
Upcoming Events

Mar. 9

Tiger Fun Day
AASCA Swimming

Mar. 12

Enrollment Letter
sent home

Mar. 12-19

Math Relays

Mar. 15

Friday Feedback Folders sent home

Mar. 20

Early Dismissal
(11:00 a.m.)

Super Readers

On Wednesday, March 6th, Kindergartners finished their reading unit "Super Powers", celebrated by their own independent reading to their teachers and friends. Awards were given to celebrate this achievement. 

Congratulations to our Super Readers for their commitment to academic excellence. Research shows early literacy is a critical component to future academic success and this is why ANS commits to academic biliteracy in the earliest years.

Second Grade is
Celebrating Their Uniqueness!

A sense of belonging is critical to students' achievement and leadership. To promote this sense of belonging, all second graders reflected on their uniqueness – what made them and other students special. 

With support from the teacher, each student completed the uniqueness board and shared what makes them special.  This sense of belonging fosters a positive community of learners in the classroom, so they can engage in authentic learning.

Mr. Camilo's Wellness
Drawing and Cartooning

On Big Questions Day this week, our Primary School Counselor, Mr. Camilo Torres worked with K to 2nd grade students to promote wellness via drawing and cartooning. Developing necessary skills for academic excellence such as:

Drawing provides children with an alternative means of communication, allowing them to convey their emotions and thoughts visually. Through their drawings, children can share the complexities of their world with friends and family, creating a bridge between their emotions and the outside world.

Bird Watching
Observe & Wonder Lab

Today 5th graders went to D'Santos Bird Reserve in Dolores, Carazo! This reserve is an international point of data collection for migratory birds. Students focused on resident birds, gathering information from the reserves ornithologists to get insight for their nest box or bird house design project they are building on campus to fight habitat destruction in Nicaragua. We can't wait to see their designs and how they will create change for a better future!

Math Relays

The Math Relays—Pi-Athlon 4.0—are hosted by our Math Honor Societies, Mu Alpha Theta and Chi Alpha Mu, for students from Pathways through 5th grade. This engaging outdoor activity fosters a positive mathematical identity and intellectually stimulates students through a variety of math problems. It also helps them develop values of teamwork and perseverance!

March 12

March 13

March 14

March 15

March 18

March 19

March 22

Hungry Tiger!

The new Hungry Tiger continues to offer an exceptional culinary experience to our students here at ANS. 

If you have not already done so it is very important to register with the Hungry Tiger Application System so that your child can continue to access amazing meals and snacks. You can access this platform at the following link:

For inquiries or assistance, please contact us at 8283-0475 or email


Sofia & Alex
Founders, Hungry Tiger

Special Announcements

What are you proud of?

Celebrate your achievements with the ANS Community by sharing your accomplishments, including awards, accolades, and acceptances to Summer Programs! Email us at, and you could be showcased on our Social Media channels.

Kindly ensure to include verifiable evidence of your achievement from the awarding institution or the program accepting you. This will allow us to feature your success in our Highlights and Social Media, giving your accomplishments the recognition they deserve!

March Calendars


Big Questions Day

When to Stay Home From School
and When to Come Back

As we begin the 23-24 school year we have important guidelines from our own ANS Health Clinic related to how to keep ourselves and our community in good health.