Science Experiments
Simple Experiment (Fall)
Fall, 2016: "What is the Effect of This on That"
Over the next week or so, you will design and perform a simple experiment that can easily fit into the "effect of ____ on ____" scenario.
You'll collect, organize, and analyze data and write up a lab report.
Start by filling in the form below with your idea and then check the spreadsheet (below) for my comments. You may submit more than one.
1. Think of an idea or two (samples) and enter it/them into the form below during class on Tuesday 9/27/16.
2. Wait for my response (it will be in the spreadsheet below the form) and make adjustments as necessary (should be done by 9/29/16)
3. Create your document
4. Experiment procedure and materials (should be done by 10/4/16)
Procedure: A set of step-by-step instructions that could be used to tell someone else how to do the experiment. Don't write it in first person.
Materials: A list of what things are required and probably the amounts needed
5. Perform experiment and collect data. Make graph(s) (should be done by 10/17/16 -- the Monday after our Walkabout)
6. Analysis and conclusion(s) (should be done by 10/20/16)
Analysis: describe the data; trends, correlations.
Conclusion: a statement about the effect of ___ on blank that can be supported by your data
7. Possible sources of error and future work (should be done by 10/20/16)
Error sources: explain how your data or experiment design might be faulty or inaccurate
Future work: what should the next person who might perform your experiment, or one similar do to make it better.
8. Print your lab report with sections clearly titled (turn in by 10/24 -- the Monday of conference week)
Progress Chart
What is the effect of game type on game temperature?
What is the effect of clothing color on outer body temperature?
What is the effect of classroom noise level on student productivity?
What is the effect of transportation type on time needed to get home?
What is the effect of time of day on my the number of people who roll the stop sign outside my house?
What is the effect of bike tire pressure on skid length?
What is the effect of ice-cube shape on melting time?
What is the effect of air flow on campfire temperature?
What is the effect of font size on reading speed and comprehension?
Intermediate Science Experiments (Winter)
Science is in the business of asking questions, making observations, forming hypothesis, performing experiments, analyzing data, and then forming conclusions and publishing the information. For the next few weeks you will be "doing science" by running through that process with a topic of your choice. You will be getting specific instructions and resources from me along the way and doing some of the work in class, but most of this project will be done on your own time and outside the classroom. Below is a list that should help you manage your time.
Review the scientific method, experimental design, and iterative engineering during unit 1.
Browse a variety of resources that list experiment ideas (ie. websites, ScienceWorlds, textbook, alumni)
Think of some topics that interests you as well as a specific questions to ask (ie. what is the effect of ____ on ____?)
Post two or three ideas on the form and monitor the spreadsheet (shown below) for my comments and suggestions.
Make adjustments based on my suggestions.
Start a Project Control Sheet (open this one, make a copy, name it with your names, customize it, and share with me and parents.)
Fill out the "measurements and units" form (view examples here)
Read some Science World articles on writing procedures, then write yours.
Write the topic, description, question, materials (budget), procedure, and method of data collection.
Conference with me about your proposal and revise as needed.
Explain your project to your parents (use the sheet from step 10) and get their approval (signature).
Perform your experiment and gather data.
Read some Science World articles on organizing and displaying data, then do yours (ongoing)
Analyze your data and write some conclusions
Post all of the information about your experiment onto the science page of your website (use Lab Report format)
Purpose (Question)
Materials & Procedure
Data & Observations
Analysis & Conclusion
Confounds (Possible Sources of Error)
Future Work
Present your experiment page to a parent and another adult and get feedback
Present your experiment to the class, including process, findings, what you learned, and possible next steps
Project Progress: The spreadsheet below shows my tracking sheet of your progress. If it is in error, please help me get it up to date during recess or lunch or after school.
My list of websites that will help you with this project (contest for $25k)
Here is another form (from 2011)
Approved Projects:
Abbi & Avery: Age and Audability
Audrey: Lava Lamp
Alec & Carter: Brocilliflower Sprouts
Chiara: Sweetness Detection
Claire & Danny: Dissolving Candies
Douglas: Pop Resistance
Ian & NC: Hovercraft
Graham & Carter: Projectile Angle
Jacob: Nutrition & Attitude/Ability
James & Kevin: Urine Color
Jenna & Juliann: Soda Burps
Khoi: Reaction Time & Age
Riley: Aerodynamic Darts
Vernon: Projectile-Stopping Liquid
Tim: Crossbow Projectile
Display Board Feedback & Scores (Spring Science Expo, 2013)