National Parks
The purpose of this project is to get you familiar with one of our National Parks (or similar) in order to gain some understanding of the geography, history, culture, and beauty in our country (and beyond).
Phase 1: Browse and Choose
There are many locations that have been designated as public lands for various reasons. National Parks are one type of designation but there are others. Take a look at this list as well as other sites that show various parks. That should give you an idea of the diversity and grandeur of the parks.
You can choose another type of area such as a National Monument or State Park. Instead of asking "Is it ok if I choose ____", just decide for yourself whether or not your choice adheres to the essence and purpose of this assignment (see intro.)
Once you have chosen, please enter your name after the park name on this list (add another row if your park isn't on the list). Two people can choose the same park and can work together or separate.
Phase 2: Research & Reflection
Time to start doing some more extensive research into your park. As you do, come up with some categories into which to put the information that you find.
Create a G-doc (or presentation) and write the categories from step 1 above into that document. Fill in information without extensive copy-paste. Use your words as much as possible. Annotate pictures that you add.
Create a bibliography at the end. Paste in URLs of webpages that you used for info and for images.
Change the visibility of your doc so that anyone with the link can view.
Go back to the parks spreadsheet, highlight your name, and link it to your document
Phase 3: Sharing Information and Assessing Effect
We'll discuss, as a class, how the information you learned can be shared (taught) and how to assess both the author and the presentee.
Presentation days:
Oct 11: Lance-Samek, Winston, Benjamin, Josh
Oct 13: Emma, Elizabeth, Betina, Kiya