Coupla Things wk33 (5/13/18)
Post date: May 13, 2018 4:17:51 AM
Another great week has come and gone. This time of year feels similar to easing into fifth gear in a convertible cruising along the bluffs of the beautiful straight-aways of The PCH -- smooth sailing with those awesome views, coastal breeze, and a beautiful imminent sunset on the horizon. . The kids are all so easy to work with as they have matured much and come to know each other so very well. Although not all of the work is getting done and in, most of the kids are working and thinking most of the time, and I've come to really appreciate that.
Health Week: Typically, sometime during the final weeks of school, the 8th grade classes participate some kind of "sex-ed" lessons and discussions. We've come to call it "health week" or "human growth and development", but that renaming really hasn't mitigated the intensity of the topics or eased the inevitable (and important) debates about what is important/appropriate/comfortable to answer and discuss. I will do my best to give the kids a comfortable atmosphere for their questions and the information, including images, that is clear and detailed enough to be truly educational. Here is a document that I'm building and will revise as needed, based on your input, before using it in class. The topics of reproductive anatomy, arousal, sexuality and sex involve opinions, morals, ethics, and deep-seated feelings for everyone; I hope to help your kids to be comfortable, informed, and prepared for the onslaught of challenges that will likely confront them in the next few important years of their lives.
CAASPP Testing: This coming week the kids will be doing standardized testing for one to two hours per day. We teachers are not allowed to see the tests, but the practice problems that I've done online do test some of the kinds of thinking and knowledge that are valued at DCS and can be important indicators of learning. Parents, please make sure that your kid comes to school each day with their Chromebook fully charged.
Book Projects: The kids are doing well with this last set of book-club books. Please take a look at before freshman year reading book page to see copies of each group's discussion/vocabulary/theme document. Also embedded in that page is an assignment sheet that gives the kids a variety (50+) of choices of projects to choose from. The projects will be due on June 4.
May 14 to 17 (Monday to Thursday): CAASPP Testing
May 20 (Sunday): Deliver Goodwill items to DCS (9:00-3:00)
May 28 (Monday): Memorial Day
May 30 (Wednesday): Field Day & BBQ
June 1 (Friday): Final Middle School Dance
June 5 (Tuesday): School Musical
June 6 to 8 (Wednesday to Friday): 8th Grade River Rafting Trip Information is here
June 11 (Monday): DCS Maker Day
June 11 (Monday evening) Class (with parents) potluck
June 11 to 14 (Monday to Thursday): Early Dismissal
June 13: (Wednesday): Graduation! Practice at Westgate Church 9 to ~12, ceremony 5 to ~6:30, dance 7:30 to 10 .
June 14 (Thursday): Last Day of School
June 14 (Thursday evening): All 8th grade celebration at Saratoga Springs
June 16 (Saturday): Parent Work Day
July 8 (Sunday): DCS Alumni Boating and Barbecue at Vasona