
Current Events and Continual Controversies

The goal of these sessions is that you isolate an interest, state your questions, expand your knowledge, and communicate your conclusions/concerns with others.

Friday, March 18, 2011

    1. Get into groups again and get your poster

    2. Show me the questions

    3. Do research to answer your questions (and or find others)

    4. Decide on how you are going to communicate your results

    5. Organize your findings into the media you chose in step 4

Friday, March 11, 2011


The kinds causes, and effects of censorship: Kevin, JoMo, Alex

Capitalism & SocioEconomics: Cade, Ted, Joshua, Rory (PPT)

What is the United States economy?

Animal Abuse: Hayden, Molly, Madi, Marisa

Why is animal abuse such a big problem?

Japan's Disasters: Jenna, Samir, Peter, Evan

What are the causes, effects, and aftermaths of the 2011 Japan earthquake?

The Black Gold: Disha, Riti, Zahra

What effect does foreign oil have on society?

Video Game Regulation: Martin, Parker

How do first-person shooter games effect kids, and what control should adults have over it?

Create a "poster" with the following things

    1. Title of Your Topic

    2. The Essential Question

    3. Ten detail statements and/or questions

Friday, March 4, 2011

What confluence of concerns led to these sessions.

Our Topic:

What is Going On These Days That Concerns You A Lot?

1. How do you know what is going on in the world? (group discussion)

2. Four columns: Don't Understand -- Don't Care -- Care a Bit -- Care a Lot

3. Find two other people who have similar item(s) in the last column (groups of 3)

4. Create a "poster" with the following things

    1. Title of Your Topic

    2. The Essential Question

    3. Ten detail statements and/or questions

    4. Evidence of preliminary research

    5. Present and propose path