Instructions for Students:
Overview: Although correcting papers can get tedious, it is important that each paper be done accurately -- the kid that did the work that you are correcting will look at it carefully, and often the parents do too. Please take enough time to do the correcting well. Use the following process:
1. First, thank you for doing this!
2. The tray on the left side of my desk usually has assignments that need to be corrected. Sometimes there are just one or two copies of an assignment and other times there are class sets. I try to give mostly the ones that don't require subjectivity because some parents don't like to be in the position to judge student work. There should be an answer sheet in the folder... if not, check the "answer key" section of the stacker that is on the right side of the desk.
3. Take a set of papers that you know you can finish (or at least finish one side of) in the time that you have. Partially corrected stacks are a pain for the others to finish up, so bite off only what you think you can chew. It's smart to correct stacks one side (or part of a side) at a time -- that way you can probably memorize the answers, and are more likely to be accurate. Of you are unsure, please check with me about which parts I want you to correct and what kind of markings to use.
4. Read the assignment and the answer key through before you start so that you understand what the kids had to do. That way you will be able to give half credit for some answers, accept variations or answers that may not be included on the answer key, and write little notes on the kids' papers explaining to them what they did wrong, and maybe how to do it right. This is the part of being a corrector that takes a lot of judgment, patience, and thinking. Do your best to help the kid learn the stuff. Don't take 10 minutes per page, but also please don't breeze through a class set without attending to details. If a problem is wrong, circle the problem number but don't write in the right answer -- that should be up to the student. If you can give half credit, put a slash through the problem number and write "-1/2" by it. For things other than multiple choice sections or fill-ins, it'll really help them if you write why the problem is wrong -- maybe even for just a few. If they didn't follow directions, underline the part of the directions that they missed. That happens a lot!
5. Look for a series of similar wrong answers -- maybe the answer key is wrong and needs to be changed (or maybe the kids are copying off of each other -- hmmm), or maybe there is a concept or skill that I need to reteach.
6. Mark the total wrong for each side under a slash at the bottom corner opposite the 3 holes. If the assignment is more than one page, the number wrong always goes diagonal to the staple, no matter what side you're on.
7. Use the yellow Post-It note to write down what side of what class that you corrected, and stick it to the answer key. That way I have a record of who corrected what.
Note To Students Wanting to do Correcting for Extra Credit: Correcting papers requires at least 30 minutes of quiet and calm. This might be at lunch or after school. Check with me and we will make an appointment to work together or for me to set you up with some papers to correct on your own. You will get 1 point for each 10 minutes of work that you do