
Upcoming Events

Jun. 3

Report Cards
Sent Home

Aug. 13

First Day of School

Supply Lists 2024-25

Dear Parents, as we Look forward to the next school year, here’s the list of essential supplies for Secondary School students. 

Tigerbot Championship

Exciting news! The Tigerbot Championship took place this week marking the first ever robotics competition hosted by ANS. Our incredible students won in both, junior and senior categories. Huge congratulations to all teams for their hard work and creativity. Special recognition to the organizers who made this event possible. The Tigerbot will be an ongoing intercollegiate robotics event throughout the year. 

8th Grade Promotion

It’s been a week of big celebrations. During our 8th grade promotion we celebrated not just an ending but a brand new beginning. 

From heartfelt speeches to the proud walk across the stage and well deserved awards, our 8th graders are officially RISING 9th GRADERS! 

From middle school memories to high school dreams, this journey has been incredible. Thank you to all the teachers, and supportive families for your guidance and encouragement.

Club News

NHS Gifts to Maintenance Staff Moms

The National Honor Society (NHS) celebrated and honored our maintenance staff who are mothers by presenting them with a special gift. This gesture acknowledges their hard work and dedication, both in their professional roles and as mothers, highlighting their invaluable contributions to our organization and community. We are grateful for their unwavering commitment and the essential support they provide every day.


Special Announcements

What are you proud of?

Celebrate your achievements with the ANS Community by sharing your accomplishments, including awards, accolades, and acceptances to Summer Programs! Email us at, and you could be showcased on our Social Media channels.

Kindly ensure to include verifiable evidence of your achievement from the awarding institution or the program accepting you. This will allow us to feature your success in our Highlights and Social Media, giving your accomplishments the recognition they deserve!