Maddie Vandegrift

In my head

Relief printmaking art

This art was inspired to show emotion or something that you can relate to. I was trying to express that inside we are made out much more than what is on the surface .

In the woods

Watercolor & pencil

I wanted to do something with the outdoors, trees, because I feel like together and one when I’m outside. and show that taking a step back. from stress, school,and stress nature makes me happy and relax.

Candy canes

colored pencil

For this project, I decided to use colored pencils. My goal was to use colored pencils to express my artwork. I wanted to show more shade and contrast in the tree and also for the candy canes.

rodeo art

colored pencil, blender, watercolor

I made this from an image I took on a road trip. I decided to draw it from the image. I added the fence and the sky background. I really like how the horses turned out.

HC stairs

I was trying to express the perspective of the stairs and how since my start at HC I have walked up and down these stairs. and how everyday things can hold some sort of meaning.

Class Skeleton

Toilet Paper

Shadow Man

Shapes as thoughts

Maddie Vandegrift

Class of 2021