Algernon Bertram Mitford and Batsford Estateミットフォードとバッツフォード庭園

commenced in January 2005, updated November 2021.



--英国貴族の家に生まれ、オックスフォード大学を卒業後、外務省に入省。サンクト・ペテルブルグと北京(Alcock公使時代)での勤務を経て、ハリー・パークス(Harry Parks)公使下の駐日英国公使館に書記官として勤める。アーネスト・サトウ(Earnest Satow)の影に隠れて日本近代史ではあまり注目されていないが、日英建築交流において非常に重要な役割を果たした。が、孫のいわゆるミットフォード・シスターズ(Mitford Sisters)の方がもっと有名。

Algernon B.F. Mitford

Buddha Statue at Batsford Estate

1-2. EARLY CAREER初期の経歴

--Foreign Office Service.外務省




--Meeting with R. Alcock.オールコックとの出会い


--Impression of Japan.日本の印象

1-4. "A TALE OF OLD JAPAN"『昔の日本のお話』

--幕末の武士の生き様に大変感銘を受け、忠臣蔵他を『A Tale of Old Japan(昔の日本の話)』の中に英訳紹介した。ホイッスラーJames Abbott McNeill Whistlerと親交を結び、彼の日本趣味絵画に大きな影響を与えた。

*The Correspondence of James Whistler, University of Glasgow


--Japanese in the Britain

--Meeting with Prince Wales.ウェールズ皇太子との出会い

ウェールズ皇太子と大学同窓生であったおかげとも言われ、外務省を退職するとともに1872年にH.M.'s Office of Works王室工務局事務局に入り、事務局次長に就任。

--Appointment in the Her Majesty's Office of Works



1-6. RADESDALE and BATSFORD ESTATEリーズディール卿とバッツフォード庭園

--リーズディール卿を世襲し、工務局事務局長を辞職。同時にバッツフォード・エステートBatsford Estateを購入し、植物庭園を設計建設






(1) Mitford, A.F.B., Tales of Old Japan, 2 volumes, 1871.

(2) Mitford, A.F.B., The Bamboo Garden, 1896.

(3) Mitford, A.F.B., Further Memories, 1917.

(4) Mitford, A.F.B., Memories, 2 volumes, 1917.

(5) Cortazzi, Hugh, Mitford's Japan: Memories & Recollections 1866-1906, 1985.



--アルジャーノン・バートラム・ミットフォード(Algernon Bertram Mitford, 1837-1916)は、第2代イギリス駐日公使のハリー・パークスのもとで書記官をめ、”Tales of Old Japan(1871, Murray)”他の執筆出版を通して、英語圏にいち早く日本文化を紹介したことでよく知られている。その彼が、王室工務局長(Secretary of Her Majesty’s Office of Works)としての公務の傍ら、日本と強い関係を持っていたことが、このほどイギリス王立建築家協会の公文書からわかった。





2-3. SONODA MEET MITFORD園田、ミッドフォードに会うに行く



2-4. MITFORD ASKS HELP TO W.H. WHITEミットフォード、ホワイトに手紙を書く








2-6. MITFORD AND JAPONISミットフォードとジャポニズム

--ミットフォードが病気のために一時帰国した1871年当時は、1862年のロンドン万博で盛り上がった日本趣味がまだ冷め切らず、たくさんの挿絵を伴った”Tales of Old Japan”の出版は大歓迎された。彼の自伝によれば、それが縁で多くの著名人と親交を結ぶことになり、その中には建築家マシュー・デグビィ・ワイアット、日本趣味の画家ホイスラー、そしてイートン校とオックスフォード大学の後輩であったエドワード皇太子がいた。1874年、ワイアットが病気のために工務局長職を辞職すると、エドワード皇太子の推薦で後任の椅子に座ったといわれている。建築実務家ではなかったが、在任中は美術・建築にすぐれた趣味を持ち、ロンドン塔やハイドパークの修復に尽力した。跡継ぎのいないリーズデール卿の叔父が亡くなると、1886年にその男爵位を継ぎ、工務局を辞め政界に進出していった。晩年は、バッツフォードの自邸に日本式庭園を作り、またその経験を”The Bamboo Garden(1896)”として出版し、日本に強い関心を持ち続けていたことがわかる。おそらく明治時代に渡英した多くの日本人に便宜を図るとともに、趣味の上でも広い交友関係を持っていたのであろう。


3-1. PREFACEr序

--ロンドンから 日帰りでBatsfordのバッツフォード邸及び庭園(旧ミットフォード邸)を見学にいった(2008年9月)。イギリス工務局事務局長を勤めていた1886年,リーズディール伯爵の従兄弟の遺産を世襲することになり、それとともにBatfordのカントリーハウスを購入し、自分好みに改装した。「Bamboo Garden」を著すほど竹好きであっただけではなく、マクヴェインと在日時期が重なり、またボアンヴィルを工務局の仕事を紹介した人物が、どんな庭を造ったのか興味があった。ロンドンから電車に乗り,オックスフォードを超えてさらに30キロほどいったMoreton in Marsh駅で下車。日本人らしき女性が一緒に電車を降りたので、声をかけると,愛知県立大学の学生さんで,現在英語学習のため留学中だと。バスでシェークスピア関係の次の目的に行くというので別れ、私は40分ほど歩いてBatsfordに到着。街道から邸宅まで半キロもある大カントリーハウス。街道の反対側にSezincoteが あるのにびっくり。こちらの方はインド趣味の大邸宅で,18世紀末,画家Thomas & William Daniellらがインドで描いたPicturesque Sceneryに触発され, チャールズ・コックレルが兄の建築家S.P.Cockerellに頼ん で,ムガール風の邸宅を設計してもらった。残念ながら内部は観ることができなかった。

バッツ フォード邸の方はチューダー・リバイバルの建物で、映画「不思議な国のアリス」で社交ダンスの会場として使われた建物によく似ている。未だ住んでいる方がおり、建物に近づくことはできなかった。さて、樹木園の 方はもともと自然の丘陵地形を利用した英国式庭園であったものに、Mitfordが大きく手を加えた。東洋趣味の中でも特に禅宗に傾倒していたようだ。岩清水、修行洞窟、四阿、そして竹林。四阿に掲げられた自筆の漢文が彼の趣味を良く伝えている。下は蘇軾の有名な詩。

Fig.1 Entrance  

 Fig.2 Country House 

Fig.3 Caves  

Fig4. Pond

The Development of the Arboretum

Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford began development of the Arboretum soon after he inherited the Batsford estate in 1886. The design was based on observations of gardens he had seen in China and Japan. He made major landscape changes to the existing area. A newspaper article of the time described some of these in detail as follows.

"The first process was to hew a wide glace through the wood leaving here a lofty fir, there a group of hollies, and preserving a dense belt of trees to form a sheltering circumference. Next, a deep ravine was boldly gouged for half a mile or so, and by cunning engineering enough water was collected to send a small rill down it. Still, there were no rocks – not even a stone; and a rabine with earthen sides differs no whit from a railway cutting. These had all to be brought from a distance. Huge blocks from oolite limestone – many thousands of tons of them, some of them weighing each as much as seven tons were carted from a quarry about a mile off, and all these great slabs and blocks from one end of the glen to the other were laid so as to conform to the dip of the native beds so as to give the impression of a rocky gorge which to puny streamlet has prevailed to cut out in the course of ages. Of course cement had to be used but it has been used so cunningly as to deceive the very elect. Even the bed of the stream had to be laid in cement or the water would have soaked away out of sight."[4]

The Japanese Rest house in 1917

Towards the end of his life Algernon wrote his memoirs and described his garden and the significance of the Budda statue, the bronze deer and the Rest House which he brought here in 1900 and are still in the Arboretum. Describing the Budda statue he said.

"High up in the wildest part of the wild garden, under the shade of a spreading oak, there stands, or rather sits, turned towards the East, as is fitting, a bronze statue of Buddha of heroic size. His hand is raised in the attitude of preaching ; his features are expressive of the holy calm and noble abstraction which are traditional in the effigies of the great reformer ; the centre of the skull is slightly raised, and between the brows is a curl, representing the wind, the mystic white lock."[5]

Gilbert Wills, 1st Baron Dulverton

Algernon died in 1916 and his son David Mitford inherited the property. David was the father of the famous Mitford sisters who remember their time at Batsford with fondness. Nancy Mitford said in her memoirs that when at Batsford they "ran across country the beautiful bleak Cotswold uplands, starting soon after breakfast when the sun was still a red globe hardly over the horizon and the trees were etched in dark blue against a pale blue, mauve and pinkish sky".[6]

The Mitford family did not stay long at the property because of the large costs in running such a huge house. They sold it in about 1920 and it was bought by Gilbert Wills, 1st Lord Dulverton who according to the youngest Mitford sister Deborah was a lifelong friend of her father.[7]

Lord Dulverton and his wife Lady Victoria further developed the garden particularly the formal areas and the Walled Garden. During the Second World War the area became overgrown and neglected but after he inherited the property in 1956 the 2nd Lord Dulverton restored the garden and returned it to its former beauty.

In 1992 the 2nd Lord Dulverton died and left the Arboretum to the Batsford Foundation which is a charitable trust which promotes research and education into conservation, arboriculture, gardens and architecture.[8]


Edward Guy Dawber, RA (King's Lynn, 3 August 1861 – London, 24 April 1938) was an English architect working in the late Arts and Crafts style, whose work is particularly associated with the Cotswolds.


Edward Guy Dawber was born in Britain in 1861, at King's Lynn, Norfolk, the son of John Stockdale Dawber (d. 1898) and his wife Lois Ellen (née Edwards). He trained in the practice of Sir Ernest George and Harold Peto, supervising their work on Batsford Park (1887–93), near Moreton-in-Marsh, in the Cotswolds.

In 1896 he married Mary Eccles in Lancashire.

In 1897 Dawber designed St John the Baptist's Chapel, Matlock Bath in Matlock Dale, Derbyshire, when he lived locally. It was the only church designed by him.[1]

Working in the Cotswold vernacular tradition, Dawber became a respected and scholarly architect, designing and converting houses such as Nether Swell Manor (1903 and 1909) and Eyford Park (1911–12), both near Stow-on-the-Wold. In 1905 Batsford published Dawber's Old Cottages, Farm-houses and other Stone Buildings in the Cotswold District.

Conkwell Grange, Limpley Stoke, near Bath. Built in 1907 by Edward Dawber for James Thornton

Built: 1907 with design of Sir Edward Guy Dawber

“Squared rubble stone with ashlar dressings, tall hipped stone slate roofs and prominent rubble stone stacks with ashlar quoins. Two storeys and attic, late C17 style with symmetrical garden front, asymmetrical entrance front and L-plan service court.” (Historic England)

“The selection of an appropriate local stone – taken mostly from old walls about the estate; the exceptionally suitable roofing – old stone slate – also obtained in the vicinity; and the utilisation – fused into the one design – of motives easily separated under the heads of ‘Classic’ and ‘Gothic,’ are all representative of the modern type of residence design in England.” (The Architectural Review 1907)

George Pollard Armitage (1867-1952)

When James Thornton left Conkwell Grange in 1922 it is possible he negotiated the sale to a friend and business contact. It may have been relief to a man who had lost half a million pounds and the man who offered a helping hand was George Pollard Armitage.

George was the only son of Joseph Armitage and Julia Francis, the daughter of George Thomas Pollard of Stannary Hall, in Yorkshire and Ashfield in Cheltenham. He was educated at Harrow and Jesus College, Cambridge.

Like the Thornton’s, the Armitage family were wealthy woollen manufacturers from Yorkshire. George’s grandfather, also Joseph, had built his first woollen mill in 1822 at Milnsbridge, two miles west of Huddersfield. In the 1840s, he handed over control of the thriving business to his sons who renamed it Armitage Bros.  The company prospered during the industrial revolution and with it came riches to match.

George’s own prosperity came about in 1898 when he inherited Milnsbridge House, a country mansion, and the lease of Storthes Hall, at Kirkburton,  quickly selling the freehold of the latter to the county council.

He later became a J.P. for the West Riding of Yorkshire in 1902 and married Coralie Eugenie, youngest daughter of Rev. Chastel de Boinville, the vicar of Burton in Westmoreland, in 1912.

By this time the woollen industry was not such a viable business after all. The boom years had gone and the First World War caused inevitable disruption to the industry.  It would be some years before the market collapsed altogether but these were ominous times for George Armitage.

Fig.5 Bamboo   

Fig.6 Rest House 君此無日一可何,寧可食無肉,不可居無竹