
Upcoming Events

Aug. 14

After School Sports

Aug. 16

Flex Day
Cycle 1

Sep. 7

Tiger Experience
(Open House)

Global Leadership & Future Readiness

Our Flex Day programming is designed to provide student agency as they grow into the global leaders of the future. 

Students design their schedule with workshops in the following categories: 

College & Career Advancement Program

Academic Advancement

Innovative Deep Dives


Mentorship Opportunities

Take some time this weekend to talk to your child(ren) about the Flex Day schedule they have designed and how their choices develop their leadership and future readiness.

Set up for Success

This week all grade levels met with our Secondary Leadership team to share common agreements and expectations that set each ANS Tiger up for success — now and beyond!

We invite each ANS family to carefully review the Parent Student Handbook as the guide that allows our community to collectively strive towards ambitious goals each year, safely and respectfully. 

We will hold sessions during Open House to engage in a deep dive around ANS expectations and the ways parents, teachers and students each play a role towards future readiness.

In Service Of Others

This week all Secondary students had the time  to  learn more about the wide range of opportunities to service our ANS community, and our community at large, through student organizations.

Our Club Fair, hosted and run by students, offered a chance to learn, ask questions and sign up to join academic, interest based and regional organizations devoted to servant leadership.

Ask your children if they found a place to explore their leadership potential at our fair!

Join PTO WhatsApp groups

To join our PTO WhatsApp grade level WhatsApp groups, please fill out the form by clicking the button below. 

Cocina con Pasión

Bienvenidos a este nuevo año escolar 2023-2024. Esperamos sea un año escolar lleno de éxitos. Les compartimos el menú de Agosto 2023, el cual está disponible también en nuestra app.

Queremos compartirles que a partir de este año tendremos nuevas opciones de snacks para sus hij@s y así poder contar con una gran variedad de productos para todos los gustos. Pueden encontrar el detalle en la app bajo la categoría "lista de menú en la opción de loncheras".

Los precios de los almuerzos serán :

Pueden contactarnos:


Teléfonos: +505 7553 7325

Colegio: 2252-7311, 2252-7310 Ext. 2086

Special Announcements

Vida Católica te invita a ser parte de su programa este nuevo año escolar 2023-2024. Las clases inician el Miércoles 6 de Septiembre. Adjuntamos información y link para inscribirse.