Coupla Things v3 (9/5/14)
Post date: Aug 31, 2014 5:49:28 AM
Happy Sunday Everyone.
Thank you to those parents (and kid) who replied to last week's email newsletter. It is always rewarding for me to hear back from people letting me know that they read this stuff and have something to add or ask.
Recap of the Week:
As I mentioned at the beginning of the year, 8th grade morning schedules will alternate between 4 week homeroom times and 6 week intensives, as shown on this chart. This was week 1 of 4 of our first HAM (Homeroom All Morning) time. The topics that we're covering are "Forces and Motion" in science, "Geography & Colonies" in social studies, and "Claim, Evidence, Reasoning" in English.
Science: After taking a look at some of the vocabulary involved in this unit, we started our first task which was to time and graph a 30 meter sprint. Using phones, or watches, or websites, we practiced timing intervals and discussed the cause and result of the variations in our data collection and briefly addressed the idea of central tendency. The next day we spread out on the asphalt driveway and timed people at 5 meter intervals as they ran down the "track". On Thursday the kids each created a line graph from the data. I'm putting time into the process skills of science (analyzing data collection processes, graphing skills, and accurate but understandable vocabulary) because I think that it is a worthy investment. As various aspects of science are to become more prominent in the kids' lives, it is important that they become discerning consumers of the data presented to them. As odd as it sounds, I really feel that it is almost more important to be a scientifically-literate citizen as it is to just know the content, formulas, and definitions.
Social Studies: US Geography was the topic of the week and we're tackling it through a variety of activities and lessons. Their vocabulary cards should be done and laminated by now and we'll use them more next week. They should have each chosen a National Park to learn about. And they should each have with them a map of one of five regions of the US. Next week they'll do an "each one teach one" lesson regarding their region and then the groups of 5 will assemble their maps into one. Along with that geography stuff, the kids are also continuing their daily current events discussions. Please check this spreadsheet of topics and see if you can engage your kid in a discussion about any of them.
English: The only project for this week was the "Planet Story". There were 3 phases to the construction of that story and they should have been turned in on Friday. The best part, in my opinion, was when our kids read their stories to the kids in the 2/3 buddy class and then the two of them created an illustration together. Imagination, creativity, and good writing have come together to make some great results! Although this project doesn't fit into the claim-evidence-reasoning theme that was supposed to start this week, I thought that it was a good way to get all the kids writing, expanding that writing a bit, and sharing it with a very receptive audience.
Other: We also watched much of a movie called Spellbound" which follows 8 kids from various parts of the nation to the National Spelling Bee. It has been a good way to see the landscape and lifestyles in other parts of the county. As a point of disclosure, you should know that I do use movies and shows quite a bit in class, but they always have a strong purpose and/or strong connection to the curriculum. For better or worse, I pause often and elicit impressions, get on a soapbox, or demand deep discussion from the kids. I'm sure that you'll hear about that stuff more as the year progresses.
Parent Activities (link):
Starting tomorrow, a bunch of you awesome parents are going to take time out of your busy days to come into class and present something to us. I've never done this before and am extremely appreciative of those who are making this happen. I'm sure that the sessions will be a great experiences for the kids and me. Take a look at some of the topics so far:
Thomas on a day in the life of a German kid.
Phillipe comparing French and American ways.
Alan (Biggs) on fiber optics and telecommunications technologies
Gina on the advantages of organic foods and awesome meat loaf
Julie on sewing easy and useful stuff
Tarek on writing and pronouncing things in the Arabic alphabet
Sujata on Alaska and Argentina
Elizabeth S. on great game(s)
Hans on design, prototyping, collaboration, and innovation
Maureeen on tie-quilts.
I think that there are other sessions in the making that haven't gotten onto the calendar yet, so this will get even better. Take a look at the table and let me know what to add.
Upcoming Events
September 10: Tie Dye Event
September 13: International Potluck
September 16: Room 25 Parent Meeting
September 22: Fall Portraits
September 22: Google Science Fair (field trip)
September 29: Selective start
October 3: Room 25 to Ropes Course
October 15 or 22 (TBD next week): 8th Grade Parent Meeting #2
October 24: Teacher Learning Day (no school for kids)
October 25: Fall Festival
October 27-31: Fall conferences
October 30: 8th Grade to "Sweeney Todd"
November 11: Veteran's Day (no school)
November 24-18: Thanksgiving Break
December 11-12: Room 25 to Balclutha, Age of Sail
December 22 - January 9: Winter Holiday
So, enjoy the rest of your weekend (if there is any left when you read this) and I'll see you soon.