Friday 1/16/09 U6 D15
Thursday 1/15/09 U6 D14
Wednesday 1/14/09 U6 D13
Tuesday 1/13/09 U6 D12 -block schedule today (P4 and 6) -turn in [6] even if you just did the front Eyewitness Video on Plants -answer questions in pairs (=[7]) -turn in when done (don't get answers from other pairs) -find a DIFFERENT partner for the Great Plant Escape (= [8]) -discuss rules for the old lab in E4 -get sheet, partner, and one computer (space out) -go to (or via my site) -go through cases sequentially -answer all of the first 10, then any half of each of the remaining cases
Monday 1/12/09 U6 D11 -block schedule today (P1,3,5) and tomorrow (P2,4,6) -turn in [6] even if you just did the front Eyewitness Video on Plants -answer questions in pairs (=[7]) -turn in when done (don't get answers from other pairs) -find a DIFFERENT partner for the Great Plant Escape (= [8]) -discuss rules for the old lab in E4 -get sheet, partner, and one computer (space out) -go to (or via my site) -go through cases sequentially -answer all of the first 10, then any half of each of the remaining cases
Friday 1/9/09 U6 D10 -turn in [5] Using legos for balancing the equation 1. Get the tower (18 red = oxygen, 12 white = hydrogen, 6 blue = carbon) 2. Break them all apart 3. Make carbon dioxide and water 4. Do photosynthesis 5. Do respiration Tropisims -read BugEye 406-407 -diagram of the 4 types of topisms (photo, geo, hydro, thigmo) -do chart on bottom of front -back is optional xc HOMEWORK: do back of [6] if you want (xc)
Thursday 1/8/09 U6 D9 Roots, Stems, and Leaves (day 3) -answer my 6 questions on the top of side 4 of [4] Photosynthesis & Respiration (=[5]) -a few analogies about storing and releasing energy -riding uphill, stretched rubber band, earning money, charging a battery -front side in two colors -start the back together HOMEWORK: finish [5]
Wednesday 1/7/09 U6 D8 Plant Parts (Roots, Stems, Leaves) -go over each side of [4] together -its due tomorrow instead of today -there will be some 'quiz' questions too Eyewitness video on Trees
Tuesday 1/6/09 U6 D7 -turn in [2] if you didn't yesterday Plant Parts: Roots, Stems, and Leaves -diagram and notes with me -start [4] HOMEWORK: do most of [4] (due Thursday)
Monday 1/5/09 U6 D6 -new seats -passback [1] and [3] and read mw list Transition to Land Q & A (=[2]) -show what step you are at using card on the clip 1. You and partner write 5 good questions in left column 2. Wait for another pair to be done and trade 3. They answer your questions in right column 4. You put +1, +1/2 or +0 by their answers (on 'your' paper) 5. I grade your questions Trees -go to trees by library and think of a good question about trees -Eyewitness video on Trees (notes while we watch) -5 questions at end (=[4]) HOMEWORK: read BugEye 374-378 and write notes on BACK of lined paper
Friday 12/19/08 U6 D5 -turn in [3]: Simple Plants Track if you did it on paper Video choice and vote Waffles
Thursday 12/18/08 U6 D4 Unit 5 Packet -passback [13] -get cover sheet and label -packet order, comment, and clip Simple Plants Track -do in library... on form if you can finish before period ends HOMEWORK: finish Simple Plants Track (=[3])
Wednesday 12/17/08 U6 D3 -passback [13] (/0!) -quiz for BugEye 358-363 -finish questions for [2] if necessary Plant Collection and Analysis 1. collect samples -3 per person -no bigger than a pencil or smaller than an eraser -no overlap -careful with the area... stay only on trails 2. analyze obvious and subtle features 3. find 3 common characteristics and write them in center diamond 4. tape 2+ for each person into trapezoid and write name on short line 5. find features unique to yours and write them in triangle (and draw arrows) 6. names on front then pin to back wall
Tuesday 12/16/08 U6 D2 Overview of Plant Classification -'read' Blue Chapters 5 & 6 (105-155) 'magazine style' -read (!) Holt 252-253 word for word -do front of [1] with me -notes and answers to questions about BugEye 358-363 will go on the back Simple Plant Q & A (=[2]) -get partner and sheet -write 5 good questions covering Blue Book 114-122 -turn in to folder when done -another team will answer those questions tomorrow HOMEWORK: read BugEye 358-363 and take notes on [1]
Monday 12/15/08 U6 D1 -passback [1] and test -grades for the test were dishearteningly low -when/how the content for the questions was taught -how can I teach better and how can you learn better? Test Recovery Form -get half the lost credit back -write question, right answer, why it is right -due tomorrow either completed OR signed off by you -20 minutes now, the rest is homework Bill on Plants HOMEWORK: Test Recovery Form
Friday 12/12/08 U5 D17 -last call for packets (0xc) signed or not -passback [11] and stuff from late tray -turn in [12] Unit 5 Test -25 questions, 25 points -choose 2 of the 3 'SA' questions to answer -you'll get scores on Monday -correcting crew 2:45 to 3:15 for 4xc
Thursday 12/11/08 U5 D16 Field Trip to TheTech HOMEWORK: finish [12]
Wednesday 12/10/08 U5 D15 -packets in for 1xc -blue books available for checkout after school Protist Handouts -ameba & paramecium -plant-like protists -ok to use your notes during U5 test on Friday Protist Video -5 questions at end (=[11]) HOMEWORK: [12] 3 Protists
Tuesday 12/9/08 U5 D14 -U4 packets in for 2xc -April 6 Assembly 'permission slip' Reading Notes on Fungus-like Protists (Bobcat 275 and 276) Viewing pond water samples -where & how to get samples -get sample (one per person) and scope (one per pair) -view in depression slides -keep microscope stage dry -find and track movement -pour extra into "classroom pond" container
Monday 12/8/08 U5 D13 -U4 packets in for 3xc -test Friday... probably 20 points -passback [3], [6] (n.w.p.), and [8] -missing work list from Pinnacle Protist Kingdom -how to take reading notes... -my read-aloud and notes from Bobcat 270-274 (animal-like protists) Viewing protist samples on perma-slides -get sample and scope (one per pair) -view slides
Friday 12/5/08 U5 D12 -turn in packets signed for 4xc -3 dimensional model of this idea using agar and vinegar -cut 3 cubes... 2cm, 1cm, and .5cm -submerge into vinegar for until smallest is all 'fed' -slice other 2 in half and measure width of 'unfed' square Assessment: Each table write a half-page explanation of this big idea, convincing me you 'get it'... due at the end of the period.
Thursday 12/4/08 U5 D11 -happy 6th b-day Olivia -passback [7]... many are missing -unit 4 packets out (add label) -if you're not going to get it signed, leave it with me Intro to Fungi "Quiz" (=[9]) -covers what you did yesterday with sub... video & Bobcat 285-294 -answer any 6 of the 9 questions with a partner (if you want) Big Idea in Biology: Cell Size Limitations -Why bacteria aren't the size of cows? -introduction on ppt, -graph the relationship between perimeter and area on graph paper
Wednesday 12/3/08 U5 D10 -sub today (Pomai Neil) Introduction to Fungi -read Bobcat 285-294 -watch Simple Organisms video on Fungi HOMEWORK: write up Mold Making experiment (=[1]) -see this link for lab report sections
Tuesday 12/2/08 U5 D9 -remember, [1] is due Thursday and there is other hw tomorrow, so do it tonight. Bobcat on Bacteria -finish share-out sessions and notes -your responsibility to your group -your rescue route... read their section(s) yourself -7 questions into box on back of [8] Bacteria Video -25 minutes or until e.o.p. -a bit young for you but a good review HOMEWORK: write up Mold Making experiment (=[1])
Monday 12/1/08 U5 D8 -green sheet should say 12/12 not 12/2 as end of U5 -[1] Mold Growing Experiment write-up is due Thursday -see this link for lab report sections Bacteria (day 2) -bigger than viruses but less destructive... most are helpful -3 general shapes, a cell wall, but no nucleus Bobcat Book pages 246-255 -do an Each-One-Teach-One using my sheet (= [8]) -quiz at end of process Discovery Video Segments Online HOMEWORK: Do bacteria track (7846) if you haven't already (if their site works)
Tuesday 11/26/08 U5 D7 -turn in [6] -passback [5]... cool, eh? -check (and kill) bacteria in petri dishes Mike Battles Salmonella -another video in the "Body Story" series George Battles Fat HOMEWORK: do my
Bacteria Track and enter answers onto
Monday 11/24/08 U5 D6 -passback [2] and [4] -check out your bacteria from Friday -how is your mold experiment going? Flu Video -Holly's recovery (14:00-26:00) Virus and Invasion Track in pairs -enter info into this form HOMEWORK: finish [6] Bacteria Cultures
Friday 11/21/08 U5 D5 -turn in [3]... in 60 seconds for full credit or into Same-Day-Tray (80%) Growing Bacteria 1. Get partner, dish, and tape 2. Bisect with line and write names 3. Put tape on bottom of dish over words 4. Maximize bacteria on finger then contaminate your half of dish 5. Close, tape, and stack up dish Understanding Viruses (video) -get sheet from yesterday ([4]) and finish questions -watch 'till after the part on the Aztecs and Smallpox Holly Gets the Flu -another video... story of a singer who gets the flu -no worksheet (yay)
Thursday 11/20/08 U5 D4 Human Immunity -simplified explanation of a complex process -do front of [3] together "Understanding Viruses" -goooood video from Assignment Discovery -script available -worksheet in pairs = [4]
Wednesday 11/19/08 U5 D3 -any more papers to add to packets? Bobcat on Viruses -read 236-244 -answer my 6 questions on the bottom of the back of [2] Finish Bill on Germs HOMEWORK: do middle of back of [3]
Tuesday 11/18/08 U5 D2 -new seats -highlighting front of [2] Unit 4 Packet -passback [14]... any more to turn in? -how to tape down loose parts of [3] -papers you have in order -comment, clip, and turn in Bill on Germs HOMEWORK: finish highlighting [2]
Monday 11/17/08 U5 D1 New seats after we make the u4 packet (tomorrow?) Creature Features -turn it in... now = /15, end of day = /12, tomorrow = /9 Unit 5: Simple Organisms -objectives and overview -the simplest 4 kingdoms and viruses Making Mold -three-week experiment done at home -[1] out and explained Viruses -discuss pictures in Bobcat book 236 to 244 -definition, size, and structure on ppt HOMEWORK: research defense systems and add notes to [2]
Friday 11/14/08 U4 D14 Unit 4 Test -26 mc's and one chart -half sheet to cover answers -get test and answer sheet -turn in in back when done -then continue with your... Creature Features -finish bubble chart and id key (steps 4 and 5) HOMEWORK: get bubble chart & id key tested and signed
Thursday 11/13/08 U4 D13 -passback [10] -if you got [10] back, you can enter info onlinefor another 1xc Creature Features day 2 4. Finish bubble chart 5. Create an id key 6. Color cover -if you don't finish during class today, make a plan: who, where, when to meet
Wednesday 11/12/08 U4 D12 -passback [3], [12] -turn in [10] if you did it Test Friday... read BugEye chapter 11 well (12 pages in 2 days) Creature Features: 2 days, 3 people, 15 points. Due Friday 1. Get materials (2 sheets, scissors, colored pencils, envelopes) 2. Think of theme then write title and names on front/back) 3. Color and cut out each creature (by design if you want) 4. start bubble chart -follow directions on back -see samples if needed
Monday 11/10/08 U4 D11 -passback [6], [9], and [11] (nwp) -Test Friday (15ish points) -c.r.c. [12] -review scientific names: what, why, when, who, how? Using More Identification Keys -[13] Tree Keys -in pairs in class, rotating tables in your row. Preview [14] and hand out the creatures... how and why to color them HOMEWORK: check out ID keys at 1. Wisconsin Forestry Project 2. Arborday
Friday 11/7/08 U4 D10 Correcting crew needed -6 productive and quiet people -Sunday afternoon 3 to 4 -6 xc, pizza, and music (if you bring it) -email me (chrisheumann@gmail) if you can come & I'll confirm Attribute Activity Information Entry Form -passback [7] The 6 Kingdoms -read Bobcat 230-232 -c.r.c. [11] Scientific Names (vs. common names) -read BugEye -what is it? -why have it? -how written? -who decided? -why Latin? -'translating' sample scientific names Dichotomous Identification Keys (=[12]) -examples from books (Bobcat 227 & 228 and BugEye ???) HOMEWORK: [12] Identification Keys
Thursday 11/6/08 U4 D9 p3... two days in one due to assembly yesterday -passback [8] and explain how corrected (2251) -c.r.c. [9] -examples of KPCOFGS on overhead [10] Anything's KPCOFGS...extra credit -video on the 5 (ha!) kingdoms [11] The Six Kingdoms
Wednesday 11/5/08 U4 D8 -turn in packets, signed or unsigned -turn in [8] -turn in [6] if you haven't already Classification of Organisms -notes on the 6 kingdoms and the 7 levels HOMEWORK: finish [9]: K.P.C.O.F.G.S.
Tuesday 11/4/08 U4 D7 -sit with your regular table group at any table -packets in for 1xc -turn in [6] and [7] -entering AA information onto the form during class today Shoe Sort Sport -get sheet and read top half -sort assigned group -track your shoe's categories -trade sheets and find their shoes Sorting Objects (=[8]) -what you did last night: gathered materials -today: create a sorting process, and write on pyramid -if time: switch with non-neighbor and test by watching -modify your instructions as needed -revise as needed then re-test at home -get signature of adult user on the pyramid -turn in [8] tomorrow, but keep your objects
Monday 11/3/08 U4 D6 -passback [1], [2], and [5] Unit 4 Objectives out Class Atmosphere & Individual Responsibility -reasons we need to change things -my 3 epiphanies: dog leash, CSTA, plumbing -what will be different Species-Groups List and Personal Classification System = [7] -list species and group then revise as needed -your classification system (description and diagram) on back Diagramming Groups... continue from Friday HOMEWORK: bring in objects to sort
Friday 10/31/08 U4 D5 -sub today... I'm at Calif. Sci. Tchr. Assoc. Conference -packets in for 3xc Noodle Lab (=[5]) -directions (oooold video) -objective 'rules' -work in pairs and do both sides and turn it in Diagramming Groups (=[6]) -do it with different partner than [4] and turn in what you get done by e.o.p.
Thursday 10/30/08 U4 D4 -packets in for 4xc -sub and plans for tomorrow Your Attribute Activity (=[3]) -test with 2 or 3 people and revise as needed -confirm components, package correctly, and turn in Leaf Sorting 1. get your bag and find a place to work 2. sort by agreed-upon rules down at least 4 levels 3. show the 'rules' in the circles 4. tape samples to bottom level 5. put name and period on the bottom and pin it up on a wall
Wednesday 10/29/08 U4 D3 -packets out: back Thurs = 4xc, Fri = 3xc, Mon = 2xc, Tues = 1xc -any questions about [3] Leaf Classification (=[4]) 1. instructions 2. get into groups of 3 on the way to the nature center 3. find 3 or 4 sample leaves per person... different from each other HOMEWORK: Make your own attribute activity (due Thursday)
Tuesday 10/28/08 U4 D2 -remember... seats have changed Similarities and Differences Between People (= [2]) -groups of 4, get sheet -instructions -find 4 = and 4 ≠-turn in Attribute Activity (day 2) (=[1]) -get sheet from me -continue where you left off yesterday -turn in HOMEWORK: Make your own attribute activity (due Thursday)
Monday 10/27/08 U4 D1 -new seats -missing unit 2 packets -passback [2], [3] and test Unit 3 Packet -put the unit 3 papers in order -find unit 3 total (out of 50) -comment, clip, and turn in Unit 4 Overview -number and diversity of organisms on this planet -human tendency to sort things makes them easier to deal with -takes the ability to see detail and commonality -a system must be comprehensive, objective, adaptable, and universal Attribute Activity -as table groups = [1] -14 puzzles worth .5 points each HOMEWORK: Start to make your own attribute activity
Friday 10/24/08 U3 D10 -unit and quarter ends today Unit 3 Test -any questions or topics for review? -use a sheet of paper to cover each answer as you go -turn in when done and have something quiet to do -correcting line
Thursday 10/23/08 U3 D9 Unit 3 Test tomorrow: microscopes and cells -use objectives, [1], your notes, and BugEye Chpt 4 & 5 Cell Duplication -review cell duplication process (my diagrams) -turn in [3] today or tomorrow if you didn't yesterday Unit Review to prepare for tomorrow's test -to E-4 to do the jeopardy game (repeat as needed) skip the "In-n-Out" column, and most 400 or 500 point questions
Wednesday 10/22/08 U3 D7 -substitute teacher today -packets in for 3xc -turn in [2] if you didn't yesterday Cell Life Cycle -how cells duplicate materials and then divide -BugEye chapter 5 section 2 (pg 152-157) -do 1 - 10 on 157 in class in pairs (=[3]) -view onion root tip cells dividing if you have time (BugEye 158) Homework for Wednesday Night: The next topic for this unit is the movement of materials in and out of cells. There are three processes you should start learning about: 1. Diffusion 2. Osmosis 3. Active Transport To begin, read the sections in the Bobcat book that teach about those things (use the index if necessary), and then view the following two online animations (with quizzes): One on Diffusion and one on Osmosis Those videos are for high school, so don't get frustrated if you don't understand it all.
Tuesday 10/21/08 U3 D6 Add lysosome and gogli to notes -one pair per part -read 2 books about it -add picture and summary to your diagram -teach the other pair about your part -class summary Bill on Cells -turn in [2] if you want
Monday 10/20/08 U3 D6 -packets in for 5(!)xc -passback [1] -unit 3 objectives out Cell Parts -video (of me) from '90's -you copy notes and diagram Preview [2]: Cell Parts and Functions HOMEWORK: do about half of [2] Cell Parts
Friday 10/17/08 U3 D5 -U2 packets out... back Monday = 5xc! Bill (high school version) on Cell Discoveries -18 minutes, 4 or 5 topics Viewing Plant Cells -how to create a wet-mount slide -view elodea and other things from Nature Center
Thursday 10/16/08 U3 D4 -same seats as yesterday Microscope Use -c.r. sides 2 and 3 of [1] -how to get something in focus -finish then turn in [1] -write your names on half sheet, super small, then view on LMH powers -view some pre-made slides and decide on one to show to class -information onto card and then rotate to all stations
Wednesday 10/15/08 U3 D3 -new seats today... in random order by my approval Microscopes -types: simple/compound, monocular/binocular, light/compound -parts of a light microscope -label front of [1] -how to get something in focus -view your name -prepared slides HOMEWORK: finish [1]
Tuesday 10/14/08 U3 D2 -new seats tomorrow -passback [11] and the test -review the mc test -full credit criteria for essays is on my website (on unit 2 outline) Unit 2 Packets -cover sheets out -get sticker -find unit 2 total -find what you need on U3 to get the (realistic) grade you want -comment, clip, and put in # spot
Monday 10/13/08 U3 D1 -passback [7] and other leftovers Packet for unit 2 -get your papers in the same order as the papers on the front wall -any that you don't have here, bring from home Evolution Video: Great Transformations HOMEWORK: 1. bring unit 2 papers 2. read BugEye 618 and 619
Friday 10/10/08 U2 D14 -any late work from unit 2 has to be in by the end of today (after dance) -anything you want to review before the test/ -sit one person per edge -have two half-sheets to cover answers (2 columns) Unit 2 Test -60 multiple choice questions @ 1/2 point each -2 single-paragraph questions @ 5 points each -turn in at front when done -1st 8 for correcting line -totally quiet till everyone is done
Thursday 10/9/08 U2 D14 -passback [7] and [8] Natural Selection (day 2) -example: insects and DDT -c.r.c. [9] Unit 2 Review -test tomorrow is 40 points -assignments and notes and objectives -find out what you don't know, then study that -use Blue, Bobcat, and Toucan books here, then BugEye book at home -[10] Textbooks Chapter Review Questions... not worth points -chapter review question answers are on my website
Wednesday 10/8/08 U2 D13 -passback workbooks... score for [6] on page 143 Evolution (day 2) -three categories of evidence explained -the formation of the giraffe from the 'deeraffe" -Lamark's (wrong) explanation -Darwin's explanation: Natural Selection 1. moms have lotsa babies 2. not all can survive 3. they have differences 4. 'best' ones survive to reproduce 5. new species forms with trait that was selected for -video segments on Darwin -[11] out and explained HOMEWORK: [9] Evolution and Natural Selection
Tuesday 10/7/08 U1 D12 -a few passbacks -enter [3] score onto back of [3] instructions "Quiz" on BugEye 298-304 = [8] -timed and 30 questions, but with partner, notes, & book Evolution -attempts to explain a lot... from CHO to US? -my notes -definition and overview -geo leads to bio -evidence: fossils, anatomy, embryos -pictures from Blue book pages 30-31, 53, and 54
Monday 10/6/07 U2 D11 -science test Friday, probably 40 points -passback [2] and get score for [3] (on wall) -missing work list Theory of Evolution -evolution is defined as 'gradual change' -technical evolution of the cell phone video Bill on Evolution -during video, show me [8] HOMEWORK: Read bugeye book 298-304 ... quiz tomorrow (=[10])
Friday 10/3/08 U2 D10 -turn in workbooks -last call for packets (0xc) -passback [5] Fossils and Geology (last day) -turning book terms into understandable terms -overview of Bobcat 162-181 -decide on teams for... -Jeopardy Game
Thursday 10/2/08 U2 D9 -remaining packets in for 1xc -passback [4] and missing work list PreHistoric Life Eyewitness video -worksheets in pairs = [5] -each person gets a copy, only fill in one Nature Center -observing and predicting change: 5 min, 5 months, 5 years, 5 decades -make chart on paper with partner -remember the rules: stay on paths, no running, low voices HOMEWORK: read 137 to 142 in the workbook and do page 143... bring it in tomorrow ( = [6])
Wednesday 10/1/08 U2 D8 -packets in for 2xc and missing packet list -turn in [4] Earth's age as a football field (from Bill on Dinosaurs) Timeline of Earth's Biological History (day 2) -follow directions step by step -keep everyone busy -I won't help or fix problems unless you ask me to -turn in at the end of the period
Tuesday 9/30/08 U2 D6 -packets in for 3xc Teamwork Activity -magnet sticks and balls... alone, pair, group -what you 'have' should be less important than what you can build Fossils and Geology Track (=[4]) -how a track works -how to get to it -to the library to use computers in pairs -write answers on the sheet... one per pair -if you don't finish, one person takes the sheet -call the other and work on it together HOMEWORK: Read BugEye 276-278 and "your" page of 279-282
Monday 9/29/08 U2 D6 Unit 1 Packets in for 4xc -to you with my comments -back tomorrow = Review -discuss the idea and the death of Spontaneous Generation -the Miller experiment and a lego analogy -the things that Miller couldn't add... TIME and SIZE Timeline of Earth's history (=[3]) -4.6 billion years -instructions out, my overview, and you form groups -get paper strip and find workspot -do at least part 1 steps 1 to 4 -fan-fold (don't roll) at end of the period HOMEWORK: Read BugEye 276-278 and "your" page of 279-282
Friday 9/26/08 U2 D5 -packets out... return Monday for 4xc towards unit 2! -Tues = 3xc, Wed = 2xc, Thurs = 1xc, Fri = 0xc & I call home Possible Origins of Life -how and when life may have started on this planet -faith and belief vs. observations and theories Notes and Diagrams -old theory of spontaneous generation -progression of experiments: Redi, Spallanzani, Pasteur Biogenesis: very non-spontaneous generation -Miller and Urey -recreate conditions of primative Earth -organic molecule
Thursday 9/25/08 U2 D4 -happy birthday Dad -Mr. Pitcher here today Definition of Life (day 2) -continue Bobcat then do BugEye and handout -X = not mentioned, = already covered -turn in when done or when Mr. Pitcher calls for it, whichever comes first Bill on Biodiversity (or Populations)
Wednesday 9/24/08 U2 D3 The Definition of Life -no easy answer or single criteria -copy list from question 1 of [1] to "You" column of [2] -turn in [1] -compare, discuss, with partner and write column 2 -then with table and write column 3 -class list, debate, and keep/kill Textbooks -get one of each kind (Bobcat, Holt, Bear) -how to do the chart The Final 8: -DNA, cells, grow, water, energy, response, reproduce, life span, homeostasis HOMEWORK: get packet signed and bring it tomorrow
Tuesday 9/23/08 U2 D2 -new seats for unit 2 Unit 1 Packet -overview of the process -job-aid for the steps 1a: papers out 1b: papers in order 1c: papers neat & 3hp 2a: confirm scores on cover sheet 2b: SKIP 3a: place on front counter alpha last Unit 2: Possible Origins of Life and Evolution -preview [1]: Personal Views HOMEWORK: finish [1]: Personal Views
Monday 9/22/08 U1 D1 (sorta) Unit 1 Test -passback and review test Passbacks -[6], [9], [10], [11] and how I graded them -too late to turn things in -bring all papers back tomorrow Bill on Measurement HOMEWORK: Bring all unit 1 papers to class tomorrow
Friday 9/19/08 U1 D16 -turn in [11] by number -P5 and P6 turn in [9] -all unit 1 missing work has to be in by 4:00 today -bring all assignments here on Monday Unti 1 Test -50 items, 25 points -there are a few typos
Thursday 9/18/08 u1 D15 1. Passback [7] and explain how I graded it 2. issing work list 3. Lab Safety (= [11]) -get sheet and preview it with me... code diagram 4. Last 2 Metric Advantages -reproducible standard -relationship between dimensions 5. What to study for the test -which objectives are most and least important 6. Tool names and uses -do tool name on side 1 of [9] with me -do the matching at the bottom then turn it in HOMEWORK: 1. finish [11] 2. for P5 and P6: finish [9]
Wednesday 9/17/08 U1 D14 -go over some scales & cylinders on sides 2 and 3 of [9] Measurement Lab(= [10]) in groups of 4 -4 purposes: equipment use, group work, follow directions, future labs -check equipment and get sheet -work as a team and confirm with each other -get grade after steps 8 and 8 -clean up and organize equipment HOMEWORK: None
Tuesday 9/16/08 U1 D13 The five advantages of the metric system -simple notes -cutting up a ruler Measuring Mass -define mass and weight and discuss units -practice using balance beam scales -weighing object inside objects Volume -define volume and discuss units -how a graduated cylinder works -measuring and mixing volumes -water displacement Labeling Tools -label tools on side 1 and do the matching HOMEWORK: finish sides 2, 3, and 4 of [9]
Monday 9/15/08 U1 D12 -science test Friday -passback [4] and [5] and how I graded them -pass out grade printout for [1] through [5] Event Sequencing -why did I have you do the mousetrap activity? -show me your moustrap (=[8]) -Rupe Goldberg and Honda (commercial) Measuring Length -standard and metric units -accuracy and levels of insecurity -estimating and measuring stuff Measuring Mass -balance beams -how to calibrate and how to use it HOMEWORK: rulers and scales of [9]
Friday 9/12/08 U1 D11 Detective Style Science -Exploding Lawns (day 2) -continue filling out [7] -diagram of the situation using known info -current hypothesis and supporting evidence -demonstrate possible solution (if you get it) Sequencing -connecting events and creating the overall flow -cut up pieces, keeping rows together -paste onto grid then tape over seams -turn in Monday HOMEWORK: finish mousetrap sequence
Thursday 9/11/08 U1 D10 -today is early out Thurs (= Wed schedule) -any more sci. dep't. donations? -c.r.c. [6] Detective Style Science (forensics) -collecting and connecting evidence Case of the Exploding Lawns -the scenario and the resources -your sheet for Info, Hypo, and ToDo (=[7]) -you choose the resources -update your notes as we progress
Wednesday 9/10/08 U1 D9 -turn in [5] if you didn't yesterday -any donations to turn in? -questions entered so far... please at least do name & email by tonight Bill on Inventions -predict content -24 minute video Deciphering Science Vocabulary -decoding big words -Latin roots HOMEWORK: [6]: Latin Roots
Tuesday 9/9/08 U1 D8 -sit where you sat yesterday -$15 donation request from sci. dept. -second copy of [5] for p1 (will be due tomorrow for p1) -review and collect [5] -tour of Creating Investigable Questions -samples from last year -using the nature center (stay on paths, no running, listen for my voice) -tour the area and choose an environment -write two investigable questions on an index card (with name and period) -quick check by me -return to room HOMEWORK: enter your best question using this link
Monday 9/8/08 U1 D7 -come in by card order and choose seat -seating stabilizes today (for next 2 weeks) -passback [1] and [3] and missing work lists -c.r.c. [4] Habits of the Scientific Mind (snooty science) -understanding the ten words -notes onto chart -start bottom half in class -HOMEWORK: finish [5] Scientific Thinking
Friday 9/5/08 U1 D6 -passback [2] and missing work list -how I grade stuff -how to redo an assignment -time payback policy for P4, 5, 6 -review Scientific Process -do some of sides 1 and 4 of [4] with me Bill Nye on Pseudoscience -what science is not -no worksheet HOMEWORK: finish [4]
Thursday 9/4/08 U1 D5 -line up by sum of name as text message -turn in [3] (no need to c.r.c.) Scientific Method -definition of the process -description of the steps (and sounds for each) -examples: putting the story in order -preview [4]: Scientific Method HOMEWORK: do most of [4] Scientific Method
Wednesday 9/3/08 U1 D4 -turn in procedures handout -show me green sheet if you didn't yesterday -c.r.c. [2] and describe process Timeline of Biological Discovery (=[3]) -find one thing you recognize -why the increase over time? Finish 118 Green Street video and turn in [1] HOMEWORK: Timeline of Biological Discovery -explain one, add one, predict one
Tuesday 9/2/08 U1 D3 -flexible seats still -name card out and finished (for some) -check daily schedule and homework as a habit Class Procedures -handout of slides -circle one per slide and explain it -add one unanswered question at the bottom -show me the signed green sheet by the time I get to you Unit 1 Objectives -what you will know by the end of the unit -a good study guide, but NOT an assignment [2]: Definition and Divisions of Science -what is science and what does it do? -complete top of front with me -do bottom of front with table -back is homework Finish Video: from the fly to the end HOMEWORK: Do the back of [2]
Get green sheet signed if you didn't already.
Finish procedures notes if you didn't already
Friday 8/29/08 U1 D2 -come in by any order -site with video partner from yesterday -cards out and write question for me Class Expectations -highlights of green sheet -which will be the biggest challenge for you -poll using cell phones to respond Science Books -get book and workbook from library -bring them home and keep them at home Video: Secret Life -continue worksheet in pairs HOMEWORK: 1. Get green sheet signed
Thursday 8/28/08 U1 D1 -come in by birthday order -name card and question 3 Finish Class Orientation -remaining slides and explanations Introduction to What Science Does -observing and investigating things normally unnoticed -Video: Secret Life at 118 Green Street -worksheet in pairs (=[1])
Wednesday 8/27/08 -come in by alpha last name -name cards out & answer question 2 -sheet protectors? Class Orientation -more slides (behavior, assignments, supplies, grades) -handout and your notes... one per slide
Tuesday 8/26/08 -welcome to D1 and 7th grade science -come in by alpha 1st name -sit at any table -confirm schedule and course code Name Card -fold lengthwise -name big and bold and both sides of outside -P1, P2, P3 room list on inside of card -answer 1st question inside -hold it up as I take your picture... then not Opening Newsletter -preview articles -read any two completely Class Overview -topics, timings, and test dates -course highlights using ppt HOMEWORK: 1. Get sheet protector 2. Don't get green sheet signed