
Upcoming Events

Dec. 4-7

Spirit Week

Dec. 8

No School
Purisima Holiday

Dec. 15

Last Day
of School

Investigating Phenomena

Our 10th graders in Biology are exploring cellular respiration. Students are observing the release of carbon dioxide during cellular respiration in animals by using their breath and watching how carbon dioxide changes the color of the natural acid-base indicator (red cabbage) as it becomes carbonic acid. They also will be determining if plants carry out the same gas exchange as animals. They did this by setting up three test tubes one with germinating seeds, one with seeds and the last one will serve as the control without anything. Again, they will see the color change of the acid-base indicator if carbon dioxide is released. They will see the result in a few days!

ANS Talent Show

We are thrilled to share the success of our Wednesday Music Talent Show! It was an incredible evening filled with spectacular performances, showcasing the diverse and extraordinary talents of our students. The theater was alive with excitement, as each performer took to the stage, demonstrating not only their musical talent but also their hard work and dedication. It was heartening to see our students shine so brightly, supported by their peers and cheered on by a proud audience of family and friends. This event not only highlighted the musical talents within our school community but also reinforced the spirit of unity and encouragement that makes our school so special. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the participants for their amazing performances.

Faculty Spotlight

Two of our esteemed Mathematics educators have been honored by the Central Bank of Nicaragua, receiving the prestigious Economy, Finance, and Development 2023 award. This recognition underscores the Central Bank's commitment to fostering research and acknowledging the unwavering commitment of scholars and educators. The institution actively promotes and incentivizes efforts that contribute substantially to advancing the comprehension of economics and social sciences, particularly as they apply to the context of Nicaragua.

College Counseling News

Catholic University of America School of Engineering

The Catholic University of America School of Engineering is hosting two distinct Summer Camps for rising Juniors and Seniors!

Those interested can fill out our interest form or visit our website for more information.

Questions regarding the summer camp can be sent to or

Special Announcements

Contact Info: 2277-0112 |

A/B Calendar

Tiger News - Episode 4

In this episode, we delve into the vibrant tapestry of Korean Cuisine and Culture, showcasing the highlights of our engaging Flex Day workshop, our annual Gratitude Feast and the win from both our Varsity Soccer Teams in the game field! 

Cocina con Pasión

Bienvenidos a este nuevo año escolar 2023-2024. Esperamos sea un año escolar lleno de éxitos. Les compartimos el menú de November 2023, el cual está disponible también en nuestra app.

Queremos compartirles que a partir de este año tendremos nuevas opciones de snacks para sus hij@s y así poder contar con una gran variedad de productos para todos los gustos. Pueden encontrar el detalle en la app bajo la categoría "lista de menú en la opción de loncheras".

Los precios de los almuerzos serán :

Pueden contactarnos:


Teléfonos: +505 7553 7325

Colegio: 2252-7311, 2252-7310 Ext. 2086