
Unit 10: Growth, Reproduction, and Genetics

June 4 to 6, 2012

Biologically, one of every organisms' main function in life is to reproduce more of its kind and nurture the offspring towards independence. The parts and processes involved in reproduction and parenting are just as intricate as the rest of the human body, but also involve social, personal, and moral issues. Questions and discussion will guide much of the content on reproductive anatomy and puberty. Our study of genetics is basic, but detailed enough to provide a good foundation for later study.

For 8th grade, two videos will provide the springboard for discussion. They are linked below.

Life's Greatest Miracle:

Teen Dreams:

First 15 minutes, second 15 minutes, final 15 minutes

Videos or Programs for other grades:


The videos address the biology of reproduction but the students' questions will likely delve into moral questions, cultural norms, and personal beliefs. (On Monday I can show you the questions that my 7th graders asked). My default attitude is to answer (if I am comfortable) as objectively as possible and to facilitate class discussion.

Typical categories of questions or discussions:

  1. Female reproductive anatomy (external, internal, changes @ puberty, variations)

  2. -vulva, labia, clitoris, hymen, vagina, cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries

  3. Male reproductive anatomy (external, internal, changes @ puberty, variations)

  4. -testicle, epididymus, vas deferens, Cowpers, prostate, seminal vesicle, urethra, erectile tissue, penis, foreskin, circumcision

  5. Acne and skin health

  6. -epidermis, dermis, sweat gland, oil (sebacious) gland, hairs, erector muscle

  7. Puberty

  8. Menstrual cycle

  9. Wet dreams

  10. Breast development

  11. Masturbation

  12. Pregnancy and birth

  13. Birth control

  14. The media (magazines, sites, pornography, discussion boards)

  15. Privacy, trust, and social issues

  16. Sexuality, asexuality, and the diversity of sexual expression & identity

  17. Sexually transmitted diseases

  18. And a billion "what if?" questions


-my track on prenatal development


Below is the curriculum from my HGD unit for 7th grade life science.