Family Line and Early Career of Josiah Conder..ジョサイア・コンダーの家系と来歴について


 commenced in Jan. 2014, updated in May 19, 2019.

I. 序




(1) 小野木重勝『日本の建築 明治大正昭和 2.様式の礎』における「1.ジョサイア・コンドル」[小野木先生の筆ではなかったという噂あり]





(2) 鈴木博之「ジョサイア・コンドルの建築観と日本」


(3) J. Mordaunt Crook, Josiah Conder in England: Education, training and background, Catalogue of Works of Josiah Conder, Tokyo Station Gallery, 1997.



II. コンダー家概略[Mitchell Families Online]+[My Heritage]


*1. Death of Mr. Josiah Conder, The Yorkshire Herald and the York Herald (York, North Yorkshire, England), 05 Jan 1856, Sat, Page 4.聖職者で、旅行地理書の執筆者。『モダン・トラベラー』は19世紀半ばによく売れた。コンドルは祖父の仕事を知っていたはず。

*2. Francis Roubiliac Conder. 鉄道建設請負で大成功した技術者。コンドルが13歳の時、父親が亡くなり、この叔父がコンドル家に手をさしのべなかったはずはなかった。

*3. Claude Reignier Conder, R.E., ロンドン大学とウールウィッチ陸軍工兵学校を卒業後、中近東に派遣され、この地域の地理・考古学調査を実施した。コンドルは、4歳年上の従兄弟がパレスチナの軍事作戦で活躍していることを知っていたに違いない。

III. トーマス・ロジャー・スミスThomas Roger Smith

(1) Roger Smith in 1871 England Censusイギリスの1871年人口調査におけるロジャー・スミス家Household Members

Thomas R. Smith, 40, architect, born in about 1831 in Sheffield, Spouse's name-Catherine

Catherine Smith, 39

Ravenscroft E. Smith, 11

Edith M. Smith, 10

Roger T. Smith, 8

Hugh R. Smith, 3

Josiah Conder, servant, age 18, architect pupil, born about 1853 at Briston, Surrey, Civil Parish at Lewisham, Christchurch, Town Forest Hill

Debrah Hitchcock, servant, 25

Emma Hull, servant, 24

E. Wyaball, servant, 19


(2) Works in British India



(3) Relationship with William Henry White


(4) Relationship with William Ayrton and Edward W. Robins

・工部大学校物理学教授エアトンとイギリス人建築家ロビンスはロンドン大学で学んでいた時からの友人であった(Robins "Builder(1881)")。ロビンズが、RIBA集会で工部大学校校舎について発表したとき、スミスは多くの質問をしている。スミスとロビンスも旧知の間柄。

IV. ウィリアム・バージェスWilliam Burges


・バージャスはロンドン文芸界で有名なAthanaeum Clubメンバーであった。ジョン・フランシス・キャンベルは、1874年から75年にかけてグランド・ツアーを行いその成果を『私の周遊記My Circular Notes』としてこのクラブで発表した。この旅行譚の主題は日本であり、報告会にはバージェスもいたはずである。この報告会と書物を通してイザベラ・バードは日本行きを決心したし、バージェスを通してコンドルも日本に興味を持った可能性がある。


(1) コンドルの曾祖父は出版社を経営し、祖父は聖職者となりながら家業を継いで積極的に文筆活動も行った。キリスト教関係の著作が多く、賛美歌集や聖地地理書に特筆すべき点がある。彼には4男1女の子供がおり、長男Roubilacは技師、次男Eustace Rogersは聖職者、三男Josiahが銀行家、四男Charles Edwardが技師となった。既往研究ではコンドルの曾祖父が彫刻家ルイ・フランシス・ルービリアックとなっているが、それらは間違いのようだ。彫刻家ルービリアックは祖母方の高祖父にあたり、祖父コンダーは妻の祖父である彫刻家ルービリアックに因んで長男にその名前を付けたことになる。

(2) 父の兄のフランシス・ルービリアックは、大変高名な土木技師となった[土木技師協会誌の死亡記事、イギリス人名録NBD他、右欄参照]。フランシス・ルービリアックは弟ジョシアが妻と子供を残して亡くなり、その遺族に支援の手を差しのべたはずである。

(3) 父の兄のユースタス・ロジャーは父親の聖書研究の影響を受け、聖職者の道に入った。父との共著を含めて、十数冊の著作出版あり[右欄参照]。

(4) 父のジョサイアはイングランド銀行に勤め、ショーンと結婚し、6人の子供を設けた。長男がコンドルであったが、彼が12才の時に父が亡くなった[AncestorRoot、要出典]。

(5) コンドルの弟はトーマス・ロジャーといい、彼もまた建築家となった。

(6) 祖母Joan Elizabethの姉弟の子供にスミスThomas Roger Smithがいた[AncetorRoot]。

(7) 親戚のJames ConderもCivil Engineerで、インドで仕事をしたことがあった。彼の子供の一人がチャールズCharles(1868-1909)で、15才の時にオーストラリアで測量見習いとして働き始めた。そこで画家として活躍した[]。

(8) コンドルの叔父ユースタスEustace Conderは牧師ながら大変な聖書研究者で、聖地の地理とその史跡に関する著作が多数見られる。彼は父のジョサイア・コンダーとの共著もある。このユースタスの息子が建築家となり、コンドルの弟にあたるトーマス・ロジャーとロンドンで設計事務所を共同経営した[Dictionary of Scottish Architects、左欄参照]。

(9) コンドルの従兄弟にクルード・リーニア・コンダーClaude Reignier Conderがおり、父の兄のフランシス・ルービリアックの三男として生まれ、ウォールリッジの工兵学校を卒業した。1870年代中近東で軍事測量に従事し、初めてパレスチナ周辺の詳細な地図作成を行った[Obituary National Geo.右欄参照]。

祖父Josiah Condor, 1789-1855. ジョサイア・コンダー

Source: Dictionary of National Biography 1885-1900, Volume 12.

CONDER, JOSIAH (1789–1855), bookseller and author, was born in Falcon Street, Aldersgate, London, on 17 Sept. 1789. His father, Thomas Conder, a map engraver and bookseller, died in June 1831, aged 84. Josiah in 1796 was attacked by smallpox, and the severity of the disease entirely destroyed his right eye. He was educated under the Rev. Mr. Palmer at Hackney, and at the early age of ten contributed essays to the 'Monthly Preceptor,' and was rewarded with two silver medals for his papers. At thirteen he left school, and entered the bookselling business of his father, at 30 Bucklersbury, city of London, where in his leisure he carried out a system of self-education. To the eleventh number of the 'Athenæum' (1806), edited by Dr. Aikin, he contributed some lines entitled 'The Withered Oak,' and about this time he formed the acquaintance of James Montgomery and of Miss Ann Taylor. His poetical contributions to various periodicals being well received, he in 1810 published an anonymous volume, entitled 'The Associate Minstrels,' to which Ann and Jane Taylor and others contributed. It reached a second edition within three years. In the autumn of 1811 his father's health obliged him to retire from the business, to which the son then succeeded. On 8 Feb. 1816 he married Joan Elizabeth, second daughter of Roger Thomas of Southgate, Middlesex, and granddaughter on her mother's side of Louis Francis Roubillac, the sculptor. He brought his bride home to his new shop at 18 St. Paul's Churchyard, and here he resided until 1819, when he disposed of the business to B. J. Holdsworth. He had become proprietor of the 'Eclectic Review ' in 1814, and he retained the management of this periodical until 1837, when be transferred it to Dr. Thomas Price, having during his editorship rendered much service to the dissenting interest. He was a great letter writer, and kept up a correspondence with James Montgomery, Robert Southey, Rev. Robert Hall, Rev. John Foster, and other literary men of the day. In 1818 he brought out a work 'On Protestant Nonconformity,' in two volumes, of which a second edition appeared in 1822. In 1824 he entered into an engagement with James Duncan of Paternoster Row to edit the afterwards well-known series of the 'Modern Traveller,' undertaking in the first instance to furnish the volume on Palestine only. Ultimately he compiled the whole set, having assistance in but one or two volumes. This work is comprised in thirty volumes (1826-9), and, although written by a person who never left his native land, constitutes one of the most accurate, faithful, and laborious compilations ever published respecting nearly all parts of the world. On the establishment of the 'Patriot' newspaper in 1832, to represent the principles of evangelical nonconformity, Conder was induced to become the editor, an office which he held with honour for twenty-three years. The labours of his pen were uninterrupted until 9 Nov. 1856, when he had an attack of jaundice, from which he never recovered. He died at his residence, 28 Belsize Road, St. John's Wood, London, on 27 Dec 1866, and was buried in Abney Park cemetery on 3 Jan. 1866. He was one of the most industrious of men. Throughout his life he had daily to work long hours for the support of himself and his family, yet he found tune to act as a preacher, and to keep up an extensive correspondence on religious and literary topics. Besides the works already mentioned, he was the author, editor, or compiler of the following:

'Gloria in Excelsis Deo,' a poem, 1812.

'The Village Lecturer,' 1821.

' Thomas Johnson's Reasons for Dissent,' 1821.

'Memoirs of Pious Women, by Gibbons and Burder,' 1823.

'The Star in the East,' with other poems, 1824.

'Remarks on the Controversy respecting the Apocrypha,' 1826.

'The Law of the Sabbath; 1830, new edit. 1862.

'Italy,' 1881, 8 vols.

'Wages or the Whip,' an essay on free and slave labour, 1833.

'A Dictionary of Geography,' 1834.

'The Epistle to the Hebrews, a new translation, with notee,' 1834.

'The Evangelical Almanac,' 1834.

'The Congregational Hymn-book,' 1834, another edit. 1836.

'Narrative of a Residence in South Africa, by T. Pringle, with a sketch of the author,' 1836.

'Illustrations of the Pilgrim's Progress, with a Sketch of the Author,' 1836.

'The Choir and the Oratory, or Praise and Prayeryi 837.

'The Pilgrim's Progress, with a Life of the Author,' 1838.

'An Analytical Sketch of all Religions,' 1838.

'The Literary History of the New Testament,' 1846.

'The Harmony of History with Prophecy, an Explanation of the Apocalypse,' 1849.

'The Psalms of David imitated by I. Watts, revised by J. Conder,' 1861.

'The Poet of the Sanctuary, I. Watts,' 1861.

'Hymns of Prayer and Praise, by J. Conder, edited by Eustace R. Conder,' 1866.

[E. R. Conder's Josiah Conder, a memoir, 1857; The Divine Net, a Discourse on the Death of J. Conder, by J. Harris, D.D., 1866; Gent. Mag. February 1856, pp. 205-6; Eclectic Review, September 1867, p. 244.]

(1) The modern Traveller by Conder, Josiah, 1789-1855

Publication date 1830-34

Topics Voyages and travels

Publisher London : J.Duncan

v.1. Palestine.--v.2-3. Syria and Asia.--v.4. Arabia.--v.5-6. Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia.--v.7-10. India.--v.11. Burmah, Siam, &c.--v.12-13. Persia and China.--v.14. Turkey.--v.15-16. Greece.--v.17. Russia.--v.18-19. Spain and Portugal.--v.20-22. Africa.--v.23-24. America.--v.25-26. Mexico and Guatemala.--v.27. Columbia.--v.28. Peru and Chile.--v.29-30. Brazil and Buenos Ayres.--v.31-33. Italy

(2) Death of Mr. Josiah Conder, The Yorkshire Herald and the York Herald (York, North Yorkshire, England), 05 Jan 1856, Sat, Page 4.

The Patriot announces the death of Mr. Josiah Conder, for many years the editor of that journal. The melancholy event occurred on Thursday week, at his residence, St. John's Wood. Mr. Condor was born in London, September 17, 1789, and was the son of Mr. Thomas Conder, bookseller, and grandson of Dr. John Conder, President of the Old College, Homerton. At an early age he manifested that poetical genius and literary taste which have so highly distinguished him. His juvenile poetical con-tributioes to the Atliemeues (Dr. A.kin's) and other publications having attracted favourable notice, he published, in 1810, a small volume, entitled " The Associate Minstrels," as being the joint production of several friends; .d lids book passed through two editions. In 1814 he became proprietor of the "F.clectic Review," being at that time a publisher and bookseller in London. In 1819 he disposed of his business to his successor, Mr. B. Holdsworth ; and, for many subsequent years, resided at Watford, in Hertfordshire, retaining in his own hands the management of the " Eclectic Review" uil 1837, when he transferred the proprietorship to Dr. Thomas Price. During the three-and-twenty years of Mr. Cooder's editorship of that monthly journal, he enjoyed the assistance, as regular regular or occasional contributors, of John Fo.ster, Robert Hall, James Montgomery, Dr. Pye Dr. Chalmers, Isaac Taylor, Z. UsvinA, Vaughan, Charles Marsh, and many other literary celebrities. In 1818, Mr. Condor published bin well known work on Protestant Noncouformity. It 1124, he entered into an engagemaut with Mr. Jam. Duncan, of Paternoster-row, to edit the series entitled " The Modern Traveller; " undertaking, in the tint instance, to furnish the volume on Palestine. Ulti-mately, however, after several uniruccesaful attempt. to divide the labour, he found himself compelled so carry on the entire aeries; in the production 4 which, in four or five volume. alone, had he any literary assistance. The series of thirty volumes et, completed in 1330 ; but " Italy," in three volumes, was subsequently added in /831. In 1832, Mr. Condor was induced, on the application of the gentle• men who had recently established the Theriot news-paper, to become the editor of that journal-an oRes which he continued to sustain for throe-and-twenty year.. For many years he took an active part in the public movements of the Protestant Diemen.. of the metropolis, without,liowever, renouncing'. attachment to literature. He married, in 1815, Joan Elisabeth, daughter of Reser Thomas, Esq., of South. gate. Mr. Conder is survived by Mrs. Conder and five of their children, one of whom is • daughter. The row sons are Mr. Francis /t. Gondar, well known as a civil engineer and railway contractor the Rev. Rust.° R. Conder, peator of the Conferee's' tional Church at Poole ; Mr. Josiah Condor, of the Bank of England ; and Mr. Cherie. Condor, who . sesociatud in professional pursuits with his Ado, brother.

叔父Francis Roubiliac Conder, 1815-1889. フランシス・ルービリアック・コンダー(父の兄)

Source: OBITUARY. FRANCIS ROUBILIAC CONDER, 1815-1889, Proceedings of ICE, vol.100-Issue 1890

the eldest son of Josiah Conder, well known during his lifetime as a philanthropist and an author, was born a freeman of the city of London, in St. Paul’s Churchyard, on 26th November, 1815, and was educated at Mill Hill School. He was articles as an engineer to Sir Charles Fox, in the early days of railway-making in England, and has left some account of his first experiences, and of his personal impression of men like Robert Stephenson and Brunel, in a volume entitled “Personal Recollections of an Engineer.” One volume his earliest professional engamenents in 1836 was on the Birmingham and Gloucester Raiwlays under Robert Stephenson. Like other members of his profession, he was induced, by the rapid profits of such work, to become a contractor, and was employed y Fox, Henderson and Co., on responsible duties at Birmingham, His loss is not only mourned by a large circle of literary, provessional, and provate friends, by whom he was loved and admired, but will also be felt in English literature, in which he held so high a position.

Francis Roubiliac Conder was the author of 'The Men who Built Railways', published in 1868, testifying to the engineering interests of the family and to the artistic enrichment of the bloodline by descent from the celebrated French-born sculptor, Louis François Roubiliac (1705-1762). Roubiliac was probably the best known 18th Century sculptor working in England. [1]

叔父Eustace R. Conder, 1820-1892. ユースタス・・コンダー(父の弟)

従兄弟Eustace Lauriston Conder, 1863-1935. ユースタス・コンダー(父の弟の長男)

Source: Dictionary of Scottish Architects

 was born in 1863 and commenced practice in London in 1887 in partnership with Roger Thomas Conder. He emigrated to Buenos Aires in 1888 where the partnership continued, R T Conder dying in 1906. He took Sydney George Follett into partnership in 1919.

Died in 20 January 1935.

従兄弟Claude Reignier Conder, 1848-1910. クルード・レイニア・コンダー

Source: OBITUARY, The Geographical Journal. Vol. 35, No. 4 (Apr., 1910), pp. 456-458

Colonel Claude Reignier Conder, E.E., LL.D.

   The name of Colonel Conder, who died at Cheltenham on February 16, is one that will never be forgotten by those who take an interest in the topography and history of Palestine, as there has been no man who has done more by his work in the country, and by hig studies, to throw light upon the many problems connected with the Holy Land.

   Conder, who was the son of the late F. R. Conder, Esq., M.I.c.E., was born on December 29, 1848, and, after completing his education at University College, London, and the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, received his first commission in the Royal Engineers on January 8, 1870. While going through the course of instruction for young offcers at Chatham, he displayed such an aptitude for surveying and archæology that, on the completion of the course, the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund applied for his services in connection with the survey of the Holy Land, west Of the river Jordan.

   This Society, which was founded in 1865, in order to carry out a scientific examination Of Palestine, had made preliminary surveys under the late General Sir C. Wilson, and important explorations at Jerusalem under General Sir C. Warren, but it soon became evident that the first step to effective work was to make a thoroughly accurate survey on a sufficiently large scale to show all the natural and artificial features of the country.

   The necessary permission was obtained from the Sultan, and, in October, 1871, a party Of Royal Engineers, under the command of Captain Stewart, R.E., landed at Jaffa, and commenced work. After a short time Stewart was unfortunately taken seriously ill, and wag invalided home; and in June, 1872, Lieut. Conder was selected to eucceed him. It wag an arduous and responsible task for so young an officer, but the admirable manner in which he carried it Out showed that the choice was a very wise one. He was at first assisted by the late Mr. C. Tyrwhit Drake, who died of fever in 1874, and then by Lieut. Kitchener, R,E., now Viscount Kitchener Of Khartum. The greater part of the work had been completed in July, 1875, when a murderous attack upon the survey party, in which both Condcr aud Kitchener were seriously injured, caused a temporary delay.

   As soon as he had recovered, Lieut. Conder returned to England, and the work of preparing the map for publication on the scale of I inch to the mile, and of editing the enormous mass Of plans and other information which had been collected, was taken in hand. This occupied nearly three yean, until April, 1878; the portion of the field work which had been left unfinished being completed by Kitchener in 1877. The map printed by the Ordnance Survey, and issued in 1880, accompanied by seven volumes Of memoirs, containing information about Palestine of the fullest description, and of the greatest value to the Bible etudenL After completing his work in connection with the survey of Western Palestine,

従兄弟Charles Conder, 1868-1909. チャールズ・コンダー

・オーストラリア植民地で画家として活躍した。コンドルの父の弟Charles Edwardの三男。

Source: The Australian Art Companion: A Selection of Influential Artists - Page 26

Lois Hunter - 1989 - ‎Snippet view

Charles Conder (1868-1909) Born in London in 1868, the third of seven children of an English engineer, Charles Conder was two when the family moved to India. He was five when his mother died and his father sent him back to England to

弟Roger Thomas Conder, 1863-1935. トーマス・ロジャー・コンダー

娘Helen Aiko Grut (1883-1974).ヘレン・アイコ・グロート

Source: Managed by:Cecilie NygårdLast Updated: November 11, 2015

Birth: August 5, 1883 (90) Birthplace:Tokyo, Japan Death: January 11, 1974 (90)

Daughter of Josiah Condor , Kume Maiba

Wife of William Lennart Grut

Mother of William Olof Lennartsson Grut; Rolf Lennartsson Grut; Ebba Cecilia Bramsen; <private> Grut; Helen Barbara Grut , 4 others

Helen Aiko Condor was born in Japan from an English Father and Japanese mother. They lived in a large property in Tokyo which had a european style house and a japanese house. Her father lived in the european style house and her mother in the Japanese style. She said her Japanese mother was very strict and formal and she prefered to spend time with her father. She told several different versions of her origins. The most likely one is that she was the daughter of Josiah Condor and a woman that he did not marry. The first 5 years of her life were spent with a poor Japanese farming family. She rememberd the hardship of those early days. Josiah and his wife had a son who died in infancy. At that point he sent for his daughter Helen and adopted her. But her step mother did not seem to have bonded to her very well.

Antother story Helen told was that her grandfather had been an official working for the Shigun and had been ordered to commit sepuku when the Shogun was deposed. Her grandmother , Aunt and mother then opened an antique shop and that is how her father met her mother, who was serving in the shop.

Helen was sent to school in France and spent holidays with her Aunt Louise Condor who taught her to paint water colours. At 16 she returned to Japan by boat and meet Commander Grut, a handsome swedish naval officer on board and they fell on love and married. She travelled with him to Siam where she had her first children, including Rolfe. Later in life they moved to Malaysia, Sweden and Denmark.

Helen was an exceptionally beautiful woman...and men found her fascinating. She was not an intellectual but could speak several languages and was very artistic and very charming. She was small and slim, despite having 6 children. During the WW2 German occupation of denmark she help smuggle several families to sweden hiding in her car as she made the trip by ferry.

親戚Thomas Roger Smith (1830– 1903).トーマス・ロジャー・スミス
