
Upcoming Events

Feb. 6

Tiger Fun Day
AASCA Soccer

Feb. 14


Feb. 16

Friday Feedback sent home

Feb. 23

No School

Big Questions Day Exhibition

Our B?D Artists and Innovators are taking the lead by engaging in the design process to show our younger tigers how to express their creativity through 3D design. Students have created 3D projects in both studios that showcase their skills and how they are inspired as an Artist or Designer. The B?D team is so excited to showcase our student's talents to inspire future designers and Artists with a focus on student agency and identity in each studio through project-based learning

Tiger Trait of Accountability Exemplified

The 4B classroom would like to celebrate Jaime Wheelock, Mia Palencia, Natalie Grubstein and Sebastian Reyes who exemplified our Tiger Trait of “Being Accountable”. These students were accountable to their learning and even went above and beyond to teach and support others efficient strategies when solving mathematical problems. Their input has created meaningful discussions in our class and a significant impact on everyone's learning! 

5th Grade Spanish Celebration

Fifth Grade students engaged in a thoughtful analysis, illustration, and critique of the poems by Rubén Darío. Students carefully selected poems from various works, choosing one for in-depth examination. They embarked on a comprehensive process, exploring the poem's nuances, illustrating its essence, and crafting a review expressing their opinions on the piece. Not only did they dissect the chosen poem, but they also embarked on a comparative analysis, contrasting and drawing parallels with another poem. This activity was a celebration of Rubén Darío's month here at the ANS school, showcasing the students' engagement with his poetic works and their ability to articulate insightful critiques and reflections on the art of poetry.

2nd Grade Celebrates
Rubén Darío

In the vibrant world of literature, poetry stands as a timeless vessel for expression, emotion, and imagination. Recently our Second Grade students analyzed the poem 'A Margarita Debayle'. Their exploration not only deepened their understanding of language and culture but also spanked personal reflections and insights.

The poem 'A Margarita Debayle' is a masterpiece of Latin American literature, penned by the Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío.

Hungry Tiger!

The new Hungry Tiger continues to offer an exceptional culinary experience to our students here at ANS. 

If you have not already done so it is very important to register with the Hungry Tiger Application System so that your child can continue to access amazing meals and snacks. You can access this platform at the following link:

For inquiries or assistance, please contact us at 8283-0475 or email


Sofia & Alex
Founders, Hungry Tiger


Special Announcements

What are you proud of?

Celebrate your achievements with the ANS Community by sharing your accomplishments, including awards, accolades, and acceptances to Summer Programs! Email us at, and you could be showcased on our Social Media channels.

Kindly ensure to include verifiable evidence of your achievement from the awarding institution or the program accepting you. This will allow us to feature your success in our Highlights and Social Media, giving your accomplishments the recognition they deserve!

January Calendars


Big Questions Day

When to Stay Home From School
and When to Come Back

As we begin the 23-24 school year we have important guidelines from our own ANS Health Clinic related to how to keep ourselves and our community in good health.