Coupla Things wk32 (5/6/18)
Post date: May 06, 2018 6:16:6 PM
Happy Sunday Students and Parents,
There are just three things I want to cover this time: conferences, women in US history, and the rafting trip.
Conferences: During most of the 21 half-hour meetings last week, the kids took a good lead and shared various things about their year and what they've learned. Almost everyone is poised to meet the challenges of high school and thrive amidst the new opportunities. I'd like to thank you parents for coming to school and participating in this rare and valuable process.
Influential Women of US History: For the next few weeks I'll be asking the kids to find out about people who have had an impact on our country, but probably didn't get much mention in the history books or media of the time. Women often fall into this category, but there are also many people of color, minorities, and/or other factors that have led to lack of credit or visibility. One of the homework items for this weekend was to do some initial research, find 3 to 5 people that interest them, and enter them onto a form. As of noon today, only Samek, Arian, Benjamin, Lance and Winston have done that, so the rest of the class may need a reminder (or whatever is effective) to get their research and entries done before tomorrow morning.
River Rafting Trip: In just four weeks (June 6 to 8), the whole 8th grade will be doing their final DCS overnight trip. Not much academic justification for this one, but it is a really important time with schoolmates and quite an adventure. The rafting page on my site explains most of the details including the itinerary, boat and tent groupings, food, and photos. This year we'll be adding the SunSplash water park and slides to the first day of the trip.
1. Bitanya compares Kindergarten and 8th Grade
3. Alex on Technology at DCS
May 11 (Friday): Middle School Dance
May 13 (Sunday): Mother's Day
May 14 to 17 (Monday to Thursday): CAASPP Testing
May 20 (Sunday): Deliver Goodwill items to DCS (9:00-3:00)
May 28 (Monday): Memorial Day
May 30 (Wednesday): Field Day & BBQ
June 1 (Friday): Final Middle School Dance
June 5 (Tuesday): School Musical
June 6 to 8 (Wednesday to Friday): 8th Grade River Rafting Trip Information is here
June 11 (Monday): DCS Maker Day
June 11 to 14 (Monday to Thursday): Early Dismissal
June 13: (Wednesday): Graduation! Practice at Westgate Church 9 to ~12, ceremony 5 to ~6:30, dance 7:30 to 10 .
June 14 (Thursday): Last Day of School
June 14 (Thursday evening): All 8th grade celebration at Saratoga Springs
June 16 (Saturday): Parent Work Day
July 8 (Sunday): DCS Alumni Boating and Barbecue at Vasona