Hydrographic Survey in Modern Japan.日本の水域測量の始まり

started in December 1, 2017, updated in April 10, 2022. 

I. はじめにPreface

1-1.  論点Points of Argument
(1) 既往研究の出典はもっぱら柳楢悦らの記録であり、そのため柳らの業績が賞賛され、また行動が正当化されている(東京天文台90周年記念誌:109頁他)。幕末から明治初期に独自に水路測量を行い、それを日本人に指導したイギリス海軍側からの記録と、当時の英字新聞雑誌記事などから、はたして柳の行動がどのようなものであったのか批判的に見ることができるように思う(unfinished in February 2, 2020)

(2) イギリス海軍測量船シルヴィア号は明治4年から9年まで水路寮/水路局と共同測量を行い、日本人士官に測量と製図を伝授した。指揮官のセント・ジョンに世話になったことぐらいで、具体的にどのような指導を受けたのか『水路部沿革史』は詳述しない。例外は「べーリー」という測量士官に製図法を習ったことがが述べられている。

(3) さて、1872年に兵学寮が創設され、ホースとブリンクリーに続き、1873年にはダグラス教育顧問団が加わった。そこにはイギリス海軍水域測量局士官のチャールズ・ウィリアム・ベイリーがおり、彼は1年前までシルヴィア号の乗船員であった。べーリーは日本滞在中に既存の測深器を改良し、その見本をロンドンの本庁に送り、1874年にはチャレンジャー号で試用されたという。

(3) ダグラスとベイリーは大和屋敷のマクヴェイン邸に頻繁に出入りし、時にはマクヴェインは彼らと一緒に出かけることがあった。ベイリーは、帰国後、イギリス政府気象局Meteorilogical Office/Met officeに勤め、海洋気象部長まで上り詰めた。

(4) 海軍兵学寮のベイリーは水域測量及び気象観測の分野において柳の水路局より圧倒的に多くの知識と器械を持っていた。なぜ柳楢悦はベイリーに支援を求めなかったのであろうか。

1-2. Previous Studies.既往研究



1-3. Essential Reference.基本史料



・Tomogoro ONO's Works.藤井哲博『咸臨丸航海長小野友五郎の生涯』(中公新書, 1985年)

   万延元年(1860)の末から文久元年(1861)4月にかけて、軍艦操練所の教授方小野友五郎は、教授方手伝の荒井郁之助と上原七郎、稽古人の宮永扇三、甲賀源吾、豊田港らと共に君沢型に乗船して江戸湾の内海を測量し、文久元年(1861)4月に「江戸湾実測図」を作成している。これは江戸湾の可航水路を確定すると同時に、その地域を防禦する目的によるものであった 。文久元年(1861)末から文久2年(1862)にかけて、外国奉行及び軍艦奉行関係者らが咸臨丸と朝陽丸を動員して小笠原諸島の開拓に踏み出した時、共に派遣された小野友五郎と豊田港等は小笠原諸島の父島を、塚本桓輔と松岡盤吉らは母島の測量を実施して「小笠原島総図」を残している 。文久2年(1862)6月18日には海軍所の一等士官福岡久右衛門を初め、二等士官塚原銀八郎、渡邊信太郎、三等士官長田清蔵及び宮永扇三等を派遣して、尾張、伊勢、志摩など3個地域の海浜を実測させた。彼らの測量結果は慶応元年12月に製作された海図に盛り込まれて外国公使らに回覧され、船舶航行の利便に提供された。

1-3.New Reference新たな資料

(1) McVean Achieves

William Francis Maxwell's Letter to C.A.McVean, 1868-1874.マクヴェイン宛てマックスウェルの書簡

(2) Memoir of the Hydrographic Survey, the Admiralty.

(3) Collaboration with British Navy with survey vessel SLYVIA by Captain St. John, 1868-1875.英国海軍測量船シルビア号の活動

(4) The Japan Weekly Mail.

II. Previous Study既往研究

2-1.  日本水路史

2-2. 『日本科学技術体系、第14巻地球宇宙科学』Global Science, Volume 14, Encyclopedia of History of Science and Technology in Japan, 1970.






第一章 幕末における天文学と地文学


第二章 天文暦道から近代天文学へ

2-3. 基礎事業の整備

2-4. 国際協同観測

第三章 富源防災調査研究体制の成立

3-1. 地理司、地理寮、地理局、付工部省測量司








3-3 開拓使、工部省鉱山局


3-7. 日本地震学会と震災予防調査会



(1) 資料3-2 石版、画術、製図製法に関する技術伝習始末書



・資料3-3 工部省測量司の東京府下測量



第五章 明治期の気象・海洋関係の事業と研究

5-1. 近代的気象観測の開始




5-3. 水路部及び海図の始まり



*資料5-2.我が国気象界の黎明 正戸豹之助述 正木十二郎記>>>気象の項目を見よ

III. Reading of Essential Reference主要資料の解読

(1) Diplomatic Documents of Late Shogunate and Early Meiji Period related the H.M.S. Sylvia大日本外交文書シルヴィア関係


事項37 英国測量艦「シルヴィア」號ノ日本沿海測量ニ関スル件














H. B. M. Legation, Yedo, March 7, 1871.

  The Undersigned has the honour to inform Their Excellencies, with reference to his letter of 29th December last, that Her Majesty's Ship "Sylvia" is expected to arrive at Yokohama on or about the 12th instant, and that she will be prepared to leave for Yezo on the 1st April next to commence the survey of that Island. The Undersigned therefore begs to be informed by Their Excellencies what vessel has been selected to accompany Her Majesty's Ship Sylvia, and what officers will be appointed to serve on board of her. He is also desirous of learning what arrangements Their Excellencies have made in accordance with the terms of his letter above-quoted, and specially whether the coal necessary for carrying out this service has been provided at the points which he has named. If the Japanese vessel be not ready to join the expedition the Undersigned must urge Their Excellencies to desire the proper authorities to see that the necessary preparations are completed without delay and the Undersigned trusts to receive from Their Excellencies a distinct assurance that she will be ready for sea by the 1st April next. The Undersigned avails himself of this opportunity to renew the assurance of his most distinguished consideration.

HARRY S. PARKES, H. B. M. Envoy Extraordinay and Minister Plenipotentiary

Their Excellencies Sawa Jiusammi, Terashima Jiushii, etc,, etc,, etc,,


以手紙致啓上候然は貴国昨十一月八日附之書翰を以申入候我国軍艦シルブイヤ来る廿二日前後には横浜え到着可致尤北海道測量之儀は来月十二日頃出帆早速取懸申候筈に有之依て貴政府に於てシルブイヤ同道之為被命候船名並乗組之士官姓名被申越度且前同日之書翰にて申入候通手配被致候哉就中右入用之石炭拙者より申入候各所に於て既に御貯有之候哉承り度存候萬一今以相調不申候は、無遅滞用意被致候様早速其筋え被命来月十二日迄に無相違諸事可相整旨断然被仰越度候右之趣可得御意如此御座候以上  正月十七日 英国全権行使 ハルリーパークス


澤外務卿 寺島外務大輔 閣下







正月廿一日   エルネストサトウ





British Legation, Yedo, April 6, 1869.

 The Undersigned has the honor to inform Their Excellencies that Captain Brooker commanding Her Majesty's Surveying vessel "Sylvia" is about to proceed to the Inland Sea to continue the survey of Kuroshima no sato the Shimonoseki and Akashi Straits and the Naruto Passage, and he wishes while thus engaged to receive such assistance from the Japanese Authorities as shall prevent any misunderstanding as to the character of his duties on the part of any Japanese.

 Their Excellencies are aware that Captain Brooker was employed during a great part of last year in surveying the western coast of Kiushiu, and the Government of Nagasaki appointed Mashima Joichiro to accompany him as Interpreter. That officer is now at Osaka and is willing to act again as Interpreter to Captain Brooker while surveying in the Inland Sea. Captain Brooker wishes therefore that Mashima Joichiro may receive orders to join him at Osaka and he also requests that the Japanese Government will consider the claim of this officer to receive a suitable rate of pay while thus employed.

 Captain Brooker has informed the Undersigned that In has received cordial assistance from the Chifuji of Nagasaki and from several of the Daimics of Kiushiu, but has occasionally been much annoyed with the interference of Japanese officers of low rank who have, in some instances peremptorily ordered the villagers not to sell him provisions or to give him any information rs to hidden rocks dangers etc.

It seems therefore desirable that Captain Brooker should be furnished by Their Excellencies with a letter or order that shall serve to explain the character of the ship to the officers or people of every place he may visit, and which should at the same time enjoin upon them to render hint all the assistance he may require of the kind above named.

 Captain Brooker is not only willing to furnish the Japanese Government with copies of his surveys but has offered to assist Japanese officers in becoming acquainted with practical surveying if the Japanese Government would appoint a small steamer, on board which the said officers could live, to accompany him in his operations. The Undersigned may mention in this connection that a small steamer called the " Tayung " was lately purchased at Osaka for the Light house service by Hasegawa and although found unsuitable for that employment, it might answer for the purpose proposed by Captain Brooker.

 The Undersigned feels assured that Their Excellencies will take a deep interest in the important duties in which Captain Brooker is engaged, as they cannot fail to see that these are calculated to be as beneficial to Japan as to foreign nations. It would be well, indeed, if Japan could cooperate to a greater extent in so good a work. But if this be impossible at the present date, the Undersigned trusts that Their Excellencies will be so good as to furnish at once the orders to Mashima Joichiro, and the general instructions above mentioned regarding the attention which should everywhere be paid to Captain Brooker, as that officer, who is now at Yokohama, only waits for the receipt of these instructions to proceed at orce to Osaka and the Wand Sea.

 The Undersigned avails himself of this opportunity to renew the assurances of his distinguished consideration.

HARRY S. PARKES, Her Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Japan.

Their Excellencies Date Chiunagon dono, Higashi Kuze Chiujo dono, etc., etc., etc.











以手紙致啓上候然は北海道海岸測量いたし公開原理の図を製し度候間貴国の測量我政府於て相雇度候に付閣下右雇入方御周旋被下候様懇請いたし候尤右雇料の義は何程のものに可有之候や閣下御見込の所御示詮被下度御頼申候此段可得御意如是御座候以上 巳九月 日  大輔 卿




                Yedo, April 2, 1870.

  The Undersigned hes carefully considered the proposal made by Their Excellencies in their note of the 8th October last that a survey should be made by English officers of the coast of Hokukaido (Yezo 1. He deferred answering this note until he could consult Vice-Admiral Kellett, the Commander-in-Chief on the China and Japan Station, who has lately visited Japan, and who has had great ex-

perience in surveying operatiors. The Commander-in-Chief has pointed cut to the Undersigned that a complete survey of the coast of the Hokukaido would take some time to ac-complish, and if confided, as an isolated operation, to one or two officers, disconnected from their own service, and working in a Japanese vessel, the time is likely to be greatly prolonged, and the work to be less satisfactorily performed. The thorough equipment of the vessel employed on such a service is a point of great importance, and accidents, the want of proper instruments, or any irregularities in management beyond the control of such officers might materially retard their proceedings. In the opinion therefore of the Commander-in-Chief, a better course for the Japanese Government to pursue would be to request the British Government to agree to a scheme under which a joint survey by the two Governments of the coast of Japan might be proceeded with and of which the survey of Yezo would form a part. The Undersigned begs Their Excellencies to

inform him whether this opinion meets with the approval of the Japanese Government, as in that case, the Undersigned, acting in conjunction with the Commander-in-Chief would not hesitate to re-commend it to the corsideration of Her Majesty's Government. The necessary replies cculd not he received this year in time to admit of Her Majes ty's Ship "Sylvia " being diverted frcm the survey of the coast of Kii and Ise, and of the entrance of the Shimonoseki Straits, on which she will he en-gaged during the coming summer, nor is it desira-ble that this work should he interrupted. But as a preliminary step to the plan of cooperation here-in proposed, and one which cannot fail to he pro-ductive of benefit to the Japanese Government, the Undersigned strongly recommends that the latter should appoint a vessel and several officers to ac-company and to assist the " Sylvia" in making the last-mentioned surveys, as the instruction and ex-perience which would thus be acquired by those officers would enable them to take a much more effective part in the survey of the coast of the

Hokukaido, in case this should be undertaken early next year. The Undersigned should add that he believes that the Japanese Government would find that the scheme now proposed, if concurred in by the British Government, would prove more economical both in point of time and money than that of a detached survey undertaken by the former on their own account. The Undersigned takes this opportunity of delivering to the Japanese Government two com-plete sets of all the charts of the Japan coast which have yet been published by the British Admiralty, and which Her Majesty's Government has directed the Undersigned to present to the Japanese Govern-ment as an acknowledgement of the assistance rendered by the latter to Her Majesty's Ship "Sylvia " while engaged last year in the survey of the Inland Sea. The Undersigned appends a list of these charts, which he hopes will prove useful to the Japanese Government.

The Undersigned avails himself of this opportunity to renew to Their Excellencies the assurance of his most distinguished consideration. HARRY S. PARKES, Her Britannic Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Japan.

Their Excellencies Sawa Ju san i Kiyowara Nobuycshi, Terashima Ju shi i Fujiwara Munenori, etc., etc., etc.



(2) Outline History of Japan's Hydrographic Office.水路部沿革史




1頁 沿革総記



3頁 第一期ニ属スル要領 発端


5頁 一、分課規則





6頁 沿岸測量ハ創業以来数年間ハ遺憾ナカラ外国艦船ノ測量請願ヲ拒絶スルコトヲ得サルノ状況ナリネレハ柳局長ノ苦辛容易ナラス日夜速ニ自力之

7頁 三、観象事業


8頁 四、図誌事業


9頁 五、局用器械


13頁 八、第一期事業ノ方針




21頁 水路事業ノ経緯 明治二年


22頁 明治三年四月


26頁 五月


27頁 七月


28頁 十二月


32頁 明治四年正月




33頁 七月


34頁 八月

・兵部省海軍部内条例ヲ定ム(太政官第百十三号) 第四、水路局 、水路測量、浮桶、瀬印、燈明台ノ庶務

38頁 十一月


46頁 明治五年二月



55頁  八月


58頁  十月


59頁 十一月


60頁 明治六年

63頁  四月


68頁  八月





73頁 十一月


82頁 十二月


86頁 明治七年

93頁  二月


110頁 十月


115頁 明治八年 一月


121頁 四月


127頁 七月



・明治二年 第一號 崎陽執業中雑記並蘭人雑話 柳方二郎


・明治三年 第一號








・明治五年 第三號


・明治五年 第四號


・明治五年 第五號


・明治七年 第一號

   明治七年三月改訂 第二號 諸艦船準備品員数仮定表

III. New Reference新資料

(1) 海軍創設史



















アーチボルド・ルシアス・ダグラスArchibald L. Douglas、中佐、顧問団長

チャールズ・ウィリアム・ジョンズCharles W/ Jones、大尉、副団長

チャールズ・ウィリアム・ベイリーCharles W. Baillie、航海大尉、測量科科長

フレデリック・ウィリアム・サットンFrederick W. Sutton、機関長、機関術科科長

トーマス・スキンネル・ギッシングThomas S. Gising、副機関士、機関術

ウィリアム・ジョシュア・ハーディングWilliam J. Harding、副機関士、機関術

アレクサンダー・ベイリーAlexander Baillie、、一等測量手、測量


(2) McVean Archives.

--William Francis Maxwell's Letter to C.A.McVean, 1868-1874.マクヴェイン宛てマックスウェルの書簡

(2) Memoir of the Hydrographic Survey, the Admiralty.



--The following remarks on the navigation of the Inland Sea are by Navigating Lieutenant W. F. Maxwell, H. B. M. surveying vessel Sylvia, 1870:‘ (Variation 4° 0' Westerly in 1870.) In these directions a description is given, first, of the islands and coasts in the immediate vicinity of the general track through the Inland Sea, embracing the channels through the archipelago which divides Misima-nada and Bingo-nada, known as Aogi-seto, Kuruma-no-seto, and Kurusima-no-seto; followed by directions from Bingo-nada to Hiogo, and through the Kii Channel.


DIRECTIONS FOR AOGI-SETO.—The entrance to Aogi-seto may be readily distinguished by the conical hill and white quartz-faced boulders of Ko-ogé-sima and the dark-wooded Ogé-sima, care being taken not to mistake the southwest point of Okamura, that has also some white rocks at the base. The mid-channel between these islands being taken, a course should be steered to pass midway between Noka-no-hana and Niwatorijinia, after passing which the vessel must be steered midway between the shore of Osaki-sima and Yoko-sima until abreast the south point of the latter, when the Osaki shore should be closed to avoid the foul ground west of Yoko-sima.

 After passing the small rock ofi' Kodono-sima, a course should be

(3) Collaboration with British Naval with survey vessel SLYVIA by Captain St. John, 1868-1875.英国海軍測量船シルビア号の活動


(4) The Japan Weekly Mail,ジャパン・ウィークリー・メール

--March 13, 1875.


Head before the Asiatic Society of Japan on the February, 1875.

Before beginning a short account of an excursion I made in connection with the survey of this part of the coast, I should like, considering the little that is known about the east side of the provinces of Kii, Yam ato, and Ise, to draw a slight sketch of the whole coast-line from Oosima, in the extreme south, to Tola in the North,

-The Japan Weekly Mail, March 28, 1875.

   THE YESO FISHERIES. To the Editor, or the " Japan Weekly Mail." H. M. S. Sylvia, Kobe, 12th March, 1875.

Sir,—From reading an article on " The Knitakushi" in your number of February 27th, I am induced to send you a few extracts from notes made when surveying the Eastern parts of Yesso. I spent from the 6th of May until the 8th of August 1871 between Akishi bay on the South side, to Abishica on the North.

-The Japan Weekly Mail, June 12, 1875.

GUNTER'S CHAIN. To the Editor of the "Japan Weekly Mail." June 6th, 1875.

Dear Sir.—May I ask through the medium of your valuable paper—for what reason the Japanese Government have permitted the use of the Gunter chain in a great portion of their survey work P

The Gunter chain was invented for the use of English landowners and engineers, being a compromise between the acre and the mile—the advantages of which are obvious.

Now Japan has neither acres, or miles—although It may be urged that 11 ken equal 1 chain. Because English surveyors are employed, is it a reason that this country should be bnrdeued with a system totally unsuited for its requirements? As far as I can learn these sur

veyors would gladly use tho 100 ft. chain, now extensively adopted in our colonies. The Government being closely allied to the native »haku would probably render its introduction easier than the rotStre, but the latter has the advantage of probably becoming the much desired universal standard.

These little matters may be of slight import to the Government, who, indeed, have more weighty affairs to attend to. I nevertheless hope that a timely warning from your able pen would not be without effect on the public, and that our old friend Guuter will be forced to return home and to look out for a quiet retreat to which he can retire, when his more modern rival gains the day.

I remain, dear Sir, Yours faithfully, C. N. K.