if you want it immortalized here


-book clubs: biography books session 3 (discussion & feedback for projects in-process)

-passback [M] and review mistakes with someone else


-share and compare your [76]: traits for each phylum

-[77] Arthropod Classes: pedes, crustys, insects, arachnids

-classification simulation

-HW: bring in a bug on Monday

Social Studies

-Elise speech

-debrief the process for the China unit

-SF docent group info-gathering and/or...

-more Mulan

Thursday, February 6, 2014

-VoD: Pixar's For the Birds


-Hank Green on "simple" animals as review (video)

-invertebrate phyla pictures & notes (=[76])

-example of scientific illustration (bee)

-@ e.o.p. last parts of Shape of Life on mollusks


-Oscar speech

-Making a too-simple answer into a good paragraph

-BTT (?!)

Social Studies


-any revisions to the process?

-lets finish now & @ core so we can watch Mulan

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

-VoDs: NASCAR & Glass Car (Factory)

-science & history switch today

-report cards probably won't be ready today

Social Studies


-whole class then small group presentations of China projects

-goal: learn lots and finish more than half of your row and your column today


-Wordy Wednesday: Silly Sounding Words (this list or other)


-Each One Teach One on Mollusks (Bobcat 398-402)

-12-question quiz (3 per section) at end of the science period

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

-VoD: Shredding Cars


-progression of organization: cell --> tissue --> organ --> system --> organism

-what do you remember from yesterday about flatworms?

-Shape of Live on Annelids (segmented worms) at 120% speed

-fill in [74]


-Ali speech

-if report card comment incomplete, please finish now

-BTT read aloud (?)

Social Studies

-CE for Tuesday people

-whole-class presentations: Maya, Prerna, and ???

-tighter guidelines for the teaching sessions (common start, no factoid notes, etc)

Monday, February 3, 2014

-VoD: sailing speed record

-second semester student council candidates... forms in office


-Gabi Demo (puffy soap)

turn in [71]

-c.r.c. [72]

-design progression of the worm species (flat, round, segmented)

-Shape of Life: The First Hunters (questions = [73])


-Prerna speech

-late essays are a problem

1. capitalization still needs attention... do this set of activities, start to finish, and learn from it

2. make sure report card: 1. exists & named right 2. is shared with me & math 3. has comments in all 6 boxes

3. if you have extra time, you can read bio book or work on the questions/timeline

Social Studies

-CE Mon

-"X" on post-it = d.n.f.d.

-continue the process and make sure that you get taught at least 5 times today

Friday, January 31, 2014

-VoD: seeing underwater


-sit with book club groups

-turn in [M] Caps Packet if you haven't yet

Biography Book Discussion

-parents, please collect each kid's reading schedule

-suggested topics for discussion are on the autobio page

-look again at the two-part assignment (due 2/14... a week from Monday)


-[72] Sponges and Cnidarians (including this track)

-Shape of Life: Episode 2, "Life on the Move"

Social Studies

-whole class then small group or 1:1 sessions

-yellow post-it should contain the most important ideas/concepts/facts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

-thanks for the party and birthday wishes yesterday


-Shape of Life video (Episode 1, scanning some parts)


-Maya speech

-report card process (Grades page)

-turn in the 5 parts if you haven't already

Social Studies

-current events

-first few presentations

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

-VoD: Hippopotomonstroses quipedaliophobia

-packets in for 1xc


-how is the caps packet going? Not all of them are "easy" -- refer to the given rules for each page

-more turn-ins of the 5 parts of the autobio excerpt writing piece

-Wordy Wednesday: good (or unknown) words from song lyrics

Social Studies

-current events: Katy, Hunter, Addie, Avi, Rara, other

-any troubles with the Google map? finish the SF stuff using mine

-I added requested details to the China wonder-research-build-teach page

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

-VoD: Olaf Sings About Summer

-current events schedule for your table onto post-it


-science packet in for 2xc

-fix the notes that I gave you yesterday

Porifera (sponges)

-read Bobcat book 378, 379, 380

-start a document, call it "Invertebrate Phyla"

-get into online and (in your own words) put bullet notes

-add pictures and diagrams (table and/or text wrap)

-topics to include: general traits of phyla, examples, anatomy of specific (representative) organism


-turn in the autobiography components (final, edited draft, outline, pre-writing docs)


-what do you know already and what common mistakes do you often notice?

Queen Caps, Hanker Test, Monotonous Miner, other?

-might big packet (=[M]), due Thursday

Social Studies

-Current Events (new or old people?) & list of new order for each table

-plan out your China presentation

-finally... the Mongols

SF: make your own Google map of the locations on your paper route

Monday, January 27, 2014

-new seats

-VoD: Bad Lip Reading

-welcome to second semester...

-write one achievement and/or a source of pride for 1st semester

-next, on the bottom half of paper, write 1 goal and 3 specific actions to make it happen


-turn in your unit 6 science packet for 3xc

-review of the 5 kingdoms so far (top half of [71])

-lists of 20 invertebrates on the back (try for no repeats at/between tables)

-I'll categorize into the 9 phyla and give the names, then you'll write them on bottom half of [71]


-so far, you should have a two-sided pre-writing document, an outline, and an unedited draft (show me any/all)

-peer editing of printed drafts

Social Studies

-current events for Monday people

-add to your document (at the bottom) a description of what your visual aid (≠ doc, site, or video) will be.

-History Channel on Ancient China OR Crash Course on Silk Road OR Crash Course on Mongols

Friday, January 24, 2014

-VoD: Paragliding Pretty Places

-Selectives Selection @ 9:00, then...


-Ryan and Theodor science demos

-passback [63], [65], [66], and [67]

Unit 6 Packet

-grade spread

-papers in order (put notes btwn [61] & [62]), comment, clip, and turn in (then help others do the same)


-common English errors learning results (for xc)

-your autobiography: outline to draft (needs to be ready to edit on Monday @ B.O.P.)

Social Studies

-current events for Monday people

-crash course on Chinese Dynasties (video) with worksheet!

-15ish minutes of work time on your China questions, which should be done next Thursday

-then, cuz you've been so patient, we'll watch John Green on... wait for it... the MONGOLS

Thursday, January 23, 2014

-VoD: iPhone as Microscope

-IBMC groups



-passback [65]

-c.r.c. [67]

-plant unit "test": table diagram of a plant (w/o notes) with some real parts taped to it (11x17)



-Daily Edit order and in

-preview the autobiography book questions and timeline

-ELA work time: vocab, bio book, autobio

Social Studies

-current events

-China in the economic news yesterday (video)

-China questions research status then continue

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

VoD: Popcorn

-assembly at 12:30


-Alec's demo

-c.r.c. [66]

-Hank Green on Flowers

-seed dissection

-making popcorn

-preview [67] on seeds


-Wordy Wednesday: Visuwords & a dictionary

-write your autobio outline

Social Studies

-China in the economic news yesterday (video)

-continue your docs!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

-VoD: How Dogs and Cats Teach Babies to Walk Down Stairs

-current events: Monday people go Friday; ceteris paribus

-list of missing demo and speech people

-preview school events of the next few weeks

-does anyone want to help do the tours for prospective parents


-passback [62] and [64]

-c.r.c. [65]

Plant Reproduction

-asexual & sexual

-why do they call sex ed "the birds and the bees"?

-add flower diagram to your plant-parts diagram

-[66] Flowers

-Bill on Flowers


-Daily Edit: MLK

-Naya's speaking session

-Common English Errors

Autobiographical Excerpt

-lets create the timeline

-writing time... quiet and productive

Social Studies

-current events for Tuesday people

-research and discovery time for your China questions

-make a doc, set as public, share with me, copy the questions

-answer the questions using pictures and text (wrap text or use 2 column table)

Friday, January 17, 2013

VoD: Doggy Germs

English (8:45 to 9:30)

Biography Books, day 1:

1. sit at a table with your group and your book (undecideds with me)

2. Reading schedule, initial questions, zip-stop

Science (9:40 to 10:10)

-c.r.c. [64] Photo-Resp

-Tropism (plant growth responses) =[65]

-carnivorous plants (vid 1, vid 2, vid 3)

Social Studies (10:10 to 10:40)

China work

Thursday, January 16, 2013

-VoD: Drummer Boy & T-Rex Illusion

Science (8:45 to 9:20)

-Lesley science demo

-c.r.c. [63]

-photosynthesis and respiration (=[63])... inverse operations & energy conversion

-fill in diagram together then demo with Legos

English (9:25 to 10:00)

Autobiography books form and spreadsheet

Speaking sessions form and spreadsheet

choosing your one idea from the list

-list of things to include (on paper), then start outline (online)

Social Studies (10:10 to 10:40)

-any changes (yours and mine) to the questions list

-start answering your questions with words and pictures on your own doc (in a table)

Organizational Skills Workshop (12:00 to 12:55) with Joan McCreary

Block A and B (homeroom)

-to Sunbird Park?

-SF & Marin Trip Planning & doc formation

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

-buddy time in room 18 until 9:45 (bring thin Sharpies if you have them)

-VoD: laughing 1D & JB


go to the Great Plant Escape answer GPE Questions


-"Words with Strong Roots" is the theme for today (state root in definition)

Social Studies

-current events

-finish video OR start China questions research

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

-VoD: SlowMo SuperHydrophobia

-packets and comp books?


-Russell's demo

-c.r.c. [62] then my 5-question quiz

-vascular plant success, by Hank Green (Crash Course)


-Common English Errors (session 4)... last xc option for s1

Your Autobiographical Story

-instructions and timeline of due dates (onto calendar)

-start the pre-write

Social Studies

-current events

-Chinese inventions (video)

Monday, January 13, 2014

-VoD: amazing soccer ball handling skills; in honor of Nate

-welcome back

-homeroom for core today


-Elise demo

-unit 5 packets in for 2xc (Addie, Audrey, Avi, Hunter, Kinsey, Luka, Maya, Prerna, Rara, Theodor, Tuisku)

-passback [61]

-mold lab reports need all sections: T, P, H, M, P, D/O, A/C, PSOE, FW (add those last two if you used my sheet)

-plant parts: roots, stems, and leaves (notes then preview 62)


-daily edit

-passback comp books and scoring strips

-remember the recovery process (sheet)

Autobiography Books

-form and spreadsheet

Speaking Sessions

-form and spreadsheet

-tips that make public speaking better for you and for audience

Your Autobiographical Story

-instructions and timeline of due dates (onto calendar)

-start the pre-write

Social Studies

-current events (Prerna, Luka, Maya, RyanS, Oscar)


-Question -- Research -- Create -- Present (in an IBMCish process)

Friday, December 20, 2013

-packets in for 3xc

-turn in comp book, with post-its 1 through 5 sticking out of the top

-breakfast & gift exchange & movie


-over the vacation, choose and buy/borrow a biography/autobiography book

Social Studies

-China topics... missing people and next steps

-San Francisco docent groups: share your doc with me, and lets review the purpose/process

Thursday, December 19, 2013

VoD: Honda Illusions and Biggest Organisms

-breakfast from parents, and optional gift exchange tomorrow


-demos: Ali & Maya

-Unit 5 packet

-moss and algae samples (mine or yours) under a microscope


-features of social reading sites?

-Wursday: descriptive words by theme (2+ & 2-)

-mark 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with post-it pieces in your book

Social Studies

-China groups and question clusters within the group

-pictures of the walkabout route

-docent groups:

History of SF, ChinaTown & NorthBeach, Cable Cars, Telegraph/Coit, Embarcadero/Wharf, Presidio/PoFA, SCA/CoastTrail

A & B Blocks

-Physics of Biology DVD(s?)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

-VoD: Alec's Tour of a Superconductivity TED

-any late work to turn in (ie. Africa track)


-demos from Ali, Avi, Maya

-c.r.c. [61] Simple Plants Track

-Hank's Crash Course on Simple Plant repro (video)


-any ideas for your speech?

-browse some social reading sites that might be useful to book groups

shelfari, goodreads, scribd, others

-next genre: biography/autobiography (page)

Social Studies

-current events

-overview of the SF-Marin portion of CalCoast (itinerary and map)

-categorizing the China questions then forming thematic groups

-process similar to IBMC... question, research, create, present

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

-VoD: Scootering

-girls' soccer team starting; meeting is in room 17 on Wednesday at lunch

-things in my email on Friday and what half of you need to change

-the half that isn't getting a passing grade in one or more subjects

-the half that needs repeated reminders regarding behavior and self control

-the half that blames, deflects, denies, and dodges personal responsibility

-the half that takes advantage of the freedoms, trust, and autonomy that I offer.

-the half that will barely/rarely live up to reasonable, routine, and relatively simple expectations put upon them

-the half who make it hard for me to give instructions, manage lessons, and get the class to live up to it's tremendous potential.



-demos: Maya & RyanS

-Bill on Plants

-Simple Plant Track ([61])


-Gift Essays?

-speaking session #1

Social Studies

-current events: Monday people then Tuesday people (so we don't have to do Friday)

-five good (and unique) questions about China and enter them here (repeat 5x)

Monday, December 16, 2013

-trip to San Jose (map)

Friday, December 13, 2013

-math p1 today

-VoD: Hand Printing

-turn in the permission form

-any more "takers" for the test message list, Ender's Books, packets, or missing work?

-mold growth lab report (does it have all the parts?)

-Secret Santa exchange... chain method


-read essays to the group

-figurative language in The Hunger Games and/or Catching Fire (worksheets for each)


-Devan's transpiration experiment set-up

-Crash Course video on Fungi

Big Idea in Biology: Cell Size Limitations

-Why bacteria aren't the size of cows?

-introduction on ppt

-graph the relationship between perimeter and area on graph paper

-agar cubes & bromothymol blue into vinegar

1. cut cubes that are 4, 3, 2, and 1 cm on each edge

2. submerge into vinegar until the smallest cube is all yellow (fully fed)

3. bisect the other 3 cubes and measure width of unfed region

4. make a "creature" that has a great surface area to volume ratio

Social Studies

-chapter 14 and/or 15 test

-maps of downtown San Jose

Thursday, December 12, 2013

-VoDx2: Tree to Truck Trick and Airline Gift Surprise

-does everyone have what they need for today's trip? (clothes, lunch, attitude)

-add your cell number to my remind101 class list (text "heumama" to (803) 675-7771)

-trip info and permission form... get signed tonight and return bottom part tomorrow

Science (8:45 to 9:10)

-Liam demo, Devan tomorrow(?!)

-c.r.c. [5-12] Fungi Website

-yeast: simple fungi that repro by budding and metabolize sugar into CO2

-mix sugar, warm water, and yeast in cup (or flask with balloon)

-bread rising timelapse video and breadmaking explained video

English (9:15 to 9:35)

-tomorrow, your Gift I Gave final product is due

-use the time in class to pair up and read each other your drafts then get suggestions (big, medium, small)

Social Studies (9:35 to 9:55)

-current events

-time, if you want, to organize yourselves to make learning the chapter(s) more efficient

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

-thanks for being flexible yesterday morning... should we do more coding and/or hotel building?


-Lukas and Naya's demonstrations

-finish the Bobcat on Fungi if you didn't yesterday

-preview 5.12 on fungi websites and start it together


-any more Lazy Editor assignments?

-Wordy Wednesday -- use this "fake word generator" to get a word, create a smart definition, and use it in sentences

Social Studies

-current events

-my growing notes (and quiz questions) on chapters 14 and 15

-Overview of Ghana (video)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

-Learn to code! Start at the code page of Ms. Zare's site

-VoD: My Monster is Bigger Than You

-again... books, packets, late assignments?


-anatomy of a mushroom and the question of size

-three videos on fungi: this overview, then one a bit "spiritual" and the other a bit scienfical


-clearly write the topic at the top and then turn in the Lazy Editor sheets

-time to write your Gift I Gave and/or get it read and improved by others

-remember, single topic per paragraph

Social Studies

-current events

Monday, December 9, 2013

-new seats, 2:2 gender-mix combinations can enter 1st

-VoD: Extreme Teeterboarding

-missing EG books, sci packets, demo-dates

-Giving Tree warehouse on Thursday (dress warm, bring lunch, be good)

-San Jose trip


-Daily Demo: Prerna zapping a pickle

-passback [58] Bacteria Track

-read then turn in your Protist Hall of Fame (=[5.10)]


-what are the requirements of the kingdom and what kinds of creatures are in there?

-where and how do fungi survive?

-[5.11] Bobcat on Fungi, in pairs


-read your draft to someone and their job is to write down the single topic of each paragraph

-if they can't, then you need to revise your draft

-read what is due when

-Scope's Lazy Editor: choose one of the four, no overlap @ table

Social Studies

-current events (by old tables?)

-how did it go when you tested your track? did you make changes? those who took them, did you offer suggestions?

-remember, you have to enter the info onto this form (results) and turn in the filled-in text page

-Chapter 14 &/or 15 by Friday... no notes this time, but you'll have the questions Thursday night

Friday, December 6, 2013

-can I have the Robot assignment back? I forgot to enter into gradebook

-VoD: Thermic Perspective


-turn in your Ender's Game book (see list on whiteboard)

-daily edit: Rosa Refuses to Move

-numbers for groups

Figurative Language exercises in groups

1. get the combination of sheets... you will work through them as a group

2. find a place to work together (outside, room 2 or 3 or 22 or here)

3. do the one-pager first then the two-pager


-passback [57] and [58]

-Devan's demo

-last day on protists...

-[59] Protist Parts and Hall of Fame (do front with me and book)

-KD Microbes EOTO: each table does a spread, meet as location groups to share out

Social Studies

Nelson Mandela died this week biography and his legacy site

Africa Track

-finish it

-enter the info onto this form

-print it (view in text)

-get it tested (they fill in the answers on your print-out)

-revise as needed

Thursday, December 5, 2013

-VoD: Mark's Life

-Devan demo tomorrow

-secret Santa reminder

-San Jose Trip: group meet tomorrow after school; all, ask for parent chaperones (need 4+)


-check bacteria cultures

-get microscopes from rooms 19 and 27

-set up scope at a table safely (no tripable cords)

-get a well-slide and one drop from one jar

-get it into focus using low and medium power only

-share great stuff

-rinse & dry it off then get another drop

-keep stage dry

-Water Circus video


-show me your pre-write and your vocab

-personification lesson and use of figurative language in movies, "ooh, oooh, me too", cried this vid

Social Studies

-what makes a good question (current events, my quizzes, tracks, etc)?

-make your own track (alone or in pairs) on single stated topic about Africa

1. Think of a topic about Africa (get my approval)

-Government, Royalty, Inventions, Architecture, Music, Aquatics, Jobs,


3. Create an account at trackstar.4teachers.org

4. Click "Make New Track" then enter title, description, etc. & click "next"

5. Find a *good* website on that topic and questions that you can ask

6. Enter a name for the site you found (keep it short) and paste in the URL

7. Enter the questions from step 2, separating each with <br>

8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 until you have about 3 to 5 sites and 10 -12 questions

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

-buddy time today... Ms. Zare has planned a complex simulation on global empathy. Be good. Play along and support the goals of the activity

English (10 minutes)

-Wordy Wednesday. Get words from my list of great Calvin quotes

-show me your Vocab TOC

Social Studies

-current events



-any questions on [57]? Turn in now or finish tonight

-contaminating petri dishes (what they have in them)

1. get your dish and put name on the bottom, bisect, and mark "P" & "E"

2. get finger "full" of body bacteria and gently smear on one half

3. get finger "full" of environmental bacteria and smear on other half

4. tape it closed and stack up front

-[58] Bacteria Track: go here, view in frames, answer on this form


-the samples arrived... let me show you a few and explain a bit about them

-you'll view them tomorrow

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

-VoD during ELA


-virus debate update from D-news

-Hank's bacteria crash course video (stop at 8:25)

-do steps 6 and 7 on [56]

-my 7 quiz questions after


-lets discuss the Robot story and its figurative language, then turn it in

-write "it was raining" (or similar simple sentence) in 5 ways (writing section of comp book)

-can't wait for Christmas? vid

Essay # 6: The Gift I Gave

-instructions from 2011

-pre-write two things (in comp book): the possibilities and the parts


-current events

-I read to you of Ghana and gold and salt (HA! 13) and here is a video that does it too

-video on Ghana and the gold-salt trade

Monday, December 2, 2013

VoDs: laser rocks on pond & Albuquerque balloons


-how are your mold experiments going (as expected and not)?

-passback [52], [53], [54], [55], and missing work lists (many for [55])

-revisit the topics of this unit


-simple single cell organisms

-variety of shapes, sizes, functions, environments

-2 videos: shapes and movement and extreme environments and kid vid

Bobcat Book EOTO and quiz tomorrow ([56])

-the sheet and the directive process

-here is a pdf if you don't get notes & sharing done here

-quiz tomorrow, so teach each other well


-daily edit: Rosa Parks Keeps Her Seat

-passback Ender's Game character charts

-turn in your essay if you didn't on Friday

Figurative Language

-can enhance descriptive writing

-names of the 6 common types...

-SCOPE article and the assignment that goes with it (=[J])

Social Studies

-passback Africa maps (2 points per step in the instructions)

-sign up for NewsELA (www.newsela.com) using code SNNKO

-Monday current events

-Africa & Islam Crash Course

-Africa & Stereotypes video

Friday, November 22, 2013

-VoD: Blind Spot

-packets in for 3xc


-Suku, Tarek, Roseanne, Shilpa, Chris-Jeanne: groups move to quiet place around school

-Ender's Game Essays: read final product to group

-discuss ideas/preferences for next round of books (all-class read, group read 1 in genre, individual books with some commonality)

-SCOPE Lazy Editor as needed


-review the track that was homework

-Body Story: Molly Gets the Flu

Social Studies

-lets plan a day trip to San Jose: here is our map and here are our slides (mdk8)

-what is there to do in SJ... general research then group decision/formation

-list (from GPS class) of what it takes to plan a trip

Thursday, November 21, 2013

VoD: The Popinator

-that non-school movie thing: Catching Fire at CineLux Plaza in Campbell at 8:00 (link)


-c.r.c. [53] (Immunity) and explain what viral diseases you researched

Discovery Channel Video: Understanding Viruses

-answer questions in pairs (=[54])


-what makes good writing good

-Titanic article from 4/12 SCOPE: jot down two general things and 2 specific parts that impress you

Social Studies

-current events

-the chapter 12 test, using any notes you wrote

-make sure that your Africa map has steps 1 to 5 done

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

VoD: Great Cells Video

-tech misuse continues, so no tech for you today, tomorrow, Friday (x book clubs)


-did you start your mold experiment yesterday? add a parent initials column to your data chart

-highlight front side of [52] with me

-what did you find out (and write down) about the question

Human Immunity (=[52])

-front together, back as homework


-passback grade strip from vocab 6-10

-Wordy Wednesday: English words (completely) from other languages (wikipedia)

-remember, essay due Friday at the end of the day

Social Studies

-current events for Wednesday people

-turn in your map (so far)

-learn chapter 12. remember, test tomorrow... you can use any notes you write

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

-VoD: ventriloquist & her dancing "volunteer"


-science demo calendar spots for Naya, Avi, Maya, Liam, Prerna, Devan, Audrey, Ali, RyanS, Dor, Rahul

-passback [48]

-unit 4 packet assembly: papers out, in order, modify [43], write location, comment, clip, in

Unit 5: Simple Organisms

-the objectives sheet

-4 kingdoms in 3 weeks

-[51] = the mold experiment that I want you to start tonight (pdf)

Viruses & Invasion

-definition, size, and structure (ppt)

-highlight front of [52] and on the back, tonight, do some research and and answer "why aren't we all dead?"


-daily edit: James Garfield

-go over then turn in the Thanksgiving scramble

-what do puzzles teach? flexibility of mind!

-a few rebus puzzles

-writing time... use it well

Social Studies

-"new" Tuesday people

-using the maps of Africa that you brought in, make your own

-chapter HA!12 quiz Thursday... back to "any notes you write" mode

Monday, November 18, 2013

-change seats (groups of 3 or 4)

-VoD: What Does the Farmer Say?

-parent PowerSchool access letters

-two online quickies: Attribute Activity Information Entry Form and Website Home Page Address


-passback [41], [43], [45], [46], [47] and the missing work chart

-unit 4 packet assembly tomorrow (so any late work has to be into the tray today)

-show me what you got done over the weekend on your Creature Features

-get it tested and signed off by someone not at your table, then turn it in

-unit weak-point recap: read Bobcat 224-227 and 230-232

-feather identification... get some from Russell and ID them on this site

-if you've finished [48] then sort my Beanie Babies, predicting most science-y way


-I'm seeing Catching Fire at CineLux Plaza Thursday @ 8, but its not a school activity or trip

-missing HTTYD essay list

-purusing the EG essays and discussing your progress/obstacles

-CEE round 3

-Thanksgiving pun-scramble

Social Studies

-Current Events for Monday people (2 articles)

-next unit is on Africa... geography first (vid1, vid2, vid3, vid4 -- yours)

-homework: find and print a "good" map of Africa; bring it in tomorrow

-HA! chapter test on Thursday

Friday, November 15, 2013

-VoD: Art (lyrics)

-Bobby McMullin (blind mt. biker) will be here today and present to 7th grade after math in room 19


-an outline is the road map for your essay... shows where you will go and what to see along the way

-you must have a printed copy of your outline before you join your group

-discuss it with the parent and others in your group and elicit lots of specific feedback

-when that process is done for you, then you can start rough draft (but not before)

-so, kids filter in to the table, stay to improve outline, and leave to turn it to a draft


-c.r.c. [47]... be sure your reptile key works and that you've done the diagram on side 4

-read Bobcat 227 to 232

-the Creature Features project (=[48]) is your weekend task

Thursday, November 14, 2013

-much better yesterday, thanks

-VoD: Cutting out snowflakes like a math-pro


-I've added my comments to the demo proposal spreadsheet

-passback [44]

-test your pyramid (=[45])

Attribute Activity Information Entry Form

The 6 Kingdoms (again)

-read Bobcat 230-232

Scientific Names (vs. common names)

-what is it? -why have it? -how written? -who decided? -why Latin?

-'translating' sample scientific names

Dichotomous Identification Keys

-examples from books (Bobcat 227 & 228)

-start [47] Identification Keys


-samples of good middle school essays (on Hunger Games)

-writing common English errors round 3

-discuss your Ender's Game outline with me


Social Studies

The Crusades (3 videos Holy War, Clash of Civilizations, and Victory and Defeat)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

-the 10 things that deplete my enthusiasm, energy, and attitude.


-show me the back of [45] then have someone number your list on the front

-examples of the classification of other animals

-find the KPCOFGS of any species and enter it here

-the shoe-sort-sport


-Wordy Wednesday: technical terms from a hobby or interest of yours (teach them to someone else)

-lets discuss your essay, using your outline

Social Studies

-passback HA! 8 & 9 test

-the advantage of organizing notes and learning to write less (example)

-finish your test (20 minutes max) THEN...

The Crusades

-browse HA! 11 then watch this crash course on the Crusades (headphones please)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

-VoD: Impressive Football Play


-start of "daily science demos"

-examples & instructions

-c.r.c. [44]

-the group and subgroup method of organization of living things (notes)

-[45] K.P.C.O.F.G.S... front together, back as homework


-passback the "Punctuating Quotations" worksheet so you can fix the top part (if circled)

-turn it back in to me so I can rescore them and put them in the gradebook

Ender's Game Essays

-quiet work time with only short & close discussions about your essay

-turn in an "expanded" outline today or first thing tomorrow

Social Studies

-Monday Current Events people will go on Friday

-Current Events for Tuesday People

Islam (ATC chapter 4) M.C. & Matching test today, short answer test tomorrow

Friday, November 8, 2013

-VoD: Lost Generation Palindrome Poem

-buddy time today... 9:40 to 10:40, switch at 10:05


-Daily Edit: Sesame Street

1. find two or three of the essay topics on my Ender's page and discuss as group (pinkmonkey, schmoop, sparknotes, gradesaver)

2. take a look at our list of ideas and explain yours (in good detail) to your group... remember: 3ish hours, & 3ish (tight) pages

3. pre-write time (interesting examples)


-buddy time...

1. do a few attribute activities together (purchased, yours, other kids')

2. make one of your own (in pairs)... just the 4 yes and 4 no and a name

-packets in for 2xc

-trying the attribute activity for those who didn't yesterday

-[43] Diagramming Groups

Social Studies

-each group teach their topics in sequence (15 to 20 minutes each)

1. A Century of Expansion (group notes)

2. The Golden Age (group notes)

3. Islamic Spain (group notes)

-whatever they don't teach well enough, you should learn (read) this weekend

Thursday, November 7, 2013

-turn in your composition books

Class Cohesion Issues

1. taking other people's stuff

2. interacting with other classes

3. technology issues... actually immaturity & irresponsibility & annoyance issues

-always log out of your accounts and never be on someone else's

4. class meeting agenda sheets


-turn in your signed science packets for 3xc

Attribute Activity (yours)

-take the answer (post-it) off, then..

-have someone test it out

-if they notice an unintended true common trait, you might have to make changes

-put into a sheet protector in the same way as the samples

-put into top tray

Science Experiment Lab Report

-step 15 is the end of the paperwork part

-can evolve from the document you made in step 9


-John Green (Crash Course guy) on Grammar Mistakes (video)... skip "blue" part at end

-find, if you haven't, that great idea for an EG writing project, add it to the doc, then...

-you can start your pre-write (unorganized web of ideas)

Social Studies

-current events (Thursday people)

-continue where you left off on your ATC Chpt 4 study yesterday

-prepare then practice your group's presentation (I might call on anyone, not just the "leaders" to give the info)

-publisher's workbook & study guide

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

-VoD: Recognizing Honesty


-packets out. back tomorrow = 3xc, Fri = 2xc, Tues = 1xc

-c.r.c. [41]

-continue with attribute activity (=[42]) until you've done all 14 (if time)

Making your own attribute activity (=[43])

- here are instructions

-many good samples from previous years


-progress on the Ender's Game writing ideas doc

Wordy Wednesday

-maternal adjectives

Social Studies

-current events

-continue learning your portion of ATC chapter 4

-only quiet & on-task workers inside, others outside to work (by your choice or mine)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

-you and the room mess... drawers, backpacks (with you), or outside

-Asia Youth Pacific Dance Finals

-passback [36]


Unit 3 Packet: order, location, comment, clip, turn in, help others

Unit 4 The Diversity and Organization of Life

-write list of 20 species and 20 groups on the front side of lined paper

-no overlap with neighbors

-class list on whiteboard, getting a few from each of the kingdoms

Finding Observable Differences

-start the attribute activity as tables... read then follow the instructions


-review the reviews, looking for insight and individuality

-ideas for the writing project... they should

1. cause explore deeper meanings & connections

2. organize, expand, and consolidate your ideas

3. strengthen and demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively through writing

-the magnitude of this should reflect the time invested... most of first quarter

Social Studies

Islam in Better Detail

-Across the Centuries book chapter 4

-three lessons for three clusters of 8 (or 9)

-use this template if you like, making a copy for you (or group) filling in the notes


Walkabout Phase 2: SF and Marin Headlands

-maps of SF and general areas

-what do you know of already

-how to divide up the docent teams and topics

Monday, November 4, 2013

-VoD: Tenacious Mouse

Apple Pie Makin'

-overview and groups

-peel, cut, mix, fill, cover


-passback [34] and [35]

-go over [36] and turn it in (worksheet or flipbook)

-unit 3 packet assembly tomorrow


-common English errors round 3

-Ender's Game movie review and rebuttal (sample)

Social Studies

-current events

-dig-deeper findings and/or project presentations (Liam, RyanS)

Friday, November 1, 2013

8:40 Tarek on Islam

9:00 leave DCS and walk to theatre via mostly Vallejo Ave.

9:45-12:00 Previews and movie ($6)... popcorn (etc) self funded

12:00-12:30 Walk back to DCS

Thursday, October 31, 2013

-Assembly and Halloween Parade, 8:45 to 9:30ish

-VoD: Uncle Drew

Social Studies (9:30 to 10:15)

-current events

-finish test if you need to

English (10:15 to 10:40)

-finish your Ender's Game chart

-help me come up with (or find) a list of possible writing topics (themes)

Science (12:00 to 12:55)

Cell Division

-review the dance and the names of the parts and steps

-do either the mitosis flip book OR the mitosis worksheet (either = [36])


-create hydrogen peroxide & soap & food color solution and a yeast-water solution

-combine the two... yay

Block A & B

-double core... games and movie

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

-VoD: Pulling Tooth

-EG Friday: Leave DCS 9:00, Movie ($6) 9:45-12:00, Lunch 12:00-12:20 (bring or get), Back @ DCS 1:00

-earthquake & evacuation drill at 10

-Alec @ LTOP


-c.r.c. [35]... read the FIB in sequence and discuss the last 3 questions

-how good (neat and useful) did the document get (and by whom)?

Cell Duplication

-add diagrams to bottom of back of notes

-overview of the process with over-simplified drawings

-book pictures and online videos: V-Cell, Rap, Crash, 1:30,


-Wordy Wednesday: choose a word or theme and find two synonyms & 2 antonyms

ie. theme = rowdy and the 2 synonyms are rambunctious and boisterous, and antonyms are languid & listless

-finish your Ender's Game character chart

-collaborative stories summaries

Social Studies

-current events

-any questions or topics to review before the test? (its 20 questions)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

-VoD: Spray Painting (6 minutes)

-effort issues and the tugging dogs


-passback Bill on Cells

-turn in live cell lab (=[34)] if you didn't yesterday

Cell Processes

-three exchange process allow cells to live

-diffusion, osmosis, and active transport

-add notes to back of your diagram

-find great graphics, videos, explanations and add them to this document (mdk8)


-confirm pun answers and reasons with people who did the same page

-go over "best of" with those at your table

Fall Writing Assessment

-common to all 7th grade

-used to get objective comparison about abilities and

-to inform our instruction

-analyzing JFK's inaugural address

Social Studies

-Current Events for Gabi, Elise, Nate, Maya, Ali

-I revised my notes to include some interactive/personal aspects

-quiz tomorrow: chapters 8 and 9, 20 questions, no preview

Monday, October 28, 2013

-form new table groups (half have to be new)... 1st done = first choice

-VoD: Mind Blow (from series that describes innovations)

-IBMC Theme Choice

-movie plan for Friday


-last call for packets (before emails)

Science Experiment (status sheet)

-what the control sheet should look like

-drawing conclusions from data (sample)

-types of data relationships


-viewing "live" plant and animal cells under a microscope

-elodea and cheek cells

-drawings and descriptions and discussion

-tonight, browse this activity on CellsAlive.com for 15+ minutes


-Halloween puns (one of each page per table)

-collaborative stories summaries: characters & setting, action & climax, resolution & theme(s)

Social Studies

-current events

-finish travel plans on your own but by tomorrow for sure

-how did you learn chapter 8?

-find any good sites and/or videos?

-here are my notes (≠ quiz coverage)

-remember, the quiz on Wednesday covers chapters 8 and 9

Block A

-SSR (Ender's Game if possible)

-Tech Use survey from Ms Zare


Friday, October 25, 2013

VoD: Buggers?

-missing science packets: A, G, H, K, N, O, R, T, T.


-daily edit

-turn in the Punctuating Quotations assignment ([I]) if you didn't yesterday

Ender's Game Discussion session 2

-things to use for discussion

1. character chart (so far and new ideas)

2. theme ideas

3. chapter summaries

4. vocab form and results


-pictures from the books

-add lysosome and gogli to your notes

-c.r.c. [32]

-Bill on Cells (notes during, quiz after)

Social Studies

-a few dig deeper presentations

-finish travel plan

-learn chapter 8 in a way that works best for you (alone, pairs, groups, books, workbooks, videos, sites)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

-VoD: Water Thrusters Invention

-give me the chapter 7 test back... forgot to put it in gradebook


Cell Parts

-video (of me) from '90's

-you copy notes and diagram

Preview [32]: Cell Parts and Functions


-get those done and posted today if possible


-daily edit & how graded

-grammar again... [I] Capitalization

-collaborative stories should be to the climax today

Social Studies

-Alec's travel log

-current events (Lesley, Rahul, Audrey, Addie, RyanC, Luka, Liam)

-Ten minute Crash Course (fast and informative) on Muhammad & Islam

-write 2 columns: facts & questions

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

-sorry 'bout yesterday after math


-packets in for 3xc

-science experiment status spreadsheet

-[31] on Microscopes: review front and top of back

-steps for focussing a microscope

-extra time?... environment-creature project (finish & post)


-Wordy Wednesday... get the 4 words from this list of 100 words middle schoolers should know

-extra time?... EG character chart

Social Studies

-current events for Tuisku, Devan, Avi, Prerna, Hunter, Naya, leftovers

-passback chapter 7 test

-chapter 8 & 9: Prophet Muhammad and Teachings of Islam

-what did you learn from your dig deepers?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

VoD: wisdom of the crowd



-again, embed the experiment document into the science page of your site

Unit 2 Packet

1. Papers out and put in order

2. Mark location on cover sheet then add your comment

3. Paper clip and turn in

Microscope Parts and Functions

-necessary skill for the next unit (cells)

-fill in [31] in logical order

-how to calculate magnification


1. Work on collaborative story OR

2. Freewrite session 2 (list of topics, or your own)

Social Studies

1. Current events for Tuesday (Gabi, Elise, Nate, Maya, Ali, -- Oscar, Lukas, Kinsey)

2. Geography: Travel Plan -- how to get somewhere on your own that your parents currently take you

Monday, October 21, 2013

-VoD: Liquid Nitrogen & 1500 Ping Pong Balls

-message from Mr. Jones about cell phones (or things that can take/post pictures/messages)... don't let computers be next


Unit 2 Closure

-have all your papers (assignments 21 to 27) here tomorrow


-should be done with gathering data by now

-Science Worlds on charts, graphs, & tables

-embed the document from step 9 into the science page of your website


1. daily edit

2. turn in your Q1 vocab & grammar packet to me ([B] to [H])

3. character chart for Ender's Game

Social Studies

-Monday's current events people

-presentation plan for your medieval dig deepers

-video on geography of Arabia

-finish EOTO then take the chapter 7 quiz-io io io io

Friday, October 18, 2013

-VoD: Powerful Message from Pro Infirmis

-Avi -- any news/needs from student council?


-daily edit

Lit Circles


-impression of the book in general (more than just a "good, bad, neyh" judgement)

-chapter-by-chapter discussion questions are on the Ender page if you want to use them


-how did you study and do you have any last-minute review questions for the 'test'?

-get the sheet I have for you and answer as well and completely as you can... be patient

Fall Science Experiment

-update your control sheet

-you should have your data gathered and organized by the beginning of next week

Social Studies

-we are way way behind on our (my) chapter-a-week schedule

-moving ahead on two paths... dig deeper and next unit

Unit 2: Islam

-preview chapters 7 to 11 at about 10 seconds per page... read some parts

-all read 7.1 and 7.2 then do EOTO for each of the 4 regions (desert, oases, coastal plain, mountains)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

-VoD: Daylight Savings Time Explained

-bring your Ender book tomorrow (and have read at least half)

-no B-block algebra today

-demo and sign ups for Dry Ice Bubble Art booth


-re-explanation of the "test" on Friday


  1. description of the environment has to include climate, topography, inhabitants

  2. trade or rotate when ready

  3. on a new "Creature" sheet, write the challenges, then a list of possible solutions

  4. make some throw-away drawings and then discuss final design & features

  5. draw and label the creature

  6. post "Environment" and "Creature" sheets (top/bottom) on back wall


-comp book check for three things... ToC, Over 40, Ender

Collaborative Story

-in groups of three four you will write and illustrate a great realistic story

-setting, character development, plot-flow (action, conflict/challenge, climax, resolution)

-person 1 = plot, person 2 = descriptive details, person 3 = dialog, person 4 = mechanics & illustration

Social Studies

-current events

-debt limit explained

Dig Deeper

-project formation

-iPads 16-30 for Doceri (if you want)

Block A & B


Conference Preparation

1. create and format a g-doc as an agenda (title, date, attendees)

2. invite parents as collaborators

3. choose one agenda item from this list and paste it into your document

4. write one S.M.A.R.T. goal (this is the main topic of the conference)

S = specific... state your goal in very specific terms

M = measurable... so we can know to what degree you achieved it

A = action oriented... we should be able to see you working towards goal

R = realistic... achievable within the 6 months

T = timely... goal can be achieved in reasonable amount of time

Planning the Wheels & Pizza Trip (Bus, Pruneyard, Pizza My Heart, Los Gatos Creek Trail, bus) before rainy days

SF research... places to go, description & details of the place, and how to get there

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

-Exam Frustration


-c.r.c. [27]: descriptions and graphs (make checklist)

Unit 2 (Possible Origins & Evolution) summary "essays"

1. A forest fire grows, uses energy, moves, and can die; why then, can't it be classified as "alive"?

2. Describe the theory of spontaneous generation and the progression of experiments that disproved it

3. Describe the "primordial soup" experiment done by Stanley Miller and it's use to explain possible origins

4. Discuss the general geologic and biologic history of the Earth over the past 4.6 billion years

5. According to Darwin, how might the process of evolution by natural selection occur?

-you'll be writing out the answers during class on Friday (w/o notes)

Invent-Environment & Create Creature Project (instructions)


-Wordy Wednesday... get them from Ender's Game

-if you want to, please enter one or two of the words onto this form

Social Studies

-current events

-Jason on Doceri & how you might use it

-plan for disseminating u1 "dig deeper" research findings

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

-choosing new seats

-closing conversations about making up vocab & grammar assignments

-shared dropbox photos folder for walkabout pix


Evolution (day 3)

-review the three types of evidence used to support the theory

-compare the way Lamark and Darwin would explain the deer-affe to gir-affe

-c.r.c. [26]

-videos on Darwin (Discovery Channel & "Made Easy" & Great Transformations)

Simulation of Effect of Environment on Survival Rate

-explanation of "toothpick hunting"

-listen carefully & document results accurately onto [27]


-lets see who remembers what from the CEE round 2

-expanding on the Schmoop summaries of Ender's Game

Social Studies

-current events Tuesday people

-preview of unit 2 on Islam... what do you know, think, believe, perceive

-WW on Isaac & Ishmael

Monday, October 14, 2013

-VoD: Inverted Ice Fishing

-student council report & spirit week days

-CalCoast pictures collection method?


Fall Science Experiment

-status check... anyone perform tests over the weekend?

-status of your control sheets?

-science experiments & ideas sometimes really do lead somewhere (story of Jack Andraka)

Evolution (mechanisms)

-three categories of evidence explained

-the formation of the giraffe from the 'deeraffe"

-Lamark's (wrong) explanation

-Darwin's explanation: Natural Selection

1. moms have lotsa babies

2. not all can survive

3. they have differences

4. 'best' ones survive to reproduce

5. new species forms with trait that was selected for

-video segments on Darwin

-[26] "Natural Selection" out and explained


-passback [G] and [H]

-vocab grading strip and scores

-first quarter grammar + vocab pre-packet

-why are scores so low (or non-existent)?

-how to redo the work and raise scores w/o making too much more work for me?

Social Studies

-current events for Tues, Wed, & Thurs people this week

-last day for research on your "dig deeper" projects

-tomorrow you'll get an overview of Doceri as a possible way to do your project

-it is good for doing stuff like this RSA Animate video on changing educational paradigms

Thursday, October 10, 2013

-the plan for the day... catch-ups, educational videos, games, math, eating more, and maybe a movie


Pay It Forward and/or

The West Wing: Shutdown (season 5, episode 8) and/or

Bridge To Terrabithia

Meetings about science experiments

How Its Made: choice of episode from this list


Fall Science Experiment

-time to get your control sheet and procedure done

-if you have, then meet with me to get the go-ahead to start the experiment



Tuesday & Wednesday, October 8 & 9, 2013

-CalCoast Walkabout

Monday, October 7, 2013

-VoD: Short Attention Span & Business Clustering Explained

-passback track & HA!5

-collect remaining essays

-mini-course round 1 personal evaluation

-today is a mostly-science day


Last Bit on Geology

-laying down layers in sedimentary rock

-Law of Superposition

-intrusions and extrusions

Theory of Evolution

-attempts to explain a lot... from CHO to US?

-my notes

-definition and overview

-geo leads to bio

-evidence: fossils, anatomy, embryos

-non-biological evolution examples and the way that it happens


-daily edit: Levi Straus

-nouns -- and you thought they were simple (video, 1st 7 minutes)


Social Studies

-Current Events... yours then the first 5 of CNN Student News

-Continental Confusion video

-Cultural comparison, Mythbuster's style: 4-way stop vs. roundabout video

Friday, October 4, 2013

-list of who is in which reading group (just for today)

-VoD: How the Brain Works by John Cleese

-on Fridays we'll do ELA first

-IBMC after math (last session); do the self-evaluation


-passback Ditzy Dictionary set 2

-daily edit: Sputnik

Thank You Ma'am

-group discussion using these questions if you'd like

Social Studies

-portions of the CNN Student News broadcasts of the week

Medieval "Narrow & Deep" topic

-continue working on your

-meet with me or Jennifer or Suku or Tarek to share what you've learned so far

Thursday, October 3, 2013

-VoD: What if Animals Were Round?

-last call for packets before I have to make calls

-any ideas for the next buddy-day?

-car groups proposals

-science will happen after lunch because this morning I want you to get...

Practice Working in Groups

-the need and the lack of practice

-what are the natural roles people take when put in groups?

-the rules for these activities are simple...

1. distribute clues evenly

2. your clues get to group only through your mouth

3. rotate leadership with each new activity


1. Daily Edit:

2. Read "Thank You Ma'am" and maybe watch this

3. CEE round 2

-be sure they know it (can repeat it back)

-turn in Theme-Evidence essay (then you have free time), or finish it (no free time)

4. Other recent things

-other recent things that need to be done: Pixton, 4 for over 40

Social Studies

-current events Thursday people

-help me update the chart

Byzantine Empire

-the other (Eastern) Roman Empire

-video part one, and part 2

Narrow-Deep Projects

-get yours onto my list today


-last day about fossils & geology

-preview bobcat 162-181 with me

-split it up (162-163, 164-168, 169-173, 184-196)

-play this challenge board as a table (looking for highest table score)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

-new "hot spot" on website

Buddy Time

-in 2 sessions with half of each class in each room for half the time

-8:45 to 9:10 evens here and odds in room 18, then switch until 9:40

9:40 to 10:40:

Current Events: Tuisku, Devan, Avi, Prerna, Hunter, Naya

Government Shutdown

-what have you heard, what do you know about it, and what concerns you (if anything)

-possible impact on the Walkabout


-how the parents scored you 5 vocabulary sets so far

-next time the ToC gets scored as well

-this week: favorite words of the over-forty crowd

Science Control Sheet & History Narrow-Deep Topic Links

MiniCourses after math

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

-VoD: Message from a Model (from Mr. Jones)

-read the Walkabout packing list

-who wants to help me make car and room groups?

-letters with info about accessing PowerSchool


-packets in for 2xc

-you can improve your timeline

-c.r.c. Fossils & Geology Track (=[23])

Eyewitness Video "PreHistoric Life" part 1 and part 2 (questions = [24])


-procedure: pair up and find where a user could go wrong, then fix

-control sheet: sign in to mdk8, open this one, make a copy, change name & title, invite parent(s) and me (instructions)

-make it public and embed it into the science page of your site


-turn in your Theme-Evidence final and edited draft if/when you are done

Freewrite Topics and Time


-20 minutes

BuddyTime Prep

-tomorrow during science time you'll be with the ZareKids again

-in pairs you will make an animation about "responsibility" using GoAnimate4Schools

-today, try the 3 step process on your own

Social Studies

Current Events

-CNN Student News

-Tuesday people: Gabi, Alec, Elise, Katy, Maya, Ali

Narrow & Deep Investigations (list)

-find area of interest into which you will dig narrow and deep

-make a doc to house the results of your research, make it public, and share it with me

-embed it into the history page of your site

Monday, September 30, 2013

-VoD: How Was This Done?

-river rocks back to waterfall, if you are willing


-packets in for 3xc (towards unit 2's score)

-passback the timeline instructions [22] with scores

-the remaining challenges of group-work

Unit 2 Review

-def o' life, spon-gen, bio-gen, geo-time.

Fossils & Geology "track" (link)

-what a track is, how I make it, and how you do it (tonight's homework)

Experiment Procedure

-check the spreadsheet for my comments

-examples from Science World (one per table; do a group read; then discuss)

-revise yours tonight and bring it in (printed) tomorrow


-passback CEE #1 and [F] Fragments and RunOns

-daily edits (a new routine): Ballard & The Titanic

Theme-evidence essay

-should be written by now (but still in boxes)

-print (at home) and get adult edits tonight (not seen movie = have to give context and explain yourself well)

-print final (at home) and bring it in, along with edited copy

Ditzy Dictionary set 2

Social Science

Current Events for Monday crew

Assuring Comprehension of Chapter Content

-passback chpt 4 quiz

-how can we improve that process for the next unit?

Unit Projects (year overview)

-lets plan this part together

-goal is to go deeper into a topic of your greatest interest

-how you do it and what the outcome is needs to be determined by you

-ideas and parameters

Friday, September 27, 2013

-VoD: stunts

-weekly check-in


-packets out, back Monday = 3xc, Tues = 2xc, Wed = 1xc Thur = 0xc Fri=email

-requirements of life reviewed the readings

-finish timeline (30 minutes max)


-missing comp books

-finish the writing of your statement-evidence essay this weekend

Grammar: pronoun & antecedent matching intro and worksheet

-front together, back is homework

Social Studies

Current Events: this week on CNN

Chapter 5 quiz NayaDor

A & B Block


Why aren't we doing something more fun?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

-VoD: Turkey Dubstep

-remember, IBMC after math today

-Ms. Tulloch here this morning to help & get to know us... thanks


Unit 1 Packet

-papers out and in order

-write location on cover sheet

-your comment

-clean it up (align holes), clip it together, and turn it in

Timeline of Earth's Biotic History

-by analogy, how old is the Earth and how young are we humans?

-get your timeline and the instruction page and a "bobcat" book (ignore "Blue Book" pages)

-find the pages that have the pictures and text about each era's creatures

-team needs a leader who can keep the others working efficiently and in the right order

-part 3 will (and should) take the most time


-make sure your ToC exists and complete, then turn in your composition book to the crate

Theme-Evidence Essay

-the reason for the steps is to have each step be challenging but reasonable

-theme sentence should be done, now work on the paragraphs

-get one or two done today and then finish tonight

Social Studies

-Current Events: Thursday crew and any ready make-ups

-chapter 5 quiz preview

Unit Projects (year overview)

-lets plan this part together

-goal is to go deeper into a topic of your greatest interest

-how you do it and what the outcome is needs to be determined by you

-ideas and parameters

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

-happy birthday dad!

-assembly 8:45 to 9:15

-passback apostrophe & pass-list

-VoD: T-Shirt Wars


-recap spon-gen & biogen theories

-the two things that Urey & Miller didn't have

Age of Earth

-analogy 1: football field segment from Bill on Dinosaurs (start at 18:04)

-analogy 2: 24 hour clock from ASAP Science

Timeline Project

-get strip and do at least part 1 today


Wordy Wednesday... the usual

-get 4 words from this list of the 20 most commonly misspelled words

-update your TOC

Theme-Evidence Essay

-find what you wrote in your comp book yesterday

-open this g-doc and make a copy for yourself (file... make a copy)

-name it and then replace the blue text with your own

Social Studies

Current Events

-groups for Wednesday crew, then do your thing

Decline of Feudalism

-meet together in topic groups to share findings and create 2 questions

-back to tables to teach your stuff

-the Black Death... a depressing 45 minute video

-King John and the Magna Carta (newscast)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

-VoD: Convertible Apartment

-passback [13]

-remember, today we do IBMC after math

-no compromise or enthusiastic consensus for the movie options, so we'll skip it


-packet tomorrow instead of today

Biogenesis: very non-spontaneous generation

-Miller and Urey recreate conditions of primitive Earth

-get organic molecule

-the things that the Earth had but they couldn't add to the bottle... time and space


-c.r.c. Fragments & Run On Sentences

Ender's Game

-where is your book and where are you in it?

-help me continue my "you've read well if" list about Ender's Game for chapters 2 through 5

-lets create reading schedule for now 'till Monday

Statement-Evidence Essay

-organize the info from one section of your notes from HTTYD into the 5 box document

-use full sentences

Social Studies

-Tuesday people, do your CE thing (10 minutes, have article, have questions/prompts)

-lets improve the read, teach, quiz process

Decline of Feudalism (HA! chapter 5)

-four topics, but not necessarily by book section

-decide who will do which, then read and find vids tonight

1. King Henry and King John

2. Magna Carta

3. The Black Death

4. The 100 Year War

Monday, September 23, 2013

-new seats w/ pita-boy bust-up

-VoD: Magnet Pen-Toy


-have all 15 papers from science unit 1 here tomorrow

-tomorrow and Thursday we'll do IBMC @ Soc Stu time and vice versa

-Monday & Friday afternoon ideas & rationale

-all-in list, assignment printout, and what to do about 0s (off the wall = too late)

-how to redo a low-scoring, (non 0) assignment (QAR format)


Possible Origins of Life

-how and when life may have started on this planet

-faith and belief vs. observations and theories

Notes and Diagrams

-old theory of spontaneous generation

-progression of experiments: Redi, Spallanzani, Pasteur


Common English Errors

-go to this site and find a topic that interests you

-write it down the instructions

-teach 5 people and have them write their names on your sheet

-turn it in to me

-on Friday I will ask them to explain it... if they can then you both get xc

Social Studies

-current events discussions: Audrey, Addie, Oscar, Kinsey, Theodor, Luka, Lukas

-quiz for chapter 4 this is for you NayaDore

-topic division for chapter 5 (Decline of Feudalism)

Block A & B


-plan a trip for Friday

-making your online digital portfolio

Friday, September 20, 2013

-VoD: Elements

-we need a class rep for student council

-weekly check-in



-turn in [21]

-progress on the "effect of this on that" experiments spreadsheet

-enter yours today, if you haven't already (parents will check tonight)

Characteristics of Living Things

-your list, table list, class list, world's list

-presentation and video... you make list of words and examples on paper

-homework is to simply memorize and understand the list


-finish HTTYD

-list of your themes and a "like whens"

-next step (Monday) will be to refine your "thesis" and expand/organize your examples

Word Games

-compound chain and/or ghost

Social Studies

-zip through some of the CNN episodes of the week

-meet again with section teams and write at least one question for the quiz (Monday)

-CalCoast Docent Teams: tell us what you've learned so far (docs aren't great yet)

-geography: MapMaker Interactive and/or Google's World Wonders Project

-learn what you can do with those sites

Thursday, September 19, 2013

-VoD: Fox Goes

-tomorrow, for the sev-trip, we need to leave at 1:30 (before lunch ends)

-passback map assignment and chpt 3 quiz

-pictures right after lunch, so SSR will be after PE today

-current events Thursday and make-up people... be prepared by noon today


-overview of the units of the year

-next week we will make a packet of your science work, so bring anything you have at home

-preview of unit 2 and explain assignment [21]

Experiment 1: The Effect of This on That

-this page will have all the instructions and resources

-today you should choose the best 3 of your 5 ideas and enter them here

-look for my comments and approval on the spreadsheet


-anyone not turn in the Ditzy Dictionary page and/or the apostrophe page?

-if you didn't yesterday, please show me your vocab set

-also, show me your HTTYD themes and "like when" notes so far

-more of the movie

Social Studies

-current events

-EOTO for chapter 4 (Life in Medieval Towns)... two sections per person

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

-thanks for the honesty & discussion yesterday and keep investing in your own improvement

-VoD: Counting Chimp

-picture day tomorrow... you can order online here and use the code 142105187

-sometime today, join zaption using this link and then join our group using 574hga

-how 'bout we do our first walking field trip on Friday after lunch?



-c.r.c. [11]

-turn in [13]

Experiment #1: The Effect of This on That

-browse this list of experiment ideas

-find 5 that interest you, can yield measurable quantitative data, and are important (worthy of your time & effort)

Bill on Pseudoscience

-decipher title and predict content


Wordy Wednesday (set #3)... get them from any 7th grade level at www.vocabtest.com

The thesis-support essay

-my webpage on it

-show me your statements and support so far

-more of the movie and more notes... put energies towards your preference

Social Studies

-student-led current events session

-feudal town life

-backtrack a bit to revisit rise of Christianity (start this vid @ 12:00 ish or 44:00ish)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

-how did yesterday go?

-sharing a common goal and taking responsibility for yourself is always what works best

-VoD: Kindness Boomerang... add your own "good" to the world

-picture order forms (pictures taken Wednesday)


-review steps for using a triple beam balance

-graduated cylinders and the meniscus

-volume by water displacement method

-samples from the front of [11]

Lab Safety

-get [13] and find "good" and "bad" things in behavior and scene

Measurement Experience

-get lab sheet (=[13]) and equipment

-follow directions (get scores after steps 4 & 8)


-turn in the Reader Profile essay's final copy, edited draft, original draft

Next Essay: Statement and Support

-watch "How to Train Your Dragon"

-write down possible "themes" (messages, topics, subjects, points, key ideas) in one of 4 half-pages

-add "like when" statements that provide examples of each of your four

Social Studies

-current events Tuesday session (10 minutes)

-review then take quiz for HA! chapter 3

-life in medieval towns and the role of the guild

-why, in your opinion, didn't the order/achievements of Roman society rise again during the dark ages

Block A & B

-SSR then docent check-up then PE then leftovers and/or drinking fountain work time

Monday, September 16, 2013

-Ms. Tulloch here today... be good


-review then turn in [10]

-history of discoveries and inventions


-use the six-traits rubric to identify (and justify) where you essay falls and why (on back of sheet)

-apostrophe assignment

Social Studies

-our first student-lead current events session

-review the EOTO topics from friday, then take my quiz.

Friday, September 13, 2013

-VoD: Smart Squiggles

-Friday check-in

-missing blue sheets

-gradebook will get 5+ more entries over the weekend


Metric Mania

-those who have done the homework, check answers from the front side with each other

-review the metric advantages, then the common prefixes, then the tiny tiny prefixes

-sample problems from the back

Tools, Increments, and Scales

-show graduated cylinder and explain meniscus

-show triple-beam balance and weigh something(s)

-weigh rice I give you, then fill cup with prescribed amount


Discussion of Ender's Game so far

Work Time... any/all of the three below

Ditzy Dictionary set #1

Grand Grammar Game and/or Suffix Game

"Reader Profile"

Social Studies:

-chapter 3 EOTO

-common sections write the quiz questions

-maybe the Crash Course on Christianity & Judism

Block A

-leftovers time and/or digging dirt

Block B

-IBMC day 3

1. What have you learned so far?

2. Revisions to questions?

3. Initial ideas for your document and your activity?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

-VoD: QuadCopter Stunts (hosted by Alec)

-no AUP contract is ok, but it means no computer or wireless access


Metrics (day 2)

-cutting up a meter, and combining them too

-the reproducible standard

-the relationship between dimensions

-how to convert between units

-preview [9], front side is homework


-show me your 12 vocab boxes and tell me your best word so far

-time and guidance for your reader profile essay (due Tuesday)

-rough draft should be done by the end of the period

Social Studies

-get a book, show me your homework, then we will review it

-click on the following link to join my Zaption group http://zapt.io/rsz8nn3

-video with questions (zaption)

-create a diagram of the roles in the Roman Catholic Church (HA chapter 3)

Block A & B

-SSR (15 minutes)

-Walkabout research and doc-creating time (15 minutes)

-PE (35 minutes)

-leftovers time or drinking fountain next steps

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

-VoD: Indoor Wall Climbing

-PowerSchool access info letters

-school's technology agreement, and some classroom issues as well

-anyone interested in making half-pipes like the ones (some of) you used yesterday?

-pictures from the camcorder

-selectives sign-ups @ 9ish?


Metric Measurement

-comparing metric and standard systems

-metric advantages


-wordy Wednesday, set #3

-everyone, read me your best word from the two sets so far

-play www.freerice.com and, as you go, write down 4 great words

-then complete the entries according to the instructions

Social Studies

Current Events

-choosing current events days for each person

-what it might look like for a table


-tonight, please read pages G4, G5, G6, and G7 and answer the "review" and "think about it" questions (CS)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

-teambuilding and ropes course @ Mt. Hermon

Monday, September 9, 2013

-new seats

-VoD: Macbook Wheel


-how can we choose a yearbook pair?

-timeline assignment scores and xc option: adding your part 1 to this


Forensic Science (Case of the Exploding Lawns)

-recap what we know and what we (Alec) think

-what chemicals, why there, how to "prove" it?


-"Reader Profile" assignment overview

-sentence improvement process

Social Studies

Current Events:

-America's Cup yesterday in SF (video)

-choose a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday person to bring in article w/ discussion topics

-our one-person-per day CE thing starts on Wednesday


-last-minute review time for chapter 2, then my 13 question quiz


-a bit about latitude and longitude (video 1 and video 2 and the first minute of video 3)

-globes should have been done Friday, but that didn't happen

Friday, September 6, 2013

-VoD: First World Problems

-IBMC starts today at 2:15

-weekly check-in

-remember, what I wonder slides get checked this weekend (9 total)


-turn in [8]

How Science Figures Stuff Out

1. Scientific method

2. By accident (and observation)

-story of Post-Its and penicillin, etc

3. Forensic style (examples and today's activity)

-the scenario (explosions at housing development in the desert)

-the resources (interviews, photos, articles, labs)

-the columns (info, hypothesis, to-do)


Dead Words

-finish it if you haven't

Grammar Games

-play the jeopardy games (homophones and CapPunctuation) and show me score sheets

Ender's Game

-read this Schmoop introduction to the book and the summaries for chapters 1 and 2

-read chapters 1 through 4 by Monday

Social Studies

-when you leave for recess, the room has to be clean (& your stuff gone/away). Not this

E.O.T.O. for the last 4 sections of HA chapter 2

-get the book and the sheet

-decide on who will learn which sections (monarch, lord, knight, peasant)

-read and understand your section and put info into the right part of your pyramid

-explain your stuff to your group (don't let them just copy your notes)

-there will be a surprise quiz on chapter 2 on Monday

Block A & B

-SSR until 1:55

-leftovers until 2:15

-IBMC at 2:15

Thursday, September 5, 2013

-VoD: Technology Fruit Stand

-Tuisku's phone

-selectives course description packet is on my "electives" page

-ropes course forms (and one no-namer)

-anyone interested in being on the yearbook team for our class?

-class name?


-passback [4] & list of missing ones

Habits of the scientific mind (a.k.a. "snooty science") = [8]

-5 pairs of words but one commonality

-preview the two parts of the assignment


Wordy Wednesday but a day late

-get out comp book and format next vocab page

-get words from this list (from a book)

-find 4 you like and do all 5 steps for each

-create your first ToC page

Dead Words Grave Scene

-draft should be done by now

-get my approval, then make the real (good) one on large paper

Social Studies

Current events:

-each table will have a M, T, W, Th person who brings in article & leads discussion


-video from Discovery Channel then discuss vocab, ideas & opinions

-read parts of HA chapter 2


-show table the lines and your continent, discuss best strategies, then continue

Block A & B


-game master plans

-PE (2:10 to 2:45)

-Walkabout Docent Groups (instructions): today you should get the doc started, shared, and have a list of topics

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


-today we will go to room 18 to do 2 activities with the class

-they will do a "find similarities" activity with us and we'll do a throwing star activity with them

-show them how, help them do it, they do it alone, then do some activity (aim, distance, height)

-when we get back, we'll start our regular schedule...

-VoD: Acting Out Kids' Drama

-ropes course forms?

-please increase your self regulation & and decrease your response time

-tray columns: science, English, history

-science assignment scroller


-c.r.c. [7]

-scientific and non scientific terms

-definitions & examples

-instructions for [8]


-show me the draft of your dead-word scene

-when approved, create the real one on construction paper

Social Studies

-current events: How much do you want to do and what format should it have?

-history: show me your diagram of group relationships & watch the first 4 min of this crash course

-geography: take your sphere and mark an equator and prime/anti meridian, divisions

-tonight, take 20 minutes to draw about half the landforms/continents (use Google Earth)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

-VoD: vegetable market along railroad tracks

-ropes course form (and video)

-your number and your trays

-passbacks and how things are graded

-missing work lists and your (individual) recovery plans

-how to redo low-scoring science assignments

-storing papers in the trays

Science & English

-discuss then turn in [4] and [5]

Scientific Terms and Latin Roots

-deciphering words (as a group)



-lists of roots and endings their meanings (with examples)

-preview [7] (copy) and do a few, then illustrate one of your made-up words

Social Studies

Current Events: CNN Student News & discussion

History: concrete and/or abstract parallels between the US and the Roman Empire (back of the HA 1 worksheet)

-"Crash Course" on the fall of Rome and a comparison to Byzantine Empire (east Rome)

Geography: making a map from a globe

-who brought in a ball?

-if not, how can we make maps of the continents for our wall and to the same scale?

Blocks A & B

-SSR & Ender's Game 3 (books out)

-PE 2:10 to 2:45

-Cal Coast docent groups and initial research

Friday, August 30, 2013

-VoD: Pong Game Crosswalk Game

-I'm going to have parents check your "What I Wonder" slides tonight, so make sure they are done and here

-mark your comp book pages for copying (pre-write and organization)


-c.r.c. [3] (remember, big n, control, ocot)

Secret Life at 118 Green Street

-sci & tech shows us things in daily life that are otherwise unobserved

-worksheet in pairs (leapfrog the reading & answering of questions)... some go by quickly


Name Essay

-organizing and marking the 5 components (pre-write, org, draft, edits, final)

-this marks a starting point for your growth as an organized and effective expository writer for this year

Dead Words

-putting an end to over-use of colloquial words in written (and maybe even spoken) language

-replacing them with more specific and meaningful alternatives

Social Studies

1.over the weekend, try to find (and bring in) a cheap hollow spherical object that you can cut up (beach ball?)

2. finish the note-taking and each-one-teach-one process from HA! 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6

3. more on Engineering an Empire

Block A & B

1. IBMC class lists

2. chapter 2 of Ender's Game then short SSR (I can give you copies of EG if you want it)

3. here is what I did with your "constitution" posters

4. "What I Wonder" docs made public and shared with chrisheumann@gmail.com

5. game-master idea for Monday & Friday B-blocks in September (there are 7 of them)

6. anyone want to join the work crew for building the drinking fountain (muscle and mechanical work on weekends)

6. overview of the CalCoast Walkabout and dividing into the 7 research groups

Thursday, August 29, 2013

-remember, stable seats for a few weeks

-VoD: Jeremiah @ 12 Left Tape for Future Self


Scientific Method

-review: definition, sounds, steps

-share and revise (if needed) the plant & music experiment

-preview sides 2, 3, and 4... they are homework tonight

Timeline of Biological Discovery

-trends in discovery frequency and possible explanations

-find one you recognize and tell what you know about it

-the assignment ([4]) says to explain one, add one, predict one

Cause & Effect

-mouse trap... cut it out and assemble in order then tape it down (neatly)


-have you kept up with the pace and kept the components (pre-write, organizer, draft, edits)?

-final version and those 4 pieces should be ready tomorrow

Ender's Game

-our first all-class book

-I'll read you chapter 1

Social Studies

Current Events

-no CNN Student News today (you can watch on your own at home if you want)

-also, here is a good video from the BBC called "The History of Syria"

Engineering the Roman Empire video

-focuses on architecture

-exposes the brutality as well as the beauty

-90 minutes long... we can skip sections OR watch more in the afternoon

Block A & B:

-SSR then fill out this form about your IMBC theme preference

-PE (2:10-2:45)

-Class Preferences then Leftovers

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

-seating by entry order and my approval

-VoD: Awkward Handshake Disorder and High Five Etiquette


-check, review, and collect [2]

Scientific Method (ppt)

-definition of the process

-description of the steps (and sounds for each)

-examples: putting the story in order

-preview [3]: Scientific Method

-HOMEWORK: do side 1 of [3] Scientific Method


Wordy Wednesday (weekly vocabulary routine)

-go to page V5 in your comp-book and split it into four sections

-browse the C&H book for great vocabulary words (or use this list)

-for each square, write down the word, an understandable definition, and 2 example sentences

Name Essay

-have a peer edit your rough draft (methods)

-read the highest level on the "six traits" rubric and see if yours lives up

Social Studies

-CNN Student News

-what did you understand from the MLK speech?

-discuss the reasons Rome rocked from our document

-I read HA 1.2 to you and show you my notes

-do an each-one-teach-one for 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

-VoD: Imminent Maritime Collision

-the last question for your card is by you, and I answer it (samples)

-sharing a doc with me ≠ turning it in

-how long did all of the homework take (all subjects)?

-listen to and follow directions better... cost to me > cost to you = unfair

-why are so many things still not finished by so many people?

-my current class-management dilemma is about pacing and on/off task behavior (video)


-turn in the "Summary of Findings" (=[1]) that you did last night (about a career)

Definition and Divisions of Science (=[2])

-what does science do?

-how is the big thing broken into smaller (overlapping) things?

-do top of side 1 of [2] together, and then bottom on your own

-preview the other sides and start each during class

-HOMEWORK: finish [2]


-is the "books we've read" complete for everyone?

My Name Essay

-the organization document should look something like a table of contents

-writing time... use it well and challenge yourself to do impressive (not just adequate) writing

-peer edit if you finish the draft before recess

Social Studies

-three things today: discuss Roman Empire, discuss the globe conundrum, and learn about MLK's speech

-History Channel page on the march on Washington 50 years ago (1st 2 videos)

Block A

-what do you need to do to finish the posters from yesterday?

-your combined contributions and careful/creative work are important here

Block B


-IBMC preview and initial list


Monday, August 26, 2013

-open seats until Wednesday, then we'll stabilize for 3 week cycles.

-name card and question 4 (last one I'll ask you to answer)

-math starts today (after recess) and PE starts tomorrow (Tues-Thurs 2:10 to 2:45)

-assignments list and updating your calendar/planner

-behavior issues, costs, and solutions

-school rules and agreements... open w/ mydk8 account, choose a rule, and add a sentence about why it exists

-VoD: Games Kids Play


-remembering and re-igniting that infantile intrigue

-do the the "What I Wonder" slides will be on your own, 4 per week. Question, details, picture

-science promo video: I Am First

-Careers in science: read this page and do the assignment tonight


Your Name

-show me your pre-write and I'll show you mine

-how (and why to go from pre-write to organized "outline")... do yours tonight

-be ready to write a draft tomorrow in class

Books We've Read

-go to this spreadsheet and follow the instructions in yellow at the top (mydk8)

Geography & History

-tell me what you learned last year in history and how you learned it

-making a spherical object (globe) from a flat sheet (paper)

-homework: learn about the achievements of the Roman Empire and enter your findings here (sign in w/ mydk8 to edit)

Block A & B:


-the About Us jeopardy game from the spreadsheet

Turning Preferences into Practices and Policies

-this was a great and important year because...

-write big & dark on post-its and place onto board

-create categories, then groups make a poster-sheet that includes

-We believe that...

-It looks/sounds/feels like...

-So we will ____ because _____.

Outside Game(s) OR Leftover Time

1. Name magnet

2. Scrapbook page

3. Tagxedo

4. Globe

5. Tonight's homework (Rome, Name, Careers)

Friday, August 23, 2013

-email from Mr. Jones about fire drill

-new place AND new people

-name card and question 3 (the fire story)

-VoD: The Magnificent Plastic Bag

Friday Check-In (9:15)

-what have you learned about me and what have I learned about you?

-any issues or concerns to discuss?

Practicing Personal & Social Transitions

-chatty, active, engaged ---> still, silent, attentive

-stretching your social defaults

What I Wonder (9:30)

-a daily routine

-you'll create a slide on which you write a question and add detail and picture

-use your mydiscoveryk8.org account, set sharing to public (view)

-invite me (chrisheumann@gmail.com) with "can edit" privilages

-it will go in your digital portfolio and on the "about us" page of my site

Aspects of Us, day 2 (10:10)

-finish or elaborate your responses (must be signed in)

-PLEASE don't click into anyone else's cell or mess with the spreadsheet at all

-read responses from others and come up with a question for our jeopardy game... repeat if time allows

-just for fun we can play this one on teen & DCS trivia

Recess (10:40)

SSR (11:00)

Formatting Your ELA Comp Book (11:20)

Your Name Pre-Write (11:30)

Powerful Pairs (12:00)

-video as intro

-drawing task

-assembling task

Lunch (12:55)


  • Name magnet,

  • Tagxedo,

  • Scrapbook,

  • Aspects of us,

  • Your name prewrite,

  • What I wonder

  • World Cup country card

-check my chart to make sure you (and others that want your help) have all squares checked

Textbook (Across the Centuries)

-find yours, take it home (and leave it there)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

-enter alpha 1st, open seats but try to change it up each day

-cards out and question 2 (who do you admire, respect, emulate)

-bring a personal reading book from now until October (SSR)

-Leftovers (whenever you have extra time or when I provide it: Tagxedos, Scrapbook, Magnet

-status of your word clouds... any questions or complications?

Creating Table Configurations (8:50 to 9:10)

-four forward

-one on each edge

-two and two

-board room

Slap Happy

-groups of 5 or more

-instructions are here

-play until the last pair

Similarities and Differences

-get sheet and put names in columns

-statement & responses then = or ≠

-try to find the oddest similarities

Speedy Q n A

-challenge Charlie's example

-write your list (at least one page)

-choose a victim to answer

Recess (10:40 to 11:00)


-find a book, magazine, or online article and read independently & constantly

Cup-Stacking Challenge

-the band and the three strings

-practice moving a cup on table, then to ground, then

Aspects of Us

Add info to the doc (your row only) and browse others' writings

-write out some questions for a jeopardy-style game we'll play on Monday (like this one)

-just for fun we can play this one on teen & DCS trivia then write updated (or better) questions

Lunch (12:55 to 1:35)

Marshmallow Tower (intro video)

-get supplies & build tower

Outside Game(s)

-hook-up tag and chaos tag

Room Clean-Up & Release

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

8:40 - 9:00 Seats, name card, question 1, attendance, school forms, missing emails,

9:00 - 9:20 Welcome assembly

9:20 - 9:30 Review supply list and your intended systems of organization

9:20 - 10:00 Name tags for your drawer

-block, bubble, bubble-fill, alphabet, GraffitiGen, Block 3D

10:00 - 10:30 Balloon towel toss

10:30 - 10:40 Comp book set-up (numbering the two halves)

10:40 - 11:00 Break

11:00 - 12:00 Words that describe you and give an example. Use them to make a...

Tagxedo about you, drop it to me

  1. Write down things you like, words that describe you,

  2. Get online and go to www.tagxedo.com and click on "create" (might need Silverlight)

  3. Click "load"

  4. Enter many (single) words that describe you. Frequency determines size. (so does :x)

  5. Manipulate theme, font, orientation, layout, and shape.

  6. Click "save" and click "500KP JPG"

  7. Name it firstlast.jpg and save to desktop

  8. Go to www.dropitto.me/chrisheumann and enter pw "heumann"

  9. Click "choose file", find yours, and upload it.

  10. Check my DropItToMe folder to see if I received your file

  11. Help others to do steps 1-9

12:00 - 12:45 Summer Scrapbook Page

12:45 - 12:55 Get history book, clean up, stack chairs

12:55 - 1:15 Lunch

1:15 Release