
You In A Bag: In this 3-5 minute speaking session you will be talking about yourself. Find some things that represent or mean a lot to you (see list below for suggestions or propose your own alternatives). You'll use those things to punctuate your talk; try to incorporate them comfortably and avoid depending on them too much or just presenting each one without detail or discussion.

  1. something soft,

  2. a gift you received,

  3. a meaningful quote,

  4. a family tradition

  5. and a "secret" (you don't need to reveal the secret)

You will present to the class for 3 to 5 minutes.


1. focus on mobility & vocal variation

2. focus on animated story-telling

3. incorporate positive audience interaction



Schedule for February-March, 2015

Rm 25 Great Reading Pieces

Speaking Session #1: The Comfortable One.

In this, your first speaking assignment, I hope to decrease any stress or hesitance you may have about public speaking. There are three things that will accomplish that goal. First, you can read/speak something that is not of your creation. Second, the duration of your speaking is only 3 minutes. Third, the audience is very supportive.


  1. Read the paragraph above to get an idea of the speaking session.

  2. Look at some of the samples below, noting the effective aspects of a good speech

  3. Look at the spreadsheet of speech topics below to get an idea for topics from past years


  1. High school kid on Money Laundering. Great pace, timing, volume, and sarcastic humor.

  2. On Beauty

  3. Canadian kid on Jeans: low audio but great. Informative and easy to attend to.

  4. College kid on Stress: Low volume, but it has captions. She speaks well and delivers the information well.

  5. Human Trafficking: She had to deliver for friends & family. Touchy topic, but she did it well.

  6. Animal Rights: he is passionate and opinionated. The speech is persuasive as well as informative. Start at about 2:00 and watch as much as you want... it is an hour long.

  7. Martin Sheen on activism

  8. 5th Grader on his optimistic grandma

  9. And this is just funny.

Online Resources:

  1. Historical Speeches: http://www.historyplace.com/speeches/previous.htm

  2. Wikipedia's List: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_speeches

  3. ML King's "I Have A Dream": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEMXaTktUfA

  4. American Rhetoric: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/newtop100speeches.htm

  5. Another American Rhetoric list: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/21stcenturyspeeches.htm

  6. Forty Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6wRkzCW5qI

  7. Dustin Hoffman @ the Oscars (speech starts at 4:00) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhDmNRQgKLM

  8. State of the Union 2011: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZdEmjtF6HE

  9. West Wing episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQWxgnFc1fk

How To:

    1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi8vCoDDJNE

The 3i Speech: Introduce, Inform, Inspire (January, 2012)

-topic is up to you... , add yours here, and view others here

-browse some examples of good speaking at TED's "Best of Web" page

-visual aide? yes, but only in TED style and self timed (a visual presentation can help -- but it should only be a background thing. It should support the talk but not dominate it.)

On what are you being graded?

  1. Duration: you should be able to speak for 3 minutes. If you do Q & A, it can only be 2 minutes extra (3 points)

  2. Introduction: grab the groups attention in a positive and appropriate way (2 points)

  3. Volume, pace, and movement: make sure people can hear and understand you, and that you move naturally (5 points)

  4. Content: your topic and style should inform, engage, and intrigue (5 points)

Below is a list of the times you've chosen. You can only change if you can do a direct switch between 1 or 2 other people.

Speaking Spots
Speech Topics

Results of the form above:

Speaking Project #2: (March, 2012) The Evocative One. In this round of speaking sessions you will present a speech or monologue done by someone in order to inspire, motivate, or irritate a group. The author and/or the venue should be somewhat familiar to the class so that they can have some context for the speech. Length should be 2 to 4 minutes and you will submit a printed copy to me at the time of your presentation. You will be doing your speeches during the last three weeks of March, 3 people per day.

Notes to Heumann:

  1. TED Talk Adora Svitak

    1. TED Talks spreadsheet

    2. Create list of possible audiences/venues

    3. Vocal dynamics training


    1. http://www.childdrama.com/mono.html