To-Do Lists
Regular "Teacher Assistance" To Do List (shortcut to this list:
Daily Tasks Team: Mon=Andrea, Tues=Dianne, Wed=Catherine, Thurs=Craig, Fri=
retype names on woodshop rosters
enter room 29 parent into (email and phone) into my gmail contacts
take the VoDs from 2014-2015 Daily Schedule and add them onto Video Suggestion form (April 10 and older)
go to this spreadsheet and fill in the lines that have an "x" in the "to be done" column -- James, Stella
Typing the words from sheets in the "weekly vocab" (Charles Schwab) binder into this spreadsheet
list of current events topics from their papers into this spreadsheet -- Gina on Fridays
bookshelf usually needs some alphabetical love -- R
print curiosity slides 7 to 4 on single sheet per kid (spreadsheet & instructions) -- R
JoD to joke list and VoD to video list -- R
link words from the vocabulary page to the photos in this album (instructions)
scan some KD magazines (America 1492, The Presidency, Ellis Island, Sacagawea) -- R
add more links to the "Coupla Things" archive G-doc -- R
check-off daily edits 1 to 10 on a class roster (plus, check, minus, zero) Moira -- R
link words from the vocabulary page to the photos in this album (instructions)
add more links to the "Coupla Things" archive G-doc -- R
Writing "Missing Work List" for Each Student: For each student, write up a list of assignments that have a 0 in the grade book. I will log into PowerSchool and open up the gradebook for you. Using half sheets of scratch paper, please put the kids name at the top and then simply list which assignments for which they have a 0 (if any). Ignore blanks since they indicate that something hasn't been scored yet. If a kid has no 0s in their row for either subject (yay), then they don't get a sheet.
silicon seal the gap between door and floor on red shed
score vocab quiz 11
Finish consolidating students' links on Walkabout docent section
Single-copy collection of SCOPE magazines (mine and those from Jennie Hare). Add dates to this spreadsheet
fix email contacts in distribution list for room 26 and 29 parents
take name tags off of black-tray columns and paper-clip them to the stack of papers, wipe out trays
add new labels to wood on sides of trays and put clear tape over them
write words from each kid's slide in this deck to the set x column of this vocabulary spreadsheet
bring post-its to rm 20 and add them to the piles on the shelves
plot/theme papers into their trays
check off photo essay components
Confirm science packet totals and percents
Fill in current event topics from this spreadsheet to this one and onto the grade sheet paper. Sheila J
hook water filter into drinking fountain
Find examples of great amendment slides and link them to numbers on the constitution page
type up the Grapes of Wrath chapter information into this document
DVDs to shelf over the window, other stuff down
James: go 1;1 w/ Montana to do the 3 vocabulary slides (spreadsheet)
spine labels for the binders under my desk
alphabetize books on upper shelves by author
library inventory -- book that need to be entered are next to the black printer by my desk
copy teacher comments from each kid's student-teacher sheet onto this document
put 6-traits decimal values (visual approximate) from writing sample rubrics to progress reports
I need help coming up with a better place to store and label paper that kids use
make (or finish) answer doc for the KD on Simple Machines
bags of tan bark out of red shed and into garden (shed?) -- get kids help
enter room 29 scores into the gradebook
use blue tape to make a grid above couch that we'll use to post vocab slides
create an answer key for the branches of government quiz
collate and staple the grade printouts
LaserDisc player and remotes (taped to it) to room 20
put room 26 papers into their trays
write down "Preamble Translation" scores onto a room 29 class list
help me add things to this Three Branches of Government to-know list
Moira: get "How America Works" up on each Dell
score vocab sheets for week 4 (I have answer keys)
make an assignment board for 8-2 worksheet, vocab set 4 quiz, and ???
print curiosity slides 13 to 16 (see #8 below)
Switch book locations; done onto shelf, undone into bags
tape receipts to paper, number them, and add basic info to the spreadsheet
reimbursement forms for Leo and Diann
print curiosity slides 9 to 12 on single sheet per kid (spreadsheet & instructions) -- R
count out washers, split them into ziploc bags, label with bag number (and number in bag)
kids' grade printouts into their trays (one per subject)
there are two capitalization packets left to score
gather each kid's row of yellow post-its and paperclip them together
on the "About Us" page, link kids' names to their portfolio sites and test for access
score remaining sections of the caps packet
yellow box to Toni
ART labels made
buy remote for the monitors (Toshiba CT 90325)
insert columns and label row 1 with kids' names on this vocab sheet
get each kid to write their amendment question into the Google form on my computer
all but one of the stack of physical science textbooks also goes into the red shed
"Guide to Planet Earth" books into the back of the red shed, by other textbooks
make name labels from these lists and put them on the black trays near the door (one column per HR class) -- Susoletta
make half-label name tags (block letter vertical) for the room 25 column of trays, troubleshoot dual-name labels
enter other 8th grade class' parent into (email and phone) into my contacts and create groups
single stack of paper types and labeled (lined, one side blank, all blank, colored, not full size, to be sorted, misc)
make the column and row headers for the big purple chart
link kids' names on this table to their amendment slides
clean the boards we used to make cinnamon rolls (scraper and brush and hose)
find source for foam for blue-crate seats (9 @ 13" x 13" x 1" or 1.5" dense foam)
replace the "main" router (at start of the daisy chain)
15@1x4x32 with 45 degree bevel
kids' names into CPS software
essay-check columns onto chart (name essay, reader essay, ultimate school essay)
correct back side of apostrophe sheet
make a chart on big white post-it paper with column headers shown on this page
put birthday column on Malouf and Dowling sheets of this spreadsheet -- Moira
fill balloons and put into crates. 4 per crate, plastic bag liner
start-up and test PCs for "Silverlight" (see if works)
confirm that the students' sound editing files match their numbers
score the chapter 20 tests (+ by each right answer; total at top of front)
small paper plates & Jiffy mix & Bisquick
create and tape-up "big sheet" versions of the yellow post-its on the boards of the assignment wall
deliver kids' work packets from 7th grade to them (22 or 29)
post-its off of purple chart and into column piles
enter kids' branches of government questions into Examview
scan (PC and grey scanner) Paola's vocab collection book.
write the top sheets for each board on the wall
create user accounts for Mrs Gallagher's class
sticker-labels and down arrow for each kid's slot in the blue accordion
go to my High School page and create links to the high schools' webpages
move people's names and topics from this chart to this spreadsheet
the paper source organizer needs some organization and big labels
add the obscure words that are hand-written to this list
clean "snow" from Christmas off of alley window
add up scores for the kids' vocab collection comp books sheets, then copy, cut, and tape into book
type up the "ship's log" entries into this document
snail-mail the Age of Sail forms
buy a power strip that has 8 plugs or more
AoS crate to rm 22, rolled tarp to my car, field trip backpack to office
check the link from each kid's name on this page to the machine page of their site
take down the quotes (by window) and put in kids' trays
clear out stuff from by the ramp (clothes, containers, trash, stand)
print out the 12 "Coupla Things" newsletters from this year and add to binder (Michelle)
box-up books from my car (front seat and trunk) and bring to rm 25
add GPS parents to the "DCS 15 GPS" group
add MDL kids to "DCS MyDigitalLife" group (
pair up tests and enter scores onto the table (Pilar)
find open house and tour info for local high schools and add it (in red) to the high school page of my site
score the halloween pun sheets (2 versions)
research big waffle maker options (size, amps or watts, cost, location)
print out each kid's "How Stuff Works" slides via this spreadsheet (see me)
make a easel-sized grid with each kid having a row
clean that nasty ol' waffle maker
score a "spread" on the KD Constitution
David: check off each kids' bookmark and four "Stickman" entries
David: score the first two "spreads" of The Constitution questions
library shelf "repair" (alphabetize)
7th grade history books to 7th grade teachers
create answer keys for chapter 7 mc tests (Michelle)
dowels from Home Depot and plastic tubs from ???
check off the Preamble translation assignment for room 29 (5, 4, 3)
browse websites of local bookstores and libraries to see if you can
find how many copies of book club books they have
check off room 29 parents Gmail contacts
check off room 22 parents Gmail contacts
rm 29 maps: fold, clip grade sheet, put in kid's tray
put clipped sets of kids' papers into their trays (see me)
make labels for the kids trays (each column is a homeroom)return the dissection stuff to Nancy Fohner at Peterson Middle School
change font on the CPS questions for chapter 6
create list of WW episodes onto this document (Erika). Add disk and side info from my stack of DVDs.
white-glue new clothes pins to the sticks where needed (ask me)
check to see if the Kids Discover thumbnails reflect what we have
write a list of Kids Discovery magazines that we don't have. Sort the list by subject if possible
homework strips to daily schedule sheets (Stacy)
class library back into alpha order
pick up dissecting pans from Nancy Fohner at Peterson Middle School
names of kids who are missing the animal book projects (posted on back wall)
clean test tubes and sink area
make labels for each kid in room 19 (in row order) then get 3-tab manilla folders (office?) and label one for each kid in room 19 (alpha 1st name)
post-pretty the animal book projects onto back wall
score skin track (in Parent tray)
make another 8ish feet of lined yellow butcher paper (in room 3) for the Assignment Scroll (front wall)
score sides 1, 2, and 4 of the "Identification Keys" assignment for room 19
Help load and test the Smarter Balance secure browser onto Chromebooks & PC computers (see Debbie Divine)
score the back of [101]
score the back of photo-resp assignment (but skip parts "C" on the top two)
score [91]
enter info about kids' animal book projects onto this spreadsheet
type up this TOY essay into a G-doc or Word doc
scan Scope's "Lazy Editors" (see binder under desk and scanning instructions)
score empty spots of their vocabulary entries. See guidelines on tall table
Launch Word and make an assignment chart like the one in the tray. email to
re-score the chapter 21 (Japan) tests (see "scoring subjective stuff" and circle your scoring)
score more of chapter 22 (see "scoring subjective stuff") and Chris
Get ten 60lb bags of concrete from HD
enter scores from Bill on Fish, Amphibs, Repts, & Birds into PowerSchool (on my Mac)
Get 12 dowels from Home Depot (see sample)
Japan Test (History Alive!, chapter 21), one section at a time (see "Scoring Subjective Stuff)
"Upgrade" the room 12 Chromebook box to be like the room 19's box?
Plastic folders are on the tall table in the room, zip ties are in my desk drawer, and packing tape is on front table
scan chapter 21 in History Alive
re-mark 2 wood pieces with each kid's name from woodshop lists of last semester
homework list printed, cut into daily strips and taped to daily schedules on the wall (Stacy)
Home Depot for paint brush (2 or 3" wide, cheapest they have) and red paint (to match shed)
Make a sheet with copies of + vocab entries and a reason why for each, then same for check and minus (Muffie)
score the student-created China quiz (3 versions)
cut student-row strips and tape to paper for their autobio stories components
David: would you take apart each column of small yellow post-its on the purple chart, and make each set (column) into a stack (column header on top of each stack)?
You'll end up with ~25 stacks. The taped columns will need to have the tape cut
type (or copy-paste) questions from this spreadsheet into ExamView
copy "Coupla Things" from website to Word (shrink to single page?) and then print and put in binder
tape receipts to paper and number them (starting at 246)
upload the Yosemite pictures to this Picassa album
type up Abbi's writing assignments from this pdf to this doc (ask me to share with you as editor)
scan [M] and [72] (Chris)
read the section on mollusks, and score [75] (Chris)
score their paragraphs on side 6 of the caps packet
the stuff report cards into envelopes (stapled and single sheets)
finish entering article info for the 1/13/14 science world
enter info on each article in the most recent Science World
get 10 more plastic hanging folders from Staples
make a chart that is 28x28 and each cell is the size of a small post-it (David)
get the chromebook box from room 19 and upgrade it to be like ours (Karen)
find where to order a replacement power supply for the Samsung SDP-860 (Amoreena)
print out the most recent 15 pages of the assignments sheet, cut into strips, and tape to daily board
social studies stuff into boxes, labeled
stuff from junk basket (except pens & pencils) put into the boxed on shelf under whiteboard
library bookshelf reorganized and neatened (alpha by author)
correct the GPE, use "scoring subjective stuff" sheet
3 lists about sci demos: done (see online calendar), signed up (see paper calendar), and neither
check to see if my gmail contacts have all the parent numbers
add parent numbers for room 19 (for Walkabout)
transfer answers from one GPE answer key to another
photocopy Gift essays (just the final copy & my comments)
move photos from 2 "CalCoast Cruise" Picassa albums to the "Walkabout" album
put stuff on bottom trays into the kids' trays
replace the name tags on the wood next to the kids' trays
vocab score strips
return microscopes to rooms 27 and 19 (about half to each room)
make answer keys for "Lazy Editor" #2, #3, #4 (see my sample)
scan Kids Discovery on Plants, Flowers, Rain Forests 2
print the assignments list, cut into day strips, and tape to bottom inch of daily schedule sheets (wall and archive)
get agar flakes and bromothymol blue from The Science Shop (1043 Di Giulio Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95050)
Read Scope magazine and enter info about each article into this spreadsheet (I need to add you as editor). Jennie project
return depression slides to Nancy Fohner in room D1 at Peterson Middle School (Gina?)
read this week's Science World and annotate each article or element (using post-it notes) Hang
get purple butcher paper and add side strips to the chart on the whiteboard under the screen
scan Kids Discover on Germs using the black laptop and scanner (11x17 stitch mode)
see clipboard on my desk... it has a list of about 8 things
correct the MC part of the ATC 4 tests
read through the Theme Evidence essays (on my desk) and offer suggestions for improvement -- Jennie
fill in missing info on this room 19 spreadsheet, then find kids not on the list
script hyperlinks from this spreadsheet to the actual assignments (most of which are on the unit pages or the homework doc)
score 1 or 2 questions on side 4 of the ATC chpt 4 test
find/buy a few more banker's boxes for the stuff that is under the tall table
score the remaining 8ish vocab books
errand: buy some vacuum cleaner bags (Sharp model PU2). AAA Vac in Cupertino?
turn the big current events topics table into a spreadsheet... kid rows, topic columns (Nandini)
score a few questions from the chpt 8 & 9 history test using these guidelines - Amoreena, Jennie, Muffie, Gina, Roseanne
missing work lists
during social studies, ask anyone on this list who doesn't have a "presented to" name to show you what they've learned so far -- Amo
correct the rest of the comma sheets and all those other scattered grammar assignments - Sujata
get wooden dowels from Home Depot(s) that are 1.25 inches in diameter (end painted orange) and 4 feet long.
We need 12 total and I have 4 (take one of mine as sample) Hamilton@17, Camden@Hillsdale, DeAnza@Bolinger
find and buy 6% hydrogen peroxide (not at a drug store, but at a beauty supply place)
put kids' unit 2 science packets into their trays
put the "teamwork training" clues and pieces onto cards & tape over (for durability) -- many
re-alphabetize & neaten up the library -- Jennifer
put kids' names to this list of 100 words -- David
organize and relocate the paper sorter
any chance you could run a personal errand to Cupertino (Blaney @ Homestead) for me?
checking off the daily edits
get 14 microscopes from room 19 and 3 power strips from room 20 (or ?)
change the location of the links on this spreadsheet (see me) -- Sujata
fill in this chart with links to the dates of Coupla Things newsletters -- Luise & Jeannie
copies of JFK document, half to me, other half to Jenn.
cut each student's row from the vocab sheet and tape it to their vocab-grammar cover sheet
highlight the shuttle routes on each driver packetget the Chromebooks to access DCS instead of DCS Guest (see me) -- Amoreenamissing work lists -- Karenprint daily schedules for Tues, Wed, Thursdayclear oldest three boards and then tape on the schedules from step 4 above (instructions)correct vocabulary entries for the 5 days in August-September (see instructions) -- Louise, Jennie, Sujatago to Staples or Office Max to get one more hanging file crate like all the others (under the front black tables)get hanging folders from the crate by the sink then make a crate with student folders (w/ tabs)correct the "Ditzy" set 2make another 15ish feet of lined yellow paper for the scroller (rows @ post-it note height) -- Jenniesort & complete (if possible) the Tech Agreements then send to office ---Hung
Routine Tasks
-go to the "routines" page for details
Daily: print the daily schedule
Monday missing work lists
Cleaning computer tables & sink areas
Ongoing Tasks and Projects (for When Daily Stuff is Done)
Read Science World magazine(s) and Add Article Annotations to the Database ... big project that will span many sessions and people. In this project you will read an issue of Science World and enter a bunch of information into a form that adds to the database. Click here! Ongoing flex-time project for one or two parents.
Student Created Test Questions: check the student-created test questions for new items, and type them into Examview
Enter Questions from Cards: create ExamView banks for life science units and enter the questions on the cards
Scan Kids' Discover magazines: scan all pages of issues with post-its on them to one pdf
Science Question Images: search, copy, and past images into science question database
Writing "Missing Work List" for Each Student: Since I do most of my correcting of papers over the weekend, I'm hoping that at the beginning of each week one parent will routinely write up a list of assignments that have a 0 in the grade book. I will log into PowerSchool and open up the gradebook for you. Using half sheets of scratch paper (on shelf by the door), please put the kids name at the top and then simply list which assignments for which they have a 0 (if any). Ignore blanks since they indicate that something hasn't been scored yet. If a kid has no 0s in their row for either subject (yay), then they don't get a sheet.
Technology Tasks
The printer in room 25 is no longer printing. Many computers need the printer cue cleared out.
Cable management: the cords for the desktops should be in the corrugated tubes and clipped at the ends
The 2 macs closest to the window often lost internet connection... and they don't print to our printer
Need to determine which macbooks are usable and which are not (all need to be connected to power)
Flash player to PC closest to door
Sound check on all PCs
Get my MacBook to print to our (rm 25) printer
Student-Assistance Guidelines & Ideas
Behavior During Instruction: During any kind of whole-class instruction (from me or other student or video, etc) help chatty kids get focused onto the right stuff. Often your physical proximity will do the trick, other times you may need to tap their shoulder and point to what they should be paying attention to. For a greater impact you may need to ask them to come outside with you so that you can have a chat with them about any issue(s) you see in class.
Individual Work: Although a casual atmosphere is my preference, if the kids aren't productive and engaged, then they need some external force to get them to do so -- that force is you. :) There is always some work to be done in class. If the task at hand is already done, there is usually a leftovers list.
Group Project Facilitation: Whether the kids are working alone or in groups, they sometimes need help getting their energies and attentions put onto the tasks at hand. For group projects it often helps to ask idle kids "what can you do to help with this project", and then help them (or just watch) as they put themselves to work.
Odd Things:
need six more 13x13 squares of firm foam (for cushions that will go over blue crates)
more batteries tested and recycled if below 1.3 volts
2013-2013 Archive
Jodi: enter name, title, game scores, and contribution percentages into my excel file (on my mac)
Jodi: make a named folder for the contents of each kids' tray, and binder clip it together, then back into tray
Shelly: take down the papers on the "assignments wall" and add to the piles.
Shelly: add remaining daily schedules to my Word doc, print those unprinted, and add to the archive on wall (ask me)
Kids Discover binder: Get more card holders (D&J Hobby?), and make the sheets single sided
Re-organize (as you see fit) my depleted "library" bookshelf (I'm teaching ELA again next year)
Scan Universe blue book, one section at a time... some have been done
Electronics box to red shed
Can we get a "Class Pass" from VTA for 5/14 trip to DeAnza
Score "Planet Packet" one planet at a time (see me)
Scan section 1-2 and 1-3 in blue "Exploring the Universe" book.
Weird one... Dylan's desk to his house (Jenny recovering)
unit 7 missing packet email drafts (and type up instructions)
open each of this year's posters and save it as a pdf
fix staff contacts
scan Kids Discover on Yellowstone & Sun
newspaper piles... again
correct [85]
trip to RAFT (Brokaw & 101) for thick sheets, trays, 1-10 tabs, tape dispenser thingies,
unit 7 missing packet list
batteries to recycler (hardware store?)
transfer J's (and others?) questions to ExamView (see #1 in "odd things" below). Jodi
write a list of which kids are missing posters in each period
tally list of test scores
another two bags of river rock from Peninsula Building Materials (Ingrid, in process)
box for the paper holders
repair or replace the clothes pins on the dowels (table stands)
correct chapter 20 tests (Robin)
errand: purchase a bag of sticks for hot glue guns (big sticks) and some boxes of flat toothpicks (Belinda)
6' and 8' boards (on "couch") to red shed
clean off the whiteboard by the door
convert posters to pdf files
buy eight Slinkeys (see sample) Ingrid?
help me clean off front black tables
do "correcting tests" steps 6 and 7 for the chapter 19 tests (Belinda)
copy links to assignments from this spreadsheet to the assignments calendar (here is a video that shows how to do it)
order FileMaker Pro for PC (educational price)
separate episode numbers from title on this spreadsheet
to Home Depot for a box of screws
type this document up (not the diagram)
type up this one too (don't worry about formatting)
and this last one (sorry it is upside down)
correct chapter 18 tests then sort by class (alpha 1st)
get me to find, cut, and tape down receipts so they can be entered into spreadsheet and submitted
missing packet email drafts
letter requesting 35 tickets to Coit Tower (3/22) on school letterhead (write, print, address & mail)
print CouplaThings to current
organize newspapers by section then chronological
test C and AA batteries
print out [72] for each kid
check charge on batteries
order belt for sander
print CouplaThings to current
sink area clean & organize
format bullets in chapter 18 and 19 textbook notes to normal text, indented to 3rd margin
enter VoDs from daily schedule to this form going back from "lost generation"
add more content (and/or schools) to bottom parts of the high schools page of my site
add chapters 17, 18, and 19 to "Science Textbook Notes" (Shelly)
2 to 3 bags of river rock (1"-2") for waterfall "pond"
mark off which RC comments are in the archive, and then add the others
Periodic tables down, into bag, then into red shed on top of pizza box games
Count pages in packets and write on cover sheet
River rock (see #1 of "odd things" below)
Create unit score tally on binder paper using pdf files (see example on wall)
Create assignment number boxes on post-its (with border)... one set small, one set big 71-99
Home Depot stores for 12 dowels (@ $4 each)
HD for another 1x8
shop for acid-base lab materials
print student's report cards
copy math comments from PowerSchool report to each kids g-doc
copy report-card comments (mine) from each of their g-docs to this archive
sand paper into hanging folders by grit
tape the kids' periodic tables to big/thick paper
print "blue sheets" from 615 pg chemistry pdf
make/revise the inventory/diagram of the boxes & containers red shed (Robin?)
Print the information articles from last year. (Shelly McCarthy)
find, sort, and put supplies into boxes
task instructions for your successors
make an "assignment scroller" out of butcher paper and dowels (see me)
unit 4 packets into kids' trays
make folders with tabs that say "unit 1 originals, unit 1 answer keys, unit 1 extras", etc... up through unit 10
scan Kids Discover on "Brain", "Climate", and "Detectives"
tally unit 4 percentages for each class then enter them on the "unit grades" spreadsheet
correct 2 tests & 1 chpt review
copy links to assignments from this spreadsheet to the assignments calendar... work backwards
(here is a video that shows how to do that)
lunch for QoD winners for HR23 (Noah's)
reformat textbook notes so that bullets (-) are always at third margin and section titles colors match
set up titles and bullets for chapters 12-16
print coupla things, November & December
scan KD Astronaut, Blood, Boats
names from post-its to missing work spreadsheet
link from this list to each kids' machine page (see hyperlink script and sign-in info)
Claudia: correct chapter 10 tests (front, back, total & score, alpha class by first)
Mark: score back side of "Conquest of Cold"could someone set up for me the "41 folder" crate? (video)print Johnny lyrics (10), itinerary, AoS stuff to car, side 1 of [43], links to kids' machine pages,correct two side of [40] for period 3correct chapter 9 mc testslink from this list to each kids' machine page (see hyperlink script and sign-in info)adding students' names to the calendar, as per demo schedulestaple [40]take rock-sugar out of jars, set to dry, and clean jars (ick)type up the "Curious About" list for unit 4 (from assignment [38])fill inthis spreadsheetwith links to thethe "Eureka" seriescorrect chapter 8 tests (correct, score, tally, order)unit 3 grades tallies on paper then ontothis formcopy links to assignments fromthis spreadsheetto the assignments calendar (here is a videothat shows how to do that)mark (on this list) whether or not lab reports are in science page ofstudent sitescorrect the remaining [33]suse oven cleaner on hotplate topsphotocopy chapter 12correct, score, alpha, tally chapter 4 testscheck the student website addresses onthis doc, and fix (w/ them) if necessary (Shelly)Get missing U2 packet list, and send emails to parents & cc kid (Setareh)create sheet for each box in storage, stating summary of contents ()tally how many of each unit 1 percent per classhere()tally how many of each unit 2 percent per classhere(Shelly)enter receipts into spreadsheet (Shelly)InfoArticle binder (Shelly)correct chapter 2 tests when available (Diane)copy cover sheet of rm 23's U3 packet (Mark)view the students'online animationsand rate onrubric(Shelly)Add a link to their control sheets tomy status sheetFry's (use my gift card): 35' extension cord (12+ amps)Type in thenotesskeleton for chapters 2, 3, and 4create and fill in grid showing progress on science experiments (Shelly)view the students' online animations and rate onrubric(Mark)enter scores on [25] as I read them off (Brenda)plastic and foam into my trunkwhite laptop boxes dismantledhelp me clear off the tall tablecorrecting graphs using grade sheetscore chapter 6 testscleaning computer tablesstaple grade strip to students' line graphs, and put name on papertype up kids questions from their name tents, they will goherescore CogAT and log into spreadsheet & write missing test listprint old Coupla Things (copy to Word, format to 1 pg, print) DSput unit 1 packets into their traysLanguage Arts curriculum into tubs with lidsadd phone numbers to DCS contacts in gmailshop-vac red-shedalphabetize and check off survey formsa piece of 22x72 laminated panel from Home Depot (see sample, $33)errand: ~6 black plastic hanging-file crates (@Office Max, see sample)
errand: 2@1x10x8' pine (see sample)print [1] (someone who has access to a color printer and can do 40 sheets)research best deal or donation of a good flatbed scanner
Big Projects & Ongoing Routines
Making a print copy of the daily schedule: While at school, go to my website and find the daily schedule. Copy days that are not posted on the wall. Paste into Word and format like the others (arial font, date =28pt, headers = 24 pt, text = 20 point). Maria Laughlin did this on all afternoons. All semester (or year) for one parent. That parent can also remind me to update the online stuff like the assignment spreadsheet, calendar, and "do now" list.
Inactive: Burn CDs from FlipVideo files on my laptop: When I "correct" some essays, I record the session on a FlipVideo camera and then give it to the student on a CD when I return the essay. Your job is to find the video files on my laptop and burn each to a CD and label it with the student's name and essay topic. There will be a "control sheet" to keep track of which files have been done, by whom, and when. To get to the files, open up the hard drive ("Mr. H) from the desktop. In the first column, click "apple", in the second, click "FlipShare Data", in the third, click "Videos", and then you should see a list of the videos (but without names of whose is whose. If you click on one (top one), it should show a thumbnail which will show a kids name. Insert a CD, and then press the control key as you click on the video file and select "Burn (name of file) to CD". Select that, and then name the CD with the kids name and it should be off and running. I'll also walk you through this whole thing the first time and it will be much easier after that. On the average, there will be 8 videos each day (if I keep myself on pace).
Read Science World magazine(s) and Add Article Annotations to the Database ... big project that will span many sessions and people. In this project you will read an issue of Science World and enter a bunch of information into a form that adds to the database. Click here! Ongoing flex-time project for one or two parents. Joe Gager
Writing "Missing Work List" for Each Student: Since I do most of my correcting of papers over the weekend, I'm hoping that at the beginning of each week one parent will routinely write up a list of assignments that have a 0 in the grade book. I will log into PowerSchool and open up the gradebook for you. Using half sheets of scratch paper (on shelf by the door), please put the kids name at the top and then simply list which assignments for which they have a 0 (if any). Ignore blanks since they indicate that something hasn't been scored yet. If a kid has no 0s in their row for either subject (yay), then they don't get a sheet.
Enter "Hot SAT Words" into our 1000 words spreadsheet
End of School Activities (not in preference order -- find what you might like to do):
Organize computer cords into their housings
Algebra books to room 20
Deep clean sink and counter area
Clean out and wipe out metal drawers under the cushion benches
Unpack remaining white boxes and organize supplies
Vacuum between and behind and under computers
Dispose of the paint and things between ramp and classroom
Organize library shelf (alphabetical)
Take down yellow bulletin boards and its trim
score each students Ad Logic assignment for one of the advertisements (Alison to finish)copy and cut up situation, character, and conflict cardsscience chapter test last pagecopy my chapter 15 notes (to 4 sides, 2 sheets), stapledshopping for acid-base lab tomorrow: 60 clear (small) cups, and 7 fluids (check with Denise first)type up chapter 15 test question stemsprint report card comments, page 1 for each student (remove boxes below math comment)print my class, page 1, of PowerSchool report cardscorrect chapter 16 science testserrand: 4 dowels (Home Depot)score the four most recent vocab entries in their comp bookstype up lists of science project ideas into thescience experiment ideas listtake down the wall (by column) and put into binderread and make comments on the "composition-compositions" (Mitch)correct sections of the CAPS packetget rolls of adding machine paper... see me for detailscorrect chapter 11 tests (4 versions, some questions get skipped) Tamaradaily edit cluster 3 (Roseanne and Carolyn)get NSTA books from Denise and continue copyingget supplies for the stove: aluminum cans, emery cloth sandpaper, "heet", strike-anywhere matchesput "Phases" sets into smaller envelopesput junk that is in the blue plastic box (by phone) into the appropriate beige boxtape chapter 4 tests as last page of unit 3 packetsget two more pieces of pine lumber (1x12x8') at Home Depot (... and a bulb for the lava lamp)go to RAFT for 27 1" binders that are all the same and a whole bunch of plastic trays (see Chris)enter student's list of idioms tothis spreadsheetprint Christmas puns sheet (3 pages, 6 sides, on Gestetner, collated, stapled)finish scoring vocabulary pages in comp book (HeuKids only)missing work list (12/6). See "Ongoing Projects #4)finish entering video journalism topics (folders) into spreadsheetcheck for completion on the packet from TheTech (rate semi-subjectively 1 to 10)Script hyperlinks into Information Article spreadsheet (instructions)read and comment on some "Compare and Contrast" essays? (Mitch)Get bag(s) of ice from a store... cube and crushedCreate work folders for Isaac, Dean, Tim (filecabinet)Insert YouTube videos onto Age of Sail pagePrint weekly newsletters from last year (30+) and the beginning of this year.Debbie: if you get time (and desire), finish copying the vocab book (you'll need a bigger binder)Staple together the two pages of [S]Create missing work lists (see #4 in the projects list below)Home Depot: 7 2x4s that are 6' longCut out "thumbnails" of Kids Discover magazine, update database, and ready them for lamination.Score the StuCrew vocabulary pages in comp books.Correct the back side of the idioms assignments (2 class sets)Type in words tothe spreadsheetthat contains the week's words (from book) (Dione).Enter the books on my desk into the class library database usingthis form. (Dione)Correct "Bug Bites" assignment (you can leave side 3 for me)Correct "Apostrophe" assignmentCorrect "Homonyms" assignmentIncrease font size for CPS questions and answers -- tedious (Stephanie & Barbara)Type up Thank You Ma'm questionsPhotocopy originals of "Thank You M'am" enlarged to fit paper
Finish answer key for [10] (15-2 and 15-3) and score the remaining fewCreate, by physical cut and paste, an "A" list and a "B" list of DC rooms, then make 3 copiesFind FlipVideo replacement batteries online (samples in "Parent" binFind Optoma replacement remote online (get sample from room 26)Lori: download speeches from FlipVid and put each onto a CDScienceWorld cards
Hunger Games book inventory and storage (crate)Read SCOPE activity and correct them as they come inCheck off Daily EditsPrint Daily Edits for July through December plus extrasHaruna: correct the back of [B]Missing work (or low scoring work) list for each student (on individual sheets)Save video files over 700 Mb to DVDs and mark with student's nameEnter MLK or TV articleTake Kill-A-Watt meters out of packaging, save documentation, and label each (see example)Anyone willing to go to Fry's (or other) to get about 15 700 Mb CDs and about 10 CDs or DVDs that can hold 800Mb and 4ish USB flash drives that can hold 2Gb??? Save receipt and do reimbursement papers through DebbyP.Kristi: Check remaining comp books (or students) for completion of the 5 questions (and parts) on the position paper analysis (TV or MLK)Burn CD's that contain each students video correcting session (see Chris)Check student sites for games page, essay on it, writing page, essay on it, and for HR25: machine page, name on it, image on it, links on itStefanie: to OfficeMax (or Depot or other) to get box-bottom hanging file folders (see picture, save receipt)Composition book check for 4 vocabulary pages (11/3, 11/10, 12/1, 12/8) and table of contentsSonia: "Games" page with essay, "Machines" page, and Collaborative Story on the writing pageHaruna: Kids' Discover magazine sleeve labelsCorrect the FIB sections of each test versionChange font to CharcoalBold 24 on the CPS questionsErrand: to an office supply place (or similar) to get another crate that hold hanging files (keep and submit receipt, please. or get $ from me)Print daily schedule to make the wall currentCreate new "missing work list" on graph paper for HeuKids and StuCrewCreate student conference binder with tabs for each studentSwitch activities from thick sheet protectors to thin onesMake hanging folder labels for each yellow post-itPut each KidsDiscover magazine into a sheet protector. Put in binder(s) alphabetical (see list).Read Proposition Position papers, edit for mechanics, and give feedback to the author. Some have been done.Read some of the monologues (on paper and in books) and mark those that are greatType out and print out the strips that go above each blue column on the wall. Need November and DecemberFigure out a way to have the KidsDiscover magazines organized, accessible, and protected (Stackables/OfficeSupply)Check their Terabithia pages for all 4 writing parts (1-6, 7, 10, Final 4). Write email to any who don't and cc me.Get gallon of brown paint, some brushes, and a drop cloth (cloth) from Home DepotPaint the ugly box on all surfaces (unscrew & remove shelves first)Enter C & H vocab words intothe formPut StuCrew student work into their foldersCreate and fill in a list of the Rebus puzzle answersRe-alphabetize library booksEnter KidsDiscover magazine information into ExcelCreate hanging folder and label for each studentTrim oversize assignments to 8.5 x 11Go to Buchser Middle School, room F2 and get "the clickers" from BryanLabels for HG books, sign-out sheetGet students to show you their vocab sections and you score themColor-coded labels for student foldersOrganize, tape to paper, and copy receiptsVarnish the rocking chairTape Ikea meter strips end to end, marking the start and end of each meter, until we have a 40 meter strip.Enter information from each of the students' Attribute Activityonto this form.Alphabetize (by first name) student index cards and make list of missing ones.Add category term (heukid or stucrew) to uncategorized sites in heumann.orgTake down Dead Words,separate into 2 classes, and alphabetize (by last name)Make three sets of 11x17 laminated signs to put on the bulletin boards that say "SR = Silent Room" (on red paper), and "CW = Collaborative Work" (on yellow paper), and "TT = Tech Tasks" (on blue paper). Three of each kind = 9 total posters.Put primer on the rocking chairWrite lists of kids who haven't done "Dead Words" and "Made Up Words
End of School Activities June 2011(not in preference order -- find what you might like to do):
Organize computer cords into their housings
Algebra books to room 20
Deep clean sink and counter area
Clean out and wipe out metal drawers under the cushion benches
Unpack remaining white boxes and organize supplies
Vacuum between and behind and under computers
Dispose of the paint and things between ramp and classroom
Organize library shelf (alphabetical)
Take down yellow bulletin boards and its trim