Coupla Things v19 (1/24/16)
Post date: Jan 25, 2016 5:59:0 AM
Dear Parents,
This morning I woke to a power outage in our part of the mountains so I didn't start my newsletter until late. I did, however, have a fantastic day of sunshine, green hills, driving lessons for my middle daughter, a massage, and a beautiful evening choir concert.
Instead of looking back at the week's activities, I'd like to first focus on the upcoming events, adding detail to each.
January 26 (Tuesday): 8th grade class photo
All 8th graders are placed onto wide risers for a panoramic graduating-class photo. Order forms were passed out last week and I have extras in my classroom. I'm confident that students can order them after photo date, and probable even online.
January 26 (Tuesday): Prospect, Westmont, and DelMar to DCS
Students who might be going to any of those 3 high schools will meet with their administration in order to understand the course offerings, schedules, and requirements. Students will begin filling in registration forms and bring them home to discuss with you.
January 27 (Wednesday): Selective sign-ups
These kids are quite familiar with the process, Courses are listed online (instructions sent Friday by Paula Simka) and new courses will be described at a quick assembly on Monday morning (tomorrow).
February 1-3: Room 29 Walkabout
The students in room 29 have been planning their own Cal Coast trip and when they are gone, our class and Bonnie's class will trade for part (but not all) of the morning block.
February 4 (Thursday): Progress reports go home
The new skills-based report card is a big change from the grades-based report card and it is involving much more input from students and subjective evaluations from us teachers. Expect the packet to come home on 2/4.
February 1, 2, 5: Engineering and Coding Lessons & planning Google visit
I'm fortunate to know some very energetic, knowledgable, and philanthropic engineers/managers who will be teaching our class about the tools and attitudes of innovation in the Silicon Valley. This will likely involve a trip to Google's Mountain View Campus.
February 5 (Friday): Semester 1 ends
Math teachers set their last-day-to-turn-in-late-work date sometime last week, and mine will be at the end of this week. Please check PowerSchool with your kid and have them attend to (or agree to ignore) any scores that show up as a 0.
February 6 (Saturday): DCS 10 Year Celebration
Susan Michaels is coordinating this. Saratoga Community Center. $20. Lots of fun.
February 15 to 19: February Break
Chris & family headed to Yosemite!
February 23 to 25: Room 26 Walkabout
Bonnie's class will do their version of the Cal Coast Walkabout, spending most of day 1 at Big Creek Lumber, north of Davenport.
February 23 to 26: Room 25's San Francisco Trip
THIS is probably the most important one on the list. The kids and I will plan each day's locations, routes, transportation, and teaching activities, but I really am hoping to get help with the 4 dinners and we'll need 2 chaperones and one luggage driver. You?
March 4 (Friday): Laps for Learning
The sheets for T-shirt designs went out on Wednesday. Although the proceeds benefit next year's class (and me!), I'm really hoping that the kindness and giving nature of this class will get them into action.
March 18 (Friday): Staff Development Day
No school for students, great times for us teachers.
March 23 & 24: Evening and morning science fair exhibits
This year, science fair is split into two separate events. This portion if for kids to share their "trifolds" describing their scientific investigation. They did an "effect of this on that" experiment in the fall, and this round has wider scope and a more tangible form of reporting.
March 29 (Monday): Chemistry intensive starts
This time our class goes to Mr. Dowling for five weeks of fun science. His chemistry curriculum involves atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical properties and interactions, and the specifics of accurate investigation.
May 7: Spring Auction
Kate Nickerson will be meeting with the class about this to elicit ideas and plan out the process of making a great room 25 "basket" around a chosen theme.
So, as you can tell, there are some great things coming up. Please reply (now or soon) if you might be able to help out with the SF trip (meal prep, chaperone, luggage driver).