Let's read John F. Campbell's "My Circular Notes (1876)," Part II. Letter No. I to No.X


第五信 ボストンから、1874年7月19日 






   そして賛美歌が歌われ、男性から「女性の方が質問にお答えします」とアナウンスがあった。しばらくの間、誰も口を開かなかった。最後に、禿げ頭に金色の眼鏡をかけた、典型的な不思議の展開で、私が最初に気づいた老人が、「罪を犯した人の霊は戻ってくるのでしょうか?」と質問した。その老婦人は、「霊は戻ってくる 」と答えた。スピリチュアル・テレグラフから引用された現象が証拠として挙げられた。質問が書かれたカードが手渡され、聖歌隊が歌っている間、婦人はペンを耳に当て、まるでそれが語りかけてくるかのように考えながら書いた。そして彼女は立ち上がり、泣き叫ぶような声で神託に満ちた戯言を口にした。私は立ち上がり、その場から逃げ出した。同じ通りの反対側でも、同じようなスタンスが続いていた。今、私は戸惑っている!この女性が狂っていて、悪党に 「牛耳られて 」いるのか、それとも悪党そのものなのか、私にはよくわからない。観客は重々しく真剣な様子で、「眼鏡をかけた老人は誰でしょう?」という私の冗談めいた質問にはまったく答えようとはしなかった。もしこの女性がごろつきだとしたら、私が出会った中で最も冒涜的な部類に入る。彼女は個人的な相談で金を稼いでいるのだろう。いずれにせよ、それはよくあるボストンのスピリチュアルな話だった。




 J. F. C.

追伸:同封されていたカードに誘われて応接間に行くと、アリシアとその弟がいた。代わりに、金色の眼鏡をかけた慈悲深い白髪の男と、かわいい娘がいた。説明しよう: この家にはもう一人、見たことのないジョン・キャンベルがいるようだ。カラスとキャンベルは地球上のあらゆる場所にいることを彼らに話し、夕食に出かけた。


ナイアガラの滝 10年ぶりに再びここに来たが、以前にも増してこの場所に魅了された。「短いアメリカ放浪記 」を参照。昨日の7時、ボストンの窓にある大理石の板の温度計は75度で、暑さに閉口した。8時半にドローイング・ルーム・カーで出発すると、その変化は一瞬にして驚くべきものだった。同じように暑かったが、空気は新鮮で、暑くて低い建物のじめじめした町で淀んでいるのではなく、動いていた。

   共和党の国では、1等、2等、3等の客車では満足できないので、希望者がお金を払って満足できるドローイングルーム車を走らせている。長い高床式の部屋で、4組の車輪の上に2組の車輪があり、そのうちの2組が両端のボギーに載っている。両側にはビロード張りの椅子が置かれ、スプリングシートで、青銅の柱が回転するようになっている。サッシの窓は大きな板ガラスで、開けると係のニガーがホコリを防ぐために針金のブラインドをはめ込む。緑色の日除けブラインドが下ろされ、私たちはそれぞれ自分の椅子に座り、疾走しながら田舎を眺める。本当にヤンキーは鉄道の旅をよく知っている。タバコを吸いたい人は車両の前部にあるキャビンを見つけ、飲みたい人は氷水を見つけ、埃だらけの顔を洗いたい人、「ハートをなめらかにしたい人 」は心ゆくまでそれを楽しむことができる。小型のクライド蒸気船の船室はそんなものだ。





   アフリカ人がエマ鉱山やエリー・リングを経営することはないだろう。   しかしポテトマンには教育されるべき頭脳があるのだから、いずれはそうなるかもしれない。外はとても暑く明るいので、私は滝を見に出かける代わりに、ここでタバコを吸いながら日記を書いたり、ケルト人やニガーについて考えたりして、涼しさと水の音を楽しんでいる。これが一人旅の大きな利点だ。もし誰かエネルギッシュな人がいたら、あるいはいつも急いでいる人がいたら、晴れた日の朝をこんな風にぼんやり過ごすことはできなかっただろう。親友たちが紹介状を持って駆けずり回ったり、C.G.が西へ向かう次の列車を追いかけて走り回ったりしているのを聞くと、急いでどこかへ行こうとするのだろうと思う。私は決して急いではいなかったし、今に至るまでいつも急いでいた。家と駅の間はもっと急いでいた。今、私はその駅から4,730マイルにいるが、出発してから一度も急いだり心配したりしたことはない。

   このままでは、私は放浪の哲学者になってしまう。   「セント・ローレンスを行くのですか?「とオリーブの木が私に言った。オリーブは息を呑み、ヤンキーの白木のナツメグが知的に笑った。さて、私はヤギの島へ行き、好奇心旺盛な生き物を捕まえるための餌を作ることにしよう。座って絵を描いたり、ガラス越しに何かを見たりするだけで、誰かを罠にかけるのに失敗したことはない。ところで、私の窓の下で大活躍している家庭的なアイデアを紹介したい。4本の長いアームが付いた直立した柱が、小さな水車で回転している。アームからアームへとたくさんの物干し竿が伸びていて、その上にたくさんのタオルが太陽の下で端から端まで回転している。タオルはあっという間に乾き、漂白される。この機械は、私が来てからずっとカチカチと音を立てている。ナイアガラにあるこの小さなダムは、確かに全能の立派な水力発電所だ。


ゴート島に行ったら97°は多すぎました。 その場所は観光客で混雑していたので、ぶらぶら戻って食事をし、夕方涼しいうちにぶらぶらしてスケッチをしました。

23日、木曜日。私は置き忘れたカップを取りに戻ってきたところ、見たことのない男の足元にカップがあるのを見つけた。 それは幸運 だ! 拓本を作ったり、写真を買ったり、吊り橋からスケッチをしたり、午前中の作業の結果を修正したり表装したりしている。 ヤンキー英語の非常に強いアクセントを持つイギリス人が私に加わり、私たちは親睦を深めた。 彼は私の道を進む、そして私たちはもっと仲良くなるかもしれない。 確かにここは私が今まで訪れた中で最も楽しい場所の一つである! その朝の水の噴出は、旅する価値がある。 さて、これを投稿して、気が向いたら日記を書き続けることにする。


No. V. Boston, U.S.,   July 19th, 1874.

My dear Mother,

   This is a change, and I am not sure that it is all pleasant. From fog and 53°, and the howling of fog-horns, to fierce sun and 85° in the coolest place I can find. I can not recognize the place at all. Since I was here nine years ago the town has been burned and built, a bay and a marsh have been filled with gravel and built on, trees have grown, and public parks and gardens have come into being. Further, this is Sunday, and I can't get into anywhere. I have been to church ; and I have been to fetch a walk with an umbrella over my head. I hear French and German, various Irish accents and some Yankee ; the majority seem Europeans.

   I drink lemonade and read rubbish in the papers. As soon as I can I shall be off to Niagara to bathe and draw. I don't expect to hear from anybody till I get to San Francisco, if then. The ways of this house are to pay two dollars for a small room on the third floor, and pay for any thing eaten at any hour. I paid two dollars for a very moderate dinner, and eighty cents for a moderate breakfast. Cheapness is not the peculiarity of these States, but every body seems bent on champagne, so prosperity ought to abound. I am going to a spiritual stance, if I can find it later. By my lack of employment you gain letters, and my brains repose, and now I am going to sprawl in my bed, and ruminate.

   Nextly the lady delivered an oration with extreme volubility and wordy tautology. She repeated for an hour phrases which meant, "Set a good example to your little children," and I nearly slumbered. The peroration awoke me, and a hymn.

   Then the male person announced that the female person was prepared to answer questions. Nobody spoke for some time. At last an old party, with a bald head and gold spectacles, a typical development of wonder, whom I noticed at first, asked, "Do spirits of those who have committed crimes ever return?" The lady answered at length, "They do return." Manifestations quoted from the spiritual telegraph were mentioned in proof. Cards with questions were handed in, and while the choir sang the lady wrote, acting thought, and putting her pen to her ear, as if that spoke to her. Then she got up, and in a crying voice uttered oracular nonsense, of which I could not catch the drift, not knowing the questions. In the midst I got up and bolted. Another stance of the same kind was going on the opposite side of the same street. Now I am puzzled! I don't quite know whether this woman is crazy and "run" by rogues, or a rogue herself. The audience seemed grave and earnest, not at all disposed to answer my bantering question "who may the old party in spectacles be?" If the woman is a humbug, she is the most blasphemous specimen of the kind I ever encountered. She makes her money by private consultations, I suppose. Anyhow that was a common Boston spiritual meeting, and something new to you and to me.

Monday, July 20. This is desperate heat. The sky is clouded and there is a breeze from the west, but 75° is the coldest that I have found, and now it is 80° in my press. I have got coin and I have been to the Natural History Museum. It stood in a wide open space, strewn with bricks and deceased cats nine years ago ; now it stands between a large church and a large institution of some kind, and long streets of grand brick houses file off in all directions, while tall trees, ponds and deer paddocks make Boston common beautiful.

   I read the account of Montaua and its geysers, and studied the Californian State map, and nearly fell asleep amongst the skeletons and stuffed birds and rocks and books where I read for Frost and Fire, when I was last here. A lady assistant clerk sat working at her desk and papers all the while. I came back in a 'bits, and sprawled about till dinner time, and now I am going to feed. There are, and there will be, no secrets in my letters, and you may as well read my journal at home. That will save me the trouble of carrying it, and reading it as I go along, and so I wish you all good-bye, and hope to hear from you when I get to San Francisco.

 J. F. C.

P.S. Roused by the enclosed card, I went to the parlour expecting to find Alicia and her brother. Found instead a benevolent white-haired man, with gold eyeglasses, and a pretty little daughter, who asked me how I liked Peru. Explanation: It seems that there is another John Campbell in the house, whom they had never seen. Told them that crows and Campbells are in all quarters of the globe, and went to dinner ; now I am going to bed.

Wednesday, July 22. Niagara Falls. Here I am again after ten years, more charmed with the place than ever. Vide "A short American Tramp." Yesterday at seven the thermometer was 75° on a marble slab in a window at Boston, and the heat was oppressive. At 8.30 we started in a Drawing room Car, and the change was instant and marvellous. It was just as hot, but the air was fresh and moving instead of stagnating in a hot, low-built, damp town.

   In the Republican country, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class carriages would never do, so they run drawing-room cars for which those who will can pay and be happy ; mine this turn cost 2 J dollars extra. It is a long lofty room, set on four pairs of wheels, of which two pairs are on a bogy at each end, consequently the long beams take off all jar and rattle. All down the sides are velvet-covered chairs, with spring seats, each on a bronze pillar turning any way. The sash win dows are large plate-glass affairs, into which, when open, an attendant nigger fits wire blinds to keep out the dust. Green sun-blinds draw down, so there we sit at ease, each in his own hired chair, and look at the country as we whirl along at great speed. Truly the Yankees know how to travel by rail. Those who want to smoke find a cabin in the fore part of the car, those who want to drink find iced water, and those who want to wash their dusty faces and " slick their harr down " can do that to their hearts' content. The cabin of a small Clyde steamer is about the thing.

   Now and then as we ran up the Green Mountain glens the train slowed. Curious to see the reason, I went out on the platform, and looked down into a rocky gorge. "We were passing over a scaffold. A couple of rows of upright trees supported us, and a network of narrow laths bound them together, but if we swung that structure, down it would certainly go. Therefore, we went slowly over these bridges. The workmen offered us mint as we passed them slowly.

   From Boston to Springfield we crossed hills 400 feet high. Then we crossed the Green Mountains 1,500 feet, and ran down to Albany on the Hudson. There, at three, I dined in 1 5 minutes, waited on by cheerful neat damsels, who gave me ice creams and ginger ale. Then we ran up to the Mohawk by Utica and Syracuse to Rochester, where I changed cars at about 10 p.m. By two I was in this cool charming room with the rush of the river to hush me to sleep, and so I slept, in a draught with the glass at 66°. That's pleasant! A collegian on the cars fraternized with me, and he was the only fraternal being. The rest were absorbed in absorbing oranges, in knitting, and nothing at all. Like loafers at the hotels, the populace seem to enjoy sitting in chairs, doing nothing, at an open window where the wind blows. In this weather I understand it. My friend wanted to know about titles a good deal. He seemed to be a good green gentleman. At Saratoga there has been a grand University boat-race, and athletic games of all sorts. The papers are full of the meeting, and of murders and scandals and sensations. My friend, who had been to Saratoga, described a mob.

   The next noteworthy personal matter that I can think of is the difference between races of men. At the Parker House all the servants were Irish. Some were green as the Emerald Isle, and none were like French and German waiters, but if they were lacking, it seemed to be want of education for the work. Left to himself, one always brought me potatoes. I wrote down the name of a soup, but he brought me goose and potatoes. That was the result of education, I suppose. Here are niggers and no Irish, and they seem to be born waiters without much brains. Pat may influence elections and rise to be President ; Sambo never will. "My name, sir, is Lloyd," said a young darky last night, " call for me and I will look out for you."

   I bade him call me at six. About eight he came. " I told them to call me at six," he said, " but they forgot, so I am come at eight." " Now go and brush my clothes and bring them back." He went and came. " I did not hurry myself, you see," quoth Lloyd, " I just took my time and brought them right square off." I never am in a hurry, least of all here, so I did not mind. Next we got to a bath : it is down in the basement, a large square room with a waterspout dashing into the bath in the corner. I got hold of a rope and held my back in it, and the spray flew ten yards into the room, a fountain. One feels as if bones were flag-poles, and flesh fluttering bunting in a gale of wind. " It's awful whole some," as the black Welshman said when he shut the door and left me. But the born waiter forgot to give me a towel, which was not intelligent. A whole army of them were drawn up sunning themselves at the breakfast-room door, and very neat and clean they looked in white. Every shade of black and brown, every variety of cross, shines through their queer, quiet faces. The olive-green ones sell books and papers, the sepia men wait at table, the blackest black boots and brush coats, and bear burdens. But no amount of dilution seems to make a blacky white enough to keep a hotel, or own a shop, or do anything that an Aryan does.

"It's awful whole some," as the black Welshman said when he shut the door and left me. But the born waiter forgot to give me a towel, which was not intelligent. A whole army of them were drawn up sunning themselves at the breakfast-room door, and very neat and clean they looked in white. Every shade of black and brown, every variety of cross, shines through their queer, quiet faces. The olive-green ones sell books and papers, the sepia men wait at table, the blackest black boots and brush coats, and bear burdens. But no amount of dilution seems to make a blacky white enough to keep a hotel, or own a shop, or do anything that an Aryan does

   I am quite sure that no Africaryan will ever run an Emma mine or an Erie ring. But the potato man may in time, for he has brains to be educated, while darky's head is like that of the Neander-thal man who was like a monkey. It is so precious hot and bright outside that here I have sat smoking and journalizing, and thinking about Celts and Niggers, enjoying the cool and the sound of the waters, instead of going out to see the Falls. That is the one great advantage of travelling alone. If I had some energetic person to lionize, or somebody always in haste to get on, I never could have dawdled away a whole sunny morning in this idle fashion. I fancy I hear my best travelling chums rushing about with letters of introduction, or C. G. charging about after the next trains for the west, so as to get somewhere else in a hurry. I never was in a hurry, and I always have been hurried till now, and now I have got over 550 miles in perfect quiet and repose. I was more hurried between home and the station. Now I am 4,730 miles from that station, and I have never been hurried or worried since I set out.

   If this goes on I shall become a peripatetic philosopher. "Air you going on the St. Lawrence, sir?" said a human olive to me. "I, sir, am travelling circumperambulatorically," I said, gravely. The olive gaped, and a white timber nutmeg of a Yankee grinned intelligently. Now I shall go out to Goat Island, and do something for a bait to catch curious creatures. I never fail to trap somebody, if I only sit down and draw, or look through a glass at something. By the way, you may like to introduce a domestic notion which is in full swing under my window. An upright post with four long arms is turned by a small water-wheel ; from arm to arm are clothes lines many, and on each are many towels revolving edgeways in the sun. They dry and bleach in no time. The machine has been click, clicking ever since I came. What an almighty fine water-power this little dam at Niagara is, to be sure.


   I went to Goat Island and found 97° rather too much. The place was crowded with excursionists, so I wandered back and dined, and then in the cool of the evening wandered down and sketched.


Thursday, 23. I have been back to fetch my cup which I left behind me, and there I found it at the feet of a man who had not seen it. That's luck! I have been making rubbings, and buying photographs, and sketching from the suspension bridge, and fixing and mounting the result of my morning's work. A Briton with a very strong accent of Yankee-English joined me, and we fraternized. He is going my way, and we may fraternize more. Surely this is one of the pleasantest places I ever was in ! That morning water spout is worth the journey. Now I shall post this and go on with the journal when the fit takes me.

J. F. C.