
Upcoming Events

May. 21

Secondary School Athletic Awards Ceremony

May. 22

Middle School
Field Day

Seniors' Field Day

As another senior class gets ready to leave ANS and go off to new adventures, the Athletic Department was pleased to put on an event forming part of their last week on campus, designed to celebrate their participation in our diverse programs over the course of their time at ANS.

Our senior “field day” was a series of games and activities that were a throwback to what students had experienced at field days growing up, and a chance to have fun, be active and get very wet!

A great time was had by all involved despite several hours under the hot sun and we finished up proceedings with a fun reflection activity where students shared their favorite memories from PE, sports and remembered the different teachers, coaches and people they have met along the way.

This class will be greatly missed when they leave us, with many forming part of our Varsity sports program and still active in competitions and events relating to their teams and sports as we get ever closer to the end of the season.

We would like to thank all of the seniors who joined us today, and we will miss them all next year!



1st Place - Copa Freedom


1st Place - Copa Freedom


First Place Overall Level 1, 7 & 8 year olds Gymnastics Federation event


Instead of being the best on the team,
be the best for the team.

Did you Know?

Youth Sports

With ANS teams at the business end of their cups, events and competitions, the last few weeks have seen our entire sports community (players, coaches, parents, administrators) go through a range of emotions watching our teams in a range of ages and sports fight with all they have for success on the field or court. What makes all the effort and sacrifice worthwhile?

Competitive sports aren't just about scoring goals or crossing finish lines; they're classrooms for life lessons. Young athletes learn invaluable skills that shape their character and prepare them for the challenges ahead. Here are some of the life lessons competitive youth sports teach:

Stress Management: Thriving Amidst Pressure

Competitive sports are pressure cookers. Every game presents a unique set of challenges, and how athletes handle stress can determine success or failure. Learning to navigate this environment from a young age instills resilience and fortitude. Whether it's the final seconds of a tied game or the last lap of a race, athletes must keep their cool under pressure, make split-second decisions, and execute with precision. This ability to thrive amidst pressure translates seamlessly into the real world, where deadlines, presentations, and high-stakes situations abound.

Decision-Making: Thinking on Their Feet

In the fast-paced arena of competitive sports, decisions must be made in the blink of an eye. Should you pass or shoot? Go for the risky play or play it safe? These split-second decisions hone young athletes' ability to think critically and make sound judgments under duress. They learn to weigh risks and rewards, anticipate opponents' moves, and adapt strategies on the fly. This rapid-fire decision-making skill is a valuable asset in any field, where quick thinking and decisive action can spell the difference between success and failure.

Decision-Making: Thinking on Their Feet

In the fast-paced arena of competitive sports, decisions must be made in the blink of an eye. Should you pass or shoot? Go for the risky play or play it safe? These split-second decisions hone young athletes' ability to think critically and make sound judgments under duress. They learn to weigh risks and rewards, anticipate opponents' moves, and adapt strategies on the fly. This rapid-fire decision-making skill is a valuable asset in any field, where quick thinking and decisive action can spell the difference between success and failure.

Embracing Loss: Turning Setbacks into Stepping Stones

In sports, defeat is inevitable. Every loss stings, but it also serves as a powerful teacher. Young athletes learn to confront failure head-on, dissecting their mistakes, and identifying areas for improvement. This resilience in the face of defeat fosters a growth mindset, where setbacks are seen not as roadblocks but as opportunities for growth. The pain of losing fuels their determination to bounce back stronger, teaching them perseverance and grit that will serve them well in the face of adversity throughout their lives.

Future Readiness: Leaders in the Making

The lessons learned on the field transcend sports, molding young athletes into future leaders. They emerge from competition equipped with the resilience to thrive under pressure, the acumen to make sound decisions in high-stakes situations, and the fortitude to turn setbacks into stepping stones. Whether they pursue careers in business, medicine, or the arts, these young leaders are future-ready, armed with the skills and mindset to tackle whatever challenges come their way.

What's coming up,
What's gone on

Semi-finals and finals galore have been played by our teams this last week.  In the Copa Freedom we saw victories for our U13 Girls Soccer team, U12 Boys Basketball team, defeat at the semi-final stage for our U13 and U10 Boys Soccer teams, and finals pending in U16 Boys Soccer, and U18 Boys and Girls Soccer.

Elsewhere our Infantil Volleyball team is 3-0 in Copa Fuente Pura, our Girls U16 Soccer team won 9-0 in the same competition, and our Chess team won their second consecutive meet with another to come next week.

In Track & Field we had two champions crowned in Nationals, Brinn Kerr (2 gold medals) and Chloe Hong, with Alexia De Villers a silver medal winner at the same event.

In Gymnastics we will hold our end of year event this weekend on campus, with the team then in action in the National School Games next thursday, and the Hawks Gymnastics event next Saturday.

Last weekend our team was in action at the _______ with the following girls winning gold medals in their events::

Mila Lara, Tiffany Lin, Luciana Paguagua, Alice Ortiz and Andrea Bendaña.

Giuliana Gallardo was crowned “Overall winner” in her category.

Our Boys U18 Basketball team is back in action at the Liga Juvenil Parque Luis Alfonso and looking to improve their impressive 4-2 record. 

Special Announcements

What are you proud of?

Celebrate your achievements with the ANS Community by sharing your accomplishments, including awards, accolades, and acceptances to Summer Programs! Email us at, and you could be showcased on our Social Media channels.

Kindly ensure to include verifiable evidence of your achievement from the awarding institution or the program accepting you. This will allow us to feature your success in our Highlights and Social Media, giving your accomplishments the recognition they deserve!