
Writing Project:

Topic---> Statement ---> Evidence (in & out) ---> Outline ---> Draft ---> Revisions --- Final

2017 Dates

1. Watch movie, gather evidence, choose topic (by 2/17)

2. Create your statement (by 3/3)

3. Create your evidence chart (by 3/7)

4. Draft and edits (by 3/17)

5. Final copy (by 3/21)

Action Project

To Whom Much is Given, Much is Expected

Write the story of a time when something good was unexpectedly done for you.

Write a piece about the your thoughts, experiences, and commitment to making the world (big or small) a better place. This can take myriad forms, one of which (but not the only), of course is to participate in a progressive philanthropy scenario (a.k.a. "Pay It Forward"ish actions).

Phrases that Come to Mind:

  1. The burden and joy of inherent obligation

  2. The power of non-accountability

  3. Actions for the greater good

  4. Character is what you do when no one is looking

  5. The selfishness of volunteerism and philanthropy

  6. Collective social responsibility

  7. Kindness can be contagious


  1. It should not be a self-glorifying act... anonymous is better

  2. Thankless isn't a bad thing; the recipient shouldn't necessarily be able to thank you.

  3. No paybacks :)

  4. Something hard (for you) impactful and valuable (for them).

Similar Sites

  1. Random Acts of Kindness

  2. Points of Light Institute

  3. Pay it Forward Foundation

  4. Go Pifo: Go Pay it Forward Online

  5. Wikipedia

  6. Pay it Forward Day

  7. Using Tech for Good (links to 4 sites)


    1. Stand up for someone without them knowing it.

    2. Listen to a need that someone is expressing, and meet that need.

    3. Involve some little kids on the playground in a game for a few days.

    4. Do a kind thing for someone who scares you, or you scare (physically, socially, etc)

    5. React positively in a situation (or to a person) in which the expected reaction is negative.