
Upcoming Events

Oct. 4

10th & 11th

Oct. 13

Regular School

Oct. 18

Student Led

Oct. 27

The Magic of Books
Fall Festival

WRO Robotics Competition

Our ANS Robotics Teams participated in the World Robot Olympiad - National Competition on September 23rd at Parque Japones in two categories: Senior and Junior. Our robotics innovators did a tremendous job designing and programming their robots for this competition and facing a surprise challenge at the event. Our tigers made us proud by showing commitment and dedication in preparation for the competition and achieving 4th place in the Senior category out of 35 teams and 6th place in the Junior category out of 26 teams.

We celebrate our Robotics Teams achievements but also their unwavering dedication of our students.  Their journey has been filled with challenges, obstacles, and moments of doubt. Yet, they never wavered. Instead, they embraced these challenges as opportunities to learn, grow, and innovate.

We also look forward to the future with great anticipation. We are excited to announce our plans to grow the robotics program, by expanding it to primary grade levels, and inspiring even younger minds to embark on this incredible journey of innovation. Moreover, we are thrilled to share that this coincides with the construction of our new building, purposefully designed for science and innovation. This new space will be a hub of creativity and discovery, where our students will continue to push the boundaries of robotics and explore new frontiers in science and technology.

The ANS Tigers representing us at the WRO were:

Senior Team 

Eunsol Lee

Ashley Lin Feng

Yuslly Lin Feng

Junior Team 1 

Tomas Arrieta

Ryan Kang

Patricia Lanuza Sanint

Junior Team 2 

Daniel Octavio Rodriguez Porras

Sara Vlahos

Juan Pablo Arguello Martinez

Tigers Devoted to
Social Responsibility

This week we are pleased to highlight student organizations with a deep sense of commitment to our core value of social responsibility. 

The ANS chapter of Pink Club hosted its first visit of the school year to their partner organization, Fundación Ortiz Gurdián. While visiting, students accompanied breast cancer patients

Also this week, Next Chapter dedicated time to ELI students. Our Tigers know the power of the “read aloud” and brought this research driven strategy to ELI language learners on Saturday.

Would you like to get involved with our community? Contact our Student Life Office.

A Visit from Alerta
Sismica de Nicaragua

Members of the ANS Science National Honor Society hosted guest speaker Ing. Felix Pereira from Alerta Sismica Nicaragua, who talked about the upcoming Solar Eclipse that will occur on October 14th. Students had the opportunity to observe the sunspots using instruments with safety filters. What an exciting way to conclude Flex Day Cycle 1 of the workshop "Science or Magic ". Way to go, SNHS, on fulfilling our ANS mission!

College & Career
Advancement Program

Our College and Career Advancement program at ANS is designed to empower our Tigers with knowledge, skills, and opportunities needed to achieve their academic and professional goals. 

We've opened up a Guest Speaker series for which we bring accomplished professionals, industry leaders and experts to campus to share their personal journeys and insights, and expertise. Through engaging talks and interactive sessions, our program is aiming to motivate students along their career paths.

We have had the pleasure to have on campus:

We were also thrilled to host a college visit from Texas Tech. Seniors and Juniors were able to ask questions about the admissions process and learn about building the strongest possible student profile!

Special Announcements

Interscholastic Golf Tournament

Get ready to tee off in the most anticipated Interscholastic Golf Tournament of the year!

Join us for a day of fierce competition and camaraderie on the greeens. This tournament is open to golfers from ANS, LIA and CSA., register today!

Tiger News - Episode 1

We bring you the first episode of Tiger News for the 23-24 school year! Meet the new Tiger Press Corps and check out what happened in the month of August.

A/B Calendar

Cocina con Pasión

Bienvenidos a este nuevo año escolar 2023-2024. Esperamos sea un año escolar lleno de éxitos. Les compartimos el menú de Octubre 2023, el cual está disponible también en nuestra app.

Queremos compartirles que a partir de este año tendremos nuevas opciones de snacks para sus hij@s y así poder contar con una gran variedad de productos para todos los gustos. Pueden encontrar el detalle en la app bajo la categoría "lista de menú en la opción de loncheras".

Los precios de los almuerzos serán :

Pueden contactarnos:


Teléfonos: +505 7553 7325

Colegio: 2252-7311, 2252-7310 Ext. 2086