
SwimTigers Anniversary

ANS enjoyed a festival of swimming last weekend as our Swim Tigers Academy enjoyed its 25th anniversary celebration with a meet involving other schools and academies, and ANS students of all ages competing in a wide range of age groups and races.

This event was attended by a great number of spectators who enjoyed a whole day of exciting competition, among them the many ANS families who are involved in our swimming program and who went above and beyond in supporting our athletes, and even helping out with logistics related to the event as volunteers.

It was fantastic to see this group effort and the sense of community that exists in support of our school swimming program, and we thank all those who were able to attend.

The following students won medals for our team over the course of the various events:

Gold Medalists

Silver Medalists

Bronze Medalists


Merry Fitmas!
December is the new January!

Did you Know?

AASCA Participation

In the first few months of 2024, our varsity teams in Track & Field, Soccer and Volleyball will be going to El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala respectively as they represent us in AASCA competitions relating to their disciplines.

ASCAA’s expose our students to three days of intense competition and are considered the maximum level for our teams.

Our Athletic Department endeavors to give our students the very best chance of sporting success at these events, and planning for them begins from the very beginning of the school year, way back in August.

As this semester draws to a close and we think about vacations and time with family, our athletes and coaches will be participating in a training program designed for maintenance of all they have accumulated (in a physical, technical, tactical and emotional sense) over the course of this semester, with the return to school in the second week of January seeing us ramp up the intensity of training as we look for what is called the “super compensation phase” (when athletes are at their very peak condition) for their AASCA events.

The science and planning all of this requires is considered elite level training and is something we are so pleased and proud to have within our varsity sports program, as well as the athletes and families who are willing to give up so much (including their Christmas vacations) in the search for sporting glory.

What's coming up,
What's going on

After School sports end next week, Thursday, December 14th for all non-varsity practice groups, and we will finish up activities with several special events and invites, so please be on the lookout for these.

This week has seen lots of games taking place on and off campus as we finish the year strong, with soccer games in U10 and U12, and basketball in U14 boys and girls, plus U10 and U12.

Our Volleyball Varsity team will host a three weekend long “cuadrangular” tournament beginning this Saturday. 

Varsity Soccer teams play versus the corresponding teams from Managua FC of ‘Primera División’ girls, Wednesday, December 13th at 4.00pm, and Boys Saturday, December 16th at 9.00am. 

As always, we are grateful for the support of the entire community for these events, so please come and support our teams!

Special Announcements

Contact Info: 2277-0112 |

Tiger News - Episode 4

In this episode, we delve into the vibrant tapestry of Korean Cuisine and Culture, showcasing the highlights of our engaging Flex Day workshop, our annual Gratitude Feast and the win from both our Varsity Soccer Teams in the game field! 

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Contact us at the Athletic Office!