
After School Sports

Our ANS after school sports program ends for the semester this week and after several months of practices, games and other events we would like to thank the more than 600 students and their families who form part of our program for all of their effort and dedication.

This week the campus was abuzz in the afternoons as parents joined us for the last practices and kindly brought snacks and drinks which were enjoyed greatly by athletes and coaches.

For the new semester, sports will begin again on MONDAY 15th JANUARY, and if your child was signed up for this semester you don't need to do anything, as activities and age groups will remain almost entirely the same for the second part of our athletics “season”, which ends in May 2024.


Merry Fitmas!
December is the new January!

Did you Know?

Sports Facilities

Sports facilities are considered a priority in many communities who are looking to promote healthy living, give members the chance to feel part of something bigger than themselves, and to have young people learn all the lessons sports can teach us.

ANS is privileged to have extensive sports facilities, and there are plans to improve these in the coming months and years.

As part of these improvements, this week we were able to introduce the second phase of our “Functional Gym” project which involved the installation of a professional grade rubber composite floor which allows us to use this space in a more extensive fashion, whilst also giving the Functional Gym a more professional feel, which in turn motivates its users every day.

This costly project was actually funded by an interested parent, whose support for the program is greatly appreciated.

At any time the Athletic Department has a number of pending facilities projects designed to reimagine how we teach children and prepare young athletes, and the support of the community is always paramount to seeing these come to fruition.

If you are interested in knowing about, supporting, and even helping to fund any of these projects, you may contact the Athletic Director Mr. David Faulkner,

What's coming up,
What's going on

With AASCA events in Track & Field, Soccer and Volleyball coming up early in the new year, there is no time off for our varsity teams in these activities, who will be working hard all through the vacations as part of their preparations for the most important events in our sports calendar.

As we wound down activities across the rest of our program, varsity teams have been active with Basketball winning versus Colegio Latino yesterday, as did Boys Soccer versus Colegio Loyola and Girls Soccer versus UNAN Managua U-17.  Boys and Girls Soccer will both be active in games over the coming weeks as part of their vacations training program.

Girls Volleyball play day 2 of their 3-day day event this Friday, with Finals on Saturday 23rd. They are well placed to make the final of this event.

Tiger News - Episode 4

In this episode, we delve into the vibrant tapestry of Korean Cuisine and Culture, showcasing the highlights of our engaging Flex Day workshop, our annual Gratitude Feast and the win from both our Varsity Soccer Teams in the game field! 

Like to be featured?
Contact us at the Athletic Office!