Coupla Things v13 (11/17/2012)
Post date: Nov 18, 2012 12:6:52 AM
The Late Edition.
Friday came and went without my usual newsletter, so this issue arrives on this great semi-sunny Saturday afternoon. From what I heard, the readership increased last week because of my self-imposed brevity, so I'll try to keep this one to just a coupla things.
Bad news first: Some students are really suffering from a sudden bout of acute zero-itis lately -- a pesky (but correctable) condition in which small round characters begin to appear in larger-than-normal numbers on the students grades. Please take a look at the science section of PowerSchool to see if the infection has hit you(r student). The remedy is simple, but not always easy -- details are on the "assignments", QAR, and "procedures" pages of my website. The grades for the Fall Science Experiment will be hitting the gradebook soon, so please check this list to confirm that I've received the physical copy of the lab report and that it is posted on the science page of student's online portfolio as well.
Unit Transition: Last week we finished up the last chapter of unit 3 (great test scores, by the way -- 55% As!) which means that the unit packet should be coming home soon for your comment and signature. The next unit will cover work, machines, and energy and starts off with Dr. Ismail's lesson for the kids on Monday. In addition to the regular at-home-readings schedule and in-class experiments/experiences, the students will also be doing daily science demos for each other starting next week.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your reading. By the way, the "reply" button is almost as easy to find as the "delete" button. :)