Coupla Things v9 (10/18/14)
Post date: Oct 18, 2014 7:9:50 PM
Hi There Room 25 Parents & Kids
Happy Saturday. This edition of the weekly newsletter contains details on the following topics:
Science in-class activities and chapter 7 tests
Request to check daily homework sheet with your kid nightly and PowerSchool weekly
Progress on our personal-interest maker projects
Interesting Columbus day counterpoint & discussion
Fall conferences
1. Science: This week we finished up chapter 7 on fluid pressure. To better understand the concepts of buoyancy and displacement the kids made and refined clay boats on one day and then tested them with increasing cargo loads (pennies) the next day. The results varied greatly, from no boat made at all (but lots of clay on sticks, tables, floor, and each other) all the way up to the well-designed and carefully built boat that held more than twice its weight in cargo. Most groups tended towards that latter scenario much more than the former, which is great. Then, to give the kids a visual/tactile understanding of the topics of the third section of chapter 7, I demonstrated and diagramed how airflow over a surface creates lift (eg. aircraft wings) and urged the kids to do the same.
For the past two weeks the kids should have kept up with the almost-daily reading schedule in the science textbook. On Friday I gave them the publisher's 20 multiple choice and 5 (of 8 possible) sentence-answer test, each of which is worth 10 points. The scores are now on PowerSchool (link) and on the average they aren't great. Since this is the first time that many of these kids have had to do this kind of thing (read book, take test), there is lots to be learned and practiced. This book stuff is, by the way, my least DCS-ish philosophy and practice, yet I think that it is a worthy endeavor. (as long as this isn't the only or even dominant mode of learning).
2. Nightly Homework and Weekly PowerSchool Checks: If assignments completion and assessment is something of value/concern to parent and/or kid, then I encourage you to engage in the following two practices: Each night please take a look at the assignment page together and maybe even look at and discuss the items listed. The short address is If you and/or your kid are unclear about anything or the conversation leads to tension or conflict, then please call, text, or email me anytime for clarification. My email is and my cell # is 408 482-2394. In addition to that nightly process, it might be a good idea to also check PowerSchool (link on my grades page) once a week to see if things there are at levels satisfactory to all of you.
3. Personal Interest Maker Project: On Monday afternoons Gina, Erika, SoonHee and I are working with the kids to help them dive deeply (and fairly independently) into an area that they have selected as that of high personal interest. They will develop some great questions, do some online and in-person research, and then build something and use it as the centerpiece of their presentation of findings to the class. As with all things, this process has been met with enthusiasm by some, temporary hesitation by others, and even resistance by a few. My goal is that we adults help the kids develop autonomy, mastery, and purpose (check out this "inspirational" RSA video).
4. Interesting Columbus day counterpoint & discussion: In order to set up an intense and hopefully valuable discussion, I asked the kids to read an "Anti-Columbus Day" webpage (link) that puts forth some information that seems to contradict what we've been taught. Yes, the topic fits perfectly into our lessons on European exploration, but more importantly, it catalyzes some important discussions about the nature of history education, bias, and how to become a discerning consumer of information, perspectives, and values. Perhaps, while your kid is discussing their current event article with you this weekend (hint hint), you can ask them about their feelings about the issue and the class-wide discussion we had on Tuesday.
5. Conferences: In 2 weeks we will have student-led progress and goal-setting conferences. Please open this document and fill in a time spot with your kid's name. Here is a page on my site that has a bit more info about Fall Conferences.
Upcoming Events
October 22: 8th Grade Parent Meeting #2
October 24: Teacher Learning Day (no school for kids)
October 25: Fall Festival
October 27-31: Fall conferences
October 30: 8th Grade to "Sweeney Todd" @ MVCPA
November 11: Veteran's Day (no school)
November 24-18: Thanksgiving Break
December 11-12: Room 25 to Balclutha, Age of Sail
December 22 - January 9: Winter Holiday
January 20-23: SanFrancisco Trip
January 23: Middle School Dance
February 6: Selectives end
February 6: Family Dance