
DCS Graduation Practice Schedule



To obtain tickets for the event, please use the following Google Forms link:

Families will initially be allotted SIX tickets per graduating student. Some students may not need that many for their family and others may need more. The form gives you a way to indicate what you need, but there are no guarantees of receiving more tickets until all the requests have been received.

You must bring the tickets with you! Those without tickets will be asked to wait until those with tickets have been seated. Tickets will be distributed the week of June 4th.

Graduation Practice:


1. Family Dance, March 23, 2018 (8th grade families sell dinners)

2. Bingo Night, April 19


Reflective Writing: In the lobby of Westgate Church there will be a series of display boards upon which a single-page reflective writing piece for each kid will be mounted. This year we are asking you (students) to adhere to five guidelines.

1. Standard paper size (8.5 x 11) unlined, non-3hp paper.

2. A combination of (mostly) text and image(s).

3. Content should be reflective and tone should be appropriate

4. It must be your authentic work

4. It must be completed before the rafting trip.

Below are some ideas and links to templates for you to browse and consider.


Students' "I Am"

1. List three items found around your home. For example: an old record player, grandma’s

teeth, a favorite blanket, etc…

2. List three items found in your yard. For example: a tire swing, a cherry tree, coiled up hoses


3. List three items found in your neighborhood. For example: tree house, corner store, alley,

plum tree, etc…

4. List three relatives that link you with your past, your heritage. For example: uncles, aunts,

parents, grandparents, someone from the same cultural background.

5. List three sayings that you hear over and over again in your home, within your family. For

example, “Because I said so!” “If you can’t take care of it, maybe you don’t deserve nice

things” etc…

6. List three names of food dishes you recall at family gatherings. For example: tamales, black-

eyed peas, fried okra, lima beans, etc…

7. List five names of places of places where your memories are found. For example: a photo

album, a diary, boxes, clothes drawers, inside a family Bible, etc…


Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at Westgate Church in Campbell

Graduation Day Timeline

8:45 carpools leave DCS

9:00 students practice

12:00 carpools return to DCS

1:15 students released from school

4:30 students meet at Westgate Church

4:45 doors open for parents

5:00 graduation ceremony begins

7:00 reception

7:30 students' after-graduation party

9:30 parents pick up

Chris, add links to


  • speeches due May 29 to Mrs Leftwich

  • auditions are on the afternoon of Friday, May 22 in room 22

Emails & Flyers:

Hello everyone,

Here are the links for the reception food sign up, tickets and the parent after party that we talked about at Monday night’s meeting. If you were unable to attend the meeting Monday night, attached is the handout for your reference.

Reception Sign Up

A short reception will follow the graduation for guests and students. Eighth grade families will provide the reception food and flowers. Please sign up here!


There is room for each graduate to have up to five guests (the five includes parents/siblings and whomever else you would like to invite). However, some families will likely invite fewer guests and others would like to invite a few more. If you have not already done so, please indicate if you need additional tickets here by Friday, May 29th:

Graduation After Party for Parents

Not to be left out, we have reserved the patio at Buffalo Wild Wing for our own after party! Come mingle and reminisce. In order to give the restaurant a head count, we will need an RSVP by Wednesday, June 3rd. Please respond on this Google doc.

Thank you,

Karen and Lisa