Coupla Things v17 (1/10/15)
Post date: Jan 11, 2015 7:16:26 AM
Dear Room 25 Families
This is day 23 of my nightly "I should really write my weekly newsletter" discussion with myself, so I guess it is time to get into action.
This long vacation has been a fantastic time to relax, recharge, and celebrate. I have missed you!
The week before vacation was so long ago that I had to review the daily schedule to see what we accomplished, which, it turns out was quite a bit! Here is a list:
1. The expository essay (link)
2. The personal-interest project presentations (link)
3. The "Best word of 2014" vocab slides (link)
4. A 20 word quizlet set (at the bottom of each column of this spreadsheet)
5. A slide about one of the places on our class' SF route (link)
6. A slide summarizing one portion of the history textbook section 5-3 (link)
7. The construction of a can stove (video)
8. Viewing a NOVA video called Conquest of Cold (video and worksheet)
1. Intensive switch starts tomorrow. Our class will go to Mr. Dowling for Chemistry each morning until recess, and I will be teaching history/government to Mrs. Leftwich's class. This means that during our one hour of homeroom time each day (11:00 to 12:00) we will be squeezing in history, science, and English (including book club meetings on Thursdays). Also, the current events routine moves back to parent-discussion mode each weekend.
2. This coming week there are no workshifts; Chat with Dale instead. If any of you have an extra hour around school with nothing to do, you are welcome to stop in and hang out with us and maybe tackle something on the to-do list on the "for parents" page of my site.
3. The High School Information Night that was scheduled for Tuesday was postponed for a date later in January. Karen Yorn sent out a notice about that, I think. There is still a parent meeting on the calendar and it will probably be an optional QnA session about the SF trip -- after I talk to Dan and Susan tomorrow I will let you know details.
4. I went to San Francisco twice over vacation and walked/biked/bused around the Presidio and Park learning lots of new things and exploring some really amazing places. I'm quite excited about the upcoming all-eighth grade trip to SF on January 20-23. There are itineraries, maps, packing lists, presentations, and budget information on our webpage, the short-cut to which is Our Overnight Field Trip team can kick into gear now, coordinating things like medications, donations, and re-communicating drop-off and pick up times. If you receive communications from them, please respond ASAP; they are doing a tough job.
5. High School Recommendations are due for some of the private schools on February 4th. I've filled out about half of those I've received. Just FYI, I'm slow to get those done, so it isn't a good idea to wait until the last minute to get me to write one. Also, I often espouse enthusiastic accolades about the applicant on these recommendations, but I also am apt to be brutally honest when needed or asked directly. If I student is late with work or has a hard time completing tasks autonomously or their work or behavior lacks proper internally-controlled quality, I will say so on the narrative portion of those form.
That is all I can think of for now. Have a good last-evening-of-vacation (kids), and I'll see you all bright and early tomorrow!