
Upcoming Events

Oct. 13

Regular School

Oct. 14

Tiger Fun Day

Oct. 18

11:00 a.m. Student Dismissal

Oct. 20

Feedback Folders
Sent Home

Oct. 24

Parent Workshop

Oct. 27

The Magic of Books
Fall Festival

Progress Monitoring

Student progress monitoring is an important part of the work we do here at ANS. Regular formal and informal progress monitoring provides teachers with valuable information on the progress and achievements of their students and where they are in terms of benchmarks. We have just completed our first cycle of progress monitoring. This work also provides us as educators an opportunity to reflect on our own teaching and assess the impact of our instructional strategies. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions. Progress monitoring is beneficial in a number of ways:

It helps us collect useful data.This data is helpful when monitoring the progress of individual students across a range of learning areas, as well as tracking their achievement throughout the year. 

It helps guide and improve our instruction through reflection. This work allows us as educators to evaluate the effectiveness of our teaching by looking at student achievement.

This work encourages student growth. Monitoring student progress and sharing this information with students and families helps make learning transparent. Additionally, we do a lot of goal setting with students at ANS. Students then are able to be leaders of their own learning when they set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely on a regular basis.

Another powerful benefit that comes out of progress monitoring is that our teachers are able to identify students at risk and students that need acceleration opportunities which are provided during our Teacher Table Time Intervention Block.

Peace Place

As part of the Restorative Practices work we are doing here at ANS we have a special structure called Peace Place. Peace Place is an area where students can go to resolve conflicts. Each classroom here at ANS has a corner where children can go to calm down, talk about problems, and resolve conflicts with their peers and be supported by the adults here. The Peace Place is not a "time out" area. It is a safe, familiar, cozy area that encourages peacefulness and helps children deal with feelings, collect their thoughts, and resolve conflicts constructively. 

Here are four steps to the Peace Place:

Pick Up/DropOff Reminders

Parents, read through these friendly reminders to support an efficient and safe pick up:


Drop students off at youngest siblings gate

Backpacks on and children ready to get down


Name Placard Visible; for a replacement placard email 

Stay in your car

Pick up students at youngest siblings gate

Advance forward to buckle children in

Early Pick Up Policy:

Contact and homeroom teacher before 12:00 pm.

October Tiger Trait:

To support the development of compassion in your child notice and celebrate when your child:

Special Announcements

Tiger News - Episode 2

We share the second episode of Tiger News. Check out what happened at ANS in September.

When to Stay Home From School
and When to Come Back

As we begin the 23-24 school year we have important guidelines from our own ANS Health Clinic related to how to keep ourselves and our community in good health.

October Calendars


Big Questions Day

Special Announcements

Cocina con Pasión

Bienvenidos a este nuevo año escolar 2023-2024. Esperamos sea un año escolar lleno de éxitos. Les compartimos el menú de Octubre 2023, el cual está disponible también en nuestra app.

Queremos compartirles que a partir de este año tendremos nuevas opciones de snacks para sus hij@s y así poder contar con una gran variedad de productos para todos los gustos. Pueden encontrar el detalle en la app bajo la categoría "lista de menú en la opción de loncheras".

Los precios de los almuerzos serán :

Pueden contactarnos:


Teléfonos: +505 7553 7325

Colegio: 2252-7311, 2252-7310 Ext. 2086