
Upcoming Events

Apr. 22 - May. 8

MAP Testing

May. 1

Labor Day
(No School)

May. 7-14

BAS Testing

May. 7 & 8

Pathways Open House for new Families

May. 10

Friday Feedback Folder

Book Week Celebration

This week our Primary School celebrated Book week. Students engaged with our Mystery Readers, had a Guest Reader session during their spanish classes, joined our Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) challenge and bought some books in Spanish! Our Primary School concluded this celebratory week by joining our first graders' Character Parade. At ANS, academic bi-literacy is at the core of our curriculum. 

Pathways' Environmental Stewardship

Let's give a big round of applause to our amazing Pathways students! Their dedication to environmental stewardship and protecting La Madre Tierra, as a core value of our school, is truly inspiring. By cleaning up a beach at Huehuete, they've shown determination in preserving our natural spaces. Their commitment to sustainability and community sets a shining example for us all, motivating us to work towards a cleaner, greener future. Thank you for making a difference!

Morning with Mom & Loved Ones

On Thursday, campus was abuzz with parents joining a special morning to create lasting memories with their little ones. A huge shoutout to our PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) for making it all happen. At ANS we value and foster partnership between Parents and our School.

Third Grade Zoo Trip

Third graders visited the Nicaraguan National Zoo this week with lots of opportunities to observe and wonder. They explored: animal habitats, the role that climate plays in determining where animals live, and how animals migrate to find suitable habitats. Students also learned about animal adaptations and how these adaptations are specific to their habitats.

Read-Aloud Sessions

Throughout Book Week, our primary school students engaged in Book Week Challenges, like Read-Aloud sessions with Guest Readers "Cuenta Cuentos" during Spanish Literacy class.

Mystery Readers Sign Up

Click on the Grade Level to display each section's Sign Up link

Nest Box Challenge

This week we have selected the finalists for the nest box design challenge! Congratulations to:

They had their final interviews and we will announce the winner on Monday!  Good Luck!

Special Announcements

Hungry Tiger!

The new Hungry Tiger continues to offer an exceptional culinary experience to our students here at ANS. 

If you have not already done so it is very important to register with the Hungry Tiger Application System so that your child can continue to access amazing meals and snacks. You can access this platform at the following link:

For inquiries or assistance, please contact us at 8283-0475 or email


Sofia & Alex
Founders, Hungry Tiger

What are you proud of?

Celebrate your achievements with the ANS Community by sharing your accomplishments, including awards, accolades, and acceptances to Summer Programs! Email us at, and you could be showcased on our Social Media channels.

Kindly ensure to include verifiable evidence of your achievement from the awarding institution or the program accepting you. This will allow us to feature your success in our Highlights and Social Media, giving your accomplishments the recognition they deserve!

May Calendars


Big Questions Day

When to Stay Home From School
and When to Come Back

As we begin the 23-24 school year we have important guidelines from our own ANS Health Clinic related to how to keep ourselves and our community in good health.