Coupla Things v29 (3/31/2012)
Post date: Mar 31, 2012 10:40:57 PM
Good Morning and Happy Saturday.
Today was supposed to be the day that I got to play "arborist" and climb a big tall tree with chainsaw in hand (and safety ropes, of course) in order to trim it down to a level that State Farm approves (fire danger), BUT the rain and wind have grounded me. So, I get to use the time to sit inside this mountain house with a cup of tea and recap the week.
The most important thing to glean from this week's newsletter is that each student needs to get a biography book for the next set of book-club meetings. Many of the kids have already entered their preferences onto this form, and you can see the results here. If your student doesn't have an idea yet, a trip to the library and/or bookstore will certainly be fruitful. Once I know what books the students have chosen, we'll put them into groups based on some connection (here is a list of last year's groups).
This week the kids worked on their Steinbeck Supplemental Chapter/Synopsis and hopefully turned them in on Friday (80% credit for Monday turn-ins). They also turned in a non-fiction discussion form (for extra credit this time).
During class, in addition to the book club session on Tuesday and Science Expo on Friday, we watched the Sinise/Malkovich rendition of Of Mice and Men -- true to the book, well acted, and sufficiently depressing.
The second of three rounds of speeches are now done, and I can't rave enough about the quality of almost all of them. The kids chose some truly evocative speeches, and delivered them with the sincerity and understanding that would have made the original authors proud! My notes/feedback for those will be passed out on Monday.
Lots of our class time was spent doing the "publish" phase of the science experiments that have been in progress since late January. Hopefully the students have kept you up to speed on this project and included you as a viewer on their control sheet. We also set the reading and exam calendar for unit 8. The biggest science event of the week, of course was yesterday's school-wide science fair. This was my first year to observe this great event, and it really exemplifies many of the attributes of DCS -- creative ideas, diverse topics, supportive community, and a flexible interpretation of the typically stringent protocols of formal scientific investigation. :)
Next Week & Beyond:
Conferences: Every day next week is an early release day for students and a conference or training day for teachers. My conference calendar is almost full and I'm eager to meet with the students and parents who are participating in the (optional) sessions.
Civil War Simulation: On Monday, our class (HR 25) will be participating in a social studies simulation all morning in room 22. Mrs. Leftwich will have HR 26 for ELA during P2 in room 25. Thanks to Mrs. Leftwich for setting this up.
DeAnza Planetarium: On Wednesday, all of the 8th graders will be going to DeAnza College in Cupertino to watch presentations at their planetarium. Thanks to Mrs. Stuart for setting this up! Seems I'm the slacker of the 8th grade team!
Staff Development Day: On Friday students have a day off! Here at DCS we'll be doing a variety of professional development activities, including improving class websites!
Female Chaparone Needed: I'm looking for a middle school mom to come on the CalCoast Cruise on May 21, 22, 23, and 24 (while most kids are in DC). Interested?