
Upcoming Events

Mar. 18-19

Math Relays

Mar. 20

Early Dismissal
(11:00 a.m.)

Apr. 3


Apr. 2-4

Big Questions Day Fieldtrips (3-5)

Apr. 8-11

Field Day

Math Relays
Celebrating Mathematics

This week we started our annual Math Relays. Our Secondary School Math Honor Societies: Mu Alpha Theta and Chi Alpha Mu, host these relays annually to promote positive mathematics identity in a fun and engaging way. Each grade level is split into twelve teams and each team competes in relay format against each other solving mathematical problems.

Mu Alpha Theta and Chi Alpha Mu honor societies created this activity in celebration of Pi-Day π, celebrated every March 14. (Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter and is an irrational and transcendental number, which decimals will continue infinitely without repetition or pattern)

First Grade Star Readers

Our first grade students continue to grow and strengthen their literacy skills. This week they recorded themselves reading the book "Soojin Draws a Story". Each child was given a part of the book to read and record. First graders were eager to listen to their classmates and themselves, they were beaming with pride.

Congratulations to our Star Readers for their commitment to academic excellence. Early literacy is a critical component to future academic success and this is why at ANS we are committed to biliteracy in the earliest years.

Parent School: 5th Grade Parents

We are dedicated to cultivating the optimal learning environment at ANS. In pursuit of this goal, we move forward expanding upon this initiative into our Primary School, starting in 5th Grade. 

Fifth-grade parents participated in our informational session regarding our new Engagement, Behavior, and Discipline System. During the session, our Primary School leadership and Dean of Discipline and Engagement provided insights into the implementation and outlined the next steps for this initiative.

Global Leaders - 3rd Grade

From brave activists to visionary scientists, our young third grade researchers have uncovered stories of courage, innovation,determination and leadership from every corner of the world. We celebrated the diverse ethical contributions of these remarkable individuals and learn how their legacies continue to shape our world today!

Creating Lifelong Learners

It is important for kids to become life-long learners. We know that genuine motivation to learn stems from internal curiosity, not from external coercion in the form of lectures or threats.If we focus on character and the love of learning, academic success will come naturally. The following suggestions are dedicated to creating happier homes, where children are free to fall in love with learning and parents no longer dread homework hassles. Each evening, set aside a time for family learning. This is a time for your children to do their homework while you model the value of learning by enjoying a book. The best way to create a love of learning in your kids is to show them how much you enjoy it.

Avoid battles by offering choices

Research shows that children are more likely to do their homework if they are given many small choices. For example:

"Would you rather do your homework right after school or wait until four o’clock?”

"Are you going to do your homework in your room or at the kitchen table?”

Help only when your child really wants it

There is nothing that creates more homework battles than parents who “help” when help is not wanted. Your child’s desire to do it alone is a very healthy sign of independence and responsibility. Try asking:

“Would you like some ideas about that, or would you like me to leave you alone?”

Spend most of your time noticing what they do well

Successful parents spend 99% of their energy noticing what their kids do well. They say things like:

“Show me the very best letter you made today. You really worked hard on that!”

“Look at that math problem. You got it right!”

It is very important to avoid focusing on what your child does wrong! Allow your child to get help in those areas from their teachers.

Help only if it’s enjoyable for both of you

Too frequently, homework help turns into a homework battle. Smart parents back out of the helper role as soon as they sense conflict brewing. Try hugging your child and saying:

“I love you too much to help if it means we are going to argue. I know this is hard. Good luck.”

Help only if your child is doing most of the work

There is nothing more destructive than stealing the struggle of learning by doing too much for your child. Say the following to yourself over and over again:

“This is my child’s homework. Not mine!”

Each time students achieve something difficult on their own, their self-esteem soars and they are better prepared for the real world.

Math Relays Calendar

The Math Relays—Pi-Athlon 4.0—are hosted by our Math Honor Societies, Mu Alpha Theta and Chi Alpha Mu, for students from Pathways through 5th grade. This engaging outdoor activity fosters a positive mathematical identity and intellectually stimulates students through a variety of math problems. It also helps them develop values of teamwork and perseverance!

March 18

March 19

March 22

Field Trips

Permission Slips for Big Questions Day Field Trip will be sent home with students on Monday, March 18th. Please turn back Permission Slips to Homeroom teachers by Wednesday, March 20th.

April 2

April 3

April 4

Book Week

During April, we will host our Book Week Celebration - an occasion dedicated to celebrate literacy, a cornerstone of future academic excellence. At ANS, we foster academic biliteracy from the earliest stages of education. 

During Book Week, we come together as a community to celebrate the importance of reading and writing. Students will participate in our Book Week Challenges, while our parents can join the celebration as Mystery Readers during the whole month of April in our Primary School classrooms. It's a great opportunity for all to celebrate literacy as it shapes global leaders!

Mystery Readers Sign Up

Click on the Grade Level to display each section's Sign Up link

Hungry Tiger!

The new Hungry Tiger continues to offer an exceptional culinary experience to our students here at ANS. 

If you have not already done so it is very important to register with the Hungry Tiger Application System so that your child can continue to access amazing meals and snacks. You can access this platform at the following link:

For inquiries or assistance, please contact us at 8283-0475 or email


Sofia & Alex
Founders, Hungry Tiger

Special Announcements

What are you proud of?

Celebrate your achievements with the ANS Community by sharing your accomplishments, including awards, accolades, and acceptances to Summer Programs! Email us at, and you could be showcased on our Social Media channels.

Kindly ensure to include verifiable evidence of your achievement from the awarding institution or the program accepting you. This will allow us to feature your success in our Highlights and Social Media, giving your accomplishments the recognition they deserve!

March Calendars


Big Questions Day

When to Stay Home From School
and When to Come Back

As we begin the 23-24 school year we have important guidelines from our own ANS Health Clinic related to how to keep ourselves and our community in good health.